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7 Insanely Useful Ideas to Pamper and Prep Your Groom For Your Wedding Day

7 Insanely Useful Ideas to Pamper and Prep Your Groom For Your Wedding Day

Don’t we often forget that there are two people who are special on the wedding day? Yes, it’s a fact! All of us tend to focus entirely on the bride and all that she needs to get set for her big wedding day. Isn’t it a pity that her Prince Charming is often overlooked, and enters the scene pretty much just on the wedding day?

So, this time we decided to shine the spotlight on the bridegroom , for a change. So, brides, listen up! This article is for your soon-to-be husband ! After all, it’s a milestone event for him too, and you could offer some help in the grooming department , to ensure he looks his very best on the big day.

Let us first look at some advice on the basics that are to be taken care of.

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Beauty Tips for summer brides

Two of the most popular wedding seasons are spring and summer. While summer weddings allow you to plan fantastic outdoor soirees, every bride would agree that it is difficult to look fresh throughout the day when the temperature is this high.

Fortunately, we have just the tips you need to make sure that you look great throughout your wedding day and that you look great in your wedding pictures. Follow this guide, and you will be on your way to looking just perfect on your big day.

Prepare ahead of time

This is an essential tip, that has to be followed by every bride, even if she isn’t getting married in summer. Your skin is an organ that needs a lot of attention. Your lifestyle factors, stress, eating and drinking habits and even sleep patterns play a role in how good your skin looks . So, begin taking care of it from the minute you are engaged if you want it to look great in time for the wedding. Follow the essential skincare routine—cleansing, toning and moisturizing, without fail, and you will notice your skin getting better and responding to your care faster.

Pamper your skin with the best

Make it a point to have facials at least once a week, till the day of your wedding. Consider getting a professional facial as well, as this will clean your skin of build-up and restore its natural glow. Eat a balanced diet, loaded with fresh fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water to hydrate from within. Throw out all the old and expired stuff in your makeup bag , and replace it with good-quality cosmetics and creams. Also, make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep every day, so your skin gets time to repair and restore itself. Don’t forget to wear sunscreen whenever you step out and stay in the shade at all times. If you want to get your hands on professional-grade cosmetics,  Beverly Hills MD  is one of the most advanced products in the market that are safe, new, and advanced.

Choose hydrating products for your skin

During summer, your sweat glands work overtime, and you lose more moisture from your skin surface. Prepare for your wedding day, by layering your skin with a good amount of moisturizer after you properly cleanse it. Don’t skip this step even if you have oily skin. For your bridal makeup, make sure to apply primer. Also, choose waterproof makeup and ones that are enriched with organic ingredients. Carry your compact in your emergency kit , for regular touch-ups. Keep tissues handy, to dab off sweat.

Keep the look natural

Summer brides look best when they use makeup sparingly, and stick to the nude makeup style. This article on Divine Caroline suggests that you use lighter textures in your makeup to look fresher. Similarly, with your hair, make sure that it has a natural feel to it, and you don’t choose a hairstyle that looks too dressy or tight. Deep condition your locks and apply a suitable hair product to keep your hair in place throughout the day. It is also a good idea to upgrade from your regular antiperspirant to one that is of clinical-grade, so you can stay fresh for longer.

And most importantly, choose a wedding dress that is breezy, light and feels comfortable in the warm weather. To find one that is just right for the occasion, take a look at our bridal gallery on Best for Bride and you are bound to find the one you’ve always dreamed of.

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Tips to help you Relax and De-stress before your wedding

woman-387510_1280 Your engagement is an exciting time, but it can be very stressful too. Wedding planning can leave you feeling overwhelmed, tired and anxious. Before the stress wreaks havoc and turns you into a  Bridezilla , stop and take control. Here are some simple tips to help you relieve yourself of wedding planning stress, and make the process easy and manageable.

Plan wisely

It may seem that there is no end to the tasks you have to handle ahead of your wedding, but it isn’t that bad. All you have to do is take it easy and come up with a good plan that can be executed within the available time. Think of the whole wedding planning as a series of small projects, and divide it into small tasks.

Spend some time sorting all that you have to do into lists, and determine the best time to work on each list. Allot the tasks in these lists to each day, week and month. Set reasonable time limits to complete each one. Also set aside some extra time with no designated tasks, so you can use this time for anything that you complete as per plan.

