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10 things you should NOT do at your wedding

We have often spoken about wedding etiquette on our blog and discussed various lists of “Do’s” that you should follow at your wedding. However, we haven’t given much thought to all the things that you SHOULDN’T do!

Not doing certain things on your wedding day is just as important as doing other things. Only then will your wedding progress smoothly and things be fine as they should. Here is a list of things that you should avoid doing on your wedding day! Keep these in mind, and you will save yourself a lot of trouble.

Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many responsibilities

From making sure that your bridesmaids are ready on time, to setting up wedding favours and following up with vendors, there are hundreds of tasks that you may have to handle on the wedding day. Pay close attention to this—Don’t do anything more than what you absolutely must, on your wedding day.

You should relax and enjoy your wedding , and even the smallest task that you handle yourself can affect you adversely. So, free yourself up during the day, and delegate most of the responsibilities to those who are capable of handling them. After all, this is why you have bridesmaids, family and friends. This is also why we think every bride should at least have a day-of planner, if not a wedding planner. Trust them to do the job well, and only supervise their activities. Don’t overwhelm yourself with last-minute responsibilities. Save your attention to what is happening at the moment, as this is the best way to enjoy your wedding to the fullest.

Don’t test anything out for the first time on your wedding day

Whether it is brand new make-up or your wedding shoes, don’t ever make the mistake of trying it on for the first time on your actual wedding day. When you experiment on your wedding day, you run the risk of things ending up disastrously. The worst part is that there may not be time for corrections if you do not like what you see. So, prepare for your wedding day in advance, so you know what you will get. Make sure you do the following ahead of time:

  • Have a trial makeup and hair session, so you can comfortably plan your wedding day look and make changes if you aren’t happy with your original idea.
  • Try on your wedding dress after your alterations are done , so you can attend to any last-minute changes if required
  • Break-in your wedding shoes by wearing them regularly for small amounts of time during the days leading up to the wedding. This will help you get used to the shoes and will make all activities on the day, including dancing, a lot more fun.
  • Use your rehearsal dinner to discuss, distribute and organize the entire wedding day activities in a planned fashion.

Don’t be too busy meeting and greeting your guests


Wedding guests despise couples who are aloof and too busy to spend any time with them. Appreciate the effort of every one of your guests who come to attend your wedding. Even if you aren’t particularly interested in meeting guests you don’t know, (perhaps they are from your parents’ or in-laws’ guest list), be courteous and make an effort to chat with them.

All the people who are at your wedding have spent time and money to be there, and they deserve to be acknowledged. Only then will your guests remember your wedding fondly. So, set aside time and make sure you smile, wave and talk to every one of your guests. This article on the Wedding Wire  gives more valuable advice on some of the other things that wedding guests hate at a wedding. It may be a good idea to check it out and plan your wedding accordingly.

Never go hungry or thirsty on your wedding day

There are many things to keep you busy from dawn to dusk on your wedding day, and this is precisely why you shouldn’t be thirsty or hungry while coping with all that strain. The last thing you want is to feel light-headed, parched or dizzy because you didn’t get the nutrition you needed for this hectic day.

Although your schedule is tight, factor in breaks to hydrate and munch on something. Choose no-fuss, easy to eat and digest foods that will neither create a mess nor be too difficult to eat, when you are pressed for time. Have a healthy breakfast to kick-start the day on the right note. Plan simple small meals and snacks for the rest of the day, so you aren’t hungry. Also, choose clear fluids to hydrate yourself, so you don’t have to worry about staining your dress.

Don’t forget to plan your important photo shoots well


Some wedding photos, like those that have to be taken at sunset, have to be timed perfectly. Don’t just assume that it will happen as intended. If you miss the moment, you cannot claim it back, and that would be a huge disappointment.

So, if there are shots that you want to take when the lighting is just right, or before you change your outfit or accessories, plan them in advance. Discuss these with your photographer , so you both know when it is time. Also delegate the duty of reminding you about it, to one of your efficient and punctual bridesmaids, and you can worry less about it. With a little foresight and systematic planning, everything about a wedding will progress smoothly and with no hassles.

