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10 main things to consider when choosing your bridesmaids dresses

There are two things that determine whether your bridesmaids dress selection is a success; how happy your bridesmaids are with your choice , and whether you are satisfied with your decision.

Being successful in your search is easier said than done. There are several factors to consider and work with when choosing your bridesmaids dresses. From budget constraints to matching body shapes and personal preferences to making the choice from thousands of options, you are in for a long ride.

Do you already think your head is spinning? Don’t worry, because we have the solution. Follow this list of ten top things to consider when you decide to go shopping for your bridesmaids dresses , and you will have your bases covered.


Your girls know that a new dress is on the cards when they sign up to be your bridesmaid. But, don’t make them cringe and cry by choosing an expensive dress that is way over their budget, and will most likely never be used again. Bridesmaids dress collections are rich and diverse. So, you have plenty of choices to match every budget and still get the look you envisioned. All you have to do is start your search early and search for the best deals. This way, you can find the perfect dress that doesn’t put a strain on your bridesmaid’s pockets and still have a picture-perfect bridal party.

Unsure of how to find the best deals that are budget-friendly? We suggest you start with the clearance and discount section on the website. This is where you can find the latest and most enticing offers. Also consider placing a bulk order, as many dress shops offer attractive discounts when you do so, and your bridesmaids can save some extra cash this way.

2.Body shape

Mori Lee

Different women have different body structures, heights, and shapes. So, choosing a single silhouette for all of them may not be the best idea. There are universally flattering silhouettes if you must have matching outfits for all of them. The modified A-line dress, that drapes close to the body all the way from the bust to the hips, and then extends into the shape of an “A,” is one such silhouette. The empire style dress with a raised waistline also looks good on most body types and is even suitable for the pregnant bridesmaid.

Nevertheless, we suggest having your girls pick dresses that enhance their best features, but on condition that all the dresses look good when they come together, and not totally disjointed. Or, choose multi-way dresses that allow your bridesmaids to drape it in different ways and find the style that looks best on them. This way, you will see more smiles than frowns, and your girls will feel comfortable and gorgeous on your day. It is a win-win situation, don’t you think?


Mori Lee

You may have your heart set on a strapless bridesmaid dress or one that is really short and just perfect for your laid-back, casual wedding style. Before you make it your final decision, make sure you check with your bridesmaids. Not all women are comfortable wearing certain styles. Now, if your choice isn’t one that they’ve ever tried before or stay away from because they aren’t comfortable showing so much skin, it will be a mistake to force them into it on your wedding day. Although you shouldn’t be worried about satisfying everyone with every detail of what they wear on your wedding day, you should consider their opinions when choosing something that they are extremely uncomfortable in. It can be awkward if your bridesmaid is forever tugging on the neckline of her dress or acts oddly because she is uncomfortable in the style you choose.

If you have a junior bridesmaid, make sure you check with her parents on whether they are fine with her wearing strapless styles or a dress with a very short hemline or long slit.


After Six Bridesmaids

Some women are more fashionable than others, and we know how every woman has her own perspective on what styles are great and what don’t make the list. So, while some of your bridesmaids may be super-excited about a certain style, silhouette or fabric, others may feel it isn’t even remotely their style. As a bride, you have a tough job of finding that right balance. You can either go with what you think is best, or be flexible with your options. This doesn’t mean you will have to compromise on your idea, as you will still have plenty of ways to have a wonderful looking bridal party without choosing the exact same dress. Mix up the looks , play with textures, fabrics and styles and come up with an interesting combination, that will still be cohesive with the help of few unifying elements.

One word of caution: don’t give free rein to your bridesmaids to pick their dresses. Set the guidelines that they have to stick to when choosing a dress. This could be the color, neckline, hemline or any two or more factors. The girls can then choose dresses that match their personal choices, while still meeting your conditions.



There is an enormous variety of colors available in bridesmaids dresses, and this can confuse an already flustered bride. Rather than look at all the available color choices, you should focus on just two factors: the colors that match your wedding theme and colors that will look good on most of your bridesmaids. Remember to stick to this exact order. First, think of the colors that will be best for your wedding theme. Draw inspiration from photos, magazines and online content, and narrow down your choices to a select few. Then, choose the color, or colors that will suit most, if not all, of your bridesmaids. You are done! Since most bridesmaids dress designers offer dresses in several shades, finding the color you want shouldn’t be an issue once you choose the dress. It is best to place your orders together, so all the dresses come from the same dye lot and have the same color.

