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12 Top tips to help you plan the perfect outdoor summer wedding

Outdoor weddings have unique charm! The natural setting is romantic, colorful, refreshing and relaxed. Nonetheless, an outdoor venue also presents its unique set of challenges. Unlike indoor venues, the variable factors are more in this setting. Hence, planning a wedding in the outdoors isn’t always easy.

The good news is that despite the possible pitfalls, you can still have a beautiful outdoor wedding when you plan it right. Our team will help you with this task with the following list of tips. This will definitely help you plan your strategy well and host a splendid outdoor wedding that will linger in everyone’s memories.

1.Research the pros and cons of different venues to make your decision

Your outdoor venue can be a beach, a garden, a resort or even your own backyard. Each of these venues have their own perks and pitfalls. Consider these factors seriously before you decide on the venue you want for your special day. Let us look at some of the common outdoor wedding venues and the challenges they present.

Beach:A beach is romantic and fun. However, it is also windy, sandy and with uneven terrain. You will have to limit your hairstyle, makeup and dress choice to what works in this unique venue. You will also have to rent everything for the wedding and pay extra to set up stage. It will also be necessary to secure different items without toppling over or flying away.

Lakeside: These venues are usually calmer than seashores, and yet promising in terms of beauty. However, lake sides are prone to bugs and have damp and dirty soil. They can become unexpectedly windy. You may have to prepare your party to wear bug spray and keep food covered to avoid unexpected disasters.

Winery: Unparalleled beauty, serenity and greenery mark this lovely wedding venue. However, there may be restrictions on custom plans. Many wineries restrict taking booze from outside, and your guests will have to make do with their produce at the bar. It can also become hot and humid in summer.

Park:Very casual and relaxed, this ambiance is well-suited for informal wedding styles. The cons of this venue is that you may have unwelcome onlookers who oversee your wedding. Also, there may be time restrictions. So, you may have to end your party early.

Backyard:  Having a backyard wedding is often tougher than you think. You can of course save a lot of money, since you needn’t book a venue. Nevertheless, you will have to hire the décor and seats. Limited number of washroom facilities can be a problem. You will also have to take local rules and regulations into consideration when your house is in a residential locality.

If you still are unsure of which venue you ought to choose, here is some help to make your decision on the Huff Post 

2.Irrespective of the venue, you must have plenty of shade or arrange for tents to keep guests comfortable

It is no fun being seated in a sunny area, especially when it is warm. Make sure your venue has a shaded space where your guests can relax without any harsh sunlight. Summer weddings can often get tiring, especially if there is no breeze. So, arrange for fans around the perimeter of the tents to keep your guests cool and relaxed. Also consider printing your wedding program on fans to work double. Or gift pretty decorative hand fans as your wedding favors and your guests can use them to stay cool.

3.Ensure there are plenty of drinks to stay hydrated

In the warm outdoors, your guests will naturally feel thirsty. Provide plenty of beverages and water stations to quench their thirst. Set it up at different locations throughout the venue, so your guests can simply head over to the nearest spot and refresh themselves. Arrange for a variety of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. Flavored water, fresh juices and mocktails, fizzy drinks and local produce can all be highlighted in your wedding venue. For a stunning list of summer cocktails to stock your bar, visit this post on the Brides website

4.Pick sturdy floral décor or arrange them outdoors just before the function

Flowers, especially the delicate varieties, do not tolerate heat well. So, take special care when planning your floral décor, bridal and bridesmaids bouquets. Pick sturdy flowers that do not wilt quickly. Preferably pick what is in season, as these flowers tolerate natural weather conditions better. Have your floral décor set up just before guests arrive, so they look fresh during the ceremony and reception. You can also add fruits and berries to the arrangement for a tropical, summery feel. Other decorative items like candles and embellished figurines are good options for centerpieces and decor items, since they are unaffected by heat.

5.Have everything held down in place

When the wedding is outdoors, you have no control over how windy it can get. The last thing you want is for things to be blown away and the entire scene to look chaotic. Keep this factor in mind when planning the arrangements. Ensure everything stays put by weighing it down with suitable items. Use ribbons or rocks to secure items like place cards and wedding programs in its place. Also keep the table cloth and runner fresh by taping them down so they do not fly with with the wind.

6.Plan your menu wisely

Exercise caution when planning the menu for an outdoor wedding. Heat will quickly spoil food, and you do not want to be responsible for making your guests sick. Catering outdoors also presents unique challenges. Frozen desserts like ice cream are not practical, as they will melt in the heat. Since you cannot control the temperature, it is wise to choose fail-safe food options. Your catering team should be able to confidently handle and distribute the items on the menu on time. Here are some tips to help you plan the food menu right.