Don’t lose your cool

You may be worried, anxious and irritated by the way things progress or by how some people behave on your wedding day. This may be a jealous bridesmaid, an inefficient vendor or even a guest. Whatever be the case, never react in the heat of the moment and do something you may later regret. Even if you are fully justified in blowing your top in such a scenario, remember that it is a happy occasion and everybody becomes uncomfortable when things go berserk and an argument or fight ensues.

Although Bridezillas aren’t very uncommon, remember that nobody likes being around one. When you sort things out by getting angry, nobody including you feels good about it. So, control your temper, and mentally prepare yourself to be calm and happy , irrespective of what happens. If you are certain that something wrong is bound to happen, consider your options and think of a solution in advance. If you expect a wedding vendor to do a shabby job on the day, warn him in advance. If a guest is bound to kick up an argument, find a sensible solution like arranging a distraction, that will avoid such a scenario. If things still go wrong, hush it up and settle it silently. The fewer the people who know about it, the fewer the chances of it becoming a topic of conversation.

Don’t complain


Even if things don’t go as per plan or you are unhappy with certain arrangements, try to focus on the positives and be happy on your special day. If you have a genuine reason for complaints, save it for later. This is not the time to secretly bemoan your in-laws or express how disappointed you are with your bridal party.

Remember that your complaints are not going to change anything, except maybe irritate a few people. Also, you will spoil your own mood, when you dwell on the negatives instead of enjoying the good things going on. And think of what would happen if you were overheard by the wrong people? How would it be if your complaints were to reach the person you spoke about. This would only irritate them and make them unhappy about being at your wedding. Try to be positive, and brush off things before they get to you, and your wedding day will be a lot more fun.

Don’t be unprepared for wedding day emergencies

Wedding day mishaps happen, and often when you least expect it. The best way is to be prepared for any likely scenario. Depending on your wedding details, there are chances for different things to go wrong. If you have an outdoor wedding in summer , nature may surprise you with a quick shower. Your wedding dress may end up with a stain or a button may come lost. You or someone in the bridal party may suddenly feel dizzy or nauseated with all the excitement. So, there are plenty of opportunities for things to go wrong.

As optimistic as you may be, it doesn’t hurt to be ready for the worst. Pack your emergency kit for any wedding day disaster, or even buy it online, and you should be ready to tide over most emergencies. Find out all about what should go into this kit by checking out this previous post of ours.

Don’t get drunk


We know it is a happy occasion and merriment goes with booze, but don’t drown yourself in it. Things can get ugly if you go overboard with the drinks, and it can ruin your entire memory of the happy event. You do not want your guests to see you drunk and doing things you wouldn’t want them to see. Plus, they will always remember your wedding because of how drunk the bride was.

No matter how well you plan your wedding, if you or your husband create a scene after getting drunk, this will be in your guests’ memories years later. Also, you may miss out or have clouded memory of several details of the special day, if you are soaring on alcohol. So, enjoy the champagne from the toast , and maybe an extra drink or two. But stay away from any more than you really need.

Don’t forget to enjoy yourself

We think this is the most important of all of them. Don’t get so caught up with wedding etiquette, meeting and greeting, managing vendors and planning and organizing everything, that you forget to truly live and enjoy every moment of your wedding day. This is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion and one that you deserve to remember every detail of.

So, while you chat with your guests, don’t get caught up in long conversations that will keep you away from all the fun. Delegate as many responsibilities as possible, and try not to micromanage every last detail, or you will have no time for fun. Your wedding is a day that you have planned to perfection, and if anyone deserves to enjoy it, it has to be you. Take brief moments to look around and capture those memory snapshots, dance like you mean it and enjoy your first kiss so it becomes a fond memory.

This brings us to the end of the lengthy list of what you shouldn’t do on your wedding day. Didn’t we tell you, it isn’t as bad as it sounds? With a little planning, you can steer clear of trouble. Do you have any more to add to this list? We would love it if you could share your insights with us in the comments section.

Best for Bride is all about making bridal dreams come true. From the perfect wedding dress to the entire ensemble, décor and other aspects of wedding planning, we can help you organize your wedding to the last detail. Check out our online website to find out all you need to find out how we can help you. Our exciting offers, referral bonuses and special sales will make it easier for you to come one step closer to having your perfect wedding.

