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Support with Style: 5 Key Tips to Shine as an Exceptional Bridesmaid!

A bride greatly relies on her bridesmaids to make sure her wedding day runs smoothly. Nevertheless, not all bridesmaids realize the extent to which they are essential in a wedding. If you have been asked to be a bridesmaid, it is a big honor, as the bride values your presence and participation in her wedding. So, don’t you think you should ensure you do not disappoint her?

Here, we bring you some tips on how you can make your friend’s wedding special by doing your job well. Let us take a look at them.

via Best for Bride

Be enthusiastic about the wedding

Getting married is a lifetime event, and a big deal for your friend. Feel happy for her, and make sure you are enthusiastic when she shares her dreams, fears and ideas for her big day. Your support will be very encouraging. Be there for her when she needs help with her wedding dress shopping , is worried about how things will turn out or is confused when she has to make a decision. Strive to make her wedding planning smooth by contributing ideas or offering to help when possible.

Be flexible and not a drama queen

So, your friend may choose a dress color that is not perfect on you. Don’t make a big fuss over it. Remember that it is her wedding and she expects you to go with what she chooses. If she is a good friend, it is unlikely that she will choose a dress that looks terrible on you. But, once you’ve agreed to be a bridesmaid, you should go with what she chooses, whether you like it or not.

Don’t be overbearing

You may have a ton of ideas and suggestions for your friend, but don’t try to take over her wedding. Remember that she has also been dreaming about her big day for a long time, and has a certain idea of how it should be. If she wants help with making decisions, offer them but don’t put her off by telling her that her plans sound terrible.

Don’t be too busy for your responsibilities

The bridesmaids have to be present when choosing their dresses, for the bridal shower and rehearsal dinner. Plan and organize your schedule so you do not miss any of the important wedding-related events. Try to make friends with the rest of the bridesmaids and co-ordinate with the maid of honor to understand your role and responsibilities. Get to your dress appointments on time and do your hair and makeup on the wedding day as instructed. Mark your calendar with the things you should be doing and polish your organizational skills so you handle your responsibilities to the best of your ability.

Keep the wedding planning information to yourself

Bridesmaids are usually the people who get to hear of all the wedding details first. You will know what your friend will be wearing, what the wedding color palette is and more. Stay loyal and don’t spread this information around. Your friend expects you to keep it a secret.

So, now you know what is expected of you and how to be a good bridesmaid. For more valuable wedding tips and advice, visit us on Best for Bride .

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Tips to help you plan a last-minute wedding

5307-2_300px Weddings take time to plan and perfect. But, what if you don’t have so much time?

You can still pull-off a superb wedding within the time you have, with a little help. Here are the planning tips that will help you with the various aspects of a beautiful wedding, and make it as close to perfect as can be.

Plan the legal part

The legal part of getting married, can take some time. So, get down to it, right after you decide to get married. Make a list of the necessary papers you will require and visit the courthouse as early as possible, to apply for your marriage license. Make sure the paperwork is done and you qualify to be legally married on the day you want to.

Fix your budget before you do anything else

1 A quick wedding means you have to have funds ready at short notice. Plan your budget quickly, calculate the number of guests who will be attending and make sure you account for all the factors that will be involved. Choose a theme that can be executed without difficulty. You may not have time to search for vendors who fit your budget, while meeting your deadline. So, obtain references from friends and relatives, check for online reviews and contact a number of vendors to find one who fits the bill and can accommodate your wedding plans at short notice. A wedding planner would be very helpful for a quick wedding as a professional will know what to do. They can also direct you to the right vendors who fit your budget but will deliver on time.

Choose shortcuts to spread the word

For a quick wedding, you may not have the time to select invitation stationery, print them out and send them by mail. So, choose the practical route. Quickly sort out your guest list, create an email invitation , and send it out. Also, call and personally invite your guests. Ask them to confirm whether they will be attending the wedding, and mark their RSVP response off a printed list, so you can do the rest of your planning appropriately.

Enlist extra help

This is the time to turn to your friends and well-wishers for help. If you are a naturally organized person, plan and delegate the tasks to your helpers.

If not, get your MoH or mother to help you, so you don’t miss anything.

Go shopping asap

Keep your wedding dress dreams realistic , as you do not have too much time for elaborate shopping and alteration sessions. Be open to choices when you go for your bridal appointment, and you will not be disappointed.

windflower_2 Try to look at dresses that are readily available in your size and will require minimum modifications . Make sure that you ask for a speedy delivery, and as far as possible shop for accessories and wedding bands, soon after purchasing your wedding dress.

Bridesmaid dresses

Consider the logistics of getting your bridesmaids dresses on time, when choosing them. Select from available stock, or consider paying extra for a quick delivery. Make use of mix and match options , as this will allow your bridesmaids to choose their dresses faster.

Party favors

Choose quick and easy party favors that do not require assembling.

Forget the small stuff, and keep your expectations simple. This is the best way to enjoy your whirlwind wedding. It’ll all seem like a dream later, and the little glitches won’t matter then.

