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15 easy ways to personalize your wedding

Your wedding day is one of the most important days in your personal life. So, why not make it entirely your own?

This is possible when you carefully plan out the details that can make it unique. With so many factors going into every wedding, there are no dearth of options to add a signature touch and style to your special day. And the good news is that it doesn’t have to be handmade or homemade . All it takes is some creativity, and you are on the way to having a bespoke wedding; one that will be remembered for its personal style.

Here are some interesting ideas to inspire you. Check them out to choose ones that appeal most to you. Don’t forget to tell us which of these you have decided to embrace in the comments section below.

Start with your save-the-date

save-the-date Get creative when drafting your save-the-date cards. Play with interesting quotes, jokes and notes to make it different. You can also make it truly yours by adding your picture to it. This is a great way to make use of your engagement photos in a photo card, and give your guests a sneak peek at what is in store at the wedding. (More about how you can nail your engagement shoot in this article on the Knot. )

Or, if you and your fiance share a hobby or passion, let it reflect in your  cards. This could even be the theme of your wedding. Or skip save-the-date cards altogether and go with a save-the-card magnet instead. It would serve the purpose, but have a unique twist to it.

Add your personal touch to the invitation card


All your guests expect to receive a standard invitation card. This card would contain all the relevant details about the wedding in it. Surprise them with a fun invitation with a feature they least expect to see. Let this be a reflection of your personal style and unique in every way.

From engraved real wood invitations to fairy tale story wedding invitations and cards with hand-drawn illustrations, there are many unique ideas on this article at the Brides website. Take a look and make your pick. 

Add unexpected elements to your bouquet


The bridal bouquet is a wonderful accessory to add your special touch. We have watched brides wrap lace hankies around the stems, pin brooches and decorate with family heirlooms for an extra-personal touch.

You can also personalize it by adding a photo locket to it.  Or choose flowers that are not commonly used in wedding bouquets. Don’t go with the traditional choices. Instead spice it up a little with an unusual twist on your bouquet, and let it be a symbol that stands out.There are plenty of non-traditional bouquet ideas on this article at the Martha Stewart website.

Design your own wedding dress


The wedding dress is the focal point of the bridal look, and one that never goes unnoticed. It is also the one wedding detail that will help you make a statement. Although it is tempting to try the numerous designer dresses out there, remember that there will be at least one bride who has worn the same design.

However, this isn’t the case when you custom-create your own bridal gown. Identify a talented bridal dress maker who understands your personal style and preferences. Use her services to custom-create a dress that is perfect in every way. You could even take an heirloom wedding dress and re-purpose it into a modern wedding dress with features you fancy. It won’t be too expensive when you do your research well and find the right person for the job. If you think you have the skills to make the dress from scratch by yourself, this article on A practical wedding blog is pretty helpful. 

Engrave your favorite quote on your wedding rings


Pick a short quote you love or one that you can relate to as a couple. Split it in two. Have the first half engraved on your ring, and the rest of it on your fiance’s. This is a symbolic extension of how both of you complete each other, and I think it is very romantic.

It could even be something special that the two of you only know about. A simple engraving such as this will definitely add to the sentimental value of your wedding rings and make this prized possession even more special.

Make your own monogram


How about customizing everything in the wedding with your own personalized monogram? It is easy to make an interesting monogram with both your names using free online monogram designers like this one.

Design it in the colors of your wedding theme and personalize it with a design of your choice. Then use it on your invitations, wedding favors, website, thank you cards and even in the posters and rest of the wedding décor. Thus, a monogram allows you to mark everything wedding-related with your personal stamp and make it more memorable.

Or have a custom couple portrait rubber stamp made


An interesting alternative to the monogram is a rubber stamp with your custom couple portrait on it. You can get this done for a small fee on Etsy , and choose from various options according to your preference.

The fun part is that you can use this wedding stamp beyond the wedding day. You can use it for various celebrations afterwards, and even for personal correspondence. So, it is a fun keepsake that you should definitely consider.

Make your welcome gift meaningful


Even if the hotel where you host your guests has a welcome gift in the package, make an effort to make it extra-special by adding your personal touches. Remember that the greeting gift makes a lasting impression, and you want to nail it.

The guests who have taken the trouble to fly in from far to be part of your special day deserve it too. A pretty box will make an amazing presentation, and use custom labels and tags to decorate it. (This is where you monogram would be really useful, don’t you think?)

Personalize your wedding program


The wedding program is an essential part of the wedding ceremony, as it lists the details of the events in your wedding day. Sadly, the program serves little to no purpose and is simply discarded at the end of the day by most guests. With a little creativity, you can transform it into a memento that your guests will feel like holding on to.

