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Autumn Allure: A Comprehensive Guide to Picking the Perfect Fall Wedding Color Palette!

The wedding look you plan to have should center around the colors you choose for your wedding theme . You do not have to be an artist to create a beautiful wedding color palette, you can find inspiration everywhere and work with it to create the colors that will make your wedding venue what you always envisioned it to be.

If you are planning your wedding in fall, we have the perfect ideas to help you find your wedding colours. The three most important things to consider in order to find a winning combination are

  • Consider the venue where you are to be married
  • Please make the most of the season and exploit it to find a winning combination
  • Consider the style of your wedding and decide on the color combinations.

Let us take a closer look at each of these points.

1.Consider the venue where you are to be married

Your wedding location plays a huge role, as it influences the effect of your color palette. The same color combination works differently in different settings, as the nature of lighting, disbursement of color and other aesthetic elements in the venue contribute to the overall effect. There is no specific order in which you have to work; you can either choose the venue first and then decide on your palette, or first choose your wedding color palette and then look for a suitable location.

Either method has it’s own pros and cons. In the first case, you will have to limit your color choices to those that will work well in the natural ambiance of your chosen venue. If it is a venue with signature décor attached to it or strong colors that stand out, you may have to come up with a combination that will blend in or complement the existing colors on site.

In the second case, you will have certain colors in mind already. In this scenario, you will have to choose a venue where these colors look good. This can limit your options, as not all venues will equally yield to all color palettes. The alternative is to switch to darker or lighter shades of what is on your palette and make a few necessary changes, so it works well in the setting.


2.Make the most of the season and exploit it to come up with a winning combination

Fall is a wonderful time to get married. Not only is it romantic, the weather is just perfect being neither too cold, nor warm. In fact, fall weddings are almost as attractive as spring weddings, if not better. A certain beauty is associated with the natural colors of fall, and it offers enough inspiration to help you plan a spectacular day. Deep, dark hues and rich indulgent colors add a luxurious touch to the natural environment, and these colors can render beautiful combinations at your wedding as well.

The color combinations mainly focus on shades of red, orange and purple with a refreshing mix of greens, yellows, blues and peaches thrown in. These are some of the signature colors we immediately associate with autumn. Weave your wedding color palette around them, and you cannot go wrong.


3.Consider the style of your wedding when you decide the color combinations

We know that some colors work better for certain wedding styles than others. While certain color combinations are inherently elegant and classic, others are joyful and fun. You have to find this balance when planning your colors for a unique wedding style. Here is a quick guide to choosing colors that work well together for different wedding types of weddings.

  • Fresh and light colors like peach, pale yellow and glassy green look great in outdoor weddings. You can complement them with accent colors like pink or turquoise for a touch of drama. Other fall colors include maroon, gold, ochre, rust, brown and purple.
  • For indoor weddings in formal settings , consider working with metallics like gold, silver or copper to add sophistication to your classic wedding palette. These metals work best with dark solid colors like navy and red, but you can also try combining them with lighter shades.
  • White is a simple, but beautiful solution for almost any venue, and especially in those that have bright colors in the walls, décor or carpets. By using white in plenty, you can add pops of your favorite colors into the décor. These won’t clash with the existing ones as white will balance it out.
  • Dusty colors should be used with caution in autumn weddings . Either mix them in with bright complementary colors or with dark shades. They can otherwise look faded and dull.

Every bride wishes to have a wedding that is unique, and the colors that you incorporate into your wedding palette play a huge role in achieving it. Here are the steps you should follow to find your color palette and fine-tune it, so it is just perfect for your big celebration.

1.Set up a wedding inspiration board

This is the first step towards planning your wedding palette. Refer to our article on creating your wedding inspiration board to find out what you need to get started. Once you have your setup ready, start collecting and pinning pictures that you like, to it. Slowly, you will observe a pattern emerging, and this will help you move on to the next step.

2.Choose one or two favorite colors


Take a look around you. Your wardrobe, favorite décor items and your inspiration board will help you choose one or two main colors to focus on. To make this easier, from your inspiration board, first eliminate those that you are not sure about. Next, pull out your favorite combinations so you can zero in on the common colors that you seem to be attracted to. Choose your favorite one or two bold colors from this list. Alternately, you may already have a color, flower or décor item that you must have. Then go with this as the starting point for your wedding color palette. The next step is to find the complementary colors that will set the mood for your wedding.