For more wedding advice and tips, visit us at Best for Bride.

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Tips to help you Relax and De-stress before your wedding

woman-387510_1280 Your engagement is an exciting time, but it can be very stressful too. Wedding planning can leave you feeling overwhelmed, tired and anxious. Before the stress wreaks havoc and turns you into a  Bridezilla , stop and take control. Here are some simple tips to help you relieve yourself of wedding planning stress, and make the process easy and manageable.

Plan wisely

It may seem that there is no end to the tasks you have to handle ahead of your wedding, but it isn’t that bad. All you have to do is take it easy and come up with a good plan that can be executed within the available time. Think of the whole wedding planning as a series of small projects, and divide it into small tasks.

Spend some time sorting all that you have to do into lists, and determine the best time to work on each list. Allot the tasks in these lists to each day, week and month. Set reasonable time limits to complete each one. Also set aside some extra time with no designated tasks, so you can use this time for anything that you complete as per plan.

Enlist help

Don’t worry about doing everything yourself. If your parents, friends or relatives offer help, accept it graciously. Can you afford a wedding planner ? If yes, enjoy the privilege. Else, consider delegating certain tasks to “part-time” planners, who can expertly handle these jobs. This may be drafting your wedding invitation , decorating the venue, or finding the right vendors to cater to your event. While they do charge a fee for their service, it is worth it. You can supervise the job, but step away from micromanaging as this will again cause unnecessary stress.

Plan your deadlines well-ahead of the big day

This particularly relates to getting your wedding dress , accessories, invitations and bookings done. Draw up the vendor contracts well-ahead of time, book your band or DJ as early as possible and get your honeymoon tickets quickly. While signing contracts, remember to check for what their back-up plan is in case of an emergency. Knowing that there is a Plan B will reduce your anxiety, especially if any aspect of the wedding worries you excessively.

Set aside time to relax and pamper yourself

Make sure that you enjoy this time before your wedding, and prioritize your well-being and health . Treat yourself to a facial or massage. Attend a regular workout or yoga class to get in shape.

A well-rested bride is a happy bride, so don’t skimp on sleep. Also, find time to get together with the people you love. Enjoy your wedding shopping, and don’t rush through things that are important to you. If you feel overwhelmed at any time , pour out your worries to your mother or friend. It’ll help you relax, and they’ll probably have suggestions that you never thought of.

In all the frenzy leading up to the wedding, don’t miss out on the excitement of being a couple in love. Make time for each other, and not let it be entirely about the wedding. Relish every moment, and tackle every situation with a clear head. Look forward to a wonderful wedding day, and it will be just what you dreamed it to be.

For more bridal advice, as well as for all your wedding shopping needs, visit us at Best for Bride .

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How a smart mother of the bride can help with her daughter’s wedding

via Best for Bride

Isn’t it exciting that your little girl is getting married? Deciding to get married is the easy part, planning the wedding and getting all the arrangements done on time is the tough part. The good news is that you are there to help!

So, let’s find out how you can make the task easier for her.

The planning phase is perhaps the toughest of all. There are hundreds of details to be looked at and budgets to prepare and adhere to. These are the things you can do to help.

Make a comprehensive list

You can begin by listing down every arrangement to be done, and see to it that no detail is spared. Your daughter will probably be doing the same too. So, when you combine the two lists, it is unlikely any detail will be missed.

This would be the right time to prepare the guest list too. Also get the guest list from the groom’s side. Remember that everything costs money, and so it is necessary to chalk out this list before working on the budget for expenses.

Discuss family traditions

If there are specific wedding rituals that are followed in your family, or heirlooms to be used in the ceremony, it is wise to inform the couple ahead of time. Provide them all the necessary information, so they can accommodate this into the wedding plan.

Help budget the expenses

Once the list is ready, help her budget the expenses . If you are contributing, let her know the amount you will be footing. Break down the budget into individual components. This can be difficult to do, so help her research the costs of various components, so she doesn’t run short of funds towards the end.

Make the bookings

Now, its time to make arrangements. You can help her visit venues, draft invitations , book caterers, photographers, florists and the band. Just remember that it is her wedding, so don’t go overboard with making the decisions for her. Facilitate what she wants, provide your valuable suggestions, but go with what she decides. If your daughter is busy, offer to shoulder certain responsibilities on your own. This will allow her some breathing space, and let her relax.

Help her shop

If your daughter invites you, attend the bridal dress appointments and help her select her wedding dress . Also help with choosing the bridesmaids dresses. Once this is done, discuss your attire with her. Let her suggest the style and colors, so you can make an appropriate choice. Inform the mother of the groom of your dress choice, so she can also choose one that blends in.

Last minute arrangements, and being there when she needs you

You can oversee the last minute arrangements and deliveries. The days leading up to the wedding can seem overwhelming, so be there for your daughter. Support her when she seems worried . Keep up her spirits, remind her of how well she is doing, and how great she looks. She will be relieved by your encouragement. After all, mom knows best!

To look special on your daughter’s wedding day, check out the beautiful collection of dresses at Best for Bride for the mother of the bride.