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3 Quick Steps to Choosing Your Wedding Cake

What can be more fun that trying on wedding dress all day? Choosing your wedding cake! Granted, trying out multiple samples is a guaranteed way to ensure that you won’t be fitting into your dress, but either way, browsing through countless designs and styles along with taste testing so many flavors is certainly a great aspect about getting married.

With such a wide variety of different wedding cakes readily available, it can often become a little confusing or even stressful when it comes down to choosing the right cake for you. The 3 key points to consider when it comes to your cake are size, design and flavor.


The flavor of your wedding cake is very unlikely to affect the visual aspects of your cake, so theory there is no issue with having your dream wedding cake layered with indulgent, rich chocolate with a traditional yet classic white iced decorative finish. Before committing to a particular flavor straight off the list, why not arrange with your cake maker a tasting session with  flavors you would like to try (remember to try as many as possible!).

Some couples like to keep their wedding cake as the primary dessert when it comes to the celebration dinner, but if you are choosing to have your cake and a separate dessert, it is often recommended that you choose two separates flavors for both. This will allow you to cater for more people, for example, individuals may not like your chocolate filled wedding cake could choose something else to eat.


Depending entirely on how many guests you plan on inviting should reflect on the size of your wedding cake. Nevertheless, if you are not inviting a lot of people to your celebrations but would still like a large impressive cake, opting for fake tiers is always an option and provides the illusion of a larger, fuller cake.

If your wedding cake is on part of your budget list , choosing a small three tier cake can be a lot friendlier when it comes to your cash flow. With three tiers staggered above one another it creates an illusion of a larger cake.


If you are looking to match your wedding cake with the rest of your theme , it may be an idea to choose your reception and flower details before ordering your cake. It is far easier for a cake maker to work off the current designs, style and colors of your theme if you have already established them beforehand. It also means you can bring samples for your cake maker to work with. You may want to base the design of your wedding cake to mirror the details or style of your wedding dress, the reception decorations (including flowers) or even the invitations you are planning to send out.

If you are planning on a bespoke design for your wedding cake, you can always ask your cake maker for a detailed sketch before you commit. This will help give you an idea of what to expect and also allows for you to mark down any alterations you may want. Nevertheless, your wedding cake should be personal to you and your partner, allow your cake to stand out as a centerpiece at your reception and remember to have fun with it.Ultimately, your wedding cake should look and taste beautiful and provide a fabulous centerpiece and talking point at your reception.

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5 Steps to Hiring Your Wedding Photographer

Congratulations on your engagement! You are probably very excited telling friends and family, but do not get too relaxed, you have a lot of planning to do for your special day . One of those things is that you will need to hire a professional wedding photographer .

Hiring a photographer is probably one of the first things you will need to do, this is because some of the best professional wedding photographers book their shooting schedule up to two years in advance. So get searching for your photographer right after you have booked your venue. This will allow you to provide a date and location for them when checking availability.

Seek recommendations from family, friends and your venue.

Wedding photographers who are good at what they do, usually have a track record of success with a great reputation amongst many. This means good photography is not too difficult to track down. Start out by asking for photographer recommendations from family and friends who may have hosted their own wedding or been to one recently. Your friends and family will always have your best interests at heart, so they are more than likely going to recommend a truly fantastic photographer. If nobody close to you doesn’t know of a photographer not all hope is lost. Speak to your caterer or even the venue you plan to wed at. All these places may know someone perfect to capture your big day.

It’s time to pay them a visit.

If you are fortunate to have a list of recommended photographers , it is time to break the list down even further by eliminating particular photographers from your list. First, give them all a call, have a chat about what you require, but do not commit to anything just yet. Use the call to find out how friendly and accommodating they are.

Once you have eliminated a few more from your list, it is time to pay them a visit. Is their office or property nice? Is it well kept and modern? What is your overall impression? All these little things create the bigger picture (no pun intended) as to what you could expect when working with them.

Get judging that portfolio!

When sitting down with a potential photographer , have they offered you a wide variety of wedding albums for you to look over? Have they worked at the venue that you are planning on having your wedding? What are their working hours, do they suit your needs? These are just a few questions you may need to ask yourself before committing to hire a photographer, but most of all, do you love their style?

You may also want videography to be done at your wedding, if you do, this is the chance to speak to your photographer to ask if it is possible. Do they have any video samples to show you? Do they edit their own videos before handing them over to you? How much involvement do you have? Although you may not necessarily want to use the same company for your wedding video, but nevertheless choosing the same company to do both will certainly offer you peace of mind that everything is being handled together.

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The Best 5 Tips For Your Bouquet

Your wedding bouquet is a fundamental part to your special day . There is more than likely no other day in your lifetime which will see you holding a carefully constructed and tailor made bunch of flowers. Some weddings have even been known to have been designed entirely around a bunch of flowers.

