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5 Ways to Make Your Reception More Fun


Receptions are always a fun thing to attend, but there are ways that you can make them even more fun and interactive, allowing your guests to get to know one another if they don’t already, give them a chance to move about the hall or yard and spend some time having fun before sitting down for dinner.

Wedding Mad Libs

Wedding Mad Libs (or Wed-Libs) have been a huge hit recently. Many sites online are offering free templates that you can print off and leave at every place sitting with a pen or pencil for your guests to fill out. Not only are these a great way for your guests to share stories about the bride and groom at the table, but you can keep them and read them afterwards as well.

Ring Toss

Having an outdoor wedding ? Have friends and family challenge one another to a ring toss! All you need is a wooden crate, some bottles you can paint with your wedding colors, and some embroidery hoops decorated with ribbon and you have a fun and simple game for everyone of all ages to play.

Oversized Boardgames

These can be played outdoors and indoors if you have the room. You can rent all kinds of games like Connect Four, Jenga, Checkers and even Scrabble from many local game companies that also rent them out for stag and does. When you are putting a stag and doe together, see if they’ll give you a better price for renting more than once.

Wedding Bingo

Another great icebreaker! Get a blank Bingo card and fill it in with conversation starters like “has known the groom more than 5 years” or “was born in June”. Place them at every person’s seat so everyone can start some conversation and have some fun! (And don’t forget to let them know to yell out BINGO!)

The Kissing Game

Don’t want people clinking their spoons against their glasses to make you kiss every ten seconds? Offer the Kissing Game, where you fill a fishbowl with suggestions like “Sing your favourite song” or “get your table to play duck-duck-goose with you”. They have to perform the task successfully or forfeit and try again later. If they are successful, the bride and groom kiss.

Don’t forget to check out Best for Bride as your one stop shop for everything you need for your special day. From dresses to invitation, we’ve got you covered.

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Wedding Etiquette Tips for the Bride and Groom

Outdoor wedding reception

Your wedding will be the most memorable day of your life and you and your family and friends will want to look back on it with fondness, never bad occurrences because of ill-mannered brides and grooms. Your wedding day can also be very stressful, but if you keep these tips in mind on your special day, your guests will remember everything happily and not still talk about the time that the groom was giving a speech after having one too many or how the bride didn’t say hello to certain people.

Visit with Each Guest

There’s no doubt that during the reception there will be lots going on, but don’t forget to visit every table and take a couple of minutes to speak with everyone. They’re just as happy to be there as you are to have them there, so make sure all of your guests feel like they’ve been acknowledged by both the bride and groom and don’t forget to thank them for coming to share your special day.

Mingle as a Couple

It’s easy to want to break off from your new husband or wife and hang out with your friends at the bar, but make sure you make time to talk to your guests as a couple. You just got married, and plenty of people will want to come and congratulate you; it’s just easier when you are both together.

Be Mindful of Your Alcohol Consumption

There’s always someone that gets too drunk and ends up embarrassing themselves; you don’t want that to be you, especially on your wedding night! Make sure you pace yourselves because there is likely to be lots of toasts with champagne, wine at the tables and friends and family wanting to have a celebratory drink with you.

Remember Your Bridal Party

They’ve likely spent money on suits, dresses, shoes, accessories, makeup and more (the average bridesmaid spends $600!), make sure that you get a nice thank you present for your bridesmaids and groomsmen. Make sure you budget and plan ahead for this; this isn’t a spot to save your money. Make sure they not only know how important they are to your special day, but how thankful you are. Need some tips on finding the best bridesmaids gifts? This article will help you!

Don’t forget to check out Best for Bride as your one stop shop for everything you need for your special day. From dresses to invitation, we’ve got you covered.

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Say ‘I Do’ to Style: Why Embracing Wedding Fashion is a Game-Changer!