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Preserve your wedding memories forever with a wedding treasure box

Preserve your wedding memories


Isn’t it interesting how your wedding day—one you looked forward to for months, and planned to the minutest detail—gets over in no time? Wedding days can seem so busy , that you later feel it passed too soon. Once it’s over, your photos and wedding video will help you recollect all that happened to a certain extent. Nevertheless, for the sentimentalists among you, a memory box is a treasure trove that will allow you to relive every special moment of your wedding.

After all, your wedding is not just about the day you got married. The excitement of the event is complete only when you consider all that went into the wedding planning , right from the very day you were engaged. Many of you reading this post will most probably will planning your wedding. So, start putting together your treasure box immediately, and you will save every detail that will help you remember your wedding day, once it’s over.

Here is a list of all that should go into your memory box; the various treasures you can hold on to and preserve your wedding memories for ever.

From your engagement


The minute you agreed to be together for ever—that magical moment has to be treasured forever. If you had an engagement shoot, add a picture of it into your treasure box. I like this idea on the Hitched website , of making a journal with the details of how you were proposed to, so you have a crystal clear reminder of how it was for the later years.

Did you host an engagement party ? If so, save a sample invite and a few pictures highlighting the event. Another detail that will remind you of the beautiful moment is a picture of the place where the proposal took place. Make sure you get a snapshot of it as early as possible. You never know if it will change over time and you will lose the visual element of that special moment.

You can also hold on to any special love notes, cards or tags from the gifts your beloved gifted you during your engagement. These will bring back the wonderful memories of the time you spent as an engaged couple.

Reminders of the wedding venue

How did your search for the perfect wedding venue go? Did you settle on the first one that you saw, or did you search for days to find the appropriate one? Save a venue brochure and all those memories of finding the place you were wed at, will stay with you. Save a picture of what stands out at the venue, the unique altar design or the perfect view of the outdoors from the window, and it will be a precious keepsake. If you had an outdoor wedding; at the beach or in a garden, pick a few mementos from nature itself, and save them forever. This could be pretty pebbles, shells or pine cones, that can conjure up the images of the day.

Invitations and Save-the-date cards

place card

This is something every bride normally does, even without any instruction. Every bride will save a copy of her wedding invitation for herself. While you do this, it will be a good idea to save any of the other stationery that you customized for your wedding day. Since you will be choosing the menu cards , wedding programs, table place cards and other details with so much effort, why not save a copy of each for your treasure trove.

Memories of your bachelorette party and bridal shower

Invites to both events, your bachelor party favors and any other physical items that will remind you of the big celebration you had. If your friends and family splurged on cake toppers , party buntings, customized napkins and more, you could borrow one of each to put into your treasure box. It will serve as wonderful reminders of the fun you had at these celebrations. Similarly, pick out a memento from your rehearsal dinner too. It could be anything like a menu card or a picture of the two of you on the day.

Food and drink


Think of the time you spent in choosing the perfect menu for your wedding reception? It certainly deserves special mention in your bridal box of memories. Drop in a copy of your wedding menu and beverage list , and also add a few pictures of the fare that was served on the day. I think it would be wonderful to add in few comments on why you chose certain dishes or small notes on what everyone especially loved. You can also save a wine bottle stopper or the champagne bottle corker to remind you of the toasts at your reception.

The special wedding dress moment

One of the most important decisions a bride makes for her wedding, is choosing her wedding dress. I’m sure it would have taken you hours of research, planning and shopping to finalize the one dress in which you were to get married. Plus, it is usually one of the most exciting and enjoyable parts of wedding shopping . Remind yourself of this over the years to come, by saving the tags from your gown into your treasure box, as well as a fabric scrap from the inside of the gown.

If you have a picture of yourself on the day you said “Yes” to the dress, this goes into your box too. Take a look at all the smiling brides who got their dress from Best for Bride . We make sure their shopping day is preserved forever with a wonderful photo keepsake from this special day. Make sure you get yours too.

