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Beauty Procedures You Should Look Into Before Your Wedding Day + Tips

Beauty Procedures You Should Look Into Before Your Wedding Day + Tips

Getting married is tough if you feel insecure about the way you look. It’s the only time in your life when every single eye in the room will be on you. You’ll enjoy the day more if you feel like a million bucks.

It’s why brides should consider booking a beauty procedure or two before their big day, which doesn’t need to be too crazy. Let’s discuss a few good treatments that will take your look to the next level.

Continue reading Beauty Procedures You Should Look Into Before Your Wedding Day + Tips
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Final Countdown: 15 Essential Tasks to Complete in the Week Leading Up to Your Wedding!

The last week leading up to your wedding will be a whirlwind of activity. This is the time when you have to complete every last detail on your wedding checklist. Since there will be plenty of work to do at this time, it is easy to forget one or more things in all the hurry.

Having seen so many brides over the years, we can understand how exhausting it is when you should finish it all and also get everything right. Fortunately, we know how to make the task easy. Here is a checklist of all the important things you should complete in the week leading up to your wedding.

Use this list to finish your tasks in a planned manner and without hassle.

1.Pick up your wedding dress

Plan your final wedding dress fitting early in the week during your wedding. This will help you ensure that the dress fits perfectly. You needn’t worry about any size changes following this session, and hence can enjoy the best possible fit. In case your dress fitting is over before this, don’t forget to try on your dress during the last week. You can do any necessary alteration if there is any change in measurement at the time. Also try the dress on with the accessories you intend to wear. This will let you see how the overall look comes together, and you can make any necessary changes.

2.Pack or prep your wedding dress

If you plan to get dressed at home, set your wedding dress on a hanger. Steam or iron the belt or sash that comes with the dress, so it looks crisp and clean. In case you should transport your wedding dress, zip it into a garment bag after ensuring all parts are perfectly packed. Check with your wedding dress boutique to find whether there are any likely issues with transporting the dress. Follow their suggestions, if any.

3.Break in your wedding shoes

Don’t wait till your wedding day to first wear your wedding shoes . Unless you break them in, wearing them on the very day can be painful. Brand new shoes pinch, cause blisters or may feel too tight. If the heel height is more than what you usually wear, it won’t be easy to dance in them. So, start using it the month before your wedding and your feet will get accustomed to the fit. In the last week, wear it for a short while every day. Wearing them in short spurts will help you break it in gradually. Get used to the heel height. Also try to dance in them. For more tips and advice on how to break your shoes in effectively, take a look at this article on the Bustle. 

4.Practice your vows

You may have written your vows already. So, now start practicing it as well. Even if you will be reading it off a piece of paper, try it out in advance. This will allow you to modulate your voice and pace your lines for the right effect. Another benefit of doing this is that it will alleviate some stress. After all, many brides become nervous when the moment finally arrives and they have to say their vows in front of all these people. Prepare yourself with the lines and you are less likely to fumble and make mistakes. Thus, you will feel calm and confident when you have to finally say it at your wedding.

5.Check and confirm with those who will speak at your wedding

This is the right time to cross-check and confirm with those who are saying the wedding speeches and toasts. A gentle reminder will be sufficient for them to get their toast ready in time for the wedding. It is a good idea to inform then of when it will be their turn to speak on the day. Long toasts and speeches are boring. So, ask them to keep it short and not longer than 5 minutes. Also limit the wedding speeches to three or four at the most, so your guests don’t feel bored.

6.Put together your wedding emergency kit

There are many things that can go wrong on your wedding day. Get ready to tackle all such issues with an emergency kit with all necessary supplies. You will have to stock items like tissues, blotting paper, chalk, safety pins, thread and needles to handle potential wedding dress issues. Apart from that you should also include your hair and makeup essentials. Smelling salts, plaster and tape are some of the other items that can come in handy. For the full list of items to have in your wedding emergency kit, visit this previous article. If you don’t want to set up your emergency kit by yourself, you can also buy it ready made. Find out all about what our emergency kit contains and how you can order it from Best for Bride here. 

