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Why you need an engagement photos and 9 quick tips to nail the shoot

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The feeling of being newly engaged ! Ah! It is different altogether. If you are like most brides-to-be, you should be feeling ecstatic, nervous, over the moon, happy, overwhelmed, and most importantly, totally in love!

How do you hold on to the fresh memories of being just engaged? With an engagement photo shoot , of course!

Engagement photo sessions are not compulsory. Nevertheless, it is a wonderful experience—capturing pictures of the two of you as a couple, and saving it into your treasure box of wedding memories. There are several reasons why we think engagement photo sessions are a brilliant idea, and here are some of them.

  • It is a way to document the happiness you feel as a couple

Being engaged and committed to one another is a whole other thing to dating or just being in love. Yes, it takes a lot to decide that you will be spending the rest of your life with this person, who you now are head over heels in love with, and whose proposal you just accepted. This article on the Huff Post puts this point across beautifully.  We wholly approve, when the author tells us that the most important reason to have an engagement photo is because your engagement is a historic chapter in your life; one that is priceless and deserves to be preserved for yourself and your future descendants to revisit and remember.

  • Engagement photos help you keep the window of time you found each other, alive forever

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As I mentioned before, the time you got engaged is perhaps one of the most important milestone events in your personal life. Not only does it have to be celebrated, it should also be preserved. Give it the due importance it deserves, by freezing it into a frame for all eternity. If you will be having a long engagement before getting married, your engagement photo will be a fond memory to hold on to and keep that special feeling alive.

  • It gives you the opportunity to test the skills of your wedding photographer

Moving onto more practical details, wedding planning begins almost immediately after your engagement. One of the crucial planning tasks is finding an ace photographer to shoot your wedding. You may have chosen the person for the job based on recommendations from friends, after looking at their portfolio and holding lengthy discussions. Nonetheless, we suggest having an engagement photo session done by the same photographer to personally find out how talented he is. This will give you an actual idea of how well he does his job, and if you like how he shoots the two of you.

  • It gives you a test run of what you will go through on your wedding day

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Wedding photography is entirely different from all the other photos you’ve taken in your life. While you can always just go with the flow, remember that you will be investing quite some money in it. Preparing for your wedding photo shoot with a trial session will help you get a better idea of what to expect on your D-day, and how to make the most of it so your photos end up great. You can understand your photographer’s style of work and it allows you the opportunity to make suggestions if you want something extra or different.

  • Get your first proper couple photos done professionally

Nowadays every moment is instantly captured as selfies on our phones or hand-held devices. But, just think of how nice it would be if you could have a few photos where you aren’t straining your necks and smiling at the camera from close contact? Your engagement photos will be a beautiful and unique presentation of yourselves looking your best, one that can be framed and made a part of your home décor forever.

  • It gives you the perfect picture to personalize your wedding stationery with

Wedding invitations with a picture of the couple are a growing trend. Make the most of it, by having a great engagement picture added to your wedding stationery. You can also use the same picture on wedding favors like coasters, photo mint tins and Christmas tree ornaments. This personal touch will make your favors and invitations very endearing.

In short, we can say that engagement photo shoots are fun and something you shouldn’t miss. Now that you know why you should consider an engagement shoot, let’s get down to more serious business. Here are the tips we promised you.

How to nail your engagement photo session

1.What to wear

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The best engagement photos are those in which the couple look natural and relaxed. So, choose outfits that you are comfortable in. It is a good idea to make sure that your outfits complement each other, but skip the perfectly matching combination unless that is the look you will still love when you look at your pictures five years later. You can also consider having pictures taken in more than one outfit, as it can spice up the imagery. If either of you chooses a bold solid color or vivid and bright patterns, make sure that the other complements you by wearing a neutral or softer shade in the same color palette that goes with it. Clashing colors can look wild and some patterns may look dated in few years.

2.Get the details right

One important factor to consider is the location where your shoot will be organized. How well will your dress work in this location? Since your photos will be shot from different angles and in both wide and close-up style, make sure that you get all the details including jewelry and accessories like shoes and belts right. Since the focus is to be on both of you, it is best to avoid flashy accessories that can distract. Simple accessories that just enhance your overall style are the best choice.

3.The style to wear

You can save the professionally dressed hair and face for the actual wedding. Even if you choose to get your hair and makeup done professionally for your engagement shoot, make sure you still look natural and like yourself. I like this suggestion on the Every last Detail blog that suggests you make use of the engagement photo shoot to give your wedding makeup artist a trial session. This way, you can see if you are happy with your makeup artist’s skills as well as look great in your pictures.

