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Creating Unforgettable Moments: 15 Secrets to Ensure Your Wedding Guests Are Enchanted!

We have all attended weddings that score average or perhaps slightly better than average? However, how many times have we been truly impressed by the way a wedding was planned and executed?

It isn’t too difficult to plan a wedding that scores an average or slightly-above-average rating. However, you can do much better. When you host a wedding, take care of the details and your wedding will be elevated to an outstanding level. And the best part is, not only will your guests “love” your wedding, they will never forget it. So, what are these factors to keep in mind? Let’s take a look, shall we?

Welcome bags for guests from out-of-town

There is no rule that this is a necessary part of your wedding. However it can be quite impressive when the couple thoughtfully gift welcome bags to their out-of-town guests. Have these placed in their rooms, and your guests will be impressed by your thoughtful gesture. Fill it with snacks for them to munch on. You can also add souvenirs like sunglasses or key chains, perhaps even a magazine or crossword puzzle. Finally, we think you should use this opportunity to also introduce the theme of your wedding to your guests in a subtle way. Use the theme colors or motifs to give them a sneak peek into what they can expect at your wedding. More ideas on creating perfect welcome bags here, on the Knot. 

An impressive entryway

First impressions last forever. Let your wedding occupy a permanent spot in your guests memories, through a stellar entryway that will not go unnoticed. Create statement style décor in your entryway, with theme pieces that are striking and majestic. Plan the design well, and keep it uncluttered so it is neat and noticeable. Meaningful additions like family or couple photos would also make it more impressive. Similarly, make sure your reception hall is well decked and picture-perfect long before the guests arrive. This sets the ambiance for the event. Choosing the right lighting, décor elements and seating arrangements will make or break your wedding scene.

Create wedding programs that multitask

The wedding program is stationery that is rarely put to much use. Make yours different with some creativity. Let your wedding program be suitable for something else as well. If your wedding is outdoors in summer, print the program on a fan that your guests can use during the day. Or, print it on a bag that doubles up as confetti holder. Small, but unusual details like these go a long way in making a wedding rather memorable.

Have a short and sweet ceremony

Long ceremonies can really bore and tire out your guests. With nothing to do or contribute, it can get rather dreadful when the ceremony drags on and on. So, skip all that is unnecessary. Keep your ceremony short and crisp. Discuss this factor with your wedding officiant , so it is handled efficiently. Take your time for the vows and walk down the aisle in full style. Your guests want to see you get married and capture that memory perfectly. But try to keep the rest of the ceremony to the point, and nobody will complain. Guests will appreciate it when they have some free time to walk around and mingle, rather than staying put in one place for a function that drags on.

Well-organized transportation plans

Guests will appreciate it a lot when you arrange transportation for them. This is even more important if your wedding venue is remote. Arrange a shuttle service, and your guests will be relieved that they needn’t hire cabs for their onward and return journey. If your ceremony and reception are held at different venues, arrange transportation between these two points. This will allow your guests to relax and ride in comfort, while they park at the first location. However, ensure that the arrangement is well-organized. Clearly communicate the plans to your guests. Have it on your invitation and wedding website. Provide proper directions and timelines, so there is no confusion. Also try to make the ride enjoyable by booking comfortable vehicles and include soothing music for the ride.

Plan interesting pre-wedding activities

There will always be few wedding guests who aren’t familiar with most of the people at your wedding. They may feel rather bored with nobody to mingle with. Make sure these people do not feel left out or lonely, by planning a pre- wedding activity where they can meet and mingle with others. This could be a cocktail hour before the main event, when they get to hang out with the others in a casual environment. People tend to naturally get talking at such events and this will help them get to know the others. You can also host simple games, through which the guests introduce themselves to the others. For more ideas on how to get your guests to mingle and mix, visit this post on the Wedding Wire website. 

Don’t leave them hungry

Guests just hate it when they are famished by the time food arrives. Neither is it fun when few items on the menu suit certain guests, due to dietary or other restrictions. Make sure your caterers deliver on time, and the food service is efficient. Also include a wide range of items on your menu so there is something to please every taste. While planning your menu, think of diverse options that suit vegetarians, vegans, people with allergies and food restrictions due to health conditions. When there is a variety of food to choose from, your guests will be excited to enjoy it and look forward to the entire experience.

