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Beauty Procedures You Should Look Into Before Your Wedding Day + Tips

Beauty Procedures You Should Look Into Before Your Wedding Day + Tips

Getting married is tough if you feel insecure about the way you look. It’s the only time in your life when every single eye in the room will be on you. You’ll enjoy the day more if you feel like a million bucks.

It’s why brides should consider booking a beauty procedure or two before their big day, which doesn’t need to be too crazy. Let’s discuss a few good treatments that will take your look to the next level.

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Do’s and Don’ts for beach-bound brides

You are one lucky lady if your nuptials are to be at a beach. Whether it is at a faraway exotic locale or a tropical beach closer to home, this is easily one of the best wedding venues there is. Romance permeates the air, as nature forms a beautiful canvas for your wedding. Your guests will enjoy the holiday experience, even as they frolic and have fun in the sand and sea.

Nonetheless, planning a beach wedding has its own set of challenges. You have to account for various factors that are not present in other venues. The warm and humid environment can cause a fair share of makeup, hair and dress issues for beach brides. Fortunately, you can look gorgeous and plan a successful wedding day with a few helpful tips.

Here is our list of Do’s and Don’ts for the different things you should keep in mind when you are a beach-bound bride.

DO consider the weather at the time of your wedding

The weather at a beach isn’t warm and humid all-year around. Beach weather can also be dry, windy, with showers at various times of the year. Depending on the destination you pick, it is a good idea to do some research on the weather that will be present at the time of your wedding. If the beach will be windy, adjust your outfit, makeup and hairstyle to suit the weather. Consider accessorizing with a stole, wrap or jacket if it gets too cold. Also pick a hairstyle that keeps hair away from your face , and the wind won’t be a problem.

DON’T forget to choose the right fabric

Traditional wedding dress fabrics like organza and silk aren’t the best choices for beach weddings. They can weigh you down, show sweat and become shabby in the sand at a beach. So, it is wise to stay away from these types of fabrics. Instead, choose light and airy fabrics like chiffon for your wedding dress. These blend in beautifully with the setting, are comfortable to wear and convenient to carry. Other fabrics to consider are voile, organza and tulle. For more information on wedding dress fabrics, take a look at this article on the Brides website . Also make sure that the fabric doesn’t wrinkle easily. Your dress will be put through a lot of wear and tear. So, avoid fabrics like cotton and linen that wrinkle easily.

DO pick the right silhouette

The dress silhouette you choose has a huge impact on your overall bridal look. The right silhouette will flatter your best features and help you look gorgeous. When your wedding is at the beach, don’t let the location limit your choices. If you start your search early, you will have time to find a dress that looks great on you while being right for the beach. So, start by identifying the best silhouettes for your body type. Then find a dress that fits the bill. For help on identifying the best wedding dress silhouettes for your body type, visit this article on the Huff Post website. 

DON’T overlook the importance of picking the right white

One of the biggest advantages of an outdoor venue is that your photographer can make the most of natural lighting. This is a wonderful thing. However, it also means that your dress may look different in this light from how you would expect it to look in artificial lighting. Consider this aspect when choosing the shade of white. Eliminate any likely issues by simply ensuring that the dress looks good in natural light, prior to the purchase. Make sure that you pick the right white for your complexion, so it flatters your skin tone. Here is some information on this subject at the Knot website , that may come in handy. 

DO keep the skirt simple

Trust me when I say that it is no fun walking around in a dress that drags in the sand. Intricate details in the hemline and train can easily attract dirt and have sand stuck to it. This can be difficult to clean afterwards. So, keep the skirt of your dress simple and avoid such problems. It will be easier to move around in a light, airy skirt. Additionally, it will also look fresh and clean throughout the day, when the skirt of your dress is simple. If you must have an embellished wedding gown, choose a dress with details in the bodice and waistline for best results.

DON’T forget to look out for the sun

Since your wedding is in the outdoors, it is natural that you will spend hours in the sun. So don’t forget to protect yourself well. Use adequate amount of a broad spectrum sunscreen on all exposed parts of your body, to stay sun-safe. Pick makeup with sun protection for best results. Also account for the effect of the sun when you choose the colors of your makeup . The natural light will emphasize pinks and corals. So, pick them judiciously to sport a natural look. It is best to keep the makeup light, and just emphasize your features for the best result.

