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7 perfect ideas for an environment-friendly wedding

You will already be aware of the fact that weddings use up lots of resources and are least environment-friendly , unless you attempt to make it otherwise. Fortunately, many couples today consider the environmental impact of everything they do, and choose to make wise and eco-friendly choices. The same applies to weddings too, and there are various ways in which you can plan an exciting, but sensible wedding that doesn’t harm the environment any more than is absolutely necessary.

There is a huge misconception that making green choices for your wedding means you have to compromise on style or function, and also that it can end up being very expensive. This is in fact, far from the truth. You can have a fantastic green wedding with as much an impact as any other wedding, if you plan it well. Additionally, there are several advantages of . Let us first look at what they are.

  • Our planet can no longer take the brunt of our demand for paper, water, energy and resources. Every wedding creates huge quantities of garbage and affects the environment in many different ways. A few eco-conscious choices can control this damage to a great extent.
  • When you make green choices and introduce this concept to your friends and family, they will also be intrigued by the options on offer. You can thus not only do your bit, but also promote an environment-conscious move, through your choices.
  • Simple actions like using less paper, making use of seasonally and locally available resources etc, can save you a lot of money and help you plan a budget wedding with huge impact. It is all about exploring the available options and keeping an open mind.

We have discussed some ideas in our previous post on planning a green wedding here . Let’s continue with some more ideas today. So, join in the fun.

1.Eco Jewelry

wedding jewelry

Do you really need that solitaire diamond for your engagement ring, for it to be meaningful? Wouldn’t responsibly and sensibly sourced jewelry and those that make use of recycled or repurposed stones and gems be equally unique? It could actually be extra-special, precisely for this reason! Ethically sourced diamonds are a valuable find that will give you what you want, sans the guilt. Cultured diamonds and other gemstones look equally good as their original counterparts, but with the added advantage that you will be wearing a stone that isn’t tainted by the sad stories behind the mining and extraction of such precious stones. Although these rings are grown chemically in a lab, they possess similar properties to the original stone and so would be just as durable and last as long as an original. The other great option is to use family heirlooms. If you aren’t a fan of the style, you can always have it reworked as it would still be a greener choice than getting a brand new one. Antique jewelers offer you opportunities to find something really special and perhaps with a history to it. So, explore these options to find not only your engagement ring, but also your wedding day jewelry. We found this wonderful article on the Inhabitat page that opens up a world of options in eco-friendly wedding rings. Why don’t you check it out to see the various choices that you can consider for your green wedding jewelry.

2.Reusable bridesmaid dresses

Choosing eco-friendly bridesmaids dresses may not be too easy, as we would be looking at choices in unusual fabrics like hemp or bamboo for it to truly be eco-friendly choices. Although it isn’t impossible to find a dress that fits the needs, it isn’t necessary that you will be able to acquire them as easily as you would if you were to go shopping the usual way. So, what we suggest is to look at this idea from a different perspective. One of the common things most brides do is to choose bridesmaid dresses so they fit the wedding theme perfectly. This can narrow down the choices drastically, as standard bridesmaids dresses aren’t usually preferred for use on another occasion. If you have your mind set on peach or yellow as your bridesmaids dress color, you can easily imagine how many of your bridesmaids will bother using the dress ever again. Fortunately, you can quickly change the picture by making a different choice. We suggest choosing bridesmaid dresses in neutral colors and in universally flattering designs, so they find use more than just once. Colors like black, brown and navy, as suggested in this previous post , are universally appealing colors that aren’t typical bridesmaid material. So, your girls are more likely to find better use for it, and you do the planet a favor by choosing a dress that will be used adequately for the resources that went into creating it.