Nevertheless and unfortunately, we are not all born with flower knowledge, so brides to be can often be confronted by countless choices, styles and colors, that really does not make the situation any easier. If you think Wang Peonies is a rude word, you have some learning to do! Oh and it is a flower, you awful minded thing.

Select your wedding dress, and then your bouquet.

There will come a point in your planning schedule that you will need to meet up with your florist for a consultation. At this point it is a great idea to bring along a picture of your wedding dress . Your florist can tailor your bouquet design to compliment your dress and to ensure that the flowers don’t ‘drown you’. A perfect bouquet should stand out without dwarfing the bride under countless amounts of plant life while allowing the silhouette of the dress to be seen easily.

It’s not only the shape and size of your dress that matters.

If your wedding dress includes fine detailing on the skirt, avoid trailing bouquets like the plague. You don’t want to be creating a lot of fuss around the bottom of your dress, but if your dress has a long train or large bustle in the back you may want to balance your look with a dramatic bouquet. Avoid hiding your beautiful waistline as this will be your narrowest part, make sure that your bouquet is far narrower than your waist to avoid looking frumpy and wider than you are.

Different flowers are available in different seasons.

You may have your mind set on the perfect flowers for your bouquet but sadly some flowers just aren’t available at certain times of the year. And if they are, they are incredibly expensive. So keep the seasons in mind when choosing your flowers.

How to hold your bouquet.

How hard can holding flowers be? Well, nervous brides can instantly find such a simple task incredibly difficult when placed under pressure. Many brides make the mistake of carrying their beautiful bouquet far too high with both hands, which results in raised or hunch shoulders. You do not need us to tell you that this is not a good look.

Have your bridesmaids on ‘bouquet-watch’ , let them remind you to lower your bouquet below your hip and away from your dress if they see you rising your flowers up. Your bouquet can be a great way to hold your posture, which means you will look just amazing in photographs too.

Keep your bouquet fresh.

If you have chosen to have a hand tied bouquet, you may be able to refresh its appearance in the evening for your celebration party. Simply cut off between an inch to two inches of stem and drop them into some water for awhile. They will look like new, just in time for your evening celebrations.

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6 Quick Wins to Get Organized For Your Wedding

The key to success for anything these days is substantial planning , and weddings are no different. It is inevitable, something minor will go wrong at every single wedding, but do not fret. But with plenty of planning between you and your partner you can avoid any serious problems occurring.

Congratulations, you are engaged, but get a move on!

Your family and friends are now more than aware that you are both engaged and are undoubtedly incredibly happy for you. Nevertheless, this does not mean you can sit around wedding for the wedding day to come! You both have a lot of work to do and the wedding unfortunately wont plan itself, even though you may wish it would. Do not wait around until 3 to 4 months before your wedding to get everything done and planned , a wedding can take a year to plan properly, so get a move on.

Keep track of your planning with a calendar or diary.

So by now you have more than likely established a wedding date . It is now important to start setting out specific dates as to when you want certain things completed. This will include things such as venue or reception hall reservations, invitations to be sent out, wedding dress fittings and so on. If you aim to have as much done and completed in the first few months of your engagement, the last months on the run up to your big day will not be as stressful.

Make time to discuss your wedding details.

It is no secret that most of us live hectic lives, dinner dates, family, work, and everything else in between, but even so, it is important that you set some time aside in which you can discuss any wedding plans and details. Sit down with your partner and get planning. This also prevents any possible cause for confusion, for example the groom believes he needs to call the car rental company, but the bride has already done it.

Share your responsibilities and duties together.

It is no secret that you will be sharing your responsibilities and duties soon enough as husband and wife, so perhaps it is time to prepare for that experience while planning your big day together. It is important that you are both involved in the planning journey. To do this, make a list of what needs to be done and taken care of, then split the list between you both. Ladies, this is a great way to encourage the groom to help and be involved , rather than forcing them to feel the need to help. Of course, your groom is probably far from interest in what flowers you wish to carry down the aisle so perhaps leave that task for yourself. Nevertheless, ensuring that your husband to be is involved will make him feel like it is his wedding too.

Communication is the key.

Alright, so you have split your duties (fairly, we hope!) but we cannot stress enough that communication is now the key. If you are sharing tasks and duties, you are also sharing the finer details, so make sure you are both communication and let one another know if a task has been completed or not. Or perhaps you need help with a particular duty, do not be scared to ask, after all you are a team!

Remember to be reasonable.

Let us be honest, you never really liked the grooms choice of suit, and perhaps he does not like your choice of cake either. You will soon discover you may both want different things, which means you both need to be willing and flexible enough to accommodate to each others wants. If you honestly do not a particular something, be clear with your objection and come up with another solution.