DON’T forget about issues associated with transporting your dress

Unless your venue is near to where you stay, you will have to travel with your wedding dress. It isn’t easy to transport a gown that is heavy, has intricate embellishments or is prone to wrinkling. Such factors can damage your dress. So, pick a dress that travels well and you can eliminate likely issues. We suggest that you choose from collections that are specifically tailored for destination weddings. Such gowns will be easy to pack, transport and restore to original condition with minimum effort once you reach the destination.

DON’T overlook the importance of your accessories

Most beach brides opt for simple wedding dresses for their beach weddings. However, this doesn’t mean they have to compromise on their bridal look because of the simplicity of the dress. The right choice of accessories will help you look gorgeous. Pick colored gemstone jewelry for a pop of color. Or indulge in extra bling to sparkle on your special day. The best part of choosing jewelry with sparkling stones is that they reflect the natural light and look stunning in the venue you chose. You can also go with pearl, coral or rustic natural stones for an earthy vibe.

DO use waterproof makeup

Waterproof makeup is an absolute must for your beach wedding. It will stay on despite the heat and keep your look fresh. Although you will have to touch-up your makeup at regular intervals throughout the day, waterproof makeup reduces the frequency of this task. It is very important to use waterproof eyeliner, mascara and eye shadow. This will help your eye makeup stay on, even if you shed copious tears of joy. Choose colors like brown, navy and olive instead of black in your eye colors, for a sun-kissed effect.

DO remember that humidity will affect your locks

Hair and humidity don’t always go together. Beaches have high humidity levels, and this can affect how frizzy your hair becomes. Keep this factor in mind when you plan your wedding day hairstyle. If your hair tends to frizz up when the air is moist, keep your hairstyle simple and collected. This will help you look fresh throughout the day. If your tresses aren’t affected by humid environments, feel free to choose any hairstyle that you desire. Avoid too many styling products that will weigh your hair down, as these can ruin your look. A sleek and polished hairstyle may also look out of place in the cool, relaxed environment of a beach. Consider these factors when choosing your hairdo for the day.

DON’T pick the wrong footwear

The uneven nature of the sand and turf at a beach make heels totally unsuitable for the occasion. Even if you have a wooden or cemented walkway for the ceremony, you will be walking in the sand at some time of the day. So, ditch the heels and go barefoot. Adorn your feet with the choicest accessories, like anklets, to dress your feet in style. Or step up your style with bridal flip flops or stylish sandals customized for the occasion.

DON’T overdo the tan

Sun-kissed brides look wonderful. Nonetheless, tan with caution. It is easy to go overboard and this can ruin all your makeup plans. Fake tanning lotions and spray-on tans are a big mistake when your wedding is at the beach. These take on a garish orange hue in pictures, and can make you look funny. So, if you must tan, do it in the safe and recommended way. Build up the faux glow by using the right products and obtaining the color gradually. For a detailed account of the ideal options to consider when your wedding is around the corner, visit this article on the Knot website. 

DO remember to stay hydrated

The salty air in the beach environment can affect your skin texture. So moisturize well before you set out for the beach. It is equally important to stay hydrated on the inside too. Refresh yourself by sipping on water and other liquids throughout your stay at the venue. This will keep your skin looking fresh and compensate for the loss of moisture in the salty environment. If you have oily skin, it is likely that you will find it excessively oily in the natural environment. Make use of the blotting paper in your emergency kit to avoid this. More on what you should pack into this day-of emergency kit is available in this previous post.

DO choose the right flowers

If flowers are a priority in your décor, make sure you pick the right blooms. Unlike other venues, the beach environment doesn’t favor all flowers. You will have to consider the heat and direct sunlight that will affect their life span. Discard the idea of any thin, fragile flowers that wilt quickly. You need hardy blossoms that hold their shape and last fresh for longer. Good choices are orchids and chrysanthemums. Incorporate flowers that can tolerate the environmental condition into your décor and accessories. The other option is to go for artificial flowers made from fabric or paper.

DON’T skip a beautiful head accessory

Your hairstyle and headpiece are the crowning glory of your bridal look. In your attempt to look cool and casual, don’t overlook the importance of picking the right hair accessories to complete your look. Whether it is a nature inspired floral crown, a glittering tiara or a simple head band, make sure you explore your options and pick the one that is right for your setting. And if you love veils, don’t hesitate to wear one for your wedding day. The ideal veil for this setting is one with with a lace trim. The trim will add weight to the veil and help it stay in place, even when the weather is windy.

