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3 Rules you should follow to keep your bridesmaids happy

Your bridesmaids are the lovely women who will see you through your crazy wedding planning days and stand beside you as you say “I do.” It is an honor to be offered the title of bridesmaid, but as the bride, you should remember that they have agreed to be in for several demands while accepting the title. The least you can do is make their job easier, by being considerate and sensitive. You do not want to distress them over your decisions and create a rift in an otherwise great relationship.

bridesmaids happy

According to statistics cited by the Daily Mail , 32% of the brides they interviewed had fallen out with at least one woman who they had chosen as their bridesmaid. Fortunately, you can avoid such an experience if you make sensible decisions, and think not only about yourself, but also about your favorite girlfriends when making plans. Here are some things that you should know and follow, so you make your bridesmaids job easier.

#Rule 1

Set a budget for her dress shopping, and keep it reasonable

When your friend signs up to be your bridesmaid, she knows that a new dress , shoes and accessories are on the card. Remember that all this shopping will most likely serve her only for your wedding. So, be reasonable with your choices. Discuss what she can afford and fix a budget within her means. Only choose a dress that she can afford, unless you are footing the bill. If you can make do with a dress that your bridesmaid will be able to use again, you will immediately score extra points with your lady friends.

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#Rule 2

Keep your expectations about the bridal shower and hen party reasonable

Your bridesmaids are already paying for their dresses, while also planning your bridal shower and hen party. You may be a great gal who deserves a grand bash, but be reasonable with your expectations for the party. Parties cost a lot, and it isn’t nice on your part to expect them to pay beyond what they can afford. Appreciate the effort they put in to plan your celebrations and be happy with what they’ve arranged.

#Rule 3

Thank them like you mean it

Everyone has their limitations and the important thing is that your bridesmaids have tried their best, and have agreed to stand beside you on your big day. Make sure that you thank them for all that they’ve done with a special gift . You should already be sponsoring the jewelry and accessories that they wear on the day. Apart from that, gift them something special and write them a thank you note. Or send them a bouquet of flowers or a gift hamper to indulge in, post the wedding. Treat your bridesmaids with respect and affection, and they will be enthusiastic about your wedding instead of just doing things for the sake of it. Always remember that they are your friends first.

At Best for Bride , we have some fantastic bridesmaids dress choices at reasonable prices. Make sure your pretty ladies have something pretty to wear on your wedding day, by visiting us today.

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Universally flattering colors to satisfy all your bridesmaids

As the bride, you are in charge of deciding the color, style and design of your bridesmaids dresses . Although your main concern is to choose dresses that blend with the wedding palette, remember that these girls are your best friends. You want them to look and feel fantastic on your big day, and what they wear plays a huge role in this.

While it is impossible to make everyone happy when you choose a wedding dress, you can still aim for a choice that will not have any of your maids feeling miserable. When you choose a color like bright pink or orange, it is likely that one or more of your bridesmaids may be unhappy, since it makes her look sick or fat.

So, what is the solution? Choose different dresses for your bridesmaids , so each one of them is happy, or go with a universally flattering color that looks good on almost anyone. Let us look at what colors make this list.

Gun metal and pewter

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While these colors will look good on any skin tone, these aren’t super fantastic either. The good thing is that you won’t catch any of your bridesmaids complaining about a ghastly color you chose. These will easily blend into any color palette , and so you needn’t worry about it matching your wedding theme.

Navy and black

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Black works with any color theme, and navy with almost every one. The general rule is that the darker a color, the more likely will suit every skin tone. If you are worried about these colors being boring, you can step up the drama by pairing it with brightly colored accessories like belts or shoes, and obtain and entirely different effect.

Purple and burgundy

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When you want colors that really stand out, your choices are purple and burgundy. However, don’t choose the lighter shades, as they may clash with certain skin tones. Go with the darkest shade you can find, and your bridesmaids will look ravishing. It may not be easy incorporating these colors into every wedding theme, so consider this factor before choosing them.

Teal and baby blue

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Blue is a color that is vibrant, energizing and suitable for almost anyone. The blue palette has another advantage—the various shades work together to create a very cohesive look. Since there is a blue for everyone, you can have your bridesmaids dressed in various shades of the same color, and not worry about it coming together. And, not to forget that your wedding gown in white will pop against a background of blue. So, imagine how stunning your wedding photographs will be!

While we are talking about colors, let us also take a quick look at those that you should stay away from, if you want to dress all your girls in a single color.

Beware of pink and peach. Few women look good in these colors, and unless you choose individual shades for each woman, stay away from it. Pastels are another no-no, as they add the illusion of extra pounds and can make your girls look pale.

Check out the bridesmaids dress collections at Best for Bride , for inspiration and select the right dress to have your bridesmaids satisfied and feeling fantastic, at your wedding!

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How to handle it when others try to take over your wedding

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Wedding planning is not an easy feat, with thousands of decisions to make and hundreds of arrangements to complete. To add to all this stress is the fact that every wedding party will have at least one person, if not more, who tries to take over the reins and run your wedding for you. If you are a person who cannot say “NO”, you are in for a tough time when these people begin to run the show.

So, what do you do when you feel things are slowly slipping out of your hands? Do you just bite it down and let it be? Or do you put your foot down, and take back control? Let us look at how you can tackle such situations appropriately.

Tactically saying No

From choosing the wedding colors to fixing the guest list and booking vendors, you will have to listen to hundreds of opinions. Do listen to all of them, but do not commit without thinking it through. The best approach is to thank them for their help, and tell them that you will be in touch if you decide this is the option you want.

Remember that at some point of your wedding, you will have to disagree with someone. So, don’t feel guilty about it. Appreciate their well-intended advice or suggestion, but don’t feel you have to go with it if you aren’t comfortable. This is just how weddings work, realize it and it will be easier for you.

Work together and find middle ground

This is important when the people involved are contributing or very dear to you. For example, it may be your parents or in-laws. The fact that they are contributing may lead them to believe that they are entitled to make certain decisions. They may want to invite more of their guests than you would like to have at the wedding, or they may consider choosing the menu.

Although it is your wedding, in such a scenario you should remember that these people have earned the right to their opinion. An amicable solution is the best approach. Discuss several options where the menu is concerned and find one that both of you are satisfied with. Ask them to drop a few guests, while you too do the same. Compromise on matters that don’t have a huge impact, so that everyone is happy in the end.

Delegate tasks that are not crucial

Hand over few responsibilities to your overly eager friends and relatives, so they don’t feel like you are ignoring them entirely. This may be to follow up on a vendor booking, make a list of entertainment options or to check that the deliveries arrive on time. Even so, keep the bigger decisions to yourself. Make it a point to appreciate their help, and thank them profusely for their involvement. This should keep them happy, but out of your way.

Having a perfect wedding is not only about having a hassle-free day. It is also about the happiness you and your wedding party share. So, let this day be fun for all. Though you can’t please everyone, try to tackle difficult situations and bossy relatives sensibly, so no one is offended.

For more wedding advice and tips, as well as to choose your wedding dress visit us at Best for Bride.