3.Choose complementary colors

Once you know the bold colors that you will use in your wedding palette, the next step is to find the complementing colors that will create the mood you want for your wedding. Refer to the color wheel for help. Two basic rules to find the best complementary colors are

  • Choose from colors that are neighbors to your chosen main colors. These will help create an elegant combination, that is best suited for formal and classic styles
  • Choose from colors that are directly opposite to the main colors your choose. These brighten up the main color in your palette, and should be your go-to choice for casual and fun styles.

You can experiment with light and dark shades of your chosen colors to find a combination that you love. Also add neutrals to balance it out appropriately. Consider adding a single metallic shade into your palette, if you want more sophistication or bling. Since each choice can drastically alter the ambiance, make sure to choose between gold, silver, copper or colored metallics with due care.

3.Decide where which color will be incorporated

This is a very detailed process. You will have to determine how your décor settings will be, the colors the bouquets should contain, how your table settings will feature your chosen colors and how your wedding party will reflect your color selection. Remember that you do not have to put in too much of the bold color for an impact. Sometimes, you can achieve more effect by adding pops of it as an accent color in your décor. Here are some factors to consider in this regard.

Bridesmaids dresses: If your bold color is an unusual shade, like berry or peach, that won’t flatter the skin tone of your bridesmaids, consider using the mix ‘n’ match trend when choosing their dresses. Read more about it here and here . Otherwise choose their dresses in the neutral colors in your palette and weave in the bold colors through accessories and flowers.

Wedding party: It is necessary to bring the looks of the bridesmaids and the groomsmen together and there are several ways to go about it. Make sure that the main colors of your palette are included in the right mix, without simply adding it in bulk. You could choose ties with a pattern that includes the main colors, but with taste. Or the boutonniere could have flowers in the main colors, while the rest of the outfit is simple.

Bouquets: If the main colors in your palette aren’t easily available in flowers, choose a neutral colored bouquet instead, and bring the color in through accessories like the ribbon . This is better than choosing the closest match, which can offset the intended effect entirely.

Decor: Be careful with how much color you add and where. Too many bold colors can tire the eyes, and your guests may feel the arrangement is too cluttered. So, balance out your décor with plenty of neutrals, and use your bold colors in small and properly balanced quantities. Add complementary colors when it is a huge display, so they are more effective.


Food: Keep the food colors simple, and rely on colorful stationery instead . While colorful desserts and few bright dishes may be appealing, too much of it may look unappetizing and artificial. Instead, add the color into the setting using colorful stationery for food labels and in centerpieces and napkins, to make it interesting.

Cake: Colorful cakes may look interesting. Nevertheless, not everyone finds it very palatable. The better option is to choose a design that has the right balance of the colors added through accessories like ribbons, flowers and other cake toppers. Autumn wedding cakes look best when decorated with berries, deep flowers and silky ribbons and soft glitter.


4.Tweak the details till you are satisfied

Be calm and composed, and approach the process of getting your colors right, one step at a time. It can become overwhelming, but dividing it into separate projects and handling only one aspect at a time is tricky. While inspiration boards are helpful, don’t depend on it for everything. Add your own touches to what you find, and work with what you have. You always have scope for enhancements, so add improvements and changes, so you have something new.

A very important thing to remember is that there is nothing called perfection. It is your satisfaction that matters. When you like what you see, stop and mentally note that you have done this right. This will allow you to relax and enjoy what you have, instead of wishing for something better. Get the opinions of your friends and family, or enlist their help with getting certain aspects right. Nevertheless, don’t lose track of the big picture. Recognize when it is time to stop obsessing with your color palette and focus on the other important things about your wedding.


Now that you are armed with all that you need to know about planning your color palette for your fall wedding, you are all set to begin. We suggest that you take a look at this color guide on Magnetstreet for some winning color combinations that work beautifully in autumn. They have done a wonderful job of sorting out each palette according to the mood the combination creates. So, whether you want a tangy vibe or a poetic wedding combination, you have the starting point to build your palette.  You can also visit Wedding Paper Divas here for some more color combinations that scream autumn!