Also, don’t forget to send your wedding dress to be cleaned and preserved professionally , soon after the wedding. This will be the most precious reminder of your wedding day, and you want to make sure that it is in top condition when you pass it on to the next generation as an heirloom. Read more about wedding gown preservation here.

Wedding accessories

Unlike the wedding dress, brides usually find use for their wedding accessories on another occasion, except perhaps the tiara and veil. If you have any accessories that you will not be using in the near future, save them into your treasure box. If you have customized your ensemble with interesting bridal accessories like shoe stickers, flowers or brooches, these can be saved as well. Another good item to store is your wedding perfume. If you chose a special new scent for your special day, how about putting it into your wedding box, and saving it for those special moments that are to come in the years.

Bouquets, boutonnieres and other floral creations


Imagine opening up a box, and the scent of potpourri wafting through your senses. Spellbinding, isn’t it? Make this possible by saving the flowers from your wedding in your treasure box. You can always have your wedding bouquet preserved professionally through freeze-drying and add it to your art work at home, and relish its beauty everyday. Read all about it on this article at Keepsake Floral .

However, if you do not want to opt for this expensive method, you can still hold on to your wedding flowers by drying them out and adding them to your memory box. Simply hang them in a dry ventilated place, till they dry completely, and then store them safely in a polythene bag. Or, you can make potpourri out of it, as detailed here.

Don’t forget to save pictures of your bouquet , the centerpieces and floral décor at the venue to remind you of the floral details that transformed your venue into a work of art. You can also press the larger blooms between the pages of a heavy book and add these to your collection.

Reminders of the ceremony


Capture the moment you got married by saving something used at the altar. Flowers used to decorate the altar, a candle that flickered beside you, the ring pillow or even your groom’s boutonniere would be a befitting addition to your wedding treasures.

Save your wedding favors

While you give your guests a keepsake from your wedding to take home and save, don’t forget to set one aside for yourself. If it is an edible favor , you cannot store it as such. In this case, save the packaging, and a picture of how the favors looked when they were given away. Non-edible favors like wine glasses, key chains, candles, photo frames or mirrors can be saved as such.

Wedding cake


The traditional practice of saving the top tier of the wedding cake , and savoring it on the first wedding anniversary is still popular. All you need to remember is to freeze it safely soon after the wedding, and make sure that the flavors you choose aren’t ones that spoil easily. However, you need your wedding cake memories to stay with you for much longer than your first anniversary. For this, save a copy of the drawing your baker created for your wedding cake. If there were non-edible items on it, like ribbons, figurines or flowers, box it.

Guest book and well-wishes

Your guest book is a valuable possession and deserves it’s rightful place in your treasure box. You can also make use of our beautiful petal wishes kit to save your well-wishers blessings for the future. This interesting novelty from Best for Bride, allows you to collect wishes from your favorite people on petals, and then snap them all together to form a beautiful flower. It makes a wonderful keepsake that you can frame or store for later, so try it out.

Wedding entertainment

The entire ambiance of your wedding reception is set by the music you chose for the evening. Create a CD of the songs that your DJ or band played at your wedding, and also save a written copy of the playlist. If you had a band playing at the wedding, don’t forget to include a picture of them performing at the event. Also, add in the details of all the important dances like your first dance, the mother-son dance and father-daughter dance.

Wedding cards, gift tags and notes

thank you note

Your wedding gifts will arrive beautifully wrapped and with tags on them. Don’t just throw away them. You can create a mini-scrapbook with the tags and notes. If you used special stationery to write your thank you notes on, save a card for yourself too. Put the wedding cards you received into your memory box, and on a later day, you will have a delightful time looking through them and remembering the people who made your day so special.

From your honeymoon


The getaway after the wedding is not to be forgotten easily. This is the time you enjoy your newly wed status as husband and wife. Assuming that you go on a honeymoon to a destination away from home, make sure that you pick a few things to stuff into your wedding treasure box. Collect shells from the beach, toiletry bottles from the hotel you stayed at or a souvenir. Also add a stash of photos from the days you spent there, and it will make a beautiful finale to the great celebration that was your wedding.

