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10 questions you must ask your wedding caterer

Good food is a very important factor in making your wedding memorable. However detailed and unique your wedding décor may be, or how beautiful you look on your wedding day, all this becomes insignificant if your wedding menu is not up to the mark.

Food lovers are aplenty, and there will be more than just few at your wedding. So, you are responsible for providing hearty and interesting fare, that will appeal to them. Only then will they go home happy, and consider your wedding a total success.

The responsibility of serving delicious food and creating an interesting menu, lay with your wedding caterer. With a reliable and talented caterer on your side, it will be easy to satisfy your guests and even exceed their expectations, where food is concerned.

How do you find the right person to cater to your wedding? Find out for your self, by asking the following ten questions to potential candidates.

1.What are your service charges, and what does it include?


Everything in a wedding is closely tied to the wedding budget . To choose a caterer, you have to first obtain quotes from caterers you wish to consider. This helps you to decide if the charges will be within your budget, and you can proceed with further discussions. Caterers do not just supply the food for the wedding, they also provide the associated services. These may or may not include setting up, serving the food, clean-up after service, cake slicing and serving etc.

The services included in the quotes may differ from one vendor to another. So, you should ask for what is included specifically, as this not only contributes to the experience, but will also impact your budget. If the caterer provides only the food, you have to spend extra on the staff for the service. When collecting quotes, ask for a detailed break-up of what is included in it. This will help you compare caterers and find the best option that works within your budget, after considering all the extras that you have to arrange separately.

2.How many staff will be present at the venue?

This is obviously tied to your guest count and type of food service. This cheat sheet on Wedding planning for dummies gives an apt representation for different types of services.  The ideal staff to guest ratio can vary from 1 or 2 waiters for up to 12 guests at a formal sit-down style meal to 1 for 25 guests at a buffet meal service. However, not all vendors use the same server-to-guest ratio.

It is important to obtain this detail, as this will affect the quality of service at your wedding. You should also consider details like what other jobs the waiters will simultaneously be handling, to determine if the count works for you. Whether the staff will be refilling glasses at the tables itself, or whether guests will be collecting their beverages from a station, can alter the required number count. Take the numbers and your wedding menu style into consideration, before deciding whether a caterer’s staff count will work for you. If there is more self-service happening at the wedding, you can afford to have fewer waiters.

3.How do you obtain your ingredients?


Local and seasonal ingredients are always cheaper. If you are looking for some help with your budget, ask your caterer how they source ingredients. While comparing rates, you should take this factor into account. When you have to pay more for quality ingredients, it is likely that the food will also taste better. So, it is basically a compromise you have to make between the price and quality. If you consider it important to serve organic or reliably sourced food, you will have to pay more for caterers who can handle this requirement.

4.Will there be any extra charges that you will have to bear, apart from what is quoted?

There are factors to consider, such as the rental charges of the cutlery, glassware and tableware that will be used at your wedding. Do these come with the venue, does your caterer provide it along with the food service, or will you have to arrange for this on your own? Clarify this upfront, so there is no confusion after you place your order. Some caterers will add the rental charges to their total quote, while others will assume you will take care of this part. So, make sure you know what you are paying for.

Apart from this, you should also check whether the final bill will include any additional or overhead charges like transportation or clearing up charges. Or, is what is mentioned on the bill, the final price you have to pay?

5.How will the food be prepared prior to service?


You should be concerned about whether the food will be ready-to-serve when it arrives, or whether the caterer will be doing the finishing touches on-site? The right option depends on the menu you choose. Some items have to be prepared right before service, as this is the only way they will taste good and look appetizing. Crisp and fried food are examples.

On the other hand, you can afford to have other items prepared early and simply transferred to the serving dishes at the time of service. Cold salads and dips fall into this category. It is likely that you will have at least one or more dishes that require assembling or finishing, just prior to service. Ask your caterer how this will be handled. If the lower quote is associated with food that isn’t served in the best way it should be, you should either replace the dish with another option, or be prepared to pay more for a caterer who will do it on-site.