To find bridesmaids’ dresses and choose invitations, décor or cakes in any of these color palettes, visit us online at Best for Bride . Use our wedding services to make your dream wedding colours come to life.

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3 mistakes to avoid when planning your wedding in autumn


Autumn is a magical season , perfect for weddings with wonderful natural colors creating a romantic scene and the pleasant weather making an outdoor wedding possible. The months of September and October are peak wedding seasons for precisely this reason.

Nevertheless, there are some factors that can disrupt your wedding plans or make your wedding less exciting. Let us find out what you should consider when planning your wedding in autumn, so you can make sure it is done perfectly.

Never plan an outdoor wedding without a back-up plan

Just like a shower make take you unaware in spring or summer, autumn is a season when you may suddenly see an onslaught of frost. If you are having an outdoor wedding , keep a close tab on weather reports and make sure that you inform your guests about the likelihood of a dip in temperature. This will help them prepare for the natural elements and they won’t be left shivering throughout the function. It is a good idea to always have an indoor venue booked as back-up, should it rain or get too cold. You can still have your ceremony outdoors, but keep the reception inside, so your guests are comfortable. When choosing your wedding dress, make sure that you will be warm in it. If you anticipate a cold spell at the time, make sure you buy a matching stole or wrap to cover up your arms, so you feel comfortable when outdoors on the day.


Work with the natural colors of the season and not against it

Fall brings a wonderful palette of deep and dark colors to work with. Use this to your advantage. The naturally cool weather creates an ambiance that you can play with, rather than work against. If you are interested in using pastels and other bright tropical shades at your wedding, make sure you add some burnt orange, chocolate or dark reds as accent colors, so you balance out the look and keep it appropriate for the natural setting.

Remember autumn is the season for allergies and illnesses

This report on The Telegraph suggests that autumn is the season for flu and illnesses, and this is something we are all aware of even otherwise. With the cold weather drawing in, colds and sniffles begin their rounds. So, be prepared for it as you don’t want to end up being sick on your wedding day. Exercise and good sleep habits can help you be in better shape. Stay away from anyone who has caught the flu or is ill and practice regular hand washing and good hygiene.

Where your wedding day is concerned, remember to check on the pollen levels at the time, before you finalize an outdoor wedding venue. An outdoor wedding may deter those guests who are allergic to it from attending your wedding.

Autumn weddings are romantic, beautiful and exciting, as long as you have prepared well for it. So, get ready the right way and you will have the fantastic wedding that you always wanted. To find the perfect wedding dress for your big autumn wedding, visit us on Best for Bride , and make your pick today.

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How to tackle wedding day dress disasters

via Best for Bride

As much as we hate to tell you this, wedding day dress disasters can and do happen! A white dress with delicate details on expensive fabric is an invitation for trouble in the form of stains, tears and more.

The best way to stop worrying about a wedding dress mishap is to be prepared for every likely scenario. If you have a wedding planner , she will be equipped to handle most situations. If not, don’t worry. With this handy guide, you will be set to tackle most wedding dress disasters yourself. So, prepare yourself for the worst, and then hope with all your heart that you will not need it.

Prepare your emergency bridal kit in advance

When you put your bridal kit together, include not only your makeup and face towels, but also all the items to fix likely wedding dress disasters. Your kit should contain

  • safety pins
  • transparent tape
  • fabric glue
  • extra buttons
  • emergency sewing kit with threads and needles
  • tissues
  • talcum powder
  • Q-tips and
  • white chalk

Or you could purchase a ready-made emergency bridal kit, that contains all these supplies and more, if you don’t have the time to do it yourself.

Removing stains

Attack any stain on your dress immediately, so it doesn’t settle. But, make sure you use the right stain remover, or you may end up doing more damage. It is a good idea to find out what will take out stains from the fabric of your wedding dress , and keep it handy.

Attack ink stains with hairspray and make-up stains with club soda. Cover up the color difference with white chalk and it will not be obvious. Should you notice an oil mark over your dress, quickly spray talcum powder over it and let it soak up the oil. Then dust it off. If marks remain, it can be taken out when you send your gown in for preservation.

