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5 things you should do to make your out-of-town weddings guests comfortable

It is likely that every wedding will have at least a few guests who travel from far for the ceremony. As a couple, you should appreciate the time, effort and money they spend to be part of your big day. The least you can do is to make sure they are comfortable and enjoy their stay while they are in-town. Here are some simple ways in which you can make their visit worthwhile and easier.


Inform them early

As you may be aware, air ticket charges peak as the date nears. Since your guests will be footing their travel expenses, make sure you notify them of the date well in advance so they have enough time to find a good deal. “Etiquette on Out-of-town Wedding invitations” on Map happy suggests giving four to six months advance notice, as this will allow your guests to research their travel options and plan their trip so that it doesn’t cost them dearly. It would be helpful if you could provide them an itinerary of the various events they have to attend, so they can pack for it accordingly. This would also give them enough time to plan their trip.

Be considerate and do what you can to help them

Your out-of-town guests go through a lot of trouble and spend a lot of money to make it to your wedding day . So, the least you can do is to be considerate and help them with what you can. While you are not responsible for their accommodation, they would find it helpful if you could provide a list of affordable hotels and arrange the bookings on their behalf. If possible, visit them once they are in town or at least call and make sure they have arrived safely and are comfortable. Make sure to mention how you appreciate their presence, as these thoughtful gestures go a long way in making them feel the trip was worth it.

Suggest options so they stay occupied

Unless your wedding itinerary is action-packed with events, your guests will have plenty of free time to themselves. It would be a good idea to provide them suggestions on how they can spend this time. If there are local museums or tourist attractions, recommend them. If they are in town at the time of your rehearsal dinner , consider including them. Assign the responsibility of these guests to one of your bridesmaids or groomsmen, so they have someone to turn to should they require any help.

Small treats go a long way

Arrange for a small bag or basket of treats to welcome your out-of-town guests. You do not have to spend a huge amount on it, but they will appreciate your thoughtful gesture of remembering them when they find a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates in their hotel room. After your wedding day, don’t forget to send them a thank you note . Besides thanking them for their gift, specifically mention how pleased you were to have them at your wedding.

If you are wondering about what party favors would be good for your out-of-town guests and also all the others at your wedding, visit us on Best for Bride for some fabulous ideas.

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5 last things to do on the day before your wedding

Your wedding day is finally here!

In the hectic pace of planning and arranging everything, you are likely to overlook some detail or the other. To avoid any last minute snags, here is a checklist of things to do the day before the wedding. Follow this and the last few hours leading up to your wedding will be relaxed with everything under control.

Put out your wedding dress and accessories

Not only should you lay out your wedding dress, you should also inspect every detail one last time. The last thing you want is to find a missing button on the morning of your wedding and panic over it. Do it the day before and you have plenty of time to fix any likely problems.

Also arrange all the things you need in the morning—your make-up, inner-wear, perfume and accessories in one place, so you needn’t run around searching for anything once you start dressing. Make sure that everything is arranged in a location, that nobody has access to, so nothing is tampered with.

Call your vendors for last-minute confirmations

Although you are certain that everything will go perfectly, you can still call up all the vendors and ensure everything is as per plan. If anything, it will put your mind at ease to know that everything is progressing smoothly, and not be worried of likely issues.

Hand over your emergency bridal kit to your MoH and run the plans by her

Every bride has to have an emergency bridal kit for any likely mishap on the wedding day. Put your kit together with all the essential fixes, and hand it over to your MoH the day-before, so she can carry it with her to the venue. Also, spend some time sharing notes over the duties of the bridesmaids and ensure that you and your MoH are on the same page. She can then see to it that the bridal party handles their responsibilities as per your expectations. Get your MoH to check that the bridesmaids are all set for your wedding day, their dresses are in order and they are aware of all other necessary details.

Prep your house and check with out-of-town guests

Photos will be taken from the moment you wake up on your wedding day. So, get your house looking great and neat on the day before, and you needn’t worry about it in the morning. Put out a few baskets to corral any strewn items and just tuck them into corners to sort out later. Also, co-ordinate with out-of-town guests and make sure they are where they ought to be. A good idea would be to entrust this responsibility to family or friends, and just check to see that everything is as per plan.

Spend some time relaxing on your own

You have a stressful day ahead, so make sure you get some “me” time the day before to relax and unwind. Indulge in a scented bath or home facial, listen to some calming music or take a nap. Imagine a perfect wedding day and it will be just that. Rejuvenate yourself and you will be ready for the long day ahead of you.

For more valuable wedding tips and advice, as well as to pick out the perfect wedding dress, visit us on Best for Bride.