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10 Top Tips to Help You Plan And Enjoy Your Honeymoon as Newlyweds

10 Top Tips to Help You Plan And Enjoy Your Honeymoon as Newlyweds

After hectic months of planning and bringing together a wedding , a honeymoonis a massive relief for most couples. This is the time when you and your new husband can finally find the time to relax and enjoy each other’s company and eventually settle into being newlyweds.

While a honeymoon is more about the experience than the place you go, you may find that specific destination more enjoyable than others. So, the place where your best friends enjoyed their honeymoons may not always be the best place for you. The ideal place to honeymoon depends on your personality, budget, and many more factors. And this is why you need some help to choose the location you should go to.

Here are ten top tips to help you plan and enjoy your honeymoon after considering all possible factor

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Your essential After-the-wedding checklist

Your wedding day flew by like a dream, and you are finally a “Mrs.” The past few months may have been a whirlwind of activities, and you may be relieved that it is finally out of the way. However, there are a few pending tasks to complete , before you can put aside all your wedding responsibilities, and settle into your new life. Let us look at what they are.

Preserve your wedding gown

via Best for Bride

You may have worn your wedding gown just once, but it is a treasure trove of memories which has to be saved and put aside carefully. Who knows, it may serve you in the future when you renew your vows, or your daughter may someday want to get married in it! It is best that you do not attempt to do this yourself. Instead, have your wedding dress sent to a professional for preservation . Make sure you do this as soon as possible, so the stains and dirt do not set and become difficult to remove. If you will be going on your honeymoon soon after the reception, ask your MoH to take your gown to the cleaners, as early as is possible. Till then, store your gown in a dark and dry place, and keep it airtight and place it far from stains and dirt.

Sort out your gifts and send out your thank you notes

It is a good idea to create a list of the gifts as soon as you begin receiving them, and note down who sent what. This will allow you to prepare your thank you notes faster. Sending out a hand-written thank you note will be better appreciated than sending a printed one. Don’t delay mailing them, make sure your thank you notes are on their way within a month of your wedding. It will help you to have the stationery and gift list ready. You could even write them before the wedding, soon after you receive the gift, and get a head start on it.

Review your wedding photographs and videos


Get in touch with your photographer and videographer and find out how your wedding photos and videos are coming along. Review the prints and choose ones that you want to frame and display. Also, edit your video, so it doesn’t drag on for ever but includes the important highlights. While at your photographer’s, you may also want to get a few prints to share with your older guests who aren’t tech-savvy and cannot see your photos online. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Get your name changed

Now that you are officially married, it is time to inform all the necessary authorities of your name change. Collect your marriage license and visit the concerned government agencies to update your records with your change of name. Do the same at banks and other financial institutions. Also update your insurance plans and change beneficiaries where your deem appropriate, now that you are married.

Once these tasks are out of the way, you are all set to focus and enjoy your life together as a married couple . It is going to be a great journey ahead, so congratulations and all the best!

For more wedding tips and advice, visit us at Best for Bride.

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Making the most of your wedding registry and 9 registry must-haves

Wedding registries help guests to find useful gifts for the to-be-married couple. This is very helpful for them to set up their home, when they begin their new life together. Today, many couples may be living together long before they are married. Nevertheless, a good wedding registry allows them to get a little help with what they need to make their married life function more smoothly.

Over the course of this article, we will tell you why a registry is a good idea, how to inform your guests about where you are registered, how to make the best use of your wedding registry and also a list of registry must-haves that will help you set up home conveniently.

Is a wedding registry even necessary?

Some couples feel that wedding registries are not a good idea, since it gives the impression that you are fishing for gifts. Do you agree with them or are you undecided on whether a wedding gift registry is a good idea?

Here are our arguments in favor of having wedding registries . The couple and their guests should pay attention to setting up or picking gifts from a wedding registry for these reasons:

  • It goes without saying that guests will get gifts for weddings . If every guest at the wedding were to pick a random gift, it is likely that you will end up with stuff that may not be useful to you at all, while you will still have to find the space to accommodate it till you decide what to do with it.
  • Different couples have different preferences. If your guests have no idea of your tastes, the likelihood of receiving gifts that serve no purpose or clashes with your choices, is very high.
  • If a couple have been living together for a while, it is likely that they will already have stocked up on the essentials. In that case, your registry will help your guests pick an item that will actually be useful, than go for something that you already own.

Now that you know why registering for gifts is sensible, let us look at how you can let your guests know where you are registered.

How to tell your guests where you are registered

Traditional wedding etiquette condemns you from putting your wedding registry on your wedding invitation. This makes it difficult for you to inform your guests about what you would like to receive. Fortunately, there are other ways, and here they are.

