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7 DIY wedding ideas to save yourself some money on your big day

A wedding is an expensive affair! Let’s not deny this fact. Every couple spends thousands of dollars to get their wedding details right and unless you opt to elope or have a court marriage with absolutely no frills, you will not be spared from this.

The last thing any couple would want to do is to start their life together in debt. Smart couples know that there are certain ways out to plan a fantastic wedding, but still stay within budget. One of the best ways to get the maximum done for the least possible amount imaginable, is to Do It Yourself. Well, of course you may not be able to do everything for your wedding by yourself. Yet, you can do at least a few things that will save you some money.

Continue reading 7 DIY wedding ideas to save yourself some money on your big day

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Winter wedding cake trends

Each season has its distinct personality, and incorporating the natural elements of the season adds more interest to a wedding. With winter upon us, and the cold weather dictating everything for the rest of the year, we think it is a good idea to take a look at some winter wedding cake trends.

Come along, as we find out more about the happening trends in delicious and delightful wedding cakes, this winter. And, don’t forget to tell us which of these trends you will be incorporating into your winter wedding.

Generous with ruffles

This video on the Vancouver Sun , mentions that decorating cakes with ruffles is one of the most popular trends in winter cakes this year.  The design for the cake is usually inspired by the bridal dress, or by the ruffles that are part of the wedding décor and bridesmaids outfits. Ruffles may be featured on just one tier, or even extended to include all the tiers of the cake. The design feature has a fresh and airy feel, and the cake doesn’t require any additional element, as this in itself gives it a signature touch.

 Vividly white wedding cakes

Winter and white are almost synonymous. White wedding cakes are a tribute to the season, and they are always tasteful and classic. Couples now choose to go with stark white tiered wedding cakes, decorated with white embellishments that keep the look monochromatic and exquisite. Details like petals, pearls, silver embellishments and piped embroidery are the top choices in cake decorations .

Image Credit: Dion Gillard [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Naked wedding cakes

Here, the wedding cake is not covered by layers of frosting or fondant. Instead, it is kept original, with the crumb showing through. The seasonal elements are added between the layers, for taste and texture. Winter favorites are fruits available during the season , such as appleas, pears and perssimons. Although the cake may look rough and exposed, it is a welcome change that is easy on the palette and the stomach. Perfect for a rich, warm dessert, the natural colors of the layers make it attractive.

Naked Cake
Image Credits: Camila Aguiar, [CC BY 2.0], via Flickr
Memorably metallic masterpieces

The sheen of metal best suits the wintry landscape and is a reflection of the cool winter ambiance. Taking inspiration from the tinsel trends highlighted every holiday season, wedding cakes with metallic accents in gold, silver and copper are a favorite. There are also cakes that are entirely covered with a metallic finish, that dazzle, shine and scintillate as works of art. With metal, less is more, and the cake finish is usually simple and straight.

Wedding Themed Card box/Towel Cake combo
Image Credits: Sherlene, via Flick

Don’t you love these winter wedding cake trends? We believe that at least some of them are here to stay. Visit our wedding cake gallery at Best for Bride , for more interesting ideas to base your wedding cake design on.

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Creative Wedding Ceremony Decorations


Wedding decorations for the ceremony seem stuck in a holding pattern. While reception decorations have become wildly creative and fun, the ceremony decorations tend to be cliche. Most wedding ceremonies are decorated with typical flower arrangements and the occasional pair of candelabras. Sound familiar? Decorations for the ceremony may be held at boring level to prevent the audience from paying more attention to the decorations than the officiant performing the ceremony. Wedding ceremony decorations can be innovative and exciting without being distracting.

Instead of focusing on standard flower arrangements , consider alternatives such as ribbons, paper, balloons, lace, and organic materials like twigs or shells. One couple decorated their outdoor ceremony venue with paper flowers and pinwheels. Several couples have used ribbons as the primary decoration rather than using flowers. Instead of flowers with some small touches of ribbon, they opted for ribbons with a few floral accents.