7.Complete all work-related assignments

You will have to run around a lot for your wedding tasks. So, get your work out of the way before that. Complete all pending assignments and delegate responsibilities to your colleagues in-charge during your absence. Send emails to all those concerned, informing them of your non-availability during your wedding and honeymoon. Get your work things organized and in-place. Create easy to access lists and information for your co-workers, boss and subordinates, so they will not have to contact you while you are away.

8.Confirm with vendors and suppliers

Don’t wait till the day before your wedding to get in touch with your wedding vendors . Call them up early and cross-check if everything is progressing as per plan. Confirm that there are no issues and all required ingredients and materials are available. Inquire about any likely changes, and give the go-ahead only after verifying them. Confirm arrival, transportation and pick-up plans for the day. Provide a contact who they can get in touch with in case of any questions on the day. If you have a wedding planner, she will handle all this. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to verify that everything is moving smoothly.

9.Verify plans with your wedding party

Get in touch with your bridesmaids, ushers and the rest of the members in the wedding party and inform them of the wedding timeline and plans. Check and confirm that your bridesmaids have collected their dresses after necessary alterations. Also discuss their hair and makeup plans for the day. Delegate the responsibilities to the right people, so everyone is aware of what they are in-charge of. Inform them of where they have to be at different times on the day. Also discuss the details of how, where and when they should do their hair and makeup on the day. Once you do the overall planning, delegate the responsibilities to ensure each aspect is covered to your maid-of-honor, best man and bridal party.

10.Pack your overnight bag

Even if you will be getting dressed at your home, put all that you need together for easy access. Make a list of all the things you need to get ready. This should also include your change of clothes, an extra pair of shoes, your emergency kit and other essentials. Then pack a bag with these items and put it away safely. Once you have this ready, simply pull it out when it is time to go. You need not worry about searching for all you need at the last minute.

11.Pack your honeymoon bag

Pack all that you need for your honeymoon in the week before your wedding. Depending on the location, make a list of the different things you have to carry. Then pack these items into your bag. If your honeymoon is abroad, don’t forget to pack your passport and other travel documents. When you get everything ready in advance, you are less likely to forget any essential detail. For new clothes, shoes and other items, get rid of the tags and price stickers before packing them in.

12.Confirm the guest head count

This is the right time to ensure that your seating arrangement is done properly and that there are no changes to plan. If someone has failed to RSVP, reach out to them to find out if they are attending or not. You can make suitable last-minute changes to the seating plan if there is a difference in head count. Share this information with your caterer, venue manager and wedding planner, once the list is ready. If you have asked guests to make a choice from the menu options, this is also the time to follow up with those who haven’t responded already. Your vendors and caterers will need such information to plan their work for the day.

13.Prep your home

There will be people visiting you during the week before your wedding. So, get it ready for hosting, in advance. Do a deep clean, put everything in its right place and neatly arrange your house. Have your kitchen stocked with easy-to-prepare meals, for days that do not go as planned. Plan your outfits for the week, so you can dress quickly and efficiently. If there are items that are to be stored away safely, put them away now and you needn’t worry about them when you have to lock and go. Hire help if necessary, for the cleaning, maintenance and any other essential tasks. Also identify the zones where you will be taking photographs on the wedding day, and set them up neatly and as preferred so they are ready for pictures.

14.Get your mani/pedi and confirm hair and makeup appointments

You should do your manicure and pedicure closer to the wedding day, for best results. So, schedule your appointment just a day or two before the wedding. Make sure it doesn’t clash with any of the remaining wedding plans. You will have to spend at least an hour at the salon for this purpose. Decide on how you want your nails to look for the occasion. Here are some ideas on the Huffington Post.  This will prevent you from randomly picking it up and later regretting the choice. Book your appointment at the salon in advance. If you will be using a hairdresser or makeup artist for your wedding, double-check your booking details to avoid confusion on the day.

15.Brief your maid-of-honor or wedding planner on wedding day responsibilities

You do not want to spend your time overseeing every detail on your wedding day, when you ought to actually have fun. So, assign all responsibilities to a capable person or persons. Discuss factors like what to do with the décor after the function , how to handle vendor payments, what to do with your wedding dress etc. Give clear instructions on each aspect that is important. You can thus minimize their need to consult you with questions on the day. Do a double check of your wedding checklist and make sure everything has been handled.

