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9 Common Complaints By Wedding Guests And How To Avoid Them … Number 7 will shock you!

9 Common Complaints By Wedding Guests And How To Avoid Them

Weddingsare wrought with thousands of details that you may overlook or forget a few things. While some of these may not matter in the big picture, sure, others will make your guests unhappy. Unfortunately, after the wedding, the couple usually realizes they should have given more attention to these factors. After all, a weddingshould be a satisfying and fun event for those in it and for all those who attend it.

Here is a list of the nine most common problems wedding guests complainabout. We also have the solutions to each of these issues to help you handle them easily. Make sure you prioritize these potential issues when planning your wedding , and your guests will be a happy bunch.

Continue reading 9 Common Complaints By Wedding Guests And How To Avoid Them … Number 7 will shock you!
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Wedding venue checklist: Tips to help you recognize if the site is right for you


When you look for your wedding venue , it is often difficult to ascertain whether a site is right without seeing it all decked up. To make the right choice, you should have a fair idea of what you want it to do, and how it can be transformed to suit your wedding plan. For many couples, this may be the first time they are hosting any event on this scale, and so it can be very confusing.

To help you do it right, here is a checklist of the various factors the site must have.

Fits your budget

Set aside a realistic amount for the venue charges. If you are getting married in a church or house of worship, you will also have to factor in the donation for using the space.

Look at places where the rent is within your budget . Ask about any other charges or overheads in addition to the rent, so you know whether you can afford it. Also ask if the package includes services like an on-site co-ordinator or staff for serving cake and wine, or whether you will have to pay separately for these services.

Practicality of the venue

The location should be easy to access and your guests shouldn’t have trouble getting there. It would be best if both the ceremony and the reception venues were nearby or in the same location. This will be most comfortable, but if it is not possible, consider arranging transportation between the venues. See if you can have parking at the first venue and make transport arrangements to the reception.

The size is right

Look at the maximum number of people the site can hold. Don’t forget to accommodate for your band , musicians, buffet table and aisle when determining the maximum capacity. Only then will you get a clear picture of whether all your guests will fit comfortably in the space. If it is a small wedding, avoid a big venue. Being mostly empty will reduce the overall impact.

The rates for using it overtime

Venues are either charged by the hour, or for a certain slot of time. Ask about the extra charges you will have to pay if you wish to access the venue for a few extra hours, before or after the ceremony. Also ask for their rates if your wedding party extends late into the night.

Provision for disabled access

Check whether the venue allows for disabled access. It is likely that there will be older guests in your wedding party. The availability of washrooms on the ground floor would be convenient for them. Also, are there any outdoor seating arrangements that your wedding guests can use, if they have to wait before entering the venue?

Don’t forget to consider the practicality of the venue for the wedding look you have in mind. It wouldn’t be fun negotiating your way up and down a staircase, if you have chosen a mermaid-style wedding dress or a heavily layered one. So choose accordingly.

The more boxes you tick off this checklist, the better suited a venue will be for your wedding. For more wedding tips and ideas, keep visiting us at Best for Bride.

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Creative Wedding Ceremony Decorations


Wedding decorations for the ceremony seem stuck in a holding pattern. While reception decorations have become wildly creative and fun, the ceremony decorations tend to be cliche. Most wedding ceremonies are decorated with typical flower arrangements and the occasional pair of candelabras. Sound familiar? Decorations for the ceremony may be held at boring level to prevent the audience from paying more attention to the decorations than the officiant performing the ceremony. Wedding ceremony decorations can be innovative and exciting without being distracting.

Instead of focusing on standard flower arrangements , consider alternatives such as ribbons, paper, balloons, lace, and organic materials like twigs or shells. One couple decorated their outdoor ceremony venue with paper flowers and pinwheels. Several couples have used ribbons as the primary decoration rather than using flowers. Instead of flowers with some small touches of ribbon, they opted for ribbons with a few floral accents.

Fabric with bold prints can be used as the focus of the decorations. When these alternatives are used with small floral accents, the whole look becomes more interesting and memorable than when the focus is on standard flower arrangements.

A trendy option is the have hanging decorations such as strips of ribbon hanging down from the ceiling or a frame. Lace wrapped around picture frames or embroidery rings are unique hanging decorations. Just make sure that the hanging decorations are hung safely in areas where guests would not accidentally bump into them. The decorations should not block anyone’s view of the ceremony.

Another fantastic wedding decoration trend is the use of paper. Some couples have used honeycomb garland to decorate the altar or create a canopy. The garland can be shades of white for an airy, cloud-like appearance. Paper flowers have become wildly popular for pew decorations. Flowers can be made from tissue paper or crepe paper.

Though many couples use creative lighting for the reception, few have been imaginative when it comes to lighting for the ceremony. Cascading lights or lanterns hung at varying heights adds dramatic lighting without upstaging the elements of the ceremony. Whether the wedding is held indoors or outdoors, the use of creative lighting can add romantic flair that is subtle and lovely. Another creative lighting option is to use a patterned light or gobo as a backdrop.

