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Winter wedding cake trends

Each season has its distinct personality, and incorporating the natural elements of the season adds more interest to a wedding. With winter upon us, and the cold weather dictating everything for the rest of the year, we think it is a good idea to take a look at some winter wedding cake trends.

Come along, as we find out more about the happening trends in delicious and delightful wedding cakes, this winter. And, don’t forget to tell us which of these trends you will be incorporating into your winter wedding.

Generous with ruffles

This video on the Vancouver Sun , mentions that decorating cakes with ruffles is one of the most popular trends in winter cakes this year.  The design for the cake is usually inspired by the bridal dress, or by the ruffles that are part of the wedding décor and bridesmaids outfits. Ruffles may be featured on just one tier, or even extended to include all the tiers of the cake. The design feature has a fresh and airy feel, and the cake doesn’t require any additional element, as this in itself gives it a signature touch.

 Vividly white wedding cakes

Winter and white are almost synonymous. White wedding cakes are a tribute to the season, and they are always tasteful and classic. Couples now choose to go with stark white tiered wedding cakes, decorated with white embellishments that keep the look monochromatic and exquisite. Details like petals, pearls, silver embellishments and piped embroidery are the top choices in cake decorations .

Image Credit: Dion Gillard [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Naked wedding cakes

Here, the wedding cake is not covered by layers of frosting or fondant. Instead, it is kept original, with the crumb showing through. The seasonal elements are added between the layers, for taste and texture. Winter favorites are fruits available during the season , such as appleas, pears and perssimons. Although the cake may look rough and exposed, it is a welcome change that is easy on the palette and the stomach. Perfect for a rich, warm dessert, the natural colors of the layers make it attractive.

Naked Cake
Image Credits: Camila Aguiar, [CC BY 2.0], via Flickr
Memorably metallic masterpieces

The sheen of metal best suits the wintry landscape and is a reflection of the cool winter ambiance. Taking inspiration from the tinsel trends highlighted every holiday season, wedding cakes with metallic accents in gold, silver and copper are a favorite. There are also cakes that are entirely covered with a metallic finish, that dazzle, shine and scintillate as works of art. With metal, less is more, and the cake finish is usually simple and straight.

Wedding Themed Card box/Towel Cake combo
Image Credits: Sherlene, via Flick

Don’t you love these winter wedding cake trends? We believe that at least some of them are here to stay. Visit our wedding cake gallery at Best for Bride , for more interesting ideas to base your wedding cake design on.

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Time to take it easy – 3 signs that wedding planning is becoming too stressful

wedding jitters

What starts off as a beautiful, romantic engagement soon ends up as a nightmare of planning, arranging and running around for many brides!

Wedding planning is a huge task, one that takes forever to complete and with numerous details that never seem to conclude. Don’t be surprised if you are a bride who feels the wedding is dictating every moment of your life, ever since the engagement.

Unless you have everything figured out, and can keep your cool despite the responsibilities of wedding planning everything perfectly, wedding plans can burn you out. Here are 3 warning signs to look out for, so you do not overwork yourself over the wedding and forget to enjoy it.

  1. You go to bed and wake up thinking of the different wedding tasks to be completed

This is not the same as when you look forward to the day with excitement. Instead, you find yourself tossing and turning at night worrying about the details, and waking up anxious to begin your wedding related tasks. At this point, wedding planning has become a chore. It is no longer fun, and you will soon just want to get over with it. If you are experiencing this already, it is high time your stopped and took a break. Resume planning and organizing after you catch a well-deserved break.

  1. All your free time is occupied with wedding planning

Too much of a good thing can cause it to become boring. If you find yourself constantly writing notes and wedding lists, rushing from vendor to vendor and always on the phone discussing your wedding, it is time to blow off some steam. Many brides are overwhelmed with the very number of things to take care of, that they end up doing nothing else. If you feel tempted to do another teeny-weeny wedding task whenever you have some free time, curb the feeling. You will handle your responsibilities more productively and efficiently, if you get some breathing space in-betweeen.

If you simply have to do something for your peace of mind, pick something that is fun—like shopping for your rehearsal dinner dress , or preparing your honeymoon itinerary. This will get the task completed, but it won’t feel like work.

  1. You no longer feel the excitement, like you did when you got engaged

The wedding dress shopping was fun and exciting, so was picking the invitation and choosing the cake. But, many brides find their excitement to handle wedding tasks waning as time passes. The reason is that they have been over-exerting themselves, that the magic is gone. The solution is to forget the wedding for a bit, and instead focus on being happily engaged. Have a fantastic date night with your groom, or go on a weekend together. Discuss the remaining wedding arrangements, and consider what can be changed to make it more exciting. Reignite the joy of getting married, and you will once again find it interesting to plan your wedding.

Make sure you relax and tackle every wedding task without stressing over it. This will allow you to enjoy the experience and look forward to a memorable wedding day.

For more wedding tips and advice, visit us at Best for Bride .