Indulge them in an open bar

There is no denying that an open bar is rather expensive. Nonetheless, it is one of the things guests look forward to most eagerly. So, don’t disappoint in this area, if you want your wedding to be remembered fondly. If the cost bothers you, keep the selection limited to just beer, few signature cocktail drinks and local wines. Just remember that this is definitely better than the guests having to pay for their drink or there being no alcohol at all. For budget-friendly bar options, visit this post on the Brides website. 

Gift them favors that they will actually use

Most wedding favors are simply tossed or stashed away in a corner of their cupboards and forgotten forever. Don’t let your money go to waste. Pick favors that your guests will actually appreciate and use. The more unique they are, the better you can guarantee this factor. You will want to customize your wedding favors. Nonetheless, try to have the customization done is such a way that your guests won’t mind using it despite the printed impression on it. Edible favors are always a good idea. However, if you want to gift something that lasts longer, consider items like key chains, sun glasses, beer mugs, shot glasses, candle stands or décor items.

Don’t have the speakers blasting at full volume

There will be elderly guests at your wedding, and they won’t be keen on loud music at your wedding. So, be considerate and set your speakers to a moderate volume. Also, plan your seating arrangement in such a way that your older guests are away from the speakers and sources of music. It would also be a good idea to have an alternate lounging area, where they can sit and relax while the youngsters dance to the beat. This will allow them to mingle with others their age and have a good time of their own.

Invite them to participate

Rather than sit as mute spectators throughout the event, guests love it when they get to participate in the wedding. Invite your guests to request songs, and have your DJ play some of them. We are sure your guests will appreciate the opportunity to dance to tunes they love, than just to those you love. You can even involve them in the wedding ceremony. This post on the Intimate Weddings blog suggests a variety of interesting ideas like a musical procession, a prayer circle or including them in the unity candle ceremony. Find something interesting like this, and you will easily create fond memories for your guests. 

Add an unexpected twist

Just imagine how impressed your guests would be if a group of onlookers would out-of-the-blue break into dance for a certain song. You could even impress them by taking dancing lessons and owning the dance floor with a spectacular number for your first dance. Or your bridal party can perform a choreographed dance when it is least expected! These items are never forgotten. So, add it to your wedding celebration. This will wow your guests and will be the talk of town. I wouldn’t be surprised if your guests think this is the most unforgettable event from your wedding, in the years to come.

Serve some nibbles after the party

Dancing to the beat for a long time can make your guests hungry. Serve your guests tiny snacks and watch their moods be uplifted in no time. Have these snacks served late at the reception, and it will instantly energize everyone. Midnight snacks like cookies, milk shooters, pop corn and even tacos will be appreciated by your guests. Distribute it around and your guests will be re-energized to continue on the dance floor again.

Appreciate your guests presence

You are truly blessed when most of who you invite attend your wedding. Some of them may have traveled from afar to witness your wedlock. Others may have put aside several plans to make it to your special day. Openly express your gratitude for their presence at your wedding. They will definitely appreciate the gesture. Make it a point to at least greet and spend few minutes with each of your wedding guests. This will make them feel that their efforts were worthwhile. Also remember that nobody likes a couple that’s too engrossed in themselves. Your wedding day is special, however it is also about those who take the pains to be a part of it.

Make an exciting exit

Memorable exits add the perfect finishing touch to a well-planned wedding day. So, plan yours well. Use showstopper elements like balloons, candles or even bursting wedding sparklers for a perfect exit from the venue. Consider bubbles or even flower petals instead of the traditional confetti for non-messy and sustainable options. Make it matter by also choosing a vehicle that makes a statement. Ride off into the night on a bicycle, hire a horse and carriage or even go for a fully decorated vintage car to complete the day in full style.

