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Unique Wedding Venues

Are you looking for a wedding venue , but don’t want to go with the traditional options that are overused and boring? Instead of settling for a beach wedding or one in a church, why not try some of these beautiful wedding venue options that will definitely be a memorable choice.

A Chapel


A chapel is a tiny church that is usually in a secluded location. They are small, so if you have a large invitation list, this will probably not work out for you. However, these venues make for some adorable pictures and the ceremony can be intimate and personal. Plus, you can always have a large reception later on if you wish.

Country Club

Many country clubs have some pretty amazing locations for events such as weddings . Since they typically cater to those who have a bit more money than the rest, they tend to have much nicer facilities than other locations. Keep in mind that these places do tend to be a bit pricey, but if you are already a member, you may be able to get a decent price.

A Winery


Between the wine and the vineyards, there is something magical about having a wedding planned in a winery . This is also a great location for beautiful pictures and they are a great place for receptions as well. If you don’t live in an area that is known for wineries, check around. Just about every area has a winery around somewhere.

Historic Buildings

Museums and historic buildings are also a great place to hold a wedding. Not only will they be beautiful and memorable, but they will also showcase a special part of the city that you are choosing to be married in. Although they may be difficult to find, consider checking with group that owns the building to see if a wedding can be held there.


Do you have a passion for something, like rock climbing or sky diving. This can make a very fun wedding that will get your blood pumping. Naturally, with these types of weddings, your guest list will need to be kept to a minimum, but you can always have a formal reception after the wedding. Pretty much any hobby can be turned into a wedding opportunity, so make sure that you keep your options open.



There is nothing quite as romantic as having your wedding in a castle. Of course, you will probably need to travel to find a traditional castle, but you may look around to see if there are any replicas in your area. Some businesses have designed buildings to look like a castle and these are the perfect location for a beautiful and romantic wedding.

Best for Bride

Best for Bride is a fantastic store to find all of your wedding day supplies. From wedding gowns, to décor to dresses for the wedding party, Best for Bride has everything that you will need to make your wedding beautiful and memorable. Be sure to stop in when you are making your wedding day plans.

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How to enjoy your engagement and begin your marriage right

Isn’t your engagement a beautiful experience? The time when you acknowledge your commitment and love to the perfect partner, and when you look forward to being united in marital bliss. Every bride goes through this period where it seems unreal and too good to be true. But, once the reality sinks in, and it is time to plan and prepare for the wedding , it can cease being fun.

Engagement is the transition between being single and getting married, and as with any transition period, it too involves a fair share of stress. Most couples are so caught up with the hectic pace of planning their wedding, that they end up doing nothing else.

Is this the right way to start your marriage? Definitely Not!

Here is how you can enjoy yourself before the wedding, and make your engagement less stressful.

Plan ahead and do it well

Soon after you celebrate your engagement with your dear ones, begin planning the wedding. Fix a wedding date and split up all the tasks that are to be completed before it. Allot reasonable time for each task, and set your calendars to make sure they are done on time. This will allow you to work at a relaxed pace and get the work done without feeling overwhelmed.

Make sure you enjoy everything about the wedding planning

Whether it is shopping for your wedding dress , choosing your wedding cake or fixing the wedding venue, make sure that you are fully involved in the task. A major mistake that most couples make is that they take the tasks too seriously in the beginning and are exhausted by the end. Enjoy every aspect of what you do, and you will find yourself looking forward to the next one on the list.

Take a short break from the wedding

When everything seems to revolve around the wedding, it is time you break loose and take a day or two off. Spend a weekend at a nice destination. Make a decision that you will not discuss anything about the wedding during this short holiday, and it will help you unwind and rejuvenate yourself.

Make time for just the two of you

Don’t forget that you are in love and need to enjoy yourselves as a couple. Continue having dates and plan surprises for your partner, like you did before getting engaged. Find time to talk, discuss and have fun. Plan your honeymoon together, discuss your future and you will find yourself eagerly looking forward to your wedding day.

Enjoy time with family and friends

Relax and unwind with your favorite girlfriends once in a while. Spend time with your parents, and discuss your wedding plans with them. Not only will you receive plenty of suggestions this way, you will also benefit from the relaxed atmosphere.

Have fun watching wedding movies together

Spend your evenings together, watching romantic or fun wedding movies. This will help you and your partner appreciate this time in your life all the more. Pick up “Father of the Bride” or “The Wedding Singer” and enjoy some light comedy, before getting back to the rest of the wedding planning.

Enjoy your engagement, and make the best start to your life together. For all your wedding needs and valuable tips and wedding advice, visit us at Best for Bride .

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Questions to Ask Before Booking a Venue

wedding-terrace Choosing a venue for the wedding and reception is a big part of the wedding planning. The most popular locations fill up quickly. The couple may feel rushed to choose a wedding venue quickly. Before you make a decision, consider some of the possible problems that can occur with wedding venues. If you rush booking a venue before investigating their rules, you may find that their rules prohibit you from doing some of the things you definitely want at your wedding.

Are the rates different for different days and times? When are deposits and payments due? The couple needs to make sure that the wedding venue fits well within their budget. If the wedding date needs to be changed or cancelled, is there a cancellation policy? Make sure you have a clear understanding of any associated costs and fees that may be added such as cleaning and parking fees.

Must your vendors be used? Venues may have a list of vendors that are their “approved vendors.” You may be required to use their florist , caterer, or photographer. Since these professionals know they are the only approved vendors for that venue, they might charge higher prices.

What happens if it rains? If you are looking at outdoor venues , you will want to know what the plans are for rainy days. A venue may have tents that they set up for the ceremony and reception. They might only set up one tent to be used for both the ceremony and reception.

Is alcohol consumption permitted? Some venues will not allow any alcohol on the premises. That champagne toast that you had your heart set on will not be permitted at a venue prohibiting alcohol. Make sure that the rules of the venue don’t contradict with the plans that you had for the reception. Other venues may provide alcohol. If that is the case, you may want to ask about the prices of alcohol.

Are candles allowed? Are there restrictions on decorations ? Who is responsible for removing the decorations and cleaning up after the wedding and reception? The couple will need to know who has the responsibility for restoring the room to its pre-reception condition.

What times would my wedding guests be allowed to arrive and when must they leave? Some venues book more than one wedding in a single day. An AM wedding may leave the guests feeling rushed to leave. The PM wedding may mean that your florist or others helping with decorations may feel rushed to get everything ready before the wedding.

The couple may want to ask about the availability of parking, restrooms, and whether or not the venue is handicap accessible. Couples who plan to have dancing and music at the reception may want to ask about the space and any noise restrictions.

Couples should feel comfortable asking the questions and not feel rushed or scrutinized for inquiring. It’s important that you know exactly what is expected before agreeing to the wedding venue. For more tips about wedding planning, browse the Best for Bride blog for helpful advice.