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Things to remember when planning a long-distance wedding

Planning a Beach Wedding - The Ultimate Guide


Long-distance wedding planning isn’t for the faint hearted. The challenges are huge; you may be worried about not being able to inspect everything first-hand and having to guess how it will turn out instead of overseeing it yourself.

Nevertheless, long-distance weddings are the rage, and many couples consider this the ultimate romantic wedding. Travel Weekly reports that one in six couples who got engaged in the past year chose to have a destination wedding.  The good news is that most of the couples who choose destination weddings have loved it and had no regrets. So, if a long distance wedding is what you want, cool down and believe you can pull it off too. We will help you with what you need to do it right. So, here goes.

Find a representative to take over your role

You cannot have everything running smoothly and coordinated without someone to oversee the plans. Enter an on-site coordinator! If you have family or friends staying in the locality, who are willing to help, you are one lucky girl. Otherwise, consider hiring a professional wedding planner . Your wedding planner will research vendors, find locations, bargain on your behalf and help you better than you could do so by yourself. If you have already decided the venue, check if they have a manager or coordinator who can do the rest of the arrangements for you. Make sure that the person you choose for the job is experienced and reliable, as you cannot afford any mistakes.

Let pictures do the talking

You know how impossible it may seem to get your idea across because what you envision translates to something entirely different for another person? This is a major challenge where your bouquets and party décor are concerned. So, take the help of pictures. Snip pictures off magazines, download them online and send them across to your representative with clear instructions on what you want. This will make it a lot easier to convey the idea and get what you want.

Be flexible with the details

There is only so much you can do to perfect something when you aren’t around to oversee it personally. Be flexible with the details and go with whatever has the least room for error. If your vendors have online links with pictures, make use of this option. Do everything well ahead of time, so you do not have to stress over details at the last minute. Trust your on-site representative and believe that whatever you get is the best possible.

Follow up

Just because you aren’t in-town, don’t delegate the task of following up with your vendors to anyone else. Make sure you have contracts with all the vendors, and are clear on the emergency cancellation alternatives. Call up your vendors at regular intervals to find out if everything is going as per plan. If it is possible, plan a trip to the wedding venue before the big day so you know everything is progressing smoothly.

With a little foresight and well-thought out plans, your destination wedding will be a smashing hit. At Best for Bride , we have the perfect collection of wedding dresses that will make you the perfect bride for the day. Check out our wedding dress gallery today and find one that will bring out your best.