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Ringing in Romance: 5 Compelling Reasons to Choose a New Year’s Wedding!


We are already counting down to an exciting New Year! A New Year heralds new beginnings, new expectations and most of all, hope for a better and brighter future . Quite similar to what we hope for when we get married, don’t you think?

With the entire atmosphere so cheerful, jolly and festive, this is in fact a great time to get married. We simply love New Year weddings, and here is why!

#1 It is holiday-time and everyone is in the mood to party


Plan your wedding on New Year’s eve, and you don’t have to worry about your guests having to accommodate your wedding schedule into their busy plans. With schools on holiday and almost everyone on holiday, none of your guests will have issues with being available. So, if you want maximum attendance at your wedding party, there couldn’t be a better day to host your wedding. Plus, the holiday season inspires a party mood, and your guests will be in full form to rock your party.

#2 New Year Weddings are the perfect occasion for glitz and glamour

Think of New Year, and sparkles, champagne, glitter and confetti all bombard our senses. You won’t have to work too hard to make your wedding a grand experience. Champagne towers are a huge hit, as are glamorous photo booths and shimmering table settings. New Year is one of the most luxurious and glamorous nights of the year, and your guests will be delighted to dress their best for your wedding , and this applies to you too.

#3 You have your resolution not just for the year, but for an entire lifetime

New year

Everyone has a resolution for the New Year. Mark yours with a meaningful resolution, when you ring it in with the promise spend an eternity with your partner, never to allow any hardship deter your commitment to each other.

#4 The drama of the New Year countdown is unbeatable

Most couples explore ways to make their wedding day exciting and memorable. A spectacular countdown at midnight would achieve this! Announce the countdown, and have a big balloon drop with plenty of party poppers for a thrilling effect. Top it off with a killer music track that plays into the wee hours of dawn, and your guests couldn’t have a better New Year Party, or wedding as memorable!

#5 It is your chance to dress like a celebrity

Although a stunning white wedding dress is always right, New Year is the best time to sport an ultra-glamorous look. How about sticking with the traditional white gown for the wedding, and then changing into a glittering gold gown for the reception? Or you could choose a Hollywood-inspired wedding gown with extra embellishments and decorative features, that works for both. This is the occasion to dress up in full-style, as you could never go over-the-top, in whatever you choose to wear! It’s New Year, after all!

Visit us at Best for Bride, and get ready to look at bridal dresses that are just right for a New Year wedding. So, what do you say? Would you like to be a New Year bride?