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3 mistakes to avoid when planning your wedding in autumn


Autumn is a magical season , perfect for weddings with wonderful natural colors creating a romantic scene and the pleasant weather making an outdoor wedding possible. The months of September and October are peak wedding seasons for precisely this reason.

Nevertheless, there are some factors that can disrupt your wedding plans or make your wedding less exciting. Let us find out what you should consider when planning your wedding in autumn, so you can make sure it is done perfectly.

Never plan an outdoor wedding without a back-up plan

Just like a shower make take you unaware in spring or summer, autumn is a season when you may suddenly see an onslaught of frost. If you are having an outdoor wedding , keep a close tab on weather reports and make sure that you inform your guests about the likelihood of a dip in temperature. This will help them prepare for the natural elements and they won’t be left shivering throughout the function. It is a good idea to always have an indoor venue booked as back-up, should it rain or get too cold. You can still have your ceremony outdoors, but keep the reception inside, so your guests are comfortable. When choosing your wedding dress, make sure that you will be warm in it. If you anticipate a cold spell at the time, make sure you buy a matching stole or wrap to cover up your arms, so you feel comfortable when outdoors on the day.


Work with the natural colors of the season and not against it

Fall brings a wonderful palette of deep and dark colors to work with. Use this to your advantage. The naturally cool weather creates an ambiance that you can play with, rather than work against. If you are interested in using pastels and other bright tropical shades at your wedding, make sure you add some burnt orange, chocolate or dark reds as accent colors, so you balance out the look and keep it appropriate for the natural setting.

Remember autumn is the season for allergies and illnesses

This report on The Telegraph suggests that autumn is the season for flu and illnesses, and this is something we are all aware of even otherwise. With the cold weather drawing in, colds and sniffles begin their rounds. So, be prepared for it as you don’t want to end up being sick on your wedding day. Exercise and good sleep habits can help you be in better shape. Stay away from anyone who has caught the flu or is ill and practice regular hand washing and good hygiene.

Where your wedding day is concerned, remember to check on the pollen levels at the time, before you finalize an outdoor wedding venue. An outdoor wedding may deter those guests who are allergic to it from attending your wedding.

Autumn weddings are romantic, beautiful and exciting, as long as you have prepared well for it. So, get ready the right way and you will have the fantastic wedding that you always wanted. To find the perfect wedding dress for your big autumn wedding, visit us on Best for Bride , and make your pick today.

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Don’t fall ill on your wedding day! Tips to stay healthy

allergy-18656_1280 The best time to realize the saying “Health is Wealth,” is when you are engaged. Falling ill when your wedding day is just around the corner , can be a damper on all the celebrations. Imagine how terrible it would be to stand at the altar and sniffle (ones that aren’t the happy type!), or how difficult it would be to control sneezing while photos are being clicked.

Unfortunately, illness is something that can strike at any time, unless you are determined to keep it at bay. Here are some tips will help you in this direction. Begin practicing them right away and you can avoid falling ill.

Build up your immunity

One of the best ways to avoid falling ill is to strengthen your immunity. Fortunately, this isn’t too difficult to achieve, and the earlier you begin it the sooner you can achieve it. Eat a well-balanced diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water everyday. Get your stomach ready to attack bugs by building up your reserve of good bacteria through having yogurt with live cultures, regularly. You touch a number of surfaces everyday, so wash your hands often and clean them well. Use warm water and soap, or use a hand sanitizer if it isn’t possible to wash your hands at any time.

Sleep well

Sleep is an instant stress-reliever and having a good sleep-cycle will strengthen your body in several ways. However hectic your schedule may be, stick to a regular sleep routine. This will help you unwind and a stress-free body is better equipped to fight off bugs.

Avoid contact with sick people

This is a no-brainer, yet one that many brides seem to forget. When you come to know someone is sick, restrict or avoid contact with them till they are better. Should you have to care for a person suffering from a contagious condition, make sure that you have minimum contact with them and the things they use. Also wash your hands well, and do not touch surfaces that may be infected. When you use public transportation, or spend time in a public space, wash your hands soon after.

Exercise to push those bugs away

Moderate exercise helps your body create more infection-fighting cells, than usual. So, make it a habit. However, don’t overwork your body . Take it steady and practice regularly. You can also consider yoga or meditation, as these can enhance the body’s capabilities of combating stress.

Get a daily dose of herbal help

A number of herbs have been used since ages to fight infections as well as to improve the immune system. These include elderberry, echinacea, turmeric and astragalus. These herbs boost the natural immunity of the body, without causing any side-effects. Consume them daily and you will obtain the protection you require.

Treat a symptom at the onset

Remember that the clock is ticking, and you cannot afford to have a cold, flu or stomach bug at this time. Don’t dismiss any symptom that appears, and begin attacking it with medication, natural remedies and whatever works, from the moment you suspect you will be ill. For colds and flus, take zinc at the onset. For a stomach bug, load up on fluids and take suitable medication right away. Try to get it under control before it spoils your wedding day.

For more wedding tips and advice, visit Best for Bride.

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6 Things You Must Know to Avoid Pre-Wedding Weight Gain

6 Things You Must Know to Avoid Pre-Wedding Weight Gain

Wedding planning is stressful ! There always seems to be too much to do and too little time to finish. Though everyone deals with stress differently, weight gain is commonly reported among stressed-out folks like busy brides-to-be.

Here are the top 6 Things You Must Know to Avoid Pre-Wedding Weight Gain:

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