4.Casual, candid or posed?

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This is a decision that you and your partner have to make, prior to your engagement shot. It depends on how you like to see yourselves in pictures. Formal shots can be done in a studio, while casual shots are best taken outdoors. Also think of where you will be using these pictures to decide the style you want to opt for. If you want to share it with your parents and relatives, properly posed pictures with the focus on your faces will be ideal. For your wedding stationery and your own homes, turn to your general decorating style. Is it casual and eclectic, or serious and perfect? Candid photos look best in casual settings while posed photos are a better choice for serious interiors. You may also like consider the color of your outfits or whether you want the actual shots framed or converted into black and white, to find the ones that will look best on your walls.

5.Plan the backdrop

In continuation to the previous point, the backdrop for your picture impacts the overall effect you get with it. You should find a comfortable location, whether it is indoors or outdoors, to get the perfect pictures. If you feel uneasy posing in an outdoor location, but still prefer a natural background, consider having it taken at a good spot in your own backyard. If you want a monochrome background where it’s just the two of you in focus, your pictures can be shot in the studio itself. You can also consider having your pictures taken at a place that is meaningful to the two of you—like the place where you were proposed at, where your first met or where you always hang out.

6.Do you practice for the session?

This reminds me of Monica’s and Chandler’s engagement photo session in the sitcom Friends! Unless you or your fiance has trouble like Chandler and freezes in front of the camera, practice isn’t really necessary. Just follow your photographer’s suggestions and all will be well. If you have any favorite poses, that highlight the best of both of you, you can share that with your photographer and adapt your shots to match this idea. Given that your photographer is a professional , he should ideally be able to identify your best angles and shoot accordingly. When you look at the photographer’s portfolio, make a note of the poses you really liked, and ask if you can do the same. Or if you have your own ideas, bring pictures along, so your photographer knows what you are after.

7.Chalkboards, signage and other props

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Not necessary, unless you are particularly fond of them. Remember that in a few years time, these may look cheesy and you may not appreciate the funny engagement photo that you love today. So, while you may want the bushy mustache and tiara now, make sure you take a few pictures without any paraphernalia, so you have a safe bet for the future, should your tastes change with time. One prop you shouldn’t however forget, is your engagement ring. That will be a valuable addition to your pictures.

8.Get creative

This goes for all the factors, from poses to outfits to using your pictures. Make the most of your engagement session by breaking free and finding yourselves. Strike a few poses, but if it doesn’t seem to work out, be yourself. You may even set a new trend that way! Try an unusual location or a dress style that you may not wear otherwise. Draw all the inspiration you want from Pinterest and the beautiful pictures floating around on the internet everyday, but ultimately let your engagement photos be a reflection of who you are as individuals and as a couple.

9.Have fun

Don’t worry too much about how your engagement photos will turn out. Just make sure you have the best time you can, and trust the rest to your photographer . A good professional will know how to make the best of what is available, and will make sure that your pictures reflect the best. Or, if you have a friend who is an amateur photographer with exquisite photography skills in the outdoors, ask him to do your pictures instead. Ultimately all that matters is getting a few fabulous photos that are perfect for the frame. Plan your photo session for a time when you are relaxed, calm and free from stress. This will allow you to enjoy yourselves to the most, and capture the best photographs you can possibly get.

So, what do you say? Will you be having an engagement photo session?

To help you understand what type of photography would best suit your personality, we suggest you take a look at this article on Best for bride on the different styles of wedding photography.

At Best for Bride we offer brides-to-be a range of photography options and specialized package deals to cater to every requirement of yours. Check out the samples we have online, and you can easily identify the style of photography that suits you, and the photographer who can accomplish it. Or you can get in touch with us and we can help you identify the best choice for your taste as well as customize the available packages to suit your specific requirements.

Our team will make sure that your photographs are a befitting addition to your wedding package, and will help you relive the biggest event in your life, through these memories captured digitally. Whether you have a modern or traditional wedding, and whether it is held indoors or outdoors, we will make sure that you get the best choice, and that your wedding memories live on forever, in style.

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The different types of summer weddings and what to wear to each of them


With summer soon approaching, it is time to bring out our wedding outfits for weddings in the warm weather . The heat during this time makes choosing a suitable attire somewhat difficult, as we have to find a dress that is formal while still being comfortable. This style guide will run you through the different types of summer weddings that you can expect to attend, and what dress is appropriate for the style of wedding and also suitable for the weather.