Don’t be one of those couples who are so busy that you forget about the other people who are in your wedding. Focus on the guest experience; we are sure your guests will love your wedding. After all, all your efforts pay off when your guests openly commend you on the preparations you did and how impressive your wedding was . So, think from their perspective when planning your wedding. Keep it personal and you can immortalize your wedding in the memories of those who attend it.

At Best for Bride, we understand the challenges of planning and organizing a wedding. Although it is difficult, we have the right solutions for your most challenging tasks. Whether you are on the search of the perfect bridal gown, need dresses for your bridesmaids or have to pick out the perfect wedding cake and favors, we have the solutions for all your needs. Visit our website on this link to bring your wedding vision to life.

We help modern brides find the perfect wedding dress and everything else they need to bring their wedding ideas alive, as the one-stop, hot and happening bridal destination. Visit Best for Bride today to make your wedding day dreams come true!

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Colorful Ideas to make your wedding really pop

Few couples are bold enough to experiment with bright and big splashes of color, when planning their wedding day. We, however, believe that weddings deserve to be celebrated with great pomp and show. After all, they are a once-in-a-lifetime affair.

Bright colors add a festive note to any regular event. Colorful wedding themes have a distinct personality that make them memorable. So, we think bright pops of colors are exuberant and cheerful, and are perfect to create a joyous vibe for the new chapter of your life.

So, here are some ideas to add a stunning dash of color to your wedding day. Even if you choose a sophisticated wedding color theme, borrow some of these ideas to add a refreshing pop or color to the scheme.

Continue reading Colorful Ideas to make your wedding really pop

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No-fail ideas to keep kids busy at your wedding

Many couples prefer not to include children in their wedding reception . It could be the difficult task of keeping them occupied, or the worry that they will cause too much distraction. So, if you have a list that includes these young guests, you are being very considerate.

Having young children attend your party means more planning than before. Nevertheless, many wedding parties involving children have happened without many hiccups, and you can do the same at yours. All you need is to plan some entertainment to keep them engaged throughout the evening; give them great food, and they should enjoy it just as much as the other guests. Here are some ideas to try at your wedding, so the little ones are engaged and have fun.


Plan a play space

You cannot expect children to sit still, and enjoy a serious party like adults do. If you do, they will simply squirm and whine, and spoil the fun of the party. So, plan a separate space for the children, which will be filled with activities to keep them busy. Art-and-craft centers are favorites, where they can entertain themselves. Just make sure that you go with options that aren’t messy, and there is plenty for all of them to indulge in.

Appoint a babysitter and/or hire an entertainer


While most of the parents will manage their tiny tots, at least a few would appreciate the chance to engage in some conversation and enjoy themselves in the other activities at your wedding. This wouldn’t be possible without the help of another responsible adult, who can manage the kids. Consider hiring the services of a babysitter or two, to attend to the children. If there are quite a number of children from different age groups at the wedding, set up an entertainment plan for the kids and hire a professional who can either put up a show or plan games for them. Face painters, clowns, comedian, puppet artists and magicians are always loved.

Plan their menu carefully

If most of the kids are very young, seating them down to a five course meal wouldn’t be a good idea. Rearrange the menu choices and throw in child-friendly food choices, when planning their meal. The service should be such that they will not be forced to wait. Substitute gourmet adult food choices with those that kids love, in their menu. You can also consider sending out a few options, and having parents choose what the set menu. This will eliminate confusion, and they will get what they are most likely to enjoy.

Make arrangements so they can rest and nap

cute boy

If the guests are really young and your reception is in the evening, they will most likely be tired and sleepy before the evening is over. Take this factor into consideration and make arrangements for them to rest or nap comfortably, should they require it. This will allow their parents to relax and enjoy the evening, without disrupting their child’s schedule.

With a little planning and preparation , you can easily make your wedding party child-friendly. And, don’t forget that kids love gifts. So, choose some awesome party favors. For more wedding tips and advice on planning your lifetime celebration, visit us on Best for Bride .