Although planning a wedding on the beach can seem like a lot of work, it is beautiful when you do it right. Just think of how apt the symbolism of nature is to your marriage. As the sun and the ocean join each other in blissful harmony at your beautiful venue, so do you and your partner come together to celebrate life as husband and wife.

Best for Bride is the perfect place to find your dream dress for a romantic beach wedding. From lightweight chiffon gowns to airy voile dresses and sexy mermaid gowns, we have a vast array of options for you to choose from. Visit us in-store or head over to our online gallery today to see what you love. And book your appointment today, so we can help you choose the dress of your dreams.

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Radiant Bride Checklist: 8 Crucial Beauty Appointments You Can’t Afford to Skip!

Congratulations on your engagement! Get ready for some action now, for the countdown to your wedding will be a whirlwind of plans and tasks. You will be very busy planning aspects like the wedding budget, booking a venue, choosing invitations, and going wedding dress shopping. Meanwhile, don’t forget to plan for your bridal beauty appointments.

Your wedding day is that day in your life when you must look your absolute best. Unfortunately, there is no single magical treatment that will help you overnight. Perfect skin , great hair and a good figure take time to achieve. So, make sure you schedule your bridal beauty appointments into your wedding planning timeline in advance. Find time for all of these essential beauty appointments, and you will look gorgeous from head to toe on your wedding day.


Happy occasions like weddings involve a lot of smiling. And when you are the bride, you simply must have a dazzling smile to display. Visit your dentist soon after you are engaged and find out what needs to be done. If there are major issues to tackle, your dentist can address them during the months leading up to the wedding.

Book a whitening and cleaning session closer to the wedding day. This will help you achieve teeth that sparkle and make you more beautiful. Meanwhile, don’t forget to practice good oral hygiene and avoid foods and drinks that stain teeth.

2.Hair removal appointment

Whether you do your hair removal yourself using DIY kits or at a salon, plan the timing for this wisely. Here are the different options and how you can time the appointment for best results:

Laser hair removal:Have you always wanted to laser unwanted hair off once and for all? Your wedding presents the right opportunity to put this plan into action. There are two things to remember when going for laser hair removal. First, it takes 4-6 weeks to achieve hair removal using this technique fully. Secondly, choosing a recommended professional laser center is wise to avoid unwanted risks. Book your appointment with a reputed laser hair removal salon considering this factor.

Waxing:Whether you wax at home or get it done at a beauty salon, it is important to time it right. Regrowth should be long enough to eliminate at the last session before your wedding day completely. Three days before D-day is usually good enough.

Depilators or creams:If you have been following these techniques for a while, you should have a fair idea of how long it takes after a session for the hair to reappear. Schedule your sessions into your timeline accordingly.

3.Hair stylist

Do you plan to do your hair yourself on your wedding day? Or will you be hiring a wedding hairstylist ? Either way, you should visit a hairstylist before your wedding. At your first appointment, have a haircut and color your hair. This is very important if you plan to change your hair color. At the second appointment, do what is necessary to get your hair right in time for your wedding day. Book these appointments long before your wedding so you have enough time to experiment with a new look. If it doesn’t turn out well, you will still have time to outgrow it or fix the issues.

If you hire a stylist for your wed ding day hair, we recommend a trial before the actual day. This will allow you to see precisely how your bridal hairstyle will be. You can also find out how long it will take. If you aren’t satisfied with the results, your hairstylist can make the necessary changes. It is a good idea to have this trial on the same day when you will be attending your wedding dress fitting. This will give you a perfect idea of how the hairstyle you chose goes with your wedding dress. Alternatively, if you have an engagement photo shoot or a bridal portrait, use this opportunity to try your wedding day hairstyle.

If you need some inspiration for wedding day hairstyles, take a look at the variety of images here on the Bridal Guide blog. And, here is some valuable advice on choosing the right wedding day hairstyle for you on the Huff Post

4.Make-up artist

Many brides prefer to entrust their wedding day makeup to a professional makeup artist, and with good reason. Unlike any other day, you do not want to look less than perfect on your wedding day. Makeup artists have the necessary tools to help you look your very best. They will also ensure that your makeup stays fresh and you will only have to touch it up occasionally.

