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Perfect Prelude: Expert Tips to Select the Ideal Dress for Your Wedding Rehearsal Dinner!

Just when you were done with your wedding shopping, here’s one more detail you have to look into—the wedding rehearsal dinner!

This is normally the occasion when all the important family members and friends on the groom’s side meet the bride for the first time, and so it is important you dress to impress.

Choose your rehearsal dinner dress with care, accessorize and makeup well , and you can nail that first impression. Here are some tips to help you choose a good rehearsal dinner dress.

Match your dress to how formal or casual the evening is

via Best for Bride

Choose a dress that is appropriate for the formality of the evening—but don’t try to look too casual, even if you have previously met all the attendees. Remember that you are the bride, and you have to look more special than all the other women there.

Aim to look elegant, and choose a dress that flatters your figure . Even if it is a casual evening, choose a dress that is slightly sophisticated and definitely elegant. You don’t need a fabulous ball gown for an intimate gathering, but choose a dress that everyone will appreciate and you can use again in the future.

Bring out your personality through your dress

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Your rehearsal dinner dress should reflect your personality. If you prefer simple dresses without too many details, choose one that flatters your figure and falls gracefully. If you are a fashionista, go for a trendy dress that you can carry it off beautifully.

Make sure the dress doesn’t resemble your bridal gown in any way. This will allow you to keep both looks distinct, and not spoil the surprise of how you will look on your wedding day. Choose a different neckline, sleeve length and skirt length, and you can look entirely different. Also do your hair differently for your rehearsal dinner, so your bridal look will be distinct.

Choose a flattering color

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Save the whites and lights for your wedding day, and opt for bold colors that complement your skin tone, for your rehearsal dinner. One dress you surely want to avoid is the classic Little Black Dress. Stay away from it, as you do not want to risk resembling five or ten other women there.

If you are not a fan of pastels or bright hues, go for a striking neutral. Accessorize well to play up your look. It is your special function after all, so add statement jewelry and beautiful accessories to grab everyone’s attention. You can also use this occasion to step into those high heels that you have to avoid on your wedding, for lack of comfort. Your rehearsal dinner is a shorter function, so you can afford to wear it and not get hurt.

Make sure the dress fits perfectly

Your rehearsal dress should look perfect on you. The neckline should be stiff, the shape should flatter your curves. When you buy a dress off-the-rack, it may need a few touches to fit you perfectly. So, buy it early and get it altered in time for your rehearsal dinner. It should fit you like a glove on the day.

To find the perfect evening dress for the occasion, as well as to shop for your wedding dress and accessories, visit us at Best for Bride.