Wedding planning is strenuous and can overwhelm every bride at some point or the other. To avoid drowning in the stress, it is wise to chalk out time for yourself during the wedding planning process. Also, don’t forget to enjoy every milestone you cross. Finding the perfect wedding dress is a big achievement in your wedding planning, and we can help you with this. Visit Best for Bride for the latest and most modern as well as classic bridal dress collections. Apart from that, also browse through our bridesmaids dress collections, wedding accessories collection and more to jump start your wedding planning today.

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Radiant Bride Checklist: 8 Crucial Beauty Appointments You Can’t Afford to Skip!

Congratulations on your engagement! Get ready for some action now, for the countdown to your wedding will be a whirlwind of plans and tasks. You will be very busy planning aspects like the wedding budget, booking a venue, choosing invitations, and going wedding dress shopping. Meanwhile, don’t forget to plan for your bridal beauty appointments.

Your wedding day is that day in your life when you must look your absolute best. Unfortunately, there is no single magical treatment that will help you overnight. Perfect skin , great hair and a good figure take time to achieve. So, make sure you schedule your bridal beauty appointments into your wedding planning timeline in advance. Find time for all of these essential beauty appointments, and you will look gorgeous from head to toe on your wedding day.


Happy occasions like weddings involve a lot of smiling. And when you are the bride, you simply must have a dazzling smile to display. Visit your dentist soon after you are engaged and find out what needs to be done. If there are major issues to tackle, your dentist can address them during the months leading up to the wedding.

Book a whitening and cleaning session closer to the wedding day. This will help you achieve teeth that sparkle and make you more beautiful. Meanwhile, don’t forget to practice good oral hygiene and avoid foods and drinks that stain teeth.

2.Hair removal appointment

Whether you do your hair removal yourself using DIY kits or at a salon, plan the timing for this wisely. Here are the different options and how you can time the appointment for best results:

Laser hair removal:Have you always wanted to laser unwanted hair off once and for all? Your wedding presents the right opportunity to put this plan into action. There are two things to remember when going for laser hair removal. First, it takes 4-6 weeks to achieve hair removal using this technique fully. Secondly, choosing a recommended professional laser center is wise to avoid unwanted risks. Book your appointment with a reputed laser hair removal salon considering this factor.

Waxing:Whether you wax at home or get it done at a beauty salon, it is important to time it right. Regrowth should be long enough to eliminate at the last session before your wedding day completely. Three days before D-day is usually good enough.

Depilators or creams:If you have been following these techniques for a while, you should have a fair idea of how long it takes after a session for the hair to reappear. Schedule your sessions into your timeline accordingly.

3.Hair stylist

Do you plan to do your hair yourself on your wedding day? Or will you be hiring a wedding hairstylist ? Either way, you should visit a hairstylist before your wedding. At your first appointment, have a haircut and color your hair. This is very important if you plan to change your hair color. At the second appointment, do what is necessary to get your hair right in time for your wedding day. Book these appointments long before your wedding so you have enough time to experiment with a new look. If it doesn’t turn out well, you will still have time to outgrow it or fix the issues.

If you hire a stylist for your wed ding day hair, we recommend a trial before the actual day. This will allow you to see precisely how your bridal hairstyle will be. You can also find out how long it will take. If you aren’t satisfied with the results, your hairstylist can make the necessary changes. It is a good idea to have this trial on the same day when you will be attending your wedding dress fitting. This will give you a perfect idea of how the hairstyle you chose goes with your wedding dress. Alternatively, if you have an engagement photo shoot or a bridal portrait, use this opportunity to try your wedding day hairstyle.

If you need some inspiration for wedding day hairstyles, take a look at the variety of images here on the Bridal Guide blog. And, here is some valuable advice on choosing the right wedding day hairstyle for you on the Huff Post

4.Make-up artist

Many brides prefer to entrust their wedding day makeup to a professional makeup artist, and with good reason. Unlike any other day, you do not want to look less than perfect on your wedding day. Makeup artists have the necessary tools to help you look your very best. They will also ensure that your makeup stays fresh and you will only have to touch it up occasionally.