Types of summer weddings

Formal weddings held at an indoor venue are standard fare in every weather, and the rules of dressing are the same. The reception is usually held in the evening, and in a classic banquet style hall or country club setting .

Another type of popular wedding style is the semi-formal or cocktail style wedding. This may be held indoors or outdoors, and can either be in the evening or in the afternoon. The wedding venue and theme should ideally determine your choice of attire for this type of wedding.

Casual weddings are a huge hit in summer, with the warm weather adding a natural and informal touch to every occasion, including weddings. These may be held indoors or outdoors. Some weddings may also be held outdoors while the reception is done indoors.

Beach weddings are a summer favorite. Although these come under the category of casual weddings, we think they deserve to be a category on their own since the dress code for beach weddings is somewhat different from all the other kinds of weddings.

Now, let us take a look at some general rules of dressing appropriately for any type of summer wedding.

Rules that apply to all types of summer weddings

We all know that summers can be warm, sometimes uncomfortably so. Nevertheless, you should always dress appropriately for a wedding in summer, however warm it may be. Be considerate of the other people at the party, and do not choose dresses that are skimpy or too revealing. It is likely that even a casual wedding may have elderly people and children attending, and you do not want to be the cause of any unwanted attention. Think of what you wouldn’t like others to wear to your own wedding, this will give you an idea of whether your dress choice is inappropriate for the function.

Jeans, shorts and tank tops are not appropriate attire for any wedding , whatever be the style. This rule applies even if the wedding is held at a beach, in a garden or the couple’s backyard. The same goes for plastic footwear too. After all, it is a wedding. You should at least make an effort to dress for it, and not turn up looking like you dropped in on your way to the store.

Apart from avoiding white (which is supposed to be the bride’s signature color ), we also suggest that you avoid a dress in the color that the bridal party will be wearing, provided you know what it will be. There are no problems here, but we don’t think you would be too pleased to be mistaken as one of the bridesmaids after all the painstaking efforts you went through to pick your outfit for the wedding.

It is also a good idea to take the venue into consideration when you plan your makeup for the event. Use waterproof makeup and tone down the colors if it is an outdoor or daytime event. This will help you look fresh and charming. We also suggest that you visit this article on HowStuffWorks for more tips on what you should never, ever wear to a wedding.

Now, let’s move on to the more interesting part of what to wear to each of the weddings we listed above.

Black-tie or formal weddings

The general rules of dressing for formal weddings applies to this style of wedding in the summer as well. Aim for elegant and stylish gowns, and choose accessories that complement the dress. Floor-length gowns are the expected norm. However, you can also opt for a shorter dress as long as it is formal attire, and doesn’t look too informal or casual. Fitted silhouettes and A-line dresses with a signature detail are usually appropriate. Another choice is the Little Black dress, but make sure you dress it up so you look special and not like the ten other women wearing black.

One thing you should remember when choosing your full-length gown, is whether the fabric will be comfortable in the hot weather. Satin or polyester gowns may not be the best choice. You should instead look at cotton, chiffon or other breezy fabrics . Since the event will be held in the evening, you can choose deeper hues for your makeup, and add a few scintillating accessories to enhance your look. Just remember the standard rule: For a gown with plenty of details, keep the accessories simple. On the other hand, choose dressy accessories for a simple dress. The basic idea is to balance out your look, and not look too cluttered. Spend time to do your hair. You may like to keep it away from your face with a chic updo, as it will be both convenient and practical. Add a stunning clutch and pair of killer heels, and you are all set for the wedding.

Semi-formal weddings

This is a tough one to crack. It is difficult to say whether the wedding style leans more towards formal or towards casual, based on the information provided in the invitation. You can judge to a certain extent, based on the venue of the wedding. Nevertheless, it isn’t always straightforward if the wedding is held at a resort or a venue with multiple halls. Another thing to consider is the time of the event. If it is in the morning or afternoon, it is more likely to sway towards casual, while evening parties are usually more formal.

In either case, the best option is to choose a dress that is more formal, than it is casual. Cocktail dresses that end at the knee or slightly above are your best bet. But make sure that it is dressy and gives you a festive look. For daytime affairs, soft breezy fabrics in light pastels or dusty colors are a great choice. You can either choose a knee to calf-length dress or a two-piece dress, depending on what looks good. If it is in the evening, opt for darker colors and don’t hesitate to bring on the bling.

