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How about a flower crown for your summer wedding?

Are you a bride who will be married next summer? It is time you started thinking of your wedding dress and accessories to create the perfect bridal look on your big day. One of our favorite accessories for a summer wedding is a flower crown. It is refreshing, beautiful, fragrant and just right for the warm weather.

Flower crowns may be the latest bridal hit now, but it is an accessory that has been around forever. Here is the history behind it.

Flower crowns in the past

In ancient Greece, men and women often wore flower and leaf crowns. The flower crown was actually a wedding symbol in Ukraine, where the couple exchanged periwinkle and myrtle wreaths to symbolize their marriage vows. The Indian bridal hairdo is characterized by elaborate floral decorations that often start on the head and cover the entire length of the hair.

The Chinese flower crown inspired Queen Victoria to wear a similar orange one at her wedding, and just like she’s the inspiration behind the white wedding dress and the tiered wedding cake, the flower crown fashion is also attributed to her.

Now that we know the origins of the flower crown, let us look at how you can include rock this look as your bridal hairdo.

Match the flowers to your makeup

If there is one bright color in your makeup, like a berry purple or bright red, add flowers in a similar color to your floral crown. This will enhance the stark white of the rest of your attire, while allowing the bright colors to stand out.

Weave the flowers into your braid


Many summer brides prefer a loose bun or updo, with braids adding a casual air to their look. If you will be adopting this style, consider weaving small flowers or your flower crown into your braids for a spectacular effect. Choose smaller flowers like daisies, and expertly braid them in, so it looks like their positioning was well thought out.

Choose only few large blooms for a casual, dreamy look

If you have a small visage, you should either choose small flowers in your hairdo, or limit the bigger blooms to just a few. Choose a flower crown which places these flowers together, and keep the rest of the circumference simple, with green. You can either place the crown in the center , or towards one side, and let a few locks fly around for a dreamy bridal look.

Fabric flower crowns are just as good as the original


If you will be outdoors for quite some time, you should consider how well your flower crown will hold. Most flowers wilt , and you do not want them to look tired after a while. If the temperatures in your area are high, you can either have two crowns made, or choose a fabric crown instead. Apart from staying fresh through the day, the added bonus of a fabric crown is that it is ready well in advance, and you will be able to and try it on and perfect your look for the day.

For more interesting wedding tips and advice to help you plan your wedding day, visit us at Best for Bride, the one stop destination for all your wedding needs .

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A guide to the flowers for your summer wedding

There are a few advantages to planning your wedding with flowers that are available locally and are in season. Firstly, these will be budget-friendly choices. Secondly, since there is no shipping involved, you do not have to worry about not receiving the flowers or your bouquet ending up looking different from your idea. The third and final factor is that you make an environment-friendly choice when you opt for locally available and seasonal flowers, as the exotic varieties are usually grown in greenhouses.

If you are planning a summer wedding, here are a list of summer flowers and also few tips to help you choose from them.


Tips to choose the right flowers for summer

In summer, the temperatures are high. This means your flowers will wilt quickly. This is an important factor to consider if you have an outdoor wedding planned, as nothing ruins the ambiance of a wedding like wilted and tired looking blooms.

When you choose your flowers for your wedding, pay attention to the following:

  • Choose flowers that are locally available. These will be accustomed to the weather conditions and will stay fresh longer. Also, they can be cut just on time, and so will remain fresh longer.
  • When choosing flowers, look for those with a waxy texture. These flowers do not wilt easily.
  • Keep the flowers and bouquets out of the sun. If your ceremony is outdoors, make sure that the floral centerpieces and any other floral décor in the shade.
  • Handle the flowers with care. This is something you should follow all-year round, but flowers are more prone to getting crumpled and looking tired when the weather is hot and the moisture is low.
  • Keep a spray bottle at hand and spray your wedding bouquet every now and then, so it remains fresh throughout the day.
  • For centerpieces, consider potted plants or place cut flowers in water, so they look fresh throughout the function.

Flowers that are suitable for summer

There are two types of flowers that are best suited for your summer wedding: those that are available all-year round and those that bloom in summer. The benefits of choosing such varieties of flowers are that these flowers are used to the warm weather and so make the best choices.

Depending on your wedding venue , you may like to talk to your florist and find out which of these can be locally sourced and make your choice accordingly.

  • Garden roses: These are our summer favorites and are available in many colors including orange, rose and white.


  • Chamomile daisies: Cheery summer flowers that make spectacular fillers, you can use these anywhere.


  • Sunflowers: For a wedding palette that has yellow, sunflowers are the perfect choice that add big bright pops of tropical cheer.


  • Dahlias: Less is more when you go with dahlias. They add texture and quickly add bulk to a wedding bouquet without compromising on beauty.


For more floral inspiration and to look at some spectacular wedding bouquet designs, visit us at Best for Bride.