Just as with your hair trial, it is a good idea to have a makeup trial. Look online and in bridal magazines for inspiration. Collect pictures you like and take them to your makeup artist to look at. She may suggest changes and customize the look to suit your skin tone and features. A trial will allow you to see if you like the look or prefer something different. Plan this on the day of your dress fitting, if you want to see how your bridal look comes together. Or have it done on the day of your engagement photo shoot? You can then check if the overall look is photogenic, or you must make changes to look better on your wedding day.

Now, if you have decided to do your wedding day makeup yourself, don’t forget to read online guides for some helpful pointers. 

5. Manicurist

Every part of your body that the camera sees deserves special attention. Your photographer will take close-up shots of your bouquet and wedding ring, and your hands will accompany them in the shot. A good manicure will pamper and prep your fingers and nails for this dose of attention. It is also an excellent opportunity to unwind, relax and enjoy some TLC. So, please don’t skip it!

Ask the manicurist for suggestions on how to dress your fingers for your special day. Let your nails also show off your personality. Choose from crisp French manic ures, gently embellished designs, long coloured nails or wild mix-and-match patterns, depending on your preference. We suggest having your bridal manicure in the week leading up to the wedding. However, you should begin attending to your hands long before it. Avoid biting your nails, using harsh, dark nail colours and subjecting them to unnecessary wear and tear. Keep your hands moisturized and choose the best accessories to accentuate it’s natural beauty.

There are numerous resources on the web for ideas on how to decorate your nails on your special day. If you want a glamorous look, this article on the Huff Post has some interesting pointers. There are more ideas here and here .

6. Skin expert

Unless you are blessed with unique skin that is one hundred percent problem-free, it is a good idea to meet a dermatologist soon after your engagement. A skin doctor can provide professional solutions for any or all skin problems. You can find the right approach to fixing the issue, whether it is acne, blemishes, sun spots, redness of skin or any unseemly marks. However, remember that many skin problems take time to address and completely cure. This is why we suggest you travel to your doctor’s earlier.

For better results, you can also consider getting a specialist treatment like Microdermabrasion or a chemical peel at a qualified dermatologist’s office. After all, it is your wedding day. A little boost to your natural beauty will only help you look even better when all eyes are on you.

7. Hair salon

Just like skin, beautiful hair doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and effort to get tresses in the best shape. So, book your appointment at a good hair spa at frequent intervals throughout your engagement period, and indulge in some special hair care. Hair spas can really improve the texture and quality of your hair. Make it a regular practice and you will love the results.

See to it that you pick a good salon where the beauticians correctly identify your hair type and plan your treatment accordingly. With hydrating hair masks, head massages and refreshing steam sessions, your hair will shine like never before. Additionally, sessions like these are relaxing and will offer you a welcome respite when wedding planning stress gets to you!

8. Pedicure

Many women enjoy a manicure once in a while, or at least indulge in DIY manicures at home. However, few give the same care to their feet. As a bride, you must look flawless from top to toe. And this includes your feet. Being subjected to immense wear and tear all year around, a pedicure is a great way to get your feet to feel good and look great. It is also a stress bu ster, so you will love it. If you haven’t treated your feet to one in ages, plan at least two or three of them into your wedding timeline.

Pamper your feet with a relaxing pedicure and foot spa one or more times. Have the last one in the week leading up to your wedding. This is when you will be on an all-time stress high. So, the session will help you unwind. Additionally, it will help to fix your feet just in time for your wedding, so you get to put your best foot forward.

If you think details and designs are for the hands, think again. Dress up your feet and you will feel empowered and amazing. You can decorate your toenails and feet in many ways to look extra special. Find all the inspiration and ideas you need in this article on Soopermag. 

So, have you booked your appointments for all the special beauty treatments you deserve as a bride? Do you have any more on your list? If you do, don’t forget to let us know by dropping us a comment below.

Your wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event and a perfect excuse to indulge in some special beauty treatments . So, we say make the most of it and spend a little extra on enjoying yourself. With all the wedding planning stress you have to handle, this is one thing you deserve!

For all your bridal shopping needs, from your wedding dress and accessories to dresses for the bridal party and more, visit Best for Bride . You will find a fantastic bridal collection as well as a variety of bridesmaid dresses of every type imaginable. Visit our website to learn more about everything you can buy at Best for Bride and our various offers.