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10 steps to planning the perfect bridal shower

Ashley's Bridal Shower 2012
Image Credits: ceng design, via Flickr [CC BY 2.0]
Weddings are a big celebration, as it is one of the most important events in a couple’s life. However, it is not a one-day event, where everything starts and ends on the day of the wedding. There are many other occasions that build up the thrill and make the days leading up to the wedding, exciting for the couple and everyone else involved in their lives.

Just as the couple put in a lot of time and effort in planning their wedding , the bridesmaids are expected to do their part in hosting an interesting bridal shower. Nevertheless, it is not an easy task. Although it isn’t as complicated as planning the wedding itself, there is a certain amount of planning, organizing and managing that goes into it. If you haven’t hosted many parties before, or are trying your hand at a bridal shower for the first time, do not worry. This article will guide you through all that you need to know, to plan it like a pro. Let’s begin!

1.Surprise party or planned one

The first step in planning the bridal shower is to decide whether you want it to be a surprise or not. While some brides may be all for the surprise, and will enjoy what you plan, other brides are more conservative with their likes. These brides would appreciate advance notice about what to expect. You know your friend best, so go with what she would prefer. If she has plenty of ideas and has hinted at a theme that she would like, try to plan your party around her likes. After all, it is to celebrate the bride. Ask her who she would like at her party , whether there is a theme she would love and any other inputs. Then plan the bridal shower around these ideas. Nevertheless, don’t tell her everything about what you will be arranging. Instead, just tell her the date, time and venue, and leave her guessing about the rest.

2.When to start planning

The bridal shower is on your priority list of to-do’s as a bridesmaid . So, start preparing for it soon after your friend has asked you to be on her bridesmaids list. Start gathering ideas and making plans at least 3 months before the scheduled date, and set up a bridal shower calendar. Remember that your list of tasks should include the following, in more or less the same order:

  • fixing the budget for the party
  • compiling the guest list and collecting addresses
  • drafting, printing and sending out invitations
  • booking the venue or making reservations at the chosen location if the crowd is small
  • Collecting and compiling RSVPs and adjusting the guest list
  • choosing the menu and arranging food
  • arranging for decorations
  • planning bridal shower games, collecting necessary items to play them and buying prizes
  • pick up all that is needed to entertain the guests on the day
  • deciding and buying bridal shower favors for the guests
  • Decorating or overseeing the decorations and setup at the venue

Mark your calendar for when each of these activities are to be held. Since it is likely that you will be sharing these duties with the rest of the bridesmaids, you can split the responsibilities with them. Create a list of errands to be completed by each girl, and make sure you monitor everything is progressing as per plan, once you begin the process.

3.When to hold the bridal shower


The bridal shower should ideally be held at least two weeks before the wedding date, so it doesn’t clash with any other appointments the bride may have. However, you shouldn’t plan it way ahead of the wedding. Anytime in the two months before the wedding is ideal, as the thrill of the wedding will be building up and this is the best time to host it. Nevertheless, consider other factors such as if the guests have to travel from far to attend the bridal shower . In this case, it may be a good idea to hold the shower closer to the wedding date, so it will be convenient for those who come from far. Just make sure you confirm with the bride, and fix the date accordingly.

4.Set the budget and create the guest list

First up, work with the rest of the bridesmaids and fix the budget for the party. You should have a rough idea of how big the party will be, to set a reasonable budget . So, consider this factor first. Now, move on to deciding the venue, planning the theme and budgeting for other party expenses within this amount. It is a good idea to hire the services of a professional photographer for the bridal shower. Figure this into the budget as well. Make sure you miss nobody, by asking the bride if you’ve missed anyone in your list. You cannot however ask the bride, if you have planned a surprise party. In this case, work with the rest of the bridesmaids, or ask her family to make sure you have all the important people on the list. Collect the contact information of all those who are to be invited, and make a separate list of those who have to travel from far or have to be informed early, so they can plan for it.

5.Book the venue and send out invitations

Next, finalize the venue and make the rest of the plans. This is also the time to decide if you will have to make reservations for the venue where the event is to be hosted. If so, finalize the date immediately and make sure to do the bookings on time. Simultaneously draft the bridal shower invitations. It should include all relevant details like the time, date, venue, an RSVP request and theme, if any. Apart from this, you may also like to include the registry information on the bridal shower invite, as it will help the bride get this information out to all the guests easily. You can even DIY the invites if you have the time and the skills to handle it. Send the cards out at least six weeks prior to the shower date.