Wedding days are a big deal for all participants. Everything is expected to be perfect and go as planned. Those attending the wedding hope to see glamorous outfits worn by the bride, the groom and their escorts. Many brides are happy wearing classic gowns with fitted bodice and a flown. These dresses make them look beautiful but do not spark the guests’ glamour expectations. They view them as ordinary dresses worn at every wedding. With the modern age, wedding fashion has seen the introduction of many beautiful wedding gowns in this industry that bring out the best of the bride.



Beaded dresses are becoming a favourite for many brides. These dresses make the bride sparkle as she walks down the isle. It gives a bride a luxurious look, leaving many to wonder how expensive the dress can be.

High-neckline wedding dresses help a bride remain gorgeous while evoking a vintage glamour. The dresses come in different sizes and designs, making the selection moment challenging for the bride.


A necklace is the simplest way to add glamour to a wedding fashion. There are all sorts of beautiful and sparkling necklaces that vary in size, design and value that a bride can always choose. It is essential to choose a necklace that will rhyme with the outfit, making it uniform beauty all around. There is a wide range of services we provide.


Suits are the most preferred attire preferred by grooms on their wedding days. Well-sized and knitted tuxedos bring out the best image of a groom making him look handsome. The tuxedos are supposed to fit well on the groom’s body not seeming too big or too small. The groom can always accessorize with a watch to compliment the attire.

Those planning to get married always find it useful attending a wedding show prior to their wedding. Couples gain a lot of knowledge and get ideas for their upcoming weddings. Wedding experts are always in attendance ready to guide and assist in wedding preparations . Huge discounts on different items and services are also available from different companies that showcase their products and services at the show.

A visit to a wedding store or online wedding store can reveal a lot of wedding fashion attires for the bride and the groom. is an online store that deals in bridal wedding fashion and has outlets in different cities across the country. We offer a wide range of bridal attire and accessories to their customers.

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Suited in Style: Guiding Your Groom to the Perfect Tuxedo and Accessory Selection!

Some men just aren’t into fashion…they may find the task of choosing the perfect tux, tuxedo shirt, cummerbund and boutonniere a little bit daunting! Luckily, as his bride-to-be, you are there to help him select the most flattering combination of colors, fabrics, and styles. You can help him choose a wedding ensemble that makes him feel handsome, pulled-together, and perfectly dressed on the big day. Here are some things to consider when you’re helping your groom-to-be buy or rent the ultimate tuxedo:

His Tuxedo Should Coordinate With Your Own Bridal Gown

Creating an overall theme for your wedding is important – often, this begins with wedding outfits that coordinate. Your white wedding dress will go with many different types of dress suits and tuxes – however, certain styles will look more appropriate with certain bridal gowns. For example, a bridal dress with vintage appeal will look best with a more old-fashioned tuxedo, such as a morning coat and tails. Conversely, if you’re dressing in a modern, trendy wedding dress, you should look for a sleek, polished suit for your groom-to-be.

Considering the design features of your wedding gown, and just how formal it is, will help you find important clues about how your groom should be dressed on your special and romantic wedding day. You don’t want to wear a fabulous, embellished gown and walk down the aisle to a groom who’s dressed too casually. Your ensembles should be coordinated and balanced!

If you’re wearing a colorful sash with your wedding dress , look for ways to bring that color into your groom’s outfit. You can add pops of color to his suiting by choosing a matching cummerbund, bow tie, or boutonniere. Shop around at an online bridal store to get ideas!

Examine His General Coloring

Your handsome groom-to-be will look even more dashing in his tuxedo when it is chosen to highlight his best features and gel with his hair color, eye color, and skin tone. The principle of “seasonal beauty” come into play here. You may have heard about seasonal beauty – it works for women and men. For example, if your groom has dark hair, bright, jewel-like eyes (amber brown, sapphire blue, emerald green, jet black) and a cool skin tone (no orange or yellow undertones), he will probably be a Winter. Winter grooms look best in royal blue, true red, emerald green, and pure white accents. Black will always be a great choice for a Winter man’s tux!