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12 inspiration ideas for brides who love polka dots

Isn’t it refreshing to see an unconventional wedding palette ? Perfect for the casual wedding theme, polka dots are a pattern that can liven up any atmosphere. Whether it is done in just two colors or a variation of several colors, it is always a fun choice that we cannot, but love. And for brides who can’t convince their to-be-husbands that polka dots is the way to go for your wedding, you can still enjoy your love affair with this mesmerizing pattern by having a polka-dot studded bridal shower or engagement party.

So, here is a collection of 10 fantastic polka dot ideas to inspire the quirky bride, whether it is for her wedding or any of the events leading up to it. Get ready to swoon!

1.Fun and festive wedding cake

Choose a contrasting combination of colors for a polka dot wedding cake like that featured in the picture here. Look at how the assorted polka dot colors frame the white frosting elegantly? Matching the polka dot colors on the cake to the design on the ribbon that decorates the cake, instantly adds more style to it. Resembling a gift box, the best part about this cake is that it isn’t too complex to create, but has an unusually interesting overall finish. So, if you are after a budget friendly option, this design is one to consider.

polka dot gift box cake
Image Credits: Suzanne’s Bespoke Bakery, via Flickr

 2.Spotted cupcakes

Dessert buffets may no longer be as popular as they once were, but if you have one at your polka dot theme wedding, these fun spotted cupcakes are a must-have. The design is so simple, yet unusual, and we are sure your baker will be able to whip them up for little to no cost. Despite all this, the impact of the m&m studded cupcakes will be mind-blowing. If you aren’t up for this idea at your wedding, it will certainly work out for your colorful bridal shower on the polka dot theme. What do you say?

polka dot cupcakes

3.Spot this save-the-card

In an interesting twist to the polka dot style, this spot and check polka dot save-the-date photo card will be an instant hit with your guests. This design features emerald and canary ink colors to create the exciting combination featured here. However, you may make your pick from the many colors available to suit your wedding color palette, and you will have a save-the-date that is high on style and impact, and attractive at first sight. Follow up with a matching RSVP card and a wedding invite in the same colors as this invitation card, and find respite for your obsession with polka dots. This save-the-date card can be ordered online from our collection at Best for Bride.

spotted save-the-date

4.Bling invitation card with golden dots

If you are a bride who loves bling, here is a wedding invitation that is a charming representation of dots with plenty of the “bling” factor. While the invitation wording is done on white, it is framed elegantly within a golden polka dot and textured gold border. The best part of this design is that the beautiful golden dots follows through the invitation into the envelope, creating a charming overall effect. With golden lettering as well, this is a rich and luxurious choice that your guests simply cannot miss noticing.

gold invitation

5.Spots on the bride-to-be shower book

Here is an accessory that will blend into a polka dot theme bridal shower seamlessly. This pink and white polka dot bridal shower guest book features a modern bride-to-be illustration that is simply adorable. With the space to hold up to 55 guest signatures, it will easily be enough for all the guests at the shower. It will also be a pretty keepsake that will always remind you of the interesting party you celebrated with your favorite girls.

bridal shower guestbook

6.Spotted china for a delightful brunch

If you are bold enough to side-step the conventional wedding day colors and patterns for polka dots, you would most likely be open to the idea of a wedding brunch instead of the usual reception. Not only is this budget-friendly, there are a whole set of other reasons too, that make the idea attractive. Read all about why you should consider having a wedding brunch, in this previous post of ours . If you like this idea, think of using polka dot china to serve your delicious breakfast menu in. If it is an outdoor wedding brunch, it will simply add oodles of color to the overall setting, and make the party more lively. In case this isn’t possible we have other suggestions to make your tablescape work. Nevertheless, this is an option that you should consider, as it is a definite winner.

polka dot china

7.Dots and spots on napkins

If the idea of the spotted china is out of reach, turn to the next best thing instead. Go all the way with a table cloth decorated with dots, or do it in moderate doses with polka dot table napkins instead. We prefer the latter, as it makes the polka dot effect more elegant and sophisticated. This is also your chance to add some glitter and glamor to your reception tables, but with subtlety. Golden polka dots on a solid color napkin would look classy, while still keeping the fun theme alive at your party.