However, remember that you may not always get a proper idea of what the color will be when you place your order based on the small color sample available at the boutique. Check whether the boutique carries a dress in the color you choose. When it is from the same collection, you will get a better idea of how the color will be, even if it is not the same design you chose. If they don’t, then search online for real pictures of dresses from that collection in the color you chose. Basing your choice entirely on the tiny swatch of fabric you see may give you a result that is entirely different from what you had in mind.

6.Going shopping


Bridesmaids dress shopping is a lot of fun, especially as you aren’t the one who has to try on dress after dress, and look for approval. As the audience, you have a more relaxed role. However, prepare for the shopping well in advance, and go with a definite idea of what you want. If possible, we suggest you go out by yourself the first time and take a look at your options and shortlist the ones to choose from. This will save you the trouble of walking in with all your bridesmaids and finding yourself buried in choices, opinions and preferences.

We think it is best if you take along no more than four bridesmaids for one appointment. It can get too chaotic otherwise. If you have plenty of time before your wedding, try to plan your shopping for the off-peak season time, so your appointment isn’t rushed.

7.Timing your appointment

Tutto Bene

As with everything wedding-related, start your bridesmaids dress shopping early to get everything done on time. Selecting the dress design is only half the work. You will then have to place the order and wait for the dresses to arrive. Then there will be alterations , to get the dresses fitted and just right for your wedding day. So, it is best to book your boutique appointment early, and with sufficient time to get all the remaining things completed. This will help you avoid rush fees or disappointment if the dress you choose will not be available within your deadline. Avoid shopping on the weekends, as this is when the boutique will be most rushed. Also, you will have to round up your bridesmaids for their appointment, and it is best to save time by taking at least a few of them in one go. You will have hundreds of other things to attend to as well. So, consider delegating the responsibility of getting the girls to their alteration sessions to your Maid of honor, after the decisions have been made and orders placed.

8.Expect the unexpected

Dessy Bridesmaids

If you have a long engagement, it is wise to not place your bridesmaids dress orders too early. Since your bridesmaids are obviously not going to put their personal lives on hold till your wedding is over, don’t be surprised if one of them announces that she is expecting, or even has a baby during the long wait. When you order the dress closer to your wedding, you have more flexibility to accommodate such changes. Your bridesmaid will also appreciate wearing a dress that is more comfortable for her condition. Simple dresses that do not require too many alterations to fit well, and those that are available in a range of sizes are your best bet. Also, remember that women change sizes all the time. They may gain or lose pounds from the time the dresses were ordered, to when it is actually time to wear it. So, keep an open mind and leave enough time for last minute alterations, so there are fewer hassles as the day draws closer.


Dessy Bridesmaids

Expect your bridesmaids to be very busy on your wedding day; getting dressed on time, attending to guests, helping you with your needs and more. So, the dress you choose should allow them to move around comfortably and it should also withstand strain without becoming wrinkled and dull. Another factor to consider is the weather at the time of your wedding. A dress that is perfect for an outdoor summer wedding may be a disastrous choice for a winter wedding. So, keep all these things in mind when making your choice. Consider your venue, weather at the time, and the duties that the bridesmaids will have to busy themselves with on the day, and then decide the silhouette and fabric that will be appropriate.


Alfred Sung bridesmaids

We talked about mixing and matching dresses, so you get a perfect balance that matches your bridesmaid’s personal preferences as well as the wedding theme. This is a factor that shouldn’t be overlooked. Random dresses that you expect to go together, may entirely spoil the visual impact of your wedding scenery. Your bridesmaids should look great together, so your photos are picturesque and all your effort in planning your wedding theme isn’t wasted. Mix and match dresses , but do so sensibly. Don’t forget to decide upon the unifying factors in advance, and make sure they are ones that will bring the overall look together. Additionally, the bridesmaids dresses should also complement your wedding dress. So, if your dress has abundant lace details, it may be a good idea to go with classic designs and lace as the fabric for your bridesmaids. It needn’t be the fabric either. You can tie your look to your bridal party’s by finding one similar fabric. This may be the neckline, sleeve length or embellishment style.