Just as with your hair trial, it is a good idea to have a makeup trial. Look online and in bridal magazines for inspiration. Collect pictures you like and take them to your makeup artist to look at. She may suggest changes and customize the look to suit your skin tone and features. A trial will allow you to see if you like the look or prefer something different. Plan this on the day of your dress fitting, if you want to see how your bridal look comes together. Or have it done on the day of your engagement photo shoot? You can then check if the overall look is photogenic, or you must make changes to look better on your wedding day.

Now, if you have decided to do your wedding day makeup yourself, don’t forget to read online guides for some helpful pointers. 

5. Manicurist

Every part of your body that the camera sees deserves special attention. Your photographer will take close-up shots of your bouquet and wedding ring, and your hands will accompany them in the shot. A good manicure will pamper and prep your fingers and nails for this dose of attention. It is also an excellent opportunity to unwind, relax and enjoy some TLC. So, please don’t skip it!

Ask the manicurist for suggestions on how to dress your fingers for your special day. Let your nails also show off your personality. Choose from crisp French manic ures, gently embellished designs, long coloured nails or wild mix-and-match patterns, depending on your preference. We suggest having your bridal manicure in the week leading up to the wedding. However, you should begin attending to your hands long before it. Avoid biting your nails, using harsh, dark nail colours and subjecting them to unnecessary wear and tear. Keep your hands moisturized and choose the best accessories to accentuate it’s natural beauty.

There are numerous resources on the web for ideas on how to decorate your nails on your special day. If you want a glamorous look, this article on the Huff Post has some interesting pointers. There are more ideas here and here .

6. Skin expert

Unless you are blessed with unique skin that is one hundred percent problem-free, it is a good idea to meet a dermatologist soon after your engagement. A skin doctor can provide professional solutions for any or all skin problems. You can find the right approach to fixing the issue, whether it is acne, blemishes, sun spots, redness of skin or any unseemly marks. However, remember that many skin problems take time to address and completely cure. This is why we suggest you travel to your doctor’s earlier.

For better results, you can also consider getting a specialist treatment like Microdermabrasion or a chemical peel at a qualified dermatologist’s office. After all, it is your wedding day. A little boost to your natural beauty will only help you look even better when all eyes are on you.

7. Hair salon

Just like skin, beautiful hair doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and effort to get tresses in the best shape. So, book your appointment at a good hair spa at frequent intervals throughout your engagement period, and indulge in some special hair care. Hair spas can really improve the texture and quality of your hair. Make it a regular practice and you will love the results.

See to it that you pick a good salon where the beauticians correctly identify your hair type and plan your treatment accordingly. With hydrating hair masks, head massages and refreshing steam sessions, your hair will shine like never before. Additionally, sessions like these are relaxing and will offer you a welcome respite when wedding planning stress gets to you!

8. Pedicure

Many women enjoy a manicure once in a while, or at least indulge in DIY manicures at home. However, few give the same care to their feet. As a bride, you must look flawless from top to toe. And this includes your feet. Being subjected to immense wear and tear all year around, a pedicure is a great way to get your feet to feel good and look great. It is also a stress bu ster, so you will love it. If you haven’t treated your feet to one in ages, plan at least two or three of them into your wedding timeline.

Pamper your feet with a relaxing pedicure and foot spa one or more times. Have the last one in the week leading up to your wedding. This is when you will be on an all-time stress high. So, the session will help you unwind. Additionally, it will help to fix your feet just in time for your wedding, so you get to put your best foot forward.

If you think details and designs are for the hands, think again. Dress up your feet and you will feel empowered and amazing. You can decorate your toenails and feet in many ways to look extra special. Find all the inspiration and ideas you need in this article on Soopermag. 

So, have you booked your appointments for all the special beauty treatments you deserve as a bride? Do you have any more on your list? If you do, don’t forget to let us know by dropping us a comment below.

Your wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event and a perfect excuse to indulge in some special beauty treatments . So, we say make the most of it and spend a little extra on enjoying yourself. With all the wedding planning stress you have to handle, this is one thing you deserve!