3.Digital photo albums

wedding photo

One of the budget bombers in a wedding is the photography package that a couple books. Apart from the huge amount that goes into hiring a professional photographer , more money is spent for the rest of the things like photos in frames and the wedding album. Just think of how necessary all this actually is. Do you really need that wedding album or would the pictures on the CD do just as well? The main advantage of digital photography today is that it reduces the need and use of paper, which is a diminishing natural resource. Since you will mostly be sharing your pictures with all your friends and family online, ask yourself if you need more prints than what you will be displaying in your own home? And if you opt out of the wedding album option, you may be able to save a significant amount on the photography cost. Before you go and order your wedding album, wait for a while to make sure you think it is necessary. If you do, you can always have one made from the wedding photos you will anyway have, and perhaps gift it to yourself as an anniversary gift. Article on the Green Bride Guide also suggests asking your potential photographer whether they use green practices such as rechargeable batteries and non-toxic inks, if you are looking for the right person who shares your vision.

4.Artificial bouquets and boutonnieres

flower arrangement

Are you aware of the environmental impact of cut flowers? These flowers are usually grown in greenhouses, using loads of chemicals and transported from abroad to make it to your wedding. Imagine the damage each of the steps in their growth, packing, preserving and shipping cause the environment! Make a green choice by opting for artificial flower bouquets instead. You can recycle material like paper or fabric to create beautiful bouquets. The Its Always Autumn blog provides plenty of tutorials on how you can design beautiful flowers for your customized bouquet. You can also preserve an original flower bouquet, but it is expensive to do so and requires maintenance, and still needn’t look the same as it did. Now, if you simply must have an original flower bouquet, at least consider faux flowers for your bridesmaid bouquets and boutonnieres. Not only will it be a lot easier on your wallet, it will also look stunning if you plan it well in advance and do it well.

5.Reusable décor


The most common wedding décor involves lot of flowers and foliage, most of which will be trashed at the end of the day. Make a change by choosing your décor wisely so that it finds further use. Options you can consider are potted plants like succulents and décor accessories like soy candles which can be used again. You can also create interesting table and aisle decorations with faux flowers and artificial foliage. Another interesting option is to deck up your tables with cacti, lucky bamboo or other interesting potted plants which double up as party favors for your wedding guests. This way they will find a home after the ceremony, and will live on as interesting keepsakes from your wedding day. Plants like lucky bamboo and succulents are easy to grow, and even guests with a black thumb will not be able to kill them off, try as much as they might! Take it further by personalizing your décor with natural elements like twigs, cones, acorns and branches that bring the outdoors into your venue. With a little creativity and inspiration, it is possible to craft stunning centerpieces and venue décor that is environment friendly in every way.

6.Reuse a wedding dress

You do not need a brand new wedding dress to be a brand new bride. You can do the same with a second-hand wedding dress or even a rented one. Not only is this the right choice for an environmentally conscious bride, it is also easy on your budget. At stores like Best for Bride, you can find great wedding dress choices from a range of top-notch designer collections on rent, and these will hardly cost you anything for the look you achieve with them. If you click on this link , you can find out all the information you need about renting your wedding gown and even the rest of the accessories to go with it. The other idea is to remove your mother’s or even grandmother’s wedding gown from the attic and give it new life by have it redone in a modern style. If you have ever watched the show “Something borrowed, something new,” you will know that a talented gown designer can transform any old-fashioned wedding gown into the most modern silhouettes, while keeping the original charm still alive. As you breathe new life into an heirloom with a re-purposed wedding gown , not only do you make a conscious choice, you also add more meaning to your wedding day by bringing in memories from another happy marriage. One other thing you may not have considered is that the color of the fabric is an indication of how much bleaching the dress has been put through. Remember that bleaching introduces several toxins into the environment, and you may be better off with a natural organic white color than stark white, if this factor bothers you.

7.Make your menu organic


Every location has its own organic farms, and most vendors will agree to work with organic ingredients to create your wedding menu. You may have to think outside the box to make it work with what is available locally and seasonally , but it is definitely worth the effort. One thing many people associate with organic is bland and boring. But, this is wrong. Almost every fruit, vegetable, meat and dairy product you find on the regular supermarket shelves will also have an organic version. They can all be used in exactly the same way as you would with the inorganic counterpart. So, don’t let this idea limit you in any way. Organic is undoubtedly tastier and there are no dearth of choices in dishes. When the food you serve is free from additives, preservatives and artificial flavors and colors, it will go down well with your guests and you do them a big favor by choosing to serve a healthy hearty meal. Our favorite in the reception menu where organic food is concerned, are naked cakes without elaborate colored frosting. Usually decorated with fruits, berries and flowers, they are a delight as they are natural and delicious in their own way.