  • Avoid serving cheeses, sea food and meat in the open. These items should be served and consumed quickly to avoid spoilage.
  • Use dairy products like cream sparingly in your dishes. Not only do these spoil quickly, their consistency may also be unpredictable when kept outdoors for a while.
  • Ensure all the dishes are covered once they are kept outdoors. Leaving any of them open is an invitation for bugs, ants and flies to attack.

7.Help your guests stay cool and safe

Make sure the site is visually inspected prior to the ceremony, to ensure it is clean and there are no insects or flies in the area. Since you can never be too careful, have some bug spray ready in case someone needs it during the day. In case your guests forget to wear sunscreen, it is a good idea to have that available as well. You do not want anyone falling ill at your wedding, or enduring sun burn. Simply place bottles of sunscreen in baskets at the venue, if your guests will be spending a long time outdoors. Also, make sure that you do not pick metallic chairs for the seating. This can get pretty warm and you do not want your guests to suffer on account of it.

8.Have an indoor location for them to chill in, if necessary

Not everyone can continuously tolerate a hot outdoor setting for a long time. So, your guests will appreciate a chance to relax in an indoor area, if it gets too hot. This is especially true if there are pregnant women or older guests in your party. This can be a smaller hall or lobby area that they can access. If your venue doesn’t have such a provision, consider hiring an A/C unit to or large portable fan for them to sit around and relax, if they find the heat too stifling.

9.Have a back-up plan

Unlike an indoor venue, you can never rule out natural emergencies that can affect your plans. It could be something as big as a hurricane, a torrential downpour or even a small shower. Prepare for such conditions with an alternate plan. It is best if there is an indoor location to move into in such situations. If the weather forecast on the day of your wedding isn’t promising, make your call early and move the ceremony indoors rather than risk your guests getting drenched. The staff at your wedding should also be able to quickly move your wedding tables and other decor items into the secured area, should the need arise. Always arrange for umbrellas or raincoats for your guests, should it suddenly rain. Even it is just a drizzle, your guests shouldn’t have to wait till they dry off. So, arrange for fluffy towels in the restrooms it showers.

10.Find out about licenses, permits and rules for outdoor events prior to the wedding

When planning your wedding, you should  aspects into examine the licenses and permits for the location. There may be a time limit imposed on the use of outdoor venues. Ensure your party winds up before this timeline. Also check with the local authorities on whether you need a permit or license to hold a wedding at your chosen venue. If your venue is in a residential locality, there may be regulations on sound, parking and trash dumping. Make sure you are aware of all these restrictions and do not break any rules on your wedding day.

11.Use plenty of signage all over the venue

At outdoor venues, guests may find it confusing to find their way from one point to another. Save them the trouble by implementing plenty of direction signs all over the venue. Print them and set it up at different positions. Or simply do them in chalkboard and push the boards into the ground or hang them on trees. Use plenty of signs to direct guests to rest rooms and trash cans. You can also rent carpets to separate off the areas of the wedding from the rest of the area.

12.Make the most of seasonal fare

Every area will have its own refreshing produce, and this is what you should indulge in at your wedding. From the décor to the menu, flowers and gifts, let the season dictate your choice. Use fresh potted plants for your natural décor and even consider them for your wedding favors. Include seasonal produce in your salads, dressings, sauces and juices and your guests will love the taste. Use fresh fruits and flowers in your wedding cake and keep it simple for best results. Decorate with seasonal berries, flowers and fruits to create striking masterpieces that will tolerate the weather and look fresh all day long. Embrace the quality of the season, and your outdoor wedding will be a huge hit with your guests.

Summer weddings also give brides the perfect opportunity to explore a wide range of options in wedding fashion. From short wedding dresses to light, airy fabric choices, there are plenty of options available at Best for Bride for outdoor weddings. Here are just a few to inspire you with.

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6861 Mori Lee

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So, tell us which of these styles will you be embracing at your wedding? To take a closer look at these gowns as well as to explore more of our summer wedding dress collections, visit our bridal dress gallery at Best for Bride.

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Common wedding emergencies and how to handle them


Every wedding includes hundreds of details. With so many big and small factors being part of this special day, there is a probability of at least one thing going against the plan. From vendors and bridesmaids to guests and family, there are so many people involved. Although you are in charge, these several others have to all co-operate to make your wedding happen.