We would love to hear what factors were most important to you, when you chose your bridesmaids dresses. Do let us know in the comments section.

Best for Bride offers bridesmaids dress collections from leading designers in sizes ranging from 0-34. You can find every silhouette, every pattern, every fabric and design to make your dreams a reality. To make your pick today, come visit our online gallery and find out which is your favorite.

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10 tips from the experts for choosing your wedding shoes

Shoes are a weakness for most regular women! Let’s face it, how many of us are able to resist the temptation to splurge on beautiful shoes? True that these may only be a part of the ensemble, and we may need various shoes for various looks, but it is an obsession that the opposite sex simply cannot understand.

And when the question is about wedding shoes , it is impossibly difficult to choose. This is just one pair of shoes that we have to choose from the hundreds of gorgeous and interesting varieties. I think that it is a very difficult decision, next only to choosing the wedding dress itself. Don’t you agree?

For those of you lovely ladies who are already straining your heads over which pair of shoes should be chosen for your big day, here is some valuable help. Our bridal experts at Best for Bride have the following valuable shoe-shopping advice for the soon-to-be brides. So, here goes.

1.Shoes should be next on the shopping list, following the wedding dress

Once you find your dream wedding gown , do not postpone shopping for your wedding shoes. It is even fine if you swap the order and buy your shoes first, even before your wedding dress. The only condition is that you should know what you want. We have seen brides choose their wedding dress with more ease than they were able to settle on a pair of shoes. Be prepared to have a lengthy shopping experience, if you are very particular about what you want to wear on your feet. So, once the dress shopping is out of the way, shoe shopping should be next on your list of to-do’s. Remember that you need your shoes for all your dress alteration appointments, from the first to the last. Only then can your wedding dress hem be altered to the right length. So, if you are exhausted after your wedding dress shopping, take a short break. But, don’t delay shopping for your wedding shoes beyond a week afterwards.

2.Style and comfort—two factors that matter

Your wedding shoes should not only look stylish, they should feel comfortable too. Many brides often worry that beautiful looking shoes will take time to adjust to, because they will pinch the feet and cause agony. However, this is not always so. By choosing good quality material and craftsmanship, you can easily come across a number of shoes that will look good, even while they feel great on your feet. Heels of leather and similar materials, and with thick cushioned insoles will be perfect. The comfort factor will also be affected by the type of heels you wear. You can be comfy without sacrificing style, by choosing flat heels instead of pointed ones . If you truly have difficulty finding wedding shoes that are comfortable, we suggest looking in the regular shoe aisles. Even the simplest pair of white heels can be dressed up to look wedding-worthy, if you are ready to spend some time and work on it.

3.Choose shoes with features you love


Your wedding shoes need not be white, they needn’t have high pointed heels, nor do they have to be crazy expensive. These are all factors that are up to you to choose. As with every other thing that you wear on your wedding day, your shoes should also be something you love. Don’t let tradition nor fashion dictate your choice. Choose shoes that are either beautiful with details that you love, or go with comfort as your benchmark. If you love shoes with a bow embellishment, or prefer a peep-toe detail, this is what you should look for. When you consider features, you should also think of the style that you are most comfortable in. Don’t force yourself into shoes with heels that are too high, if you have always avoided heels. Remember that your comfort and personal style are the most important factors to consider when choosing your wedding shoes.

4.Handmade shoes are the best

Handmade shoes have many desirable qualities. These include the extra comfort associated with this method of production and the unique look that you can achieve with handmade shoes. They also give you that special and unique feeling of being extra-pampered, because of how carefully they are made. It is likely that handmade shoes will be more expensive than the regular shoes you find in stores. Nevertheless, just like your wedding is a one-time occasion, your shoes can also be extra special this one time. Certain manufacturers can customize your shoes specifically to meet your expectations and do a few extra details so they match your wedding dress perfectly. However, you may have to place your order early to ensure that all this is done on time. Unlike store-brought shoes, there is a greater lead time associated with handmade shoes. So, this is one important factor to keep in mind.