Semi-formal weddings open up a world of options in silhouettes, styles, necklines, sleeve lengths and hemlines. The jury is divided on whether pant-suits are suitable attire for semi-formal events. Since it is standard office attire, we think it’s best you let it go. Choose a dress that is more party-style instead. Go with what is trendy, or you can always pull out your safe and solid companion, the little black dress. A-line, fit and flare, and modern fit dresses are all quite popular now. You can choose an off-the-shoulder neckline, or one with a single shoulder strap for a trendy look. When choosing a sweetheart or strapless dress , add a pashmina or stole to your ensemble for the evening, in case it gets windy. For a semi-formal event, stick with heels or peep-toes for your footwear. Sandals and anything too casual are a definite no!

Casual wedding

Do you think anything goes for a casual summer wedding? Unfortunately no! The original rules of never wearing jeans, shorts, tank tops or flip-flops to any wedding applies here as well. Never, ever pull out your formal full-length gown for this wedding, or you will end up looking overdressed. Instead, patterned dresses, plain frocks in fun breezy fabrics and short dresses that are modest, should be your choice.

Make sure that your choice of dress is suitable for the venue where the wedding is being held. Lace dresses are perfect for garden or outdoor weddings. Sparkle is alright, but do it with style and don’t go overboard with it. Choose fabrics like cotton and chiffon to feel comfortable and look good in. The current trend is to go for ballooning, loose-fitting garments, and if you find one that looks great on your frame, wear it. A skirt and blouse are also suitable for casual weddings.

If you are lost for choices, and are worried whether you will end up looking too casual, choose to wear business casual. That way, you can’t go wrong. Make sure you pack a punch by choosing interesting accessories like dangling hoop earrings or a nice chunky necklace to go with your dress. Footwear can either be wedges, peep toe sandals or kitten heels. You can accessorize with a matching scarf, which can double up as a wrap, when it gets too windy in the evening. For outdoor events, it is best to stick with nude makeup and a simple hair style that keeps your hair off your face. You can comfortably let your hair down if the event is held indoors, and also go with darker make-up colors. Casual style usually means minimal makeup and hair styling. So, just enhance your look, and don’t go decked up for a ball.

Beach wedding

The favorite summer style wedding, beach or destination weddings are huge and happening in today’s wedding world. Since the location is definitely outdoors, there are a number of factors to consider when planning your attire for a beach wedding. Firstly, it is going to be hot and sometimes humid, so your choice of fabric is more important than at any other wedding. You will be spending time on the sand, so your choose comfortable footwear. With limited control over the wind and weather, it is best that you are prepared for it with an appropriate hairstyle and suitable makeup . Nevertheless, beach weddings are lots of fun, and one of the most casual styles. So, experiment with what you will wear, and let your personality shine through your dress choice.

Think of summer on the beach, and tea or knee-length cotton dresses come to mind instantly. Dreamy, flowing fabric and short hemlines are regulars at beach weddings. Bring on bright colors and patterns with Bohemian, Aztec prints or anything that you love. Vintage-inspired striped and polka dot dresses are also appropriate, and even chic. Soft pastels and dusty hues look great on short chiffon dresses. Patterned cotton and lace are also great choices. This is your chance to show off your fresh new tan with a beautiful sleeveless or strapless dress. Halter necklines and ruffles are also pleasant and perfect for beaches.

Maxi dresses are another excellent choice. Just remember that you will be walking in the sand, so stick to a length that is just right. Your accessories should add to your look, and it is best to opt for natural cut stones or chunky earthy colors in your accessories. Large statement earrings and burlap or jute clutches or totes are great as accessories. Keep the makeup to a minimum and fix your hair well with a suitable hairstyle that stays in one place and you do not end up looking disheveled. To walk comfortably, choose flat heels or sandals with a festive touch of color or sparkling embellishments.

Now that we have all the different types of summer weddings covered, you know what you should stock your wardrobe with, to be ready for this warm wedding season . Visit us at Best for Bride for a stunning variety of evening dresses and dresses for special occasions. With varieties for every type of wedding we just saw here, you are bound to find all the dresses you require, for attending every wedding this season. Not only are all the dresses pictured here part of our splendid collection, we have much more to suit your taste. And if you are busy planning your own wedding, check out our different wedding services and find everything you need. For more wedding tips, fashion advice and everything wedding-related, keep visiting us at Best for Bride .

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5 reasons why we love Wild West Weddings

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More and more couples are getting married in the Wild West style this year; and it is one real exciting theme for a wedding.

Here are 5 reasons why we, at Best for Bride say Yeehaa! to the wild west theme.