For all your bridal shopping needs, from your wedding dress and accessories to dresses for the bridal party and more, visit Best for Bride . You will find a fantastic bridal collection as well as a variety of bridesmaid dresses of every type imaginable. Visit our website to learn more about everything you can buy at Best for Bride and our various offers.

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10 things you should NOT do at your wedding

We have often spoken about wedding etiquette on our blog and discussed various lists of “Do’s” that you should follow at your wedding. However, we haven’t given much thought to all the things that you SHOULDN’T do!

Not doing certain things on your wedding day is just as important as doing other things. Only then will your wedding progress smoothly and things be fine as they should. Here is a list of things that you should avoid doing on your wedding day! Keep these in mind, and you will save yourself a lot of trouble.

Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many responsibilities

From making sure that your bridesmaids are ready on time, to setting up wedding favours and following up with vendors, there are hundreds of tasks that you may have to handle on the wedding day. Pay close attention to this—Don’t do anything more than what you absolutely must, on your wedding day.

You should relax and enjoy your wedding , and even the smallest task that you handle yourself can affect you adversely. So, free yourself up during the day, and delegate most of the responsibilities to those who are capable of handling them. After all, this is why you have bridesmaids, family and friends. This is also why we think every bride should at least have a day-of planner, if not a wedding planner. Trust them to do the job well, and only supervise their activities. Don’t overwhelm yourself with last-minute responsibilities. Save your attention to what is happening at the moment, as this is the best way to enjoy your wedding to the fullest.

Don’t test anything out for the first time on your wedding day

Whether it is brand new make-up or your wedding shoes, don’t ever make the mistake of trying it on for the first time on your actual wedding day. When you experiment on your wedding day, you run the risk of things ending up disastrously. The worst part is that there may not be time for corrections if you do not like what you see. So, prepare for your wedding day in advance, so you know what you will get. Make sure you do the following ahead of time:

  • Have a trial makeup and hair session, so you can comfortably plan your wedding day look and make changes if you aren’t happy with your original idea.
  • Try on your wedding dress after your alterations are done , so you can attend to any last-minute changes if required
  • Break-in your wedding shoes by wearing them regularly for small amounts of time during the days leading up to the wedding. This will help you get used to the shoes and will make all activities on the day, including dancing, a lot more fun.
  • Use your rehearsal dinner to discuss, distribute and organize the entire wedding day activities in a planned fashion.

Don’t be too busy meeting and greeting your guests


Wedding guests despise couples who are aloof and too busy to spend any time with them. Appreciate the effort of every one of your guests who come to attend your wedding. Even if you aren’t particularly interested in meeting guests you don’t know, (perhaps they are from your parents’ or in-laws’ guest list), be courteous and make an effort to chat with them.

All the people who are at your wedding have spent time and money to be there, and they deserve to be acknowledged. Only then will your guests remember your wedding fondly. So, set aside time and make sure you smile, wave and talk to every one of your guests. This article on the Wedding Wire  gives more valuable advice on some of the other things that wedding guests hate at a wedding. It may be a good idea to check it out and plan your wedding accordingly.

Never go hungry or thirsty on your wedding day

There are many things to keep you busy from dawn to dusk on your wedding day, and this is precisely why you shouldn’t be thirsty or hungry while coping with all that strain. The last thing you want is to feel light-headed, parched or dizzy because you didn’t get the nutrition you needed for this hectic day.

Although your schedule is tight, factor in breaks to hydrate and munch on something. Choose no-fuss, easy to eat and digest foods that will neither create a mess nor be too difficult to eat, when you are pressed for time. Have a healthy breakfast to kick-start the day on the right note. Plan simple small meals and snacks for the rest of the day, so you aren’t hungry. Also, choose clear fluids to hydrate yourself, so you don’t have to worry about staining your dress.

Don’t forget to plan your important photo shoots well


Some wedding photos, like those that have to be taken at sunset, have to be timed perfectly. Don’t just assume that it will happen as intended. If you miss the moment, you cannot claim it back, and that would be a huge disappointment.

So, if there are shots that you want to take when the lighting is just right, or before you change your outfit or accessories, plan them in advance. Discuss these with your photographer , so you both know when it is time. Also delegate the duty of reminding you about it, to one of your efficient and punctual bridesmaids, and you can worry less about it. With a little foresight and systematic planning, everything about a wedding will progress smoothly and with no hassles.