6.Have you worked in a similar venue before?

The venue where your wedding is held , has a huge role in determining the appropriate type of service. If your caterer has already hosted a service at the same venue, consider yourself in luck. Otherwise, you should identify whether the vendor is capable of arranging a good service in the given conditions.

If you have shortlisted vendors you to choose from, you can take them to the site and ask them about how they intend to work with it. An experienced caterer will immediately recognize if the type of meal that you suggest— plated or buffet —will be practical in a certain venue. They will also offer suggestions on how the service can be streamlined to progress smoothly. This is usually based on their previous experience in catering to weddings of similar scale and in similar venues, if not the same one. This brings us to the next important point; the experience of each vendor you consider for the job.

7.How experienced are you at handling weddings on a similar scale?

wedding food

Weddings are usually huge events, and very different from regular restaurant services that most caterers are used to. Experience in handling weddings is a definite advantage. However, it isn’t necessary that the most experienced caterer will be the best for you. This depends on whether their experience includes weddings of a similar nature as yours. If your experienced caterer has only done different styles, or entirely different menus, the less experienced candidate may be a better choice.

The scale of the wedding is also a concern. If your wedding caterer has always done smaller weddings, make sure he has the equipment and staff to cater to your wedding before you confirm your booking. Ask for the additional adjustments they will make to accommodate your wedding needs. Are you convinced they will be able to pull it off? Or do you foresee a disaster? Take a call accordingly.

8.What suggestions do you have for my wedding?

Rather than telling your caterer everything he has to do, you can welcome his suggestions too. As experienced professionals, who have tended to several weddings, they will have ideas you may never have considered. Run your caterer through your wedding vision, the theme and what factors you want focus on. Then ask him for his suggestions. Similarly, gather feedback for your suggestions.

At times, a caterer may not be enthusiastic about a certain idea you suggested. If this is the case, ask him for his reasons. If he thinks it is impractical due to the logistics involved or unavailability of ingredients, you may benefit with following his inputs than forcing him to agree to do it. Your vendor may also have suggestions to make certain dishes more interesting, or suggest substitutes that may better match the meal style. Take these into consideration. When comparing vendors, look at how enthusiastic the different candidates are about your wedding. It is always better to go with someone who is more excited about cooking for you, than someone who is totally bored with your ideas.

9.How many weddings will you be handling simultaneously?

While it is not reasonable to expect your caterer to entirely dedicate his services to your wedding alone, you should be wary of vendors who take on more orders than they can handle. This will affect the quality of service at your wedding. It is even more important to know how many more weddings they will be handling on the same day as yours. If it is only yours, you can expect a more personal service. The preparation for the dishes will also be better, as they wouldn’t be shuffling orders. Communication will be better and there is smaller chance for confusion.

You should also confirm who will be in-charge of your wedding. It is inconvenient if the person who deals with your order changes mid-way , or if new orders will cause the planning associated with your order to be changed. If you attended a tasting session that you loved, you can also clarify whether the same team will be preparing the dishes for the actual wedding. This brings us to the importance of having a tasting session prior to the wedding, so you can see what you will actually get on the day and how you can accommodate any changes that may be necessary.

10.Is the dish at the tasting session final?

Every couple should have a tasting session before they finalize a caterer.  This is because you cannot guarantee the quality of service, based on what you see on paper. You have to actually try it out for yourself, to know. So, ask for a tasting session with your shortlisted caterer, before you finalize your order. When attending it, look at the quality of food that is served. Are the vegetables fresh and bright? Is the food served at the right temperature? If it is a buffet, check to see if the food is being replenished in a timely fashion.

It may be a good idea to include a third person with you, when you go tasting. This should be someone who can give you an unbiased and frank opinion on whether they think the food is good or not. You can assess the caterer’s attention to detail and reliability, based on the service you are offered. If you like what you taste, but would like certain modifications, check with the caterer on whether they can customize the dish as per your taste. A good caterer wouldn’t hesitate to take on your suggestions, unless it means overhauling the entire dish.