5.Stock up on emergency shoe accessories

With a little luck, nothing will go wrong on your wedding day. But it never hurts to be extra cautions. So, prepare for your wedding day with spares and stock your emergency kit to meet any disaster. Your emergency supplies in the shoe department should include extra insoles, gum to stick any embellishment that comes loose, tissues and clear alcohol to rub off stains. Padded leather heel grips and shoe cushions will prevent you from slipping and non-slip insoles will provide added comfort. If you aren’t used to wearing heels, you may also like to carry a spare pair of shoes in a comfortable style, to wear while you dance or if your feet hurt from standing for too long on the day. Even if you do not intend to change your shoes during the day, it doesn’t hurt to carry a spare pair, just in case something goes wrong and you need a replacement to get through the day.

6.Wear them in


New shoes are notorious for causing shoe-bite. Standing in a shoe that hasn’t been worn-in for an entire day can be tortuous, as you will be walking around and using it a lot on your wedding day. If the shoe pinches, your feet can be sore by the end of the evening, and this will ruin the entire experience for you. So, as soon as you take your shoes home, make sure you set aside time to wear it occasionally. This can be for an hour every three or four days, so your feet slowly get accustomed to the shoes. It will also help you feel comfortable moving around in it, especially if the shoe has high heels. You will not have to worry about wobbly shoes or tripping off the heels on the day of your wedding, if you are already used to the shoes. Additionally, wear it to your wedding dress appointments, and practice moving around in your wedding dress, while wearing these shoes. This will help you adjust to both the long and heavy gown, as well as the pretty shoes, and make the task of moving around on your wedding day much easier.

7.Always buy the correct fit

You may wear your wedding shoes only on the day you get married, or if you have thought this out very well, you may use it several times later. Either way, your shoes should fit you perfectly , and for this you need to buy them in your exact measurements. Shoes that almost fit can end up feeling loose or pinching your feet, when you have to spend hours in it on your wedding day. To find the right size, you should consider your feet’s width and shape, and whether there are any lumps or protrusions that have to be accommodated in your shoes. The right size would not pinch your toes, rub the ankle bone and sides, or feel like they are squashing your feet within. This makes it essential to try your shoes on, before you actually buy it. If you purchase your shoes online, read the return policy and warranty statements. Make sure you can return it or exchange it for another size if it doesn’t feel right when you actually try it on.

8.Keep your venue in mind when choosing shoes

Not all shoes are suitable in all venues. Consider whether the shoes you like will be suitable for the venue you choose. Venues like historic mansions and places with wooden flooring may have specific rules about wearing pointed heels. Check this out first, before you invest money in a pair of amazing heels. Heels may also not be practical in hillside parks, or at venues with long winding staircases that you will have to go up and down multiple times. Apart from the venue, you should also keep the weather in mind when choosing shoes. If your wedding is in autumn or winter, you may like to look for closed and cosy shoes, that will keep your feet from feeling too cold. Or you can carry a pair of wedding boots as a spare for when you have to go out in the cold.

9.Always have an alternate idea in mind


If there is one wedding accessory that you shouldn’t have your mind set on to the last detail, it is your wedding shoes. Since this is a tight fitting accessory, and one that has limited room for adjustments, you should always be open to options. Look for ideas in pictures, but be prepared to search when you actually go shopping. Otherwise, it will be a disappointment if you are unable to find a comfortable pair of shoes with features that you love. While style is a necessary factor, don’t ever compromise comfort for style. Although it is only one day that you will have to spend it your shoes, an ill-fitting pair can do enough damage to your feet to leave you pain for several days afterwards. You do not want to spend your honeymoon limping around in flip-flops to get over the blisters and wounds you made on your feet. Be ready to look at options besides those that are closest to what you have in mind, or spend the little extra to have your shoes handmade and customized to your specific requirement, and you will be better off.