Don’t lose your cool

You may be worried, anxious and irritated by the way things progress or by how some people behave on your wedding day. This may be a jealous bridesmaid, an inefficient vendor or even a guest. Whatever be the case, never react in the heat of the moment and do something you may later regret. Even if you are fully justified in blowing your top in such a scenario, remember that it is a happy occasion and everybody becomes uncomfortable when things go berserk and an argument or fight ensues.

Although Bridezillas aren’t very uncommon, remember that nobody likes being around one. When you sort things out by getting angry, nobody including you feels good about it. So, control your temper, and mentally prepare yourself to be calm and happy , irrespective of what happens. If you are certain that something wrong is bound to happen, consider your options and think of a solution in advance. If you expect a wedding vendor to do a shabby job on the day, warn him in advance. If a guest is bound to kick up an argument, find a sensible solution like arranging a distraction, that will avoid such a scenario. If things still go wrong, hush it up and settle it silently. The fewer the people who know about it, the fewer the chances of it becoming a topic of conversation.

Don’t complain


Even if things don’t go as per plan or you are unhappy with certain arrangements, try to focus on the positives and be happy on your special day. If you have a genuine reason for complaints, save it for later. This is not the time to secretly bemoan your in-laws or express how disappointed you are with your bridal party.

Remember that your complaints are not going to change anything, except maybe irritate a few people. Also, you will spoil your own mood, when you dwell on the negatives instead of enjoying the good things going on. And think of what would happen if you were overheard by the wrong people? How would it be if your complaints were to reach the person you spoke about. This would only irritate them and make them unhappy about being at your wedding. Try to be positive, and brush off things before they get to you, and your wedding day will be a lot more fun.

Don’t be unprepared for wedding day emergencies

Wedding day mishaps happen, and often when you least expect it. The best way is to be prepared for any likely scenario. Depending on your wedding details, there are chances for different things to go wrong. If you have an outdoor wedding in summer , nature may surprise you with a quick shower. Your wedding dress may end up with a stain or a button may come lost. You or someone in the bridal party may suddenly feel dizzy or nauseated with all the excitement. So, there are plenty of opportunities for things to go wrong.

As optimistic as you may be, it doesn’t hurt to be ready for the worst. Pack your emergency kit for any wedding day disaster, or even buy it online, and you should be ready to tide over most emergencies. Find out all about what should go into this kit by checking out this previous post of ours.

Don’t get drunk


We know it is a happy occasion and merriment goes with booze, but don’t drown yourself in it. Things can get ugly if you go overboard with the drinks, and it can ruin your entire memory of the happy event. You do not want your guests to see you drunk and doing things you wouldn’t want them to see. Plus, they will always remember your wedding because of how drunk the bride was.

No matter how well you plan your wedding, if you or your husband create a scene after getting drunk, this will be in your guests’ memories years later. Also, you may miss out or have clouded memory of several details of the special day, if you are soaring on alcohol. So, enjoy the champagne from the toast , and maybe an extra drink or two. But stay away from any more than you really need.

Don’t forget to enjoy yourself

We think this is the most important of all of them. Don’t get so caught up with wedding etiquette, meeting and greeting, managing vendors and planning and organizing everything, that you forget to truly live and enjoy every moment of your wedding day. This is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion and one that you deserve to remember every detail of.

So, while you chat with your guests, don’t get caught up in long conversations that will keep you away from all the fun. Delegate as many responsibilities as possible, and try not to micromanage every last detail, or you will have no time for fun. Your wedding is a day that you have planned to perfection, and if anyone deserves to enjoy it, it has to be you. Take brief moments to look around and capture those memory snapshots, dance like you mean it and enjoy your first kiss so it becomes a fond memory.

This brings us to the end of the lengthy list of what you shouldn’t do on your wedding day. Didn’t we tell you, it isn’t as bad as it sounds? With a little planning, you can steer clear of trouble. Do you have any more to add to this list? We would love it if you could share your insights with us in the comments section.

Best for Bride is all about making bridal dreams come true. From the perfect wedding dress to the entire ensemble, décor and other aspects of wedding planning, we can help you organize your wedding to the last detail. Check out our online website to find out all you need to find out how we can help you. Our exciting offers, referral bonuses and special sales will make it easier for you to come one step closer to having your perfect wedding.