  • Entrust the task to your bridesmaids, mother and rest of the wedding party

A guest who wishes to find out where you are registered will be hesitant to ask you directly for your registry information. Instead, they will mostly ask a member of your bridal party . So, make sure your women in waiting know where you are registered, and pass it along when asked.

  • Use the bridal shower invitation

While it isn’t right to use the wedding invitation to share the wedding registry, the bridal shower invitation can be used for this purpose. Why? Technically, the shower is hosted by someone other than the bride. Since there will be invitations going out for this event, you can request your maid of honor, or whoever is in-charge of hosting it, to make this information readily available to those who seek it.

  • Wedding website

Every wedding today has to have a wedding website . This allows the couple to share relevant information pertaining to the wedding. Now, the guests needn’t worry if they lose the invitation card, or forget to ask about certain details. We suggest that you add your wedding registry to your wedding website, and your guests will have no difficulty locating it.

How to efficiently plan your wedding registry?

There are many lessons we can learn from couples who have previously tested the waters. This couple on Apartment Therapy tell us that like most couples, they had no idea on where to begin and ended up looking at their parents’ kitchens, pulled out a few lists of must-haves from magazines and created a registry. While some of these picks continue to serve them, others ended up being discarded or in the donation pile.

So, how do you make sure that your wedding registry contains what will be most useful to you? Here are some tips

#Don’t go with the trend

Remember that expensive gifts should last long. So, don’t get caught up in the trend of what is hot today. Whether you find a trendy flatware pattern appealing, or feel hot pink towels are impressive, think of whether your taste will change over the years. The best thing to do is to stick with safe options in neutral colors, so that it will not look dated over the years.

#Choose individual items instead of a set of pieces

While it may look attractive to have a set of items that match, think thoroughly about how useful each piece will be to you. Make the best use of your gift choices by opting for items that will each serve a purpose, and you will have just the right things taking up space in your house.

#Don’t forget the basics

Instead of choosing occasionally useful items, give priority to the essential must-haves . A good set of knives, bath towels, bed linen, flatware and cutlery are all worthwhile investments, when you consider how well they serve you everyday. Don’t forget the essential toolbox and gardening items either, if you make use of these regularly.

#Upgrades and matching sets

If you live together already, and have your basic inventory covered, make use of your registry to get items that will complete your existing sets. Also, if you have been making do with what is available, this may be the right opportunity to upgrade to all-matching choices. You should also take a look at what you could have a few extras for. Say, you have always been short of wine glasses or serving bowls, when you entertain. Make sure to add that to the list and stock up on what will help you better.

#Say yes to gift coupons

At times, it is best for both parties if you receive gift coupons in place of gifts . This allows you to pick out what you want, and your guest needn’t rack their brains considering what will be the best choice for their budget, from the list you have created. So, don’t forget to tick the box for gift coupons in your registry. Also, when you write your thank you note, do mention what you got for the gift coupon, so your guest knows that you’ve put their thoughtful gift to good use.

#Keep the list varied and with items with differing costs

Do not restrict your registrations for only items that are available in sets. Keep your registry varied and with items of every price range, so your guests can pick what fits their budget. By choosing individual pieces, you can also build up your stock of items, which will allow you to entertain conveniently, whether you are hosting a party for 6 or 12.

Now, let us take a look at the must-have’s every couple should register for.

List of 10 must-have’s that no couple should overlook.


A whole dinnerware set in a neutral color, that you can use everyday is a must-have. Be careful when choosing the color, as you want it to live long and blend in easily with your varying tastes over time. White dishes are the best. Although they may not look too attractive, food of any color looks appealing when placed in a white dish. So, this is the perfect way to make sure your culinary efforts are most noticeable.

2. Flatware

Make your choice between silverware or the more practical stainless steel flatware. Keep in mind that dishwasher safe flatware are easiest to manage, and stainless steel often does best over time. If you already have a handy set, go for the silver. Nevertheless, remember that silver will tarnish, and so calls for extra care if you don’t use it regularly. Spend some time researching the options, and pick a pattern that you will love even after years have gone by.

3.Casseroles, saucepans and frying pans

Your food habits should determine what utensils will be useful for you. Assemble a basic cookware set with minimum three of these mentioned items. Like I said before, it is better to mix and match pieces to create the right mix of useful items, than just go with sets of many pieces that may not entirely be useful for you. Do you find yourself wishing for a soup pot all the time? Or would you like a wok for the Chinese food you always seem to cook? Then this is what should go on your registry.


Wine glasses, shot glasses, beer mugs, drinking glasses; all that you think should comprise your glass cabinet. Standard sizes and shapes are your best bet, as you will find it easier to replace should one break. Unusual fancy ones may be difficult to replace, and will spoil your set if even one is lost.

