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Looking For Practical Gift Ideas for Groomsmen? Here Are the Top Picks

Looking For Practical Gift Ideas for Groomsmen? Here Are the Top Picks

As the big day approaches, you may wonder what to get your groomsmen as gifts. Groomsmen are a vital part of any wedding , they help make the day unique and memorable, so it is always a good idea to show them your appreciation with a meaningful gift. While there are plenty of traditional gift ideas, sometimes giving something they will appreciate and use is nice while still being personal and unique.

Here are our top picks for practical gifts your groomsmenwill use and appreciate. Whether you’re looking for something unique, functional, or affordable, we’ve got you covered.

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How to Choose a Suit for Father of the Bride [2024] – Examples For Every Kind Of Wedding

Examples For Every Kind Of Wedding

Whether walking down the aisle or the classical dance together, the bride’s father gets a good spotlight. And what suit he’ll wear will tell a lot about the wedding .

Every daughter wants her dad to look the best. But what the bride’s fatherwill wear is often challenging to figure out. This guide will precisely answer this through some considerations, followed by outfit inspirations.

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[2024] For the Bride Who Loves Color—10 Ways to Add Interesting Pops of Colors to Your Wedding

For the Bride Who Loves Color—10 Ways to Add Interesting Pops of Colors to Your Wedding

White and weddings are synonymous—the bride in a white gown , white shoes, white cakes, white seating arrangements… This may work for many brides, but some genuinely love colour and feel stifled by the stark whiteness that dominates most weddings. Nevertheless, they do not want to play with too much colour, as it can quickly overpower the entire setting and make it just another party. Or, it may be that they do not want to disappoint their families and friends who expect them to stick to the standard white wedding style.

For those who think and dream about colours, here are some practical ideas to add vibrant pops of brilliant shades to your wedding. From bright bouquets to colourful dresses and vividly coloured wedding cakes, we have you covered in every way. So, read on and find out which of these ideas you will love to add to your wedding.

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How to Involve your Groom in Wedding Planning


We all have a general idea that the bride handles most of the responsibility of planning the wedding , while the groom plays a supporting role. After all, it is always the bride who is super-excited about the wedding, and takes it upon herself to handle the lion’s share of the tasks. But remember, this is not a wedding rule set in stone.

If you want your groom to also be just as interested and involved, here is how you can include him in planning and making your dream wedding a reality.

Discuss your concerns and worries open-heartedly

The best way to spark your groom’s interest in your wedding is to discuss most, if not all aspects of the wedding with him. If there are certain issues you have trouble with, run it by your groom. He may have suggestions to solve it, or help you find a workaround that you hadn’t thought of.

Give your groom a say

Many grooms often feel side-lined and that their brides want them out of the way when planning the wedding. It isn’t unusual, as brides have been dreaming of this day from the time they were little girls. They usually turn to their friends or sisters , who are just as excited about it as they are. So, they go to them for suggestions and advice, instead of asking their groom. If you have been doing this all along, remember that it is your fiance’s wedding too. He will also have opinions and ideas. So, set aside time to ask him for inputs, opinions and suggestions and accommodate them when making your wedding plans.

Give him his share of duties to handle

Encourage your groom to be involved in the wedding planning by asking him what responsibilities he would like to handle. Men usually enjoy planning the wedding music , so give him this task. Whatever be the responsibility you hand over, leave it to him. Don’t micromanage or pester him with details, as this will only kill his enthusiasm. If he has creative ideas, value them. This will make your wedding more interesting for both of you.

Don’t involve him in everything, and don’t frustrate him for his lack of interest

Unlike women, men are usually not bothered with the finer details of weddings. So, don’t be upset if your groom doesn’t share your enthusiasm in deciding between peach and pink for your wedding color palette. Identify what he is interested in, and only involve him in tasks that he should be doing or will enjoy handling. Don’t overwhelm him by pushing him, instead take it easy and he will not feel overwhelmed.

Take a time-out from your wedding planning once in a while, and don’t bring it to the level that all your time together is spent talking about the wedding. Remember that the main reason you are getting married is to celebrate your love for each other. So, don’t lose that excitement in all the wedding planning frenzy.

For more practical wedding planning advice and shopping for your wedding dress, visit us on Best for Bride.