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Hire a Food Truck to Cater Your Wedding

If you are looking for a unique way to cater a wedding whether it’s big or small, consider local food trucks. Now you might be thinking why on Earth would someone want to have a food truck cater a wedding , but truth be told, there are all kinds of options when it comes to what selections you can have for both dinner and dessert.

The best thing about food trucks is that they can show up anywhere and begin their usual routine; if you are going for something really unique for your wedding , especially if it is outdoors in the summer, this might be an option for you. It’s not only a way to provide something different for your guests that usually expect either a buffet or plated dinner, but is a great way to support a local company from the town you have grown up in, or one that you are visiting.

A food truck can be considered for any part of the meal, including small appetizers to go with pre-dinner drinks, desserts to compliment the cake cutting or even a midnight snack after everyone has burned off dinner while dancing up a storm. Since food trucks usually focus on only one or a few menu items, it’s generally pretty easy to figure out what kind of company you’ll be looking for.

Due to their very mobile nature, its easy to research and read reviews on your cities favorite food trucks. These are also a fantastic idea for destination weddings because even though the city may not be familiar to you, social media sites will help you easily track down some information on the food truck and what they have to offer. Some food trucks have a wealth of staff that will cater to you and create unique spreads of food; others are run by just one or two people and your guests will have to line up to choose what they want. But who would complain when they can have a unique dining experience offered by someone with a passion for food?

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How to Stay Calm on Your Wedding Day

So your big day is coming up and you already are beginning to feel the stirring of pre-wedding jitters. Whether they are brought on because everyone keeps asking you about how excited you are for the big day, or you are someone who just isn’t used to “all eyes on you”, we have some helpful tips and tricks to stay calm and relaxed on your wedding day .

Eat Breakfast

Our parents always told us it was the most important meal of the day, and on your wedding it’s no different. Due to nervousness you may not feel like eating, but if you force yourself to have a little bit, you’ll be thanking yourself later. Even try having a fruit smoothie instead of your coffee so your body can have the nutrients it needs to keep you going until the reception dinner.

Make a Schedule

Making a schedule (even if you don’t adhere to it by the minute) will give you something to focus your attention on. Don’t hold yourself to it every second of the day though, because if you do, you’ll be stressing more about the schedule than enjoying your big day.

Have an Emergency Kit

You never know when you might need a Tide to Go pen to get an accidental stain out of your wedding dress , or when a safety pin might come in handy. Make a small emergency kit that you can fit in a small purse in case you need anything during your day. Items may include a bleach pen, needle and thread, safety pins, Tylenol, mints, superglue and more.

Expect the Unexpected

It may be inclement weather or someone getting sick on the day of your wedding, but never let the unexpected get to you or ruin your day. Keeping an upbeat and positive attitude even if it’s pouring outside will ensure that you still have an enjoyable time regardless of what happens. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

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How to Survive a Bridal Show

A bridal show can be incredibly overwhelming for a couple and the ones that decide to accompany them. With so many vendors to visit, all vying for your attention and business, how do you choose?

Most companies will send you home with information about them, be it a pamphlet, a business card or a brochure of their services. Carry a file folder with you, and only accept these items from a company you would truly be interested in having be a part of your big day . This will help you keep organized and you’ll know you don’t have any literature from someone you thought was “just okay”.

Be prepared to ask important questions. As professionals, they are all used to couples-to-be that have many questions about their products and services so don’t be too shy if you are interested. A couple of questions you may want to ask are:

– How long they’ve been in business
– How many weddings they take on in a year– If they do multiple weddings in one day (this one is incredibly important especially for makeup artists and photographers )
– Pricing packages and if they partner with any other service providers (many hairstylists and makeup artists work together and can usually even suggest a photographer)– Contact information
– Previous reviews
– Do they have all the necessary certification they need

If you are pleased with the information they provide you with, ask them to set up a meeting in the coming weeks to discuss details of your wedding. Remember, you don’t have to book all your services in one day at a bridal show, but it is a good place to gather information and see which professionals work with others or who they recommend. Often times, wedding business is based on word of mouth from other professionals in the field.
If you’d like to do some wedding gown browsing before you go to a bridal show so that you have something in mind for your big day, don’t forget to visit Best for Bride for all the latest in wedding dress fashions.

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Creative Guest Book Ideas

Want more than just the usual glided edged guest book that you can buy in any store for your wedding? Need something creative but aren’t sure what you are looking for? Check out our creative guest book ideas to add a personal touch to your wedding!

Letters to the Bride and Groom

Leave a vintage typewriter with a stack of paper inviting guests to type out some messages, words of wisdom or advice they have for a newly married couple. You’ll love being able to go back and read what they wrote for you and what they had to say on your wedding day.

Wedding Mad Libs

You can get these from a lot of online wedding stores or you can create your own. Instead of having a guest book, leave the mad libs on the tables at every place setting and have a box where your guests can drop off the mas libs when they’re done. You’ll love reading them!

Puzzle Pieces

If you are a couple that loves puzzles, you can have a photo of the two of you made into a puzzle by many online companies. You can let guests write on the backs of the pieces and you can put the puzzle together upside down to read all of the notes written to you. Fun, a little challenging and definitely unique!

Photo Frames

Instead of having a photo of yourselves, you can always have a custom poster made with your names and wedding date on it for your guests to sign around. This will give you something to hang up next to a wedding photo and you’ll be able to have all the well wishes on display.

Don’t forget to check out Best for Bride as your one stop shop for everything you need for your special day. From dresses to invitation, we’ve got you covered.