10.Think outside the box

If you are unable to find shoes in the color you want to wear, don’t panic or reach for a pair that you think will do the job, even if it means spending more or being uncomfortable. Shoe dyeing services allow you to dye a pair of chosen shoes in any chosen shade, so it is just perfect for you. So, if you are stuck in a situation where you love a pair of shoes, except that they aren’t the right color, consider having it dyed. Similarly, there are plenty of other options to add that extra dose of glamour to your feet. You can buy pretty shoe accessories online, and this includes bows, ribbons, stickers, stones and other embellishments. These are relatively inexpensive, but allow you to achieve a special touch of beauty with these accessories. There are also plenty of tutorials online that can help you customize your shoes to look extra-special. So, check them out for help.

The right pair of shoes can work magic in making you feel extraordinary and amazing on your big day. And, this is something every bride deserves. So, spare no attention to detail, and don’t compromise on what you choose to wear on your feet on the day you say “I do.”

If you have chosen your wedding shoes already, or are in the market to buy them, tell us what factors you consider most important?

To choose from our brilliant collection of wedding shoes, visit this page on Best for Bride . We also stock other wedding accessories like jewelry that you may like to take a look at. For everything you need for your wedding day, visit Best for Bride today and find out how we can make your wedding day extra-special.

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10 Things To Do Before You Put On Your Wedding Gown [Tips For A Stress-Free Experience]

10 Things To Do Before You Put On Your Wedding Gown

Once you wear your wedding gown on your wedding day, your transformation into a bride is almost complete. There are few things left to do now, before you walk down the aisle. But before you step into your dream wedding dress, there are a couple of things you should first complete. This is what we will look at today. Here is a list of must-do’s before you finally wear your bridal dress, and are ready to walk down the aisle.

vintage wedding dress
Continue reading 10 Things To Do Before You Put On Your Wedding Gown [Tips For A Stress-Free Experience]
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5 things to remember when buying your wedding rings


Your wedding ring is to be your constant companion from the day you get married, so make sure you choose it well.

Traditionally, wedding rings were simple metal bands, but now the options are more and interesting. You can make your pick from gold, silver or other precious metals, have it embedded with little stones or even personalize it with your initials. As interesting as all these options sound, remember that making a practical and sensible choice will ensure that your wedding ring serves you well for several years.

Here is a guide to the important factors that you should remember when buying your wedding ring.

Choose the right metal

Wedding bands are available in gold, silver and platinum. Yellow gold is the traditional choice, and one thing to remember if you choose gold is higher the carat, the softer it will be. If you choose gold, try to avoid 22 carat and 24 carat rings, as you will be wearing it constantly and it has to be sturdy for constant use.

Platinum is your other option. It is more expensive than gold, but it is also more durable and stronger. Weigh the price against the benefits of opting for this metal, and make your choice accordingly. If you love the color of platinum, but the price is beyond budget, choose white gold for a similar look.

Choose the right size

wedding-rings-575058_1280 Most jewelers supply wedding rings in a range of sizes. Before placing your order, check with the seller and find the right size that corresponds to your ring finger. If you have a ring that sits comfortably on your finger, choose your wedding ring in the same size as this ring.

If you can’t locate your size in the standard measurements, consider having your ring custom-made. Since you will be wearing your wedding ring for a long time, finding the right fit is absolutely essential.

Choose classic over trendy

Unlike your wedding dress , which you will only wear on your big day, your wedding ring has to stand the test of time. What is trendy today may be outdated tomorrow. So, your best option is to choose a design that has always been popular and won’t go out of fashion. Should you wish to experiment, do so only after you think clearly about whether you will be comfortable wearing the ring twenty years from now.

Choose it on time

ring-216717_1280 Once you choose a wedding ring, the jeweler will take time to make it in your size and deliver it to you. So, don’t put it off till the last minute. If both of you want matching wedding bands, go shopping together, or customize your wedding rings so they look like a pair. Allow sufficient time to place the order and receive it, so you have it in time for your wedding.

Choose to insure it

You will be spending a good amount on your wedding ring, and so it makes sense to have it insured. Do this when you purchase the rings. Although this doesn’t mean you can be careless with your ring, it will at least cover up your expenses, should you lose the ring for some reason.

To view our vast collection of wedding rings, and to make your choice from them, visit us on Best for Bride .