We hope we’ve shed some light on the different ways in which you can plan a stunning wedding without compromising on the details, and yet do it in a green and environment friendly manner. At Best for Bride we are constantly exploring everything that is even remotely associated with weddings. So, keep visiting our blog page for the most hot and happening updates in the wedding world. Also, don’t forget to visit our one-stop bridal website for all your wedding needs . We bring you not only wedding dresses, but have an impressive collection of bridesmaids dresses, décor options, cakes, favors, invitation cards, photography packages and much, much more.

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Tips to help you rent your wedding dress

Every bride dreams of a fantastic wedding day. And, it goes without saying that she sees herself as a ravishing beauty in a stunning wedding gown in her dreams.

However, buying that perfect wedding gown may sometimes not be easy. As we all know, bridal gowns are expensive , and not everyone can afford the wedding dress of their dreams. So, what do you do in such a case? Do you settle for a cheap dress that fits your budget? Not necessarily. If you really want to wear a certain wedding gown, but can’t buy it, consider renting it for your big day. This way, you can wear your chosen wedding gown for a fraction of the price you would have to pay if you were to buy it. Of course, you wouldn’t be able to pass it on as a family heirloom, but you can at least be wed looking as grand as you always wanted to.

It is not just brides who can’t afford an expensive wedding gown that rent it. The article Weddings and the Sharing Economy on the Huffington Post suggests that more brides today are comfortable with wearing a used dress on their wedding day.  These include women who are environmentally conscious and want to minimize their environmental footprint by wearing a pre-loved dress. Another category are those who do not consider it worthwhile investing in a dress that they will wear just once in their lifetime.

For all these women, here are some tips to remember when you have to rent your wedding gown.

Rent from a reliable bridal store

Remember it is your wedding day, and you want your wedding dress to arrive on time. TO avoid any risks in receiving it, make sure you choose a reliable bridal shop. Go with references from friends and associates. Also check out the online reviews and feedback about the service that these shops provide, before you sign the contract.

Start shopping early

The one possible problem with renting a wedding dress is finding the one you want in your size. It is a good idea to start early and check out the different stores that offer the designer collection you desire, on rent.

Check for an all-inclusive package

Slight alterations such as taking in, bustle and adjusting hemline are usually included in the rental service at good bridal shops. Before you set your heart on a dress, talk to the bridal consultant and confirm whether this will be included in the rental charges.

Plan to rent matching accessories too

Since you will not be owning your wedding dress, it doesn’t make sense to invest a huge amount of money in bridal accessories that match this dress. In most cases, the shop will also rent matching accessories, and you can make use of this service at a much cheaper price than if you were to buy them.

Discuss the terms and conditions of the contract before signing it

Check out the clauses on the number of days you can keep the dress, whether it has to be cleaned before being returned and the damage charges you will have to meet. If in doubt, ask the shop and sign the contract only if you are comfortable with all their terms and conditions. Ask when you can pick up the dress, and whether there are any late charges. Once you sign your contract, don’t forget to follow up with the boutique before the wedding, so that your dress is prepared and ready on time.

Best for Bride allows brides to rent or buy their wedding dresses . For more details visit our online web store link or call your nearest boutique.

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4 great ways to have an environment friendly wedding

If there is one event in your life which deserves some extravaganza, it is your wedding. Every couple considers having a grand wedding with some pomp and show, so that it is special and remembered long after it is over.

Nevertheless, it is time we all thought seriously about the environmental impact that weddings have. After all, weddings are not your average eco-friendly events. Research by the Examiner  reveals that the average wedding produces nearly 63 tons of CO2, causing significant environmental damage. Fortunately, there are certain measures that you can employ to have a green wedding, without compromising on having a fantastic day. Here are some suggestions for you to consider.

via Best for Bride

Cut down on paper

Weddings involve lots of paper, from save-the-date cards and Thank you cards to escort cards and programs. An average wedding invitation has anywhere between 3 and 8 pieces of paper. If you are truly concerned about how many trees go into creating this bulk of paper, consider going paperless. But, if you do not want to compromise on tradition by choosing the email route, keep your wedding stationery to a minimum. Or, you could also choose tree-free paper for all your needs and seed paper is one such trend that is growing in popularity.