Rips or tears

Attend to any rip or tear promptly with your emergency kit supplies. Get someone who knows their way with threads and needles to do it for you. Whether it is to darn the tear quickly, or stick a piece of fabric beneath it, make sure this last-minute repair is done without making the existing rip any bigger. Try to camouflage the spot by holding your bridal bouquet over it, or bunching up your veil over the spot.

Hem your dress to the perfect length

A little extra length is all it takes to have you trip over your dress and fall on your pretty face. Since we aren’t used to wearing long-flowing gowns and maneuvering our way through a maze of tables, we should prepare ourselves ahead for it.

Get your wedding dress hemline correct, by wearing your wedding shoes to the alteration sessions. This will allow your seamstress to get the length right. Also, practice walking in your bridal gown before you wear it on your wedding day, so you are accustomed to it. Ask your bridal consultant to teach your MoH how to bustle the train , so it doesn’t pose a problem during the reception.

You are now covered for most wedding disasters and let’s hope that despite all this preparation, you will need none of it. For more wedding day tips, shopping needs and advice, or to buy your wedding emergency kit, visit us at Best for Bride .

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From Silk to Satin: The Essential Guide to Understanding and Choosing Wedding Fabrics!

Every wedding dress starts with the fabric it is created from. The possibilities in wedding fabrics are endless, from opulent silks and satins to rustling taffeta and flowing chiffon.

Did you know that by simply varying the fabric of a wedding gown, the entire effect and feel of the dress is altered?

This is because there are many factors that the fabric of your gown determines—how the dress drapes, it’s pattern , and cut and whether it is suitable for the venue and weather on your wedding day. So, the textile you choose has a huge bearing on how you will look on your big day, and a basic knowledge of the different fabrics will help you choose your gown better.

Let us take a quick look at the various fabrics used in constructing wedding gowns and the features that characterize each of them.

To make it easier for you to understand, we have divided them into two categories: Soft flowing and Structured.

Soft Flowing

Chiffon: Made from silk or silk blends with manmade fibres, chiffon is sheer and soft. It drapes well, is transparent and is a good choice for warm weather .

Georgette: Made from polyester or silk, it resembles crepe but is very lightweight. The material is not entirely transparent, and it’s a good choice for summer.

Tulle: This fabric resembles a very fine net; it is stiffer than chiffon and adds volume to a gown. Tulle is crisp and see-through; it is the choice for wedding veils and is often mixed with other fabrics.


Silk: Synonymous with luxury, silk adds an elegant and formal touch to any wedding gown. Available in different forms, from smooth mikado to charmeuse, silk wedding gowns are the epitome of style and sophistication. While raw silk is the textured type, other forms of silk are characterized by their sheen.

Satin: Plain, lustrous and shiny, satin is luxurious and has a heavy structure. Duchess Satin and Larissa Satin are the two types used in wedding gowns, and it is an ideal choice for a formal wedding . However, the heavy structure would make it inappropriate for an outdoor wedding, but it is an ideal choice for cooler weather.

Crepe: Lightweight and crinkly, crepe is a soft fabric that is created by blending silk and man-made fibres. It flows elegantly and softly hugs your body. It emphasizes your curves, as it has an excellent drape.

Taffeta: Characterized by the rustle it creates with movement, taffeta is made from silk or a silk blend. The fabric has a glassy sheen and a definite structure. It is often used in ballgown skirts and gowns that need to hold their structure and look poufy rather than fall gently.

Organza/Organdy: Two fabrics that sound similar but are different for the fact that while organza is made of silk, organdy is cotton. Both are crisp and sheer. Organza is popularly used in overlays and embellishments and is stiff and can give structure to a gown. It resembles tulle but is softer.

This isn’t a comprehensive list as the fabric choices in wedding gowns continue to evolve and improve. Nevertheless, with this list in hand, you will be equipped to know whether you want a soft, flowing, dreamy wedding dress or a structured and poufy bridal gown and the fabrics that will work in this direction.

For more wedding dress tips and advice, visit us on Best for Bride.