1.It is a formal theme with a casual vibe

The Wild West theme allows you to have a wedding that is both exciting and fun, but classic at the same time. You can choose to keep it as formal as you like, or opt for an entirely casual wedding reception . Is there another formal theme, where the décor elements can be straw and wildflowers and still be appropriate? Here, the rules are flexible, and this will keep it exciting for your guests, as they aren’t certain of what they can expect.


2.The décor at Wild West Weddings are totally unique

Wild West weddings allow you to play with faux or real antler displays, throw in leather details, sip beer from copper mugs and have attendants and groomsmen frolic around in cowboy hats and boots. This is a chance to bring together a range of textures like burlap, straw and wood, and give them a classic finish. It transports us in time to a whole other place, and this is part of the charm. Despite the various details, the theme can be executed at indoor and outdoor venues , alike. The rustic elements that are highlighted at these weddings are always interesting, simple to do and easy to pull off.

3.They are as versatile as can be

One interesting factor about this theme is that no two weddings can possibly be alike. Whether you choose to get married at a ranch, in a garden or at a hotel, you can use this theme. Dinner can be elaborate or laidback, as you can opt for either a buffet or a plated dinner. Coming to wedding dresses , Wild West brides can choose full-length lace gowns or short frilly frocks with a colorful underskirt and not worry about which suits the theme—because they both do. Brides and grooms can sport cowboy boots and hats, and easily match their attire to the theme.

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4.The photographs are one-of-a-kind

How else could it be? After all, how often do we see real cowboys and their brides in real life? When you have a wild west wedding, the rustic elements in the décor and classic style of dressing create the perfect blend for spectacular photographs. With a beautiful setting, and a couple in love, it is almost impossible to not have a great photo album.

5.Wild west weddings are most romantic

If you always envisioned your wedding to be one that is like a dream, it has to be a wild west wedding. Imagine getting married in a scenic location, dancing to jolly old country tunes and riding off into the sunset (or, in this case, to your honeymoon) with your real-life hero….could it be more romantic?

So, what do you think? Is a Wild West wedding for you?

To choose a dress that is perfect for this theme, or for more wedding advice, visit us at Best for Bride .

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Bridal Accessories for a Beach Wedding

Is your wedding to be held on a tropical island or a sun-kissed beach with soft golden sand and frothy waves blending into the décor?

The beautiful thing about beach weddings is the casual and fun air about them. Such weddings are both relaxing and exciting at the same time. Since your wedding is a big step away from being a formal event, everything about you—the bride, should be different too.

Your wedding dress choices range from light breezy A-line gowns and mermaid-inspired dresses to short frocks that are more appropriate for the sea and sand. If you don’t want the traditional white gown, you can even go with the current trend of ruffled dresses in light breezy or tactile fabrics. Styles on the runway this year, showcased designs with feathers and extreme embellishments on sheer fabric—ideal ideas for a fun beach wedding.

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Once you choose your wedding dress, it is time to find the accessories to complete your look. Read on to find out more about the choices that will transform you into a beautiful beach bride.

Messy hairdos, beach waves and floral headpieces

Traditional tiaras and veils are absolute no-no’s in a beach wedding. Capture the essence of the natural skies, blue waters and warm sands with headpieces that are casual and fun. A messy hair updo, loose chignon, braids or gentle finger waves would look stunning. Dress up your hairstyle with an oversize bloom, or let your curls loose and opt for a floral headband instead. You could even choose a floral hair clip instead of fresh flowers, but make sure that it looks real and not plastic.


Bangles and bracelets

Not essential, but bangles and bracelets can be superb accessories when chosen well. We prefer the oversize chunky ones that have a rustic charm, instead of ornate and traditional ones. Bracelets made with wood or natural gemstones like quartz, sandstone and turquoise have an unfinished rustic feel and look the best. You can also choose bracelets with nautical charms like anchors, ships and dolphins, or thick bangles with beach-motifs for a simpler choice that gels well with the wedding theme .


Necklace and earrings

If you have chosen a bigger headband, you should go easy with your necklace and earrings , or it would end up looking too cluttered. A chain with a shell or dolphin pendant would be good enough. Consider choosing studs that match your bracelet, or go with pearls for your necklace and earrings for an authentic beach effect.

Peep-toes or beach sandals

Since you cannot consider heels for your wedding, cover your toes gorgeous in a pair of bright peep-toes or practical sandals. Choose embellished sandals to dress up your feet, or pair your choice with an interesting anklet or toe-rings.


Remember to experiment with a variety of accessories, till you find the perfect mix for your wedding day. Make sure you wear your wedding dress along with the rest of the accessories and see how your look comes together, before you head for your wedding destination.

Find more wedding tips and advice by visiting us at Best for Bride.