Once your wedding is over, you will be surprised at how much time you seem to have, all of a sudden.. After all that hectic wedding planning , this may seem a welcome respite. Use this time to linger over the beautiful days that led up to your wedding. Pull out your wedding memory box, sit back and run through the various treasures you’ve so lovingly put inside. Sort through it, enjoy it and relive the precious moments associated with each keepsake, it will make you smile with all your heart.

Make sure you make a list of all that you intend to save from your wedding, so you do not miss collecting them when the time comes. Delegate the responsibility of taking charge of things at the venue to a trusted friend, so you get it all even if you are too occupied on the day to collect it yourself. Add it to your bridesmaids list of duties , so it isn’t forgotten.

For more wedding planning tips, advice and all your wedding related needs, continue visiting us on Best for Bride. We have every aspect of your wedding covered.

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3 Tips to look natural, yet amazing in your wedding photographs

It is a fact that you look best in pictures where your personality shines through. When a photograph captures you just as you are, it is one that everyone will love.

Your wedding day photographs will serve as the memories of your big lifetime event in the years to come. Hence, you have to make sure that they show the real version of you, and you look as amazing as is possible.

Here we bring you three practical tips that will ensure you look great in your wedding photographs. Let us find out what they are.


1. Find the right photographer for the job

Remember that it is not just one orchestrated shoot that your photographer has to take on your wedding day. He has to capture moments as they occur, as well as group photos and posed ones which are timed. A talented photographer has good sense of lighting, position and knows the best angles for a picture. He will also be able to recognize which poses will highlight your best features. So, make sure that the photographer you select for the job is capable of all this. Check out his wedding portfolio and pay close attention to how the brides and grooms look in the pictures. Has he really brought out their best in his pictures? If yes, you may have found the right candidate.

2. Find the right profile for your shots

There is no single perfect pose that works for everyone. You will have to find the one that works for you. For some it may be a slight tilt of the head, for others it may be best when they look straight at the camera. Don’t just practice before the mirror to find this perfect angle. Instead, look at your existing pictures and find the ones where you look the best. What is common to them? If you look best in pictures taken at a certain angle , try to stick to this position for your planned shots.

3.Smile from within

Do you know how many photos lack the beauty that they ought to have, just because the couple fake their smile? In this article , Marianne Power of the Daily Mail reveals that there is nothing more irritating than a fake smile, and goes on to suggest how a fake smile makes you resemble an over-zealous salesman. So, don’t be a Cheshire cat who thinks it is necessary to grin throughout the session. Instead, smile from deep within. If you feel your jaws are frozen from the effort of smiling, let the happiness you feel reflect in your eyes. Such a photo would look genuine and much better than one in which you fake a smile.

Now you know what you need to look fabulous in your wedding pictures . On an additional note, don’t forget to touch up your hair and makeup ever so often, so you look fresh as a daisy, all through the day.

For all your wedding shopping needs, as well as valuable tips and advice on planning the perfect wedding, visit your one-stop bridal destination at Best for Bride.

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Creative Guest Book Ideas

Want more than just the usual glided edged guest book that you can buy in any store for your wedding? Need something creative but aren’t sure what you are looking for? Check out our creative guest book ideas to add a personal touch to your wedding!

Letters to the Bride and Groom

Leave a vintage typewriter with a stack of paper inviting guests to type out some messages, words of wisdom or advice they have for a newly married couple. You’ll love being able to go back and read what they wrote for you and what they had to say on your wedding day.

Wedding Mad Libs

You can get these from a lot of online wedding stores or you can create your own. Instead of having a guest book, leave the mad libs on the tables at every place setting and have a box where your guests can drop off the mas libs when they’re done. You’ll love reading them!

Puzzle Pieces

If you are a couple that loves puzzles, you can have a photo of the two of you made into a puzzle by many online companies. You can let guests write on the backs of the pieces and you can put the puzzle together upside down to read all of the notes written to you. Fun, a little challenging and definitely unique!

Photo Frames

Instead of having a photo of yourselves, you can always have a custom poster made with your names and wedding date on it for your guests to sign around. This will give you something to hang up next to a wedding photo and you’ll be able to have all the well wishes on display.

Don’t forget to check out Best for Bride as your one stop shop for everything you need for your special day. From dresses to invitation, we’ve got you covered.