If your groom-to-be is a redhead with freckles, he’ll need the right colors to look great at your wedding. Most redheaded grooms fall into the Spring or Autumn seasons – for them, colors like Kelly green, taupe, honey brown, warm yellow, and deep orange will flatter their coloring. Consider adding touches of these sun-kissed shades to his outfit, or your own bouquet, sash, or bridal rings.

While it’s nice to coordinate, you should beware of choosing tones that fight your own coloring. If you’re a Winter, and he’s a Spring, it’s better to avoid wearing “his” colors in order to coordinate.

The Summer groom will usually have soft blue-gray or pale blue eyes – he may also have brown or ash-blond hair with no golden tones. His skin may be translucent porcelain white or pale beige. This sort of groom will look best in dusty tones, such as dusty rose (British men often wear pale-pink shirts that aren’t too bright, and many British men are summers – Hugh Grant is one famous example!), pale blue, pale cream, and navy. For this type of groom, warm tones like golden yellow will fight their coloring and wash them out. Delicate Summer coloring looks best in subtle, toned down and refined pastels. Shoot for sophistication by adding touches of blue or pale green to his outfit.

Look At His Body Type


Some grooms feel self-conscious when they shop for tuxedos or dress suits – they know they don’t have six-pack abs and all the lean definition of male models. If your guy is on the husky side, he’ll need your help to overcome any body issues and to feel like a million bucks in his wedding ensemble.

Great tailoring can make anyone look slimmer and more attractive on their wedding day. Look for dark fabrics without any shine – a matte effect is most slimming for him. Then, consider the cut of a suit. A classic three-piece suit or tuxedo featuring a vest can be an excellent way to make the most of his physique – the vest should be the same color as the jacket and pants. Often, a vest adds a bit of coverage where it is needed – in the midsection! He’ll feel great in a dark vest that takes the focus off his stomach. Consider a three-piece suit with a colorful tie that suits his skin tone. You may want to avoid colorful cummerbunds or frilly shirts if he’s a little heavy or self-conscious about his body.

Normal Build (Average)

Dressing the medium, or average body type doesn’t offer the same challenges as the husky or very slim body – you can be more creative here, as long as your guy is comfortable with that. Instead of focusing on body type and how to flatter, you can concentrate on capturing the essence of his own personal style on your wedding day. Is he casual, or formal? Does he love bright colors, or subdued tones?

Look at his wardrobe choices and find a way to bring a little of his personality into his tuxedo, dress shoes, cummerbund, vest, and shirt. Use color theory to be certain everything you choose will work for him. If you’re shopping for wedding bands, you should know that silver or white gold will flatter Summer of Winter men the most. If he’s warm (Spring or Autumn), he’ll look better in yellow or rose gold.


Skinny guys can be just as self-conscious as husky guys – they may have grown up feeling too thin or frail-looking. Men with this build often look for bulkier garments that give the illusion of more body weight and size. If your guy is thin and you want to find a suit that makes him feel comfortable and confident, you have plenty of options. Pleats are unfashionable these days – in general, pleated pants will appeal to an older generation.

No matter how old your groom is, you should avoid pleating – it will make him look even thinner than he already is. Instead, look for modern, flat-front pants for his suit or tux . Look for subtle shoulder pads in suits and jackets – these will add a little definition to his shoulders by making them appear broader. The padding should be expertly sewn, and it shouldn’t be obvious. Don’t buy him a tux shirt or dress shirt that is too fitted – instead, find something a little looser and go for a white color or pale pastel that makes him look larger.

Planning Ahead Is The Key To Success

With these tips, you can go into a wedding boutique and know exactly what’s right for you. You’ll make it easier for him to narrow down his choices and enjoy his wedding outfit. Taking care of him before the wedding at a great, full-service wedding boutique is just part of being a caring girlfriend. When you put on your gorgeous wedding dress and see him waiting for you at the altar, you’ll know your hard work was well worth the effort.