With these tips, you have all the information you need to successfully choose your wedding caterer. You will find plenty of helpful tips on deciding your wedding menu in our previous posts here and here . Apart from the food, you should also pay attention to the beverages served on the day, and the china that is used for the service. It is only when all these come together in tandem, that your overall meal planning will be a be a total success. Continue visiting us at Best for Bride, your one-stop bridal destination , for more valuable tips, advice and inputs on planning the perfect wedding.

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Is it wise to go bridal shopping with your fiance?

As a soon-to-be bride, it is likely that you follow TLC’s show “Say Yes to the Dress”, at least occasionally. In that case, you may not be too surprised to see brides who take their fiance wedding shopping with them.

If you are old-school, you may not agree to this idea, as it is believed to be bad luck for the groom to see his bride in her wedding dress , before the actual wedding day. In this context, it is only apt that we look at what is behind this tradition.

According to this article on CNN , this practice originated in the days when arranged marriages were the norm. The bridegroom was not allowed to see the bride at all (wedding dress or not!), till the time they were actually wed. This was so that if either of them were disappointed with who was to be their life partner, they wouldn’t have the option of backing out.

old weddings

Today, the situation is different. Although many brides follow this without question, there are others who choose to do so for another reason. It is a memorable moment when the bridegroom first sees the bride in her bridal finesse, and one that the couple will fondly remember. Not to mention, the first-look is a photography favorite that most couples don’t want to ruin.

Nevertheless, what if you want your fiance’s opinion on this matter? What if you believe that he is the best person to give you an honest feedback when you look for your bridal gown?

In this article on the Glamor weddings website , the author Jenny Feldman shares her experience of how she went shopping with the girls, but showed all the dresses she ordered to her husband, and made her final decision with him. Despite this, the experience of seeing each other in their wedding outfits on the actual day was in no way less special.


In short, it entirely depends on your personal situation, and what you would like to do. Here are some factors to consider.

  • Are you sure that your fiance will love your wedding dress, no matter what you select? Or does he have very strong opinions on what you wear , and you are worried about disappointing him by choosing something he wouldn’t approve?
  • Does he understand your taste, and does he help you make good dress choices?
  • Do you think that the magic of the moment when you first see each other on your wedding day, will be ruined, if your groom has already seen you in your wedding dress?
  • If the two of you are paying for the dress , it may be advisable to consult him as it is a considerable expense that you want to spend right.

Finally, make sure you discuss your ideas beforehand, so he knows what to expect and both of you are on the same page when you go shopping. Also, don’t forget to check out our bridal gallery at Best for Bride , to shortlist the dresses that will be perfect for your big day.

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5 Mistakes to avoid when choosing your bridesmaids dresses

If you thought shopping for your wedding dress was the biggest challenge, here is some news for you! An equally challenging task is choosing your bridesmaids dresses. You have to consider the same details as you did for your wedding dress—fabric, style, budget, practicality, and add a whole new list of considerations such as color, trends , individual preferences and length!

Your bridesmaids dress choice will reflect in your wedding décor and photographs, so choose wisely and make it picture-perfect. Before you go shopping with your pretty girls, know these mistakes that brides usually make, and avoid them.

Making the decision yourself

It is your wedding alright, and your bridesmaids ought to oblige with your choice of bridesmaids dresses. Nonetheless, it is advisable that you ask for their inputs. Rather than ask them for what they would like in a dress, make note of what they do not want to wear. This way, you can avoid choosing a dress that makes any of them feel uncomfortable in.

Not considering the heights of your bridesmaids when determining the length of their dresses

via Best for Bride

If you prefer short dresses for your bridesmaids, make sure that the look is cohesive by having the hemlines at the same level. However, if your bridesmaids vary greatly in height, it is better that you avoid short dresses altogether. It would be awkward if the tallest bridesmaid had a dress that ended at mid-thigh and the shorter girls have dresses that fall well below knee length.