When using any decorations that create sound such as wind chimes, make sure the sound will not interfere with the ceremony. The friends and family attending the wedding should not have to strain to hear the couple and officiant.

More and more couples are using signs above where the officiant and couple stand. When using signs that change such as being turned by the wedding party to reveal other words or symbols on the back, the changing of the signs is timed as to occur during a pause in the ceremony rather than competing with the officiant’s words.

The couple can create some surprising looks with these and other creative alternatives to flower arrangements. The decorations should not compete with the actual event. They should enhance and improve the experience. Let your personality shine through and create a truly memorable wedding. For more tips on how to make a wedding uniquely personal, visit the Best for Bride blog.

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How To Plan An Outdoor Wedding

wedding dress

Do you want to get married surrounded by nature in all of its glory? If you do, you’re not alone. Many women enjoy planning outdoor weddings that take advantage of spring and summer’s balmy beauty.

Whether you’re considering a casual beach wedding or an outdoor wedding festival with all of the bells and whistles, we can help you to prepare properly and get the results you want .

Here are some tips and tricks for planning the ideal outdoor wedding celebration:

Have A Plan B

Mother Nature is unpredictable – you’ll need a Plan B to make things work at your wedding. If you’re planning an outdoor ceremony or reception, you must make sure all of your wedding flowers, decor, and seating can be moved inside quickly. Lightweight chairs, trellises, and floral arrangements will be the best choices for an outdoor wedding.

Make sure the building you choose for your Plan B is comfortable, clean, and prepared for the event. Without a Plan B, you may be subjected to sudden downpours or gusts of wind that will ruin your white wedding dress and your wedding photos . An onset of bad weather will cause your guests, who are also dressed for a special occasion, to feel uncomfortable – and cold. No matter what the weather forecasts predict for your wedding day, be certain to have a backup plan.

A pretty indoor powder room is a must – this room should have optional heat and be well-stocked with decorative soaps, lotions, and a good, well-lit mirror. The comfort of your wedding guests should be priority one, no matter where you are.

Find The Right Wedding Photographer

Many photographers are versatile – however, you should definitely look for a photographic artist that specializes in working outdoors. To get wedding photos you’ll treasure forever, explain to a photographer exactly where the wedding will take place – also let them know your backup plan, and what type of lighting will be available indoors. Look at sample photos – does the photographer create the poignant, dreamy feel you want for your wedding photos. Pictures should be crisp, vibrant, but still romantic. Your bridal dress and bridal jewelry should be in the spotlight.

The skill of your photographer will have a great impact on whether or not you enjoy looking at your outdoor wedding photos. Ask a potential wedding photographer what tools and tricks he or she will use to get perfect results. Shop around and be sure to take any advice about doing your hair and makeup to get premium results while posing outside in your wedding gown.

You may want to find some nice props – such as a vintage garden bench or trellises. Your photographer may have some props he or she can bring along to get a variety of fun effects. Ask the wedding photographer to experiment with different backdrops that expose the beauty of your chosen locale.

Create an Atmosphere

Are you planning a wedding at a resort in the mountains? Time your ceremony to take advantage of the splendor that is all around you. There will be peak times each day (such as late afternoon or sunset) when the background will be at its most stunning. If you’re at the beach, consider the tides and plan accordingly. Once you’ve set a time for your wedding, add some fun elements to your wedding decor.

Wedding flowers that echo that environment should be chosen – wildflowers will work well for fields, parks, and mountain areas. Classic roses will be ideal for an ornamental garden or manicured park. If you’re in the country, rustic wooden chairs may work well for guest seating – daisies and grosgrain ribbons can be tied on for a touch of homespun beauty. Creating a mood and a special atmosphere can be easy when you know exactly what sort of ambiance you want to create.

Choose The Menu Carefully

wedding cake

When dining outdoors, certain foods and beverages can amp up the mood. Roasting meats will smell heavenly, and they are always easy to prepare outside. Side dishes can be served family-style at each table or stored in chafing dishes, buffet style. Fresh salads with homemade vinaigrette will add lightness to a heavier meat entree – these two dishes will give a menu proper balance.

Crisp, white wine, and cold champagne can be lovely on a warm spring or summer day. Seafood can spoil easily, as can side dishes with eggs or mayonnaise. Consider your refrigeration needs when you decide on a menu – the last thing you want is guests becoming ill from food spoilage. To make things pretty, line up picnic tables and cover them in white table linens – add good flatware and glasses, as well as floral centerpieces. You must still create a luxurious feel, even if your wedding feast is an old-fashioned barbecue.

Add spring or summer beauty to wedding cakes by choosing styles adorned with bright, cheerful flowers…

With these tips, you can begin to plan an exciting and memorable outdoor wedding. Once you’ve found a bridal boutique and chosen bridal rings and wedding dress, you can use their style and details to decide on the right mood and atmosphere for your outdoor wedding. Wedding dresses and wedding veils should be chosen with the climate and background in mind.  Your bridesmaids dresses should also be comfortable and appropriate for the time of year and expected temperature.