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5 Tips to help you have clear skin in time for your wedding

via Best for Bride

Your wedding is a huge event in your life; one for which you have to look beautiful from head to toe. While you may get caught up with all the planning, arranging and shopping for the day, don’t forget to pay special attention to your skin.

Clear skin will do half the job of making you look fantastic on your big day . With some extra care, your skin will be clean and blemish-free for you wedding. These tips from skin-care experts will get you going.

1. Start right now: Nothing can help you have clear skin overnight. A regular skin care routine is the only way to make it possible. If you haven’t been paying attention to your skin lately, this is the time to start. Cleanse, tone and moisturize twice everyday. Choose products that are suitable for your skin type to attain better and faster results.

2. Don’t pop pimples: Leave your pimples alone. If you have acne-prone skin, choose skin care products with salicylic acid and benzoyl- peroxide for more effect. Should a pimple appear, spot treat it with a product that contains sulfur. You should see the inflammation disappear soon, and the pimple will be less obvious. Also, do not try to hide a pimple by layering it with makeup ; it will only look worse.

3. Gently exfoliate every week: Experts recommend that you exfoliate once a week if your skin is normal or dry, and twice every week if your skin is oily. This is in addition to cleansing everyday. Mildly scrub with a gentle product, and it will remove the surface buildup of oil, dead cells and grime. This will also allow better penetration of skin care products and help you obtain results faster.

4. Pamper yourself with facials: During the months leading up to your wedding, enjoy a few facials . You can get it done at a salon, or do it yourself at home, if you are pressed for time. Buy face masks suitable for your skin, or even whip one up with ingredients from your pantry. Use this opportunity to relax and refresh yourself, whether it is at home or at a salon. Make sure you apply a good face mask the night before your wedding to refresh your glow. Consider an advanced skin care treatment like Microdermabrasion if you have been neglecting your skin care for a while, or don’t have too much time to get your skin back in shape.

5. Take care from the inside: Healthy and glowing skin does not result from just caring for it on the surface. It also requires taking care from the inside . To do so, stay well hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday. Reduce your consumption of caffeinated drinks and choose green tea or water instead. Cut down on junk food and processed foods. Focus on a balanced diet plan, with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and salads. Also, ensure you get enough sleep every night, to avoid dark circles, and under-eye bags.

Follow these suggestions from the day you are engaged, and you are bound to have clear skin in time for your wedding. For more tips and wedding advice visit us at Best for Bride .