Fabric with bold prints can be used as the focus of the decorations. When these alternatives are used with small floral accents, the whole look becomes more interesting and memorable than when the focus is on standard flower arrangements.

A trendy option is the have hanging decorations such as strips of ribbon hanging down from the ceiling or a frame. Lace wrapped around picture frames or embroidery rings are unique hanging decorations. Just make sure that the hanging decorations are hung safely in areas where guests would not accidentally bump into them. The decorations should not block anyone’s view of the ceremony.

Another fantastic wedding decoration trend is the use of paper. Some couples have used honeycomb garland to decorate the altar or create a canopy. The garland can be shades of white for an airy, cloud-like appearance. Paper flowers have become wildly popular for pew decorations. Flowers can be made from tissue paper or crepe paper.

Though many couples use creative lighting for the reception, few have been imaginative when it comes to lighting for the ceremony. Cascading lights or lanterns hung at varying heights adds dramatic lighting without upstaging the elements of the ceremony. Whether the wedding is held indoors or outdoors, the use of creative lighting can add romantic flair that is subtle and lovely. Another creative lighting option is to use a patterned light or gobo as a backdrop.

When using any decorations that create sound such as wind chimes, make sure the sound will not interfere with the ceremony. The friends and family attending the wedding should not have to strain to hear the couple and officiant.

More and more couples are using signs above where the officiant and couple stand. When using signs that change such as being turned by the wedding party to reveal other words or symbols on the back, the changing of the signs is timed as to occur during a pause in the ceremony rather than competing with the officiant’s words.

The couple can create some surprising looks with these and other creative alternatives to flower arrangements. The decorations should not compete with the actual event. They should enhance and improve the experience. Let your personality shine through and create a truly memorable wedding. For more tips on how to make a wedding uniquely personal, visit the Best for Bride blog.

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Unique DIY Wedding Reception Decorations


When you are planning your wedding , you will find that one of the most expensive pieces is the wedding reception. During the reception, you will need food, drinks and decorations for everyone and this can quickly add up. However, there are many things that you can do to help keep your wedding reception budget low and still have an awesome time.

One of these ways is to create some or all of your own wedding reception decorations . You will find many options online through a number of websites and will find that there are many that are easy to recreate on your own. Below are some simple and inexpensive ideas that you can use to decorate for your wedding reception.

Tissue Paper Pom-poms

These are extremely easy to make and you will not need to worry about spending a lot of money on them. They are also great because you can easily make them in any color that you choose, as long as you can find the right color of tissue paper. For instructions on how to make these cute and romantic additions to your wedding, you can easily find videos online that will help you with the simple process.

Paper Lanterns


This is another DIY item that is typically used at weddings where a tent has been incorporated into the design. They can be purchased at your local craft store for about $3 – $5 each, but you can make them yourself for around $1 – $2 each. These fun additions to your wedding reception create a fairy tale look for you and your guests.

Wheat grass

This is a popular decoration that can be used for spring weddings. The best thing about it is its cheap and easy to grow. You can add this to your décor so that you give your reception a modern and clean look. Just plant a few wheatgrass seeds in your containers a few weeks before the wedding and you will be ready to go with this decoration.



Candles are always a popular addition to weddings and easy to use because they are so readily available. They are also something that comes in a variety of sizes and colors, so you won’t need to worry that you won’t be able to find the right style for your wedding. You can also light them to create a romantic feel for your wedding reception.

There are many ways that you can create a wedding reception that is budget friendly and still beautiful. By adding a few of these elements to your wedding, you will have memories to enjoy for many years to come. Plus, your guests will love the way you put your own unique touch onto the wedding design.

Best for Bride

Best for Bride is a bridal shop that will help you to create the wedding of your dreams. With wedding gowns, bridesmaid dresses and wedding décor, you will find everything that you need to create the wedding look that you had in mind.