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Best Classical Music for Weddings

wedding music

wedding music

When planning a wedding , many couples focus on what people will see. They focus on the wedding gown , the decorations, and selecting the perfect venue. The music that guests will hear upon arrival and during the ceremony doesn’t receive as much attention during wedding planning. Many couples simply choose the most popular pieces without considering different options. The best classical music for weddings helps set the mood and complements the atmosphere of the ceremony.

Classical music selections are played when guests enter and are seated, before the wedding procession, and during the bride’s entrance. The prelude music is for the time when guests are arriving and are seated. Several classical music songs are popular selections for prelude music. However, the couple should not feel limited to selecting one of the most common pieces. The selection of wedding music is a chance for couples to express themselves and select what pieces best accentuate their special day.

If you are looking for ideas, some of the common prelude music selections include Clair de Lune by Debussy, “Spring from Four Seasons” by Vivaldi, and Ave Verum Corpus by Mozart. Music by Johann Sebastian Bach are popular for the prelude. Some of his music often chosen for preludes include “Arioso,” “Air on G String,” “Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring,” and “Suite for Solo Cello.”

Couples typically select a piece to be played during the bridesmaid processional before the music is played for the bride’s entrance. Popular bridesmaid processional classical music includes “Canon in D” by Johann Pachelbel, “Prince of Denmark’s March” by Jeremiah Clarke

The most popular wedding march is the “Bridal Chorus” by Richard Wagner is the traditional wedding march song . The traditional choice for the recessional after the ceremony includes the “Wedding March” by Felix Mendelssohn, “Hornpipe Water Music” by Handel, and “Ode to Joy” by Beethoven.

Some couples choose unusual pieces to play during the weddings. Instrumental versions of a favorite song that is played by an orchestra is a nontraditional option. If a modern song has significance to the couple, an instrumental version is a way to include it into the prelude or  ceremony music selections. There is no reason for a couple to conform to the most expected classical music choices if something else would be better suited as part of their special day. Popular instrumental versions of modern music which often is played during weddings includes Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole and All You Need is Love by The Beatles.

A wedding is a serious matter, but it is also a celebration. Many classical music for weddings combine the solemn retrospection of a life-changing ceremony with the joy associated with the celebration of love. Couples can sample numerous classical music pieces and choose which they think best sets the tone for their weddings. For more information about planning the perfect wedding, browse our blog for helpful tips for creating the perfect wedding.