Choosing dresses that are too simple

via Best for Bride

It is a wedding after all, and your bridesmaids too have to feel special. When you choose their dresses, make sure that it looks and feels good. Don’t deny your bridesmaids the chance to dress up well and look beautiful on your wedding, by choosing a very simple pattern. If you choose relatively small budget dresses, choose accessories that allow them to stand out from the guests.

Choosing dresses that aren’t universally flattering

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Unless all your bridesmaids have the same figure and features, it is not a good idea to go for a style that only suits certain figures. Your bridesmaids should look pretty and be able to carry off their dresses in style. For this, choose dresses that suit all body types, or else choose different styles with a single unifying factor like color or length. This way they will all look beautiful in what they wear. Safe choices and universally flattering patterns include A-line dresses, halter-style dresses and multiway necklines.

Giving in to everyone’s opinion

While you have to involve your bridesmaids in your wedding decisions, remember that it is impossible to please everyone and still have a perfect looking bridal party. Welcome their opinions, but stick with ones that are reasonable. Don’t give in to opinions when you are certain that your wedding theme or style will be compromised by their dress choice. Be reasonable with their preferences, but don’t feel obliged to please.

A good friend will be happy to wear what the bride wants, and as a good friend the bride shouldn’t choose anything hideous or one that makes her favorite girlfriends feel uncomfortable in.

For more wedding tips and advice, and also to choose from a vast collection of beautiful bridesmaids dresses, visit Best for Bride.

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How to handle it when others try to take over your wedding

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via pixabay

Wedding planning is not an easy feat, with thousands of decisions to make and hundreds of arrangements to complete. To add to all this stress is the fact that every wedding party will have at least one person, if not more, who tries to take over the reins and run your wedding for you. If you are a person who cannot say “NO”, you are in for a tough time when these people begin to run the show.

So, what do you do when you feel things are slowly slipping out of your hands? Do you just bite it down and let it be? Or do you put your foot down, and take back control? Let us look at how you can tackle such situations appropriately.

Tactically saying No

From choosing the wedding colors to fixing the guest list and booking vendors, you will have to listen to hundreds of opinions. Do listen to all of them, but do not commit without thinking it through. The best approach is to thank them for their help, and tell them that you will be in touch if you decide this is the option you want.

Remember that at some point of your wedding, you will have to disagree with someone. So, don’t feel guilty about it. Appreciate their well-intended advice or suggestion, but don’t feel you have to go with it if you aren’t comfortable. This is just how weddings work, realize it and it will be easier for you.

Work together and find middle ground

This is important when the people involved are contributing or very dear to you. For example, it may be your parents or in-laws. The fact that they are contributing may lead them to believe that they are entitled to make certain decisions. They may want to invite more of their guests than you would like to have at the wedding, or they may consider choosing the menu.

Although it is your wedding, in such a scenario you should remember that these people have earned the right to their opinion. An amicable solution is the best approach. Discuss several options where the menu is concerned and find one that both of you are satisfied with. Ask them to drop a few guests, while you too do the same. Compromise on matters that don’t have a huge impact, so that everyone is happy in the end.

Delegate tasks that are not crucial

Hand over few responsibilities to your overly eager friends and relatives, so they don’t feel like you are ignoring them entirely. This may be to follow up on a vendor booking, make a list of entertainment options or to check that the deliveries arrive on time. Even so, keep the bigger decisions to yourself. Make it a point to appreciate their help, and thank them profusely for their involvement. This should keep them happy, but out of your way.

Having a perfect wedding is not only about having a hassle-free day. It is also about the happiness you and your wedding party share. So, let this day be fun for all. Though you can’t please everyone, try to tackle difficult situations and bossy relatives sensibly, so no one is offended.

For more wedding advice and tips, as well as to choose your wedding dress visit us at Best for Bride.