strawberry thyme lemonade with straw in a tall glass on polka dot napkin
Image Credits: Shari’s Berries, via Flickr

8.Polka dot metal boat as wedding favor

Here is the perfect polka dot favor for those couples who want something that matches a nautical theme. While the groom enjoys his share of fun with a sailing or ocean theme, you can add a soft touch of your own with this as a display accessory at your wedding reception. These quaint blue and white polka dot metal boats can do double duty as both a thematic place setting, and as a favor for the guests to take home after the party. Stuff it with mints or candy and personalize it with a thank you note on the flag, and you have a wonderful favor that your guests will love.

nautical polka dot boat

9. Spotted cellophane bag insert

The simplest way to add dotted details to your favor table is to use polka dot inserts in cellophane bags, like shown here. The simple addition of these economically priced bag inserts can liven up a plain cellophane bag and make it a work of art. With custom options to choose from four different colors, these favor inserts are a perfect addition to any color palette . It can also be your little polka dot detail, if you don’t want polka dots ruling the entire wedding scenery. With such a pretty cover to carry candy off the dessert spread, your guests will love your attention to detail. Whichever color you choose for the spots, this will add a welcome dose of color to your desert table and really make it pop. You can also add a small bit of information and a thank you message on the insert to complete the look. You can also use matching polka dot straws for the beverages at your party. Whether you choose to serve these straws by themselves, or with little flags, their presence will not go unnoticed. This will allow you to mix and match the details, and still achieve a cohesive effect that your guests will not miss.

dot insert

10.Bright and beautiful spotted bridesmaids dresses

Polka dots may not be standard bridesmaid stuff, which is what makes it so much fun. It is an easy, and obvious way of adding your favorite detail into your wedding day and making it totally unique. Your bridesmaids will be happy to buy a dress that they can definitely use again, and you have a world of options to choose from. If you have your mind set on an outdoor spring or summer wedding, bridesmaids dresses such as that shown here will be a pleasant addition to the overall picture. This dress also has a vintage charm with the puff sleeves and bigger and bolder dots on the fabric. With bright colors like pink, turquoise or orange appearing on a white or cream background, the entire atmosphere will resonate with fun and joy. As interesting as this idea is, remember not to take the detail overboard. Balance out the polka dots with suitable addition of a solid color, that blends well into the overall picture. Also remember that it may not be a great idea to go with full-length gowns, as it can look overwhelming. Stick with cocktail length dresses instead. You can also think of matching the bridesmaids accessories to the color of the polka dots.


11.Polka dot manicure

Wearing a polka dot wedding dress may be stretching the theme a little too much. However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have any thing dotty on yourself. Surprise your guests with your own unique polka dot detail, through your wedding day manicure . Polka dot nails look fantastic, and having this done will easily make it a fashion statement on your wedding day. The options are endless, as you can choose any possible base color and polka dots in any color, so it blends into your wedding theme. Our favorite combinations include white with black dots and black dots on gold. You can choose to keep it simple with just a border of polkas at the nail base or on the end of the nails. The other option is to keep it uniform and have it all over your nails. You can also try add polka dots of different sizes and in mixed colors, for more impact. It will be a delightful addition, either way. Make sure that you have your manicure done closer to the wedding day, so that your nails look fresh and the dots are details that are obvious and attractive.

12.  Lucky gnome with polka hat

To keep your décor interesting, but not overwhelming, choose décor elements that bring in the effect softly. Accessories and charms like this adorable little procelain gnome featured here, can achieve this effect perfectly. Although the polka dot effect is seen only on his hat, it is still striking and just enough to make it significant in any setting. Place him as part of the centerpieces at your venue, or gift him as a party favor that carries a good wish to the bearer, and it will be a gift that everyone will appreciate. It is possible to customize the message he carries to one that you choose.

polka dot gnome

Hope this has given you enough inspiration to plan your wedding with this ever-trendy and interesting detail.

For more interesting ideas and everything wedding-related, keep dropping in at Best for Bride . Beginning with wedding dresses, accessories and bridal party attires, we bring you all that you need for planning the perfect wedding day. We also bring you interesting ideas, latest trends and fabulous pictures from real weddings to inspire you as you begin to plan the most special day of your life. Join us to explore all that the world of weddings has to offer you.