Enlist help

Don’t worry about doing everything yourself. If your parents, friends or relatives offer help, accept it graciously. Can you afford a wedding planner ? If yes, enjoy the privilege. Else, consider delegating certain tasks to “part-time” planners, who can expertly handle these jobs. This may be drafting your wedding invitation , decorating the venue, or finding the right vendors to cater to your event. While they do charge a fee for their service, it is worth it. You can supervise the job, but step away from micromanaging as this will again cause unnecessary stress.

Plan your deadlines well-ahead of the big day

This particularly relates to getting your wedding dress , accessories, invitations and bookings done. Draw up the vendor contracts well-ahead of time, book your band or DJ as early as possible and get your honeymoon tickets quickly. While signing contracts, remember to check for what their back-up plan is in case of an emergency. Knowing that there is a Plan B will reduce your anxiety, especially if any aspect of the wedding worries you excessively.

Set aside time to relax and pamper yourself

Make sure that you enjoy this time before your wedding, and prioritize your well-being and health . Treat yourself to a facial or massage. Attend a regular workout or yoga class to get in shape.

A well-rested bride is a happy bride, so don’t skimp on sleep. Also, find time to get together with the people you love. Enjoy your wedding shopping, and don’t rush through things that are important to you. If you feel overwhelmed at any time , pour out your worries to your mother or friend. It’ll help you relax, and they’ll probably have suggestions that you never thought of.

In all the frenzy leading up to the wedding, don’t miss out on the excitement of being a couple in love. Make time for each other, and not let it be entirely about the wedding. Relish every moment, and tackle every situation with a clear head. Look forward to a wonderful wedding day, and it will be just what you dreamed it to be.

For more bridal advice, as well as for all your wedding shopping needs, visit us at Best for Bride .

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5 Tips to help you have clear skin in time for your wedding

via Best for Bride

Your wedding is a huge event in your life; one for which you have to look beautiful from head to toe. While you may get caught up with all the planning, arranging and shopping for the day, don’t forget to pay special attention to your skin.

Clear skin will do half the job of making you look fantastic on your big day . With some extra care, your skin will be clean and blemish-free for you wedding. These tips from skin-care experts will get you going.

1. Start right now: Nothing can help you have clear skin overnight. A regular skin care routine is the only way to make it possible. If you haven’t been paying attention to your skin lately, this is the time to start. Cleanse, tone and moisturize twice everyday. Choose products that are suitable for your skin type to attain better and faster results.

2. Don’t pop pimples: Leave your pimples alone. If you have acne-prone skin, choose skin care products with salicylic acid and benzoyl- peroxide for more effect. Should a pimple appear, spot treat it with a product that contains sulfur. You should see the inflammation disappear soon, and the pimple will be less obvious. Also, do not try to hide a pimple by layering it with makeup ; it will only look worse.

3. Gently exfoliate every week: Experts recommend that you exfoliate once a week if your skin is normal or dry, and twice every week if your skin is oily. This is in addition to cleansing everyday. Mildly scrub with a gentle product, and it will remove the surface buildup of oil, dead cells and grime. This will also allow better penetration of skin care products and help you obtain results faster.

4. Pamper yourself with facials: During the months leading up to your wedding, enjoy a few facials . You can get it done at a salon, or do it yourself at home, if you are pressed for time. Buy face masks suitable for your skin, or even whip one up with ingredients from your pantry. Use this opportunity to relax and refresh yourself, whether it is at home or at a salon. Make sure you apply a good face mask the night before your wedding to refresh your glow. Consider an advanced skin care treatment like Microdermabrasion if you have been neglecting your skin care for a while, or don’t have too much time to get your skin back in shape.

5. Take care from the inside: Healthy and glowing skin does not result from just caring for it on the surface. It also requires taking care from the inside . To do so, stay well hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday. Reduce your consumption of caffeinated drinks and choose green tea or water instead. Cut down on junk food and processed foods. Focus on a balanced diet plan, with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and salads. Also, ensure you get enough sleep every night, to avoid dark circles, and under-eye bags.

Follow these suggestions from the day you are engaged, and you are bound to have clear skin in time for your wedding. For more tips and wedding advice visit us at Best for Bride .