This is one of the reasons why couples hire wedding planners. They come with a lot of experience in planning weddings . They have already seen their fair share of problems, and know the quickest fix to all of them. Unfortunately, if you do not have a wedding planner on board, it is all up to you to make sure everything progresses smoothly.

Definitely brace yourself for a wedding emergency or two on the day. Prepare yourself in advance for every likely situation and you can still enjoy your big day despite any drama that unfolds.

Here is a compilation of the different likely glitches that happen at weddings. Fear not, for we have the solutions too. Although we advise you to read through the possible situations and prepare yourself with plans, remember that this is not to stress you out further. Keep those wedding jitters at bay, because forewarned is forearmed!

Is that a pimple?

Call it wrong timing, but zits do appear when you least expect them. Lack of sleep, proper nutrition, and stress will all contribute to pimples that pop up close to the wedding day. If it is just a small pimple, it is best to conceal it with makeup. Before you apply makeup, put ice on the zit. This will reduce the size, redness and puffiness. Then cover it up with a smooth coat of concealer and then apply foundation. Don’t disturb the pimple too much and it will heal quickly.

The child attendants go on strike

Even the most well-behaved children may refuse to don the role of ring bearer or flower girl at the last moment. Some children dread the idea of walking down the aisle by themselves when there are onlookers. Or in the case of a younger child, he or she may feel tired, hungry, or sleepy. Prepare yourself for such a scenario when you decide to have children in your ceremony. If the child is frightened and refuses, you can ask one of her parents or a bridesmaid to escort her. If the child is too tired or fussy, think carefully about whether it is better to cancel the child’s role or proceed with it. It is better to prepare for such a situation in advance, so the child is comfortable and ready for the ceremony.

Wedding dress disasters

Your clear, white wedding dress, as beautiful as it is, is an invitation for disaster. So, take extra care once you are in it. Here are some of the likely issues you may face and the solutions to each of them.

Makeup stains:On a day when you have to wear makeup, there is every chance of it staining your gown. To avoid this, complete your makeup before you change into your dress , and then step into the gown without letting it brush against your face.

Should any makeup stain your dress, immediately blot the area with a towel? Don’t rub it at all. Use white chalk or talcum powder to cover up the stain as much as possible.

  • Oil stain:This could happen during the reception, when oil from your plate may drip onto your wedding dress. Don’t worry. Simply dab on some talcum powder onto the stain and let it set. It will soak up the moisture and the stain will disappear.
  • Wine stain:Soak up the wine from the dress with a blotting paper or cotton towel. Once you get it out, sprinkle talcum powder or chalk on the stain. Send the dress to the dry cleaners soon after the wedding, and they can prevent the stain from setting.
  • Ink: Tackle ink stains quickly with hairspray or rubbing alcohol. Spray it on the area and rub it off with a clean white cloth.
  • Ripped gown or veil:Use safety pins, super glue or double-sided tape and attack the problem, based on what is most effective in the situation. Safety pins can hold buttons in place as well as attach torn pieces of fabric. If you have enough time and someone in your bridal party can quickly cover the damage with a thread and needle, ask for their assistance in restoring your gown.

Since your white wedding dress is very prone to stains, make sure you carry an emergency kit with all these essentials. You can then address the problem without delay rather than wait for the supplies. Either set up your own wedding emergency kit with the help of this article  or buy a complete emergency kit like the one here. 

Who is that arguing?

Tempers may soar and there is scope for heated arguments when different personalities come together at a wedding. Such a scenario isn’t pleasant for the couple, or the guests. So, don’t wait for an argument to settle on its own. Interrupt with a suitable distraction. Have a member of the wedding party split up the two people in the discussion with a good excuse. Make sure that they sit separately and don’t cross paths afterward, so decorum is restored.

Rain, rain, won’t it ever go away? 

When you plan an outdoor wedding in spring or summer, there is every chance for a sudden shower. You should always have a Plan B in case Mother Nature decides to pour over your wedding. An alternate venue as backup is a wise option. Either have a tent or an indoor hall that you can quickly shift to if needed. You should also arrange umbrellas at the venue for your guests to use in case of a light shower. You can always continue with plans as long as there isn’t heavy rainfall and provided nobody is becoming wet. Or if you are a good sport, you can even enjoy the rain and make it a part of your wedding scenery. Just like these couples did!