6.Make food and drink arrangements


Unless you have booked an all-inclusive package at the venue, you will have to decide on the menu for the party. Plan it according to the time, venue and weather. You do not have to offer a complete meal. Light snacks, soups and deserts are the norm for afternoon and evening parties. You may like to add some signature style dishes or innovative arrangements like a s’more bar or hot chocolate station, to make it more interesting. Keep the spread uncluttered, varied and interesting. If there are theme colors, plan food choices in matching colors. Create a schedule for the food stuff that you will be making, and place orders for those that you will be buying. If you will be serving cocktails or drinks , plan when you will go shopping for mixers, garnishes, ice cubes and all that will be necessary if you are hosting it at your home or doing the arrangements yourself.

7.Plan games and activities

Bridal shower games are not just entertainment. They are a must to help the guests break the ice. Check out our posts on fun bridal shower games here and here . Assuming that the guests at the party will belong to different age groups, it is a good idea to have a mix of both traditional games and recently trending ones, so everyone can participate. Also include games that will require the guests to be seated, and those for which the guests will have to be up and active, to keep it varied. Once you have a list of the games and activities that will be held, create another list of all that you need to buy or arrange. Then get down to collecting or creating it. If required, you can even hire an entertainer or an event planner to host the day’s activities, if you don’t want to do so yourself. You should also consider the music you will be playing on the day and have the play list ready in advance.

8.Get the party favors ready


It is customary to send the guests home with a party favor from the event. It is up to you to decide what you would like to gift. It can either be edible favors like cookies, cakes or chocolates or non-edible keepsakes like compact mirrors, purses, key chains or coasters. You can even DIY or arrange for customized party favors that match the theme of the event you hosted. Use your imagination and get creative to make these party favors stand out. Green party favors are a trend that is not only environment-friendly, but practical as well. If you have to shop for the favors or place an order for it online, make sure you do it in time. Delivery of bulk orders can take anywhere from a week to a month or more. Some favors may require further assembly after you receive them, or some of them may have to be gift-wrapped. Figure out all these factors, so you have them ready in time for the party.

8.Get the arrangements in place, and buy the remaining items closer to the date

As the date of the shower approaches, make sure you have all the decorations ready, all the DIY tasks completed and your calendar set for when you will complete the last minute shopping. If you are holding the party at your house or at a location where you have access to before the day of the shower, you can start setting up in advance. The last-minute things to buy or collect will include flowers, food and drinks. The décor items should already be arranged for and collected in advance.

9.Create a special seat for the bride

Make sure that the bride’s seat is specially decorated or customized. You will also have to arrange for extra space to stash all the gifts she receives on the day. It is a good idea to also include a notepad or register to keep track of the gifts each person brought. Since there is a tradition of opening the gifts received at the shower on the day itself, keep a pair of scissors ready, to cut through the wrappers and a large trash can to contain all the gift wrap, once the gifts are opened. Also, don’t forget to buy your gift for the bride. You can collect funds from the entire bridesmaid group and get her a combined gift.

10.Prepare for the day


Depending on how much time you will have on the day, plan your activities so that the area is set up on time. Create a checklist of everything that has to be done on the day, where everything has to be arranged and who is in charge of what. Pick up flowers , grocery and all that is to be collected on the day and set them in place. Dress yourself up for the event, and choose a dress that you will feel comfortable in, but look great in. Check all the equipment at the site before the function starts. Co-ordinate with the guests and make sure everyone remembers the time and where they should be.

With all these steps in place, you are now all set to host the perfect bridal shower, and enjoy it too. Organizing everything on time will help you ensure that everything progresses without any hassles, and you aren’t stressed out over it.

For more tips and wedding planning advice, continue visiting us at Best for Bride . Also, visit our online store to choose the perfect evening dress to wear on the big event you are in-charge of.