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Do’s and Don’ts of Bridal Make-Up

To help you deal with the wedding day anxiety, we’ve gathered a list of several do’s and don’ts, when it comes to bridal make-up:


Arrange your trial make-up session at least three weeks before the big day. Experts also advise on having a test-run with the fake tan, if you intend on applying it on your wedding day – this will help the make-up artist see what your skin will look like tanned and chose the best color scheme to complement it.

Experiment with colors! The bridal make-up allows for brighter color scheme, as it needs to compensate for the whiteness of the dress . Also, bridal make-up tends to be very different from your normal everyday make-up in order to help you stand out.

There are several elements to your look and the first one is your skin. Make sure you have smooth and natural-looking skin. Accentuate your eyes with individual eyelashes, instead of a full strip – they look fuller and are far more subtle. You can also finish your look with a highlighter shade on the brow bone – this will make your eyes really stand out!


Be careful not to arrange your test trial in a place with fluorescent or unnatural lightning – it will make the color scheme and your face look differently. Also, if you have your make-up artist coming at your home, ensure it’s still light outside.

Stick with neutral colors . They look washed out in photos, so better chose a brighter color for your eyeshades and lip color. Don’t be afraid to experiment with red or pink! Plums and roses are indeed a classic choice for brides, as they look stylish, while being eye-catching at the same time.

Overdo your eyes. You can define them by applying colour in the crease, but don’t use too much eyeliner or too dark shade.

For this and more advice on how to make your wedding day as smooth as possible, check .

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Walking Down the Aisle

After the wedding anticipation, excitement and months of planning , the Day finally comes. You might think you’ve got everything covered but there is one last think you need to consider… walking down the aisle. This is perhaps the most important part of the ceremony and, not to make you more nervous, the part, when all eyes will be glued to you. That’s why you need to make it right.

How to hold the bouquet

The answer is: lower than you think! Experts’ advice is to hold it closer to your lady parts, rather than your chest – this makes you look more elegant and sophisticated. Bonus tip: create a diamond shape between the arms and the body.

Escort’s role

Your escort needs to lock arms with you, not the other way around. This will allow you to hold the bouquet in the right position.


The walking part seems the easiest, but might prove a real challenge, when it comes to it. Try to walk as you normally do, just a little bit slower. Keep your shoulders back and loosen up – don’t look stiff! Consult the music , as you walk – especially if it’s medium-paced. If it’s too slow for you, you can increase the pace, just don’t make your trip down the aisle longer than the whole ceremony!

What about the guests

Smile, as you walk! After all, this is the most important day of your life – show your guests how happy are you and how much you appreciate them coming to see you. Don’t just stare ahead, as it will make you look like a robot. Look around and find those friendly faces that always gave you comfort and smile.

A bonus tip: you can practice the walk before actually doing it – it’ll make you calmer during the ceremony!

For these and more ideas on how to plan your wedding, check

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Wedding Accessories

simple curly wedding hair

If you enjoyed the process of finding a wedding dress, accessorizing could be an even greater treat for you. There are no strict rules as to what jewelry is suitable, except for one: don’t overdo it. However, there are some good tips on how to look your best and we’ve gathered these for you:

1. Think about the neckline

Get your dress before your jewelry to avoid problems. Your necklace should complement your neckline – chokers, for instance, go great with strapless dresses, V-necks or sweethearts look best with pendants, and if you opt for a high neckline, better stick with bolder earrings instead.

2. Match the metal to the dress

White dresses go great with silver, platinum or white gold, but if your dress is champagne, you can also choose yellow or rose gold to go with it.

3. Think about the bodice detail

If your dress is heavily decorated, or your bodice is quite complex, you can leave the jewelry out, or opt out for a simpler one. You need to make sure that the jewelry complements the details on the dress – if your bodice is decorated with sequins, you can choose a necklace with diamonds.

4. Wedding time

The time of day you chose for your wedding also dictates your choice of jewelry. Morning or early afternoon weddings are traditionally less formal, so you should go with simpler jewelry. Evening weddings, however, require you to dress up!

5. What about the family jewelry?

Even if you’re not big fan of the “something old” or “something borrowed” tradition , it might be a good idea to look into the family heirlooms. Adding a sentiment will make your look unique, and you can also save money on buying jewelry. Vintage jewelry is currently a trend, and it would surely make your relatives shed a tear or two!

For this and many more advice on wedding preparation, check .

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Tips for a Glowing Wedding Face

The planning and anticipation of the wedding day is usually accompanied by stress. Stressed brides often find themselves with rashes or overly oily or dry skin days before the big event. Surely, the excitement and feeling of love will make your glow but they are some tips you can follow to ensure perfect and radian skin on your special day. 1. DietHaving the perfect figure doesn’t necessarily means no food for weeks before the wedding. But certain foods, such as chocolate, too much alcohol or caffeine, are the worst enemy of the healthy body and skin. Fruits and vegetables, especially green ones, work as antioxidants and will help you look your best on your wedding day. And don’t forget to drink water – dehydration can lead to overly dry skin, and 2-3 litres per day will clean out any toxins and bi-products from your organism.
2. Exfoliating
Exfoliating your face and body regularly is the secret to the perfect look. Apart from preventing ingrown hairs, brushing the skin also stimulates the lymphatic system and helps the body get rid of any toxins. Specialists advise on exfoliating your body from head to toes, using clockwise circular movements.
3. FacialAccording to experts, a facial is a must-do for every bride to be. You can have it done in a salon, or if you prefer a less expensive option, you can also try a home facial. You’d only need warm water, steam to open the pores and a face mask based on your skin type. Bear in mind that facials need a week or two to completely clean the face from toxins or pimples, so it’s best to not leave it till the wedding day!
4. Don’t forget the teeth
You can visit your dentist to get your teeth whitened professionally or you can start to use teeth whitening toothpaste in advance. And remember to smile for all the photos !
For this and more tips on wedding day preparation, check .