Your makeup melts in the heat

A definite risk at outdoor weddings. So, if your nuptials are at an open-air venue, make sure you use waterproof makeup on the day. Instruct your makeup artist to use cosmetics that won’t smudge or run when you are outdoors. If you are doing your makeup yourself, invest in good quality waterproof makeup and stay away from oil-based foundations. Before you apply makeup , it is a good idea to drag ice over your skin. This will close off the pores and improve the chances of your makeup staying put.

Unexpected plus-ones

It is nothing short of a nightmare when your single friends turn up with the company, and you do not expect it. Inconsiderate that this may seem, it is still up to you to accommodate them in some way. Contact your caterer and the venue decorator, and ask them to get you extra chairs and plates of food. Unless the number is more than what you imagined, don’t worry too much about it. Don’t fret over how you would have to alter the entire seating arrangement for this purpose. Simply put them on a table where you can squeeze in an extra chair.

It looks like someone is about to faint at the altar

For some people, the pressure of walking down the aisle is more than you can imagine. Unless it is the bride or groom, it isn’t a big problem if someone at the wedding party is feeling faint. Remember the emergency kit we mentioned about earlier? Have some smelling salts in it for this reason. These will alleviate the dizzy and nauseating feeling and help the person bounce back to normal. In any case, ask the person to sit down and relax, and continue with your wedding on schedule unless there is a medical emergency.

What to do if someone is giving an inappropriate or unending speech at the reception

Not everyone hides from raising a toast at the wedding. In fact, there are few people who eagerly look forward to speaking more than just a few words. Unless it is an unending speech or an inappropriate one that sounds embarrassing, there is no issue. If you notice the speech progress in the wrong direction and your guests are bored or shocked, it is a good idea to get your Maid of Honor or Best Man to regain control of the situation. They can slowly interrupt to create a quick distraction, and ask for music. If you have a DJ , he ought to help you out in such a situation. With previous experience, he will have a good idea of how to break up the speech and get the party back on.

Your bridesmaid is late

When you pick bridesmaids, make sure they are reliable and responsible women. This way you needn’t stress over them on your wedding day. In case you have a friend who is a regular late-comer, prepare in advance. Ask your maid of honour to take charge, and make sure she has everything in place and on time. Or you can send reminders to her, so she doesn’t miss out on anything she should complete. On the day of the wedding, give her a call just in case she forgets or is likely to slog. When a bridesmaid is late, it is best to ask the rest of the girls to help her dress up on time.

The DJ plays songs you do not like

Always share your favourite song list as well as a list of the songs that shouldn’t be played at your reception. This will allow your DJ or band to prepare for the event. Nevertheless, it is possible that he still picks a song that you do not like, but have missed adding to the list. Avoid this from continuing by designating a wedding party that will tell the DJ when the couple does not appreciate this song. Inform the DJ in advance about who this person is. This will avoid any confusion when the person you designate for the job walks up to him and tells him to halt.

Last-minute vendor cancellation

Make sure you read your vendor contracts carefully and clarify any likely gray areas. Explicitly ask about cancellations and last-minute emergencies. This will help you prepare in advance for the worst-case scenario. In any case, situations may occur when a cancellation is inevitable but the wedding must go on. First of all, check whether the vendor can still make it to the event or arrange for a replacement. If that is the case, slightly adjust the schedule to accommodate this change.

However, if it is an actual last-minute cancellation, it is best if you ask for assistance from the other vendors at your wedding. They will know many people in the wedding industry and may have the right contact who can handle the task at short notice. In any case, make sure that you have copies of the pictures and details of the plans you made so you can quickly help the new vendor understand your requirements. Also, be flexible with your demands. Go with what can be done at such short notice, then be unbending about what you want to have.

Besides these common problems, there are many other issues that can go wrong at a wedding. Nonetheless, the day must go on. Keep yourself cool and ready for any hassle, with the help of this article here. 

Visit Best for Bride to enjoy our interesting range of wedding services apart from every wedding-dress-related service for the bride. Check out our impressive inventory of designer wedding dresses and all that we have on offer by visiting our website here.

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Things to remember when planning a long-distance wedding

Planning a Beach Wedding - The Ultimate Guide


Long-distance wedding planning isn’t for the faint hearted. The challenges are huge; you may be worried about not being able to inspect everything first-hand and having to guess how it will turn out instead of overseeing it yourself.

Nevertheless, long-distance weddings are the rage, and many couples consider this the ultimate romantic wedding. Travel Weekly reports that one in six couples who got engaged in the past year chose to have a destination wedding.  The good news is that most of the couples who choose destination weddings have loved it and had no regrets. So, if a long distance wedding is what you want, cool down and believe you can pull it off too. We will help you with what you need to do it right. So, here goes.