Go with what is local and seasonal

Cut flowers used in wedding arrangements can have a huge environmental impact, as they are often shipped from far away countries and are grown in greenhouses using pesticides and fertilizers. Add a distinct touch to your floral arrangements by choosing local flower varieties and allow your florist to customize your bouquet with what is in season. This not only allows you to cut down on your wedding expenses, but also helps you score extra green points.

Minimize wastage by choosing reusable centerpieces and decor arrangements

Most of the elements used in wedding decor end up in the trash following the ceremony. Stretch your money further by reusing the decor elements at the ceremony site at the reception too, but only if you have the time to do so. A better idea is to employ reusable decor elements like bamboo, potted plants, fruits and organic elements like seashells in your decor that can be donated or gifted. You could consider small shoots of lucky bamboo as your wedding favors, or give away your centerpieces to your guests as they leave the ceremony to minimize wastage. Also choose containers that you can use in your new home.

Go green with your wedding dress

If you want your own special wedding dress for your big day, so be it. Otherwise, consider renting your wedding dress or restyling your mother’s wedding dress, and giving it a new lease of life. With rental services , like we have at Best for Bride, you can find a fabulous wedding dress for a fraction of the original cost, and not worry about maintaining or preserving it after your big day. Since this will be worn by another bride once again, the dress is put to maximum use—thus becoming a better environmental choice.

Which of these ideas would you like to consider for your wedding day? If you like the idea of renting a wedding dress, visit us at Best for Bride to find a fabulous choice. Visit our online link at Best for Bride for all the details about renting a wedding dress from us.

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Great options for green wedding favors

Weddings are not very environment friendly events. Even so, there are certain ways in which we can limit our contribution to the carbon footprint of our wedding. One such way is to use green and eco-friendly wedding favors . There are plenty of options out there, and with a little effort we can give our guests great mementos of our big day, without it costing the planet.

Here are some interesting options that you may like to look at.

Edible wedding favors with natural colors and ingredients


Everyone loves some sweet indulgence after the party. Present your wedding guests with fantastic cookies or sweets made from natural ingredients to relish, once they are back home. Forget the plastic wrap on each of them. Instead, pack them into little drawstring bags made from environment friendly materials that haven’t been bleached or dyed. Not only will you have a rustic looking wedding favor , it will be reusable too.

Give back to the earth with seed wedding favors

Seed wedding favors are all the rage now, and can be presented in different forms, shapes and sizes. Personalize the chosen seed packets, which should ideally be made from recycled paper or seed paper; and gift these sachets to your wedding guests . If your guests do not have a green thumb, encourage them to try their hand at planting with these thoughtful gifts.

Potted plants and succulents


Even the smallest plants in pretty pots can make a huge impact. While lucky bamboos are the all-time favorite, you can also gift flowering plants or succulents. The best part about succulents is that it is a low-maintenance plant, and you wouldn’t hear anyone complaining of having to take care of it. Opt for clay pots, glass tumblers or terracotta flower pots for a purely green choice. For an added effect, consider decorating it with burlap or jute strings and attach a Name tag done in seed paper.

Personalized cork coasters

Everyone can use a coaster or two. So, make this your eco-friendly wedding favor. Print an interesting message or personalize the coaster with the details of your wedding day and gift a pair to every guest at your reception. You could choose from several different shapes, including round, square, diamond and oval.

Honey and preserves


Your guests will love to take home a small jar of good quality honey, or sweet preserves in little mason jars. Mason jars have a natural, simple and earthy look. So, all you have to do is deck them up with a few strands of burlap or rope and add a name tag in recycled paper or seed paper. When choosing the honey and preserves, it would be appropriate to go with organic choices, so your choice is a sustainable one , all the way through.

You now have enough ideas to get going. And, for all your wedding shopping needs including customized wedding favors, come visit us at Best for Bride .