5.Sharp knives and a knife block

The essential for modern day cooking, a set of sharp knives are a treasure that will save you time and effort in the long run. Make sure you add the basic four: a stellar chef’s knife, paring knife and serrated knife and knife sharpener to your wedding registry. Add a knife block to store these knives in. Not only will it save you valuable space, but also makes storage of these precious kitchen essentials safe and smart.

6.Cutting board

The wooden cutting board is a great investment and one that will last a lifetime. Add this to your registry, and get rid of those pale and tired looking plastic cutting boards that have been cluttering up your kitchen all this time.

7.Bed linen

Over the years, you will realize that you can never have too many good sheets. So, make sure you stock up on all the basic linen, including pillow cases, flat sheets and fitted sheets, by adding it to your registry. It would also help to have a few extras for backup. Choose a basic color that will be a timeless choice, and with a good thread count so they serve you for long.

8.Bath towels

Just like with the bed sheets, you will always find use for bath towels. Put down pairs of bath towels, hand towels and face towels. You do not have to stop with just one pair. Remember to stick with colors that will look fresh over the years.

9.Serving Dishes

A serving platter and an assorted range of serving dishes are essentials for every couple who loves to entertain . Although you may not think it is necessary right now, it will be a good investment that will be handy in the future. A large serving platter is a must, as it is versatile and can hold anything from rice and pasta to fruits, cupcakes and starters.

Do you think there is anything more that should be added to this list? If so, don’t forget to put it in the comments section below.

While we are on the topic of wedding registries, let me also remind you to constantly update yours, once you have it set up. As your guests tick items off your registry , update it with more options, so even the last guest has enough to choose from. This is where your multiple sets of items like bed linen and towels will come in handy.

Continue visiting us at Best for Bride for more wedding tips and advice . Your one-stop destination for everything bridal, we have all that you need to make your wedding day a success, under one roof. With extensive bridal dress collections, bridesmaids and flower girl dresses, as well as cakes, wedding stationery, flowers and décor, we have every aspect of your wedding covered. Visit us today and make your wedding dreams a reality.

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Tips to help you Relax and De-stress before your wedding

woman-387510_1280 Your engagement is an exciting time, but it can be very stressful too. Wedding planning can leave you feeling overwhelmed, tired and anxious. Before the stress wreaks havoc and turns you into a  Bridezilla , stop and take control. Here are some simple tips to help you relieve yourself of wedding planning stress, and make the process easy and manageable.

Plan wisely

It may seem that there is no end to the tasks you have to handle ahead of your wedding, but it isn’t that bad. All you have to do is take it easy and come up with a good plan that can be executed within the available time. Think of the whole wedding planning as a series of small projects, and divide it into small tasks.

Spend some time sorting all that you have to do into lists, and determine the best time to work on each list. Allot the tasks in these lists to each day, week and month. Set reasonable time limits to complete each one. Also set aside some extra time with no designated tasks, so you can use this time for anything that you complete as per plan.

Enlist help

Don’t worry about doing everything yourself. If your parents, friends or relatives offer help, accept it graciously. Can you afford a wedding planner ? If yes, enjoy the privilege. Else, consider delegating certain tasks to “part-time” planners, who can expertly handle these jobs. This may be drafting your wedding invitation , decorating the venue, or finding the right vendors to cater to your event. While they do charge a fee for their service, it is worth it. You can supervise the job, but step away from micromanaging as this will again cause unnecessary stress.

Plan your deadlines well-ahead of the big day

This particularly relates to getting your wedding dress , accessories, invitations and bookings done. Draw up the vendor contracts well-ahead of time, book your band or DJ as early as possible and get your honeymoon tickets quickly. While signing contracts, remember to check for what their back-up plan is in case of an emergency. Knowing that there is a Plan B will reduce your anxiety, especially if any aspect of the wedding worries you excessively.

Set aside time to relax and pamper yourself

Make sure that you enjoy this time before your wedding, and prioritize your well-being and health . Treat yourself to a facial or massage. Attend a regular workout or yoga class to get in shape.

A well-rested bride is a happy bride, so don’t skimp on sleep. Also, find time to get together with the people you love. Enjoy your wedding shopping, and don’t rush through things that are important to you. If you feel overwhelmed at any time , pour out your worries to your mother or friend. It’ll help you relax, and they’ll probably have suggestions that you never thought of.

In all the frenzy leading up to the wedding, don’t miss out on the excitement of being a couple in love. Make time for each other, and not let it be entirely about the wedding. Relish every moment, and tackle every situation with a clear head. Look forward to a wonderful wedding day, and it will be just what you dreamed it to be.

For more bridal advice, as well as for all your wedding shopping needs, visit us at Best for Bride .