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Tips to help you Relax and De-stress before your wedding

woman-387510_1280 Your engagement is an exciting time, but it can be very stressful too. Wedding planning can leave you feeling overwhelmed, tired and anxious. Before the stress wreaks havoc and turns you into a  Bridezilla , stop and take control. Here are some simple tips to help you relieve yourself of wedding planning stress, and make the process easy and manageable.

Plan wisely

It may seem that there is no end to the tasks you have to handle ahead of your wedding, but it isn’t that bad. All you have to do is take it easy and come up with a good plan that can be executed within the available time. Think of the whole wedding planning as a series of small projects, and divide it into small tasks.

Spend some time sorting all that you have to do into lists, and determine the best time to work on each list. Allot the tasks in these lists to each day, week and month. Set reasonable time limits to complete each one. Also set aside some extra time with no designated tasks, so you can use this time for anything that you complete as per plan.

Enlist help

Don’t worry about doing everything yourself. If your parents, friends or relatives offer help, accept it graciously. Can you afford a wedding planner ? If yes, enjoy the privilege. Else, consider delegating certain tasks to “part-time” planners, who can expertly handle these jobs. This may be drafting your wedding invitation , decorating the venue, or finding the right vendors to cater to your event. While they do charge a fee for their service, it is worth it. You can supervise the job, but step away from micromanaging as this will again cause unnecessary stress.

Plan your deadlines well-ahead of the big day

This particularly relates to getting your wedding dress , accessories, invitations and bookings done. Draw up the vendor contracts well-ahead of time, book your band or DJ as early as possible and get your honeymoon tickets quickly. While signing contracts, remember to check for what their back-up plan is in case of an emergency. Knowing that there is a Plan B will reduce your anxiety, especially if any aspect of the wedding worries you excessively.

Set aside time to relax and pamper yourself

Make sure that you enjoy this time before your wedding, and prioritize your well-being and health . Treat yourself to a facial or massage. Attend a regular workout or yoga class to get in shape.

A well-rested bride is a happy bride, so don’t skimp on sleep. Also, find time to get together with the people you love. Enjoy your wedding shopping, and don’t rush through things that are important to you. If you feel overwhelmed at any time , pour out your worries to your mother or friend. It’ll help you relax, and they’ll probably have suggestions that you never thought of.

In all the frenzy leading up to the wedding, don’t miss out on the excitement of being a couple in love. Make time for each other, and not let it be entirely about the wedding. Relish every moment, and tackle every situation with a clear head. Look forward to a wonderful wedding day, and it will be just what you dreamed it to be.

For more bridal advice, as well as for all your wedding shopping needs, visit us at Best for Bride .