Find a representative to take over your role

You cannot have everything running smoothly and coordinated without someone to oversee the plans. Enter an on-site coordinator! If you have family or friends staying in the locality, who are willing to help, you are one lucky girl. Otherwise, consider hiring a professional wedding planner . Your wedding planner will research vendors, find locations, bargain on your behalf and help you better than you could do so by yourself. If you have already decided the venue, check if they have a manager or coordinator who can do the rest of the arrangements for you. Make sure that the person you choose for the job is experienced and reliable, as you cannot afford any mistakes.

Let pictures do the talking

You know how impossible it may seem to get your idea across because what you envision translates to something entirely different for another person? This is a major challenge where your bouquets and party décor are concerned. So, take the help of pictures. Snip pictures off magazines, download them online and send them across to your representative with clear instructions on what you want. This will make it a lot easier to convey the idea and get what you want.

Be flexible with the details

There is only so much you can do to perfect something when you aren’t around to oversee it personally. Be flexible with the details and go with whatever has the least room for error. If your vendors have online links with pictures, make use of this option. Do everything well ahead of time, so you do not have to stress over details at the last minute. Trust your on-site representative and believe that whatever you get is the best possible.

Follow up

Just because you aren’t in-town, don’t delegate the task of following up with your vendors to anyone else. Make sure you have contracts with all the vendors, and are clear on the emergency cancellation alternatives. Call up your vendors at regular intervals to find out if everything is going as per plan. If it is possible, plan a trip to the wedding venue before the big day so you know everything is progressing smoothly.

With a little foresight and well-thought out plans, your destination wedding will be a smashing hit. At Best for Bride , we have the perfect collection of wedding dresses that will make you the perfect bride for the day. Check out our wedding dress gallery today and find one that will bring out your best.

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Don’t fall ill on your wedding day! Tips to stay healthy

allergy-18656_1280 The best time to realize the saying “Health is Wealth,” is when you are engaged. Falling ill when your wedding day is just around the corner , can be a damper on all the celebrations. Imagine how terrible it would be to stand at the altar and sniffle (ones that aren’t the happy type!), or how difficult it would be to control sneezing while photos are being clicked.

Unfortunately, illness is something that can strike at any time, unless you are determined to keep it at bay. Here are some tips will help you in this direction. Begin practicing them right away and you can avoid falling ill.

Build up your immunity

One of the best ways to avoid falling ill is to strengthen your immunity. Fortunately, this isn’t too difficult to achieve, and the earlier you begin it the sooner you can achieve it. Eat a well-balanced diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water everyday. Get your stomach ready to attack bugs by building up your reserve of good bacteria through having yogurt with live cultures, regularly. You touch a number of surfaces everyday, so wash your hands often and clean them well. Use warm water and soap, or use a hand sanitizer if it isn’t possible to wash your hands at any time.

Sleep well

Sleep is an instant stress-reliever and having a good sleep-cycle will strengthen your body in several ways. However hectic your schedule may be, stick to a regular sleep routine. This will help you unwind and a stress-free body is better equipped to fight off bugs.

Avoid contact with sick people

This is a no-brainer, yet one that many brides seem to forget. When you come to know someone is sick, restrict or avoid contact with them till they are better. Should you have to care for a person suffering from a contagious condition, make sure that you have minimum contact with them and the things they use. Also wash your hands well, and do not touch surfaces that may be infected. When you use public transportation, or spend time in a public space, wash your hands soon after.

Exercise to push those bugs away

Moderate exercise helps your body create more infection-fighting cells, than usual. So, make it a habit. However, don’t overwork your body . Take it steady and practice regularly. You can also consider yoga or meditation, as these can enhance the body’s capabilities of combating stress.

Get a daily dose of herbal help

A number of herbs have been used since ages to fight infections as well as to improve the immune system. These include elderberry, echinacea, turmeric and astragalus. These herbs boost the natural immunity of the body, without causing any side-effects. Consume them daily and you will obtain the protection you require.

Treat a symptom at the onset

Remember that the clock is ticking, and you cannot afford to have a cold, flu or stomach bug at this time. Don’t dismiss any symptom that appears, and begin attacking it with medication, natural remedies and whatever works, from the moment you suspect you will be ill. For colds and flus, take zinc at the onset. For a stomach bug, load up on fluids and take suitable medication right away. Try to get it under control before it spoils your wedding day.

For more wedding tips and advice, visit Best for Bride.