An easy way to do this is to add a functional aspect to the program. The idea on the Real Simple Blog suggests printing the wedding program on a fan. I think this is brilliant, especially at a warm summer wedding. It is likely the guests will find it so useful that they decide to actually take it home with them to use again. For more interesting ideas, check out this article. 

Add a photo board to your wedding décor


A photo board is entertaining and interesting, especially if your guests have to wait a while between the different events on your wedding day. Use pictures to tell your guests the story of your courtship and your interesting journey as a couple.

Add both casual and professional pictures to this photo board and place it at a strategic location. You can also create smaller photo boards and distribute it throughout the venue. Let your creativity flow as you design these.

Have unique bouquets for each of your bridesmaids


While we are all for a cohesive look to tie your wedding details together, this doesn’t mean everything should perfectly match. Take inspiration from the bridal bouquet when planning the bridesmaids bouquets. However, make it different for each bridesmaid.

Customize each bridesmaid bouquet to represent the woman who holds it. While all the bouquets should have a cohesive factor, let subtle differences set each bouquet apart from the other. This way, your bridesmaids will feel extra-special, and your guests are also bound to notice the uniqueness. Use ideas like bouquets of the same color, but different flowers. Or, bouquets with the same flower throughout, but in different shades.

The centerpieces deserve attention


The details that matter the most are those that people are bound to see from close. This is why your wedding centerpieces are important. Instead of spreading it out horizontally, I suggest you do a vertical centerpiece. This will add more impact and grandeur to the entire setting. Just make sure that it doesn’t obstruct the views of those seated opposite to each other on the same table.

Use an eclectic collection of items and vary the designs across the hall to make it more interesting. Inexpensive décor items like tea lights and candles can instantly add a unique feel to the entire setting. So, consider these options as alternatives to standard floral centerpieces.

Serve signature cocktails


An open bar is fun, but signature cocktails are better. It is easy to add a personal touch to your wedding this way. Use your creativity to come up with interesting names for each of the cocktails you serve, and display the name in a creative way. Also add special garnishes to make them prettier.

Use the serving glasses to double up as party favors, and have your monogram added to them for this purpose. Not only will your guests enjoy the gesture, they will also remember your celebration every time they happen to see the glass you gifted them. For bottled drinks don’t forget to add custom labels to make them just right for the occasion.

Let your deserts do the talking


Your wedding cake is a statement piece at your wedding. So, make the most of it and it will be remembered by your guests for long. You do not need a towering one to make an impact. For it is the unique details that have better effect.

Unexpected embellishments and life-like toppers are ideal. Or, you can entirely forego the cake and choose to have a desert bar instead. Serve up a variety of decadent deserts that will tease every taste bud and will be appreciated by one and all.

Always pick edible favors


The likelihood of your wedding favors being unused is small, when you gift your guests edible favors at the end of the day. After all, who can say no to a snack.

Use custom wrappers or boxes to add a touch of finesse to your gift, and pick from popular favorites like cookies and pop corn as the content. These mini-delicacies are just right for munching on after the drive home, and do not spoil easily. It will give your guest a chance to recollect the events of the day, as they leisurely chomp it down once they are back home.

Have you thought of any other idea that will help you personalize your wedding and make it extra-special and memorable? If so, we would love to hear from you.

For more wedding related tips and advice, keep visiting us at our Best for Bride blog page. Best for Bride is the one-stop wedding destination for all things wedding-related. With an impressive collection of bridal dresses and dresses for the bridal party, we have one of the most important aspects of your wedding planning covered. Also find evening dresses, dresses for special occasions, accessories and a range of wedding services on our website.

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Make your wedding truly memorable by adding your own personal touches to it

Wedding planning is one of the most stressful tasks anyone can undertake. There are a zillion details to take care of, and it can overwhelm even the most level-headed bride. This is why most couples choose to go with a wedding planner or delegate part of the wedding planning process to someone so they can stay sane.

There is no issue with this as long as you still do your part to ensure your wedding is unique. One of the main problems with delegating party planning and other details is that it can easily become impersonal. If the weddings in your planner’s portfolio look pretty much the same, this should be what your wedding will also end up like.

It is alright if you don’t mind having a wedding that people will soon forget. But, if you want a memorable wedding , which is one that everyone will remember long after the event, you need to inject some personality into your wedding plans. Only then will the memories linger, and you can say that your wedding was a grand success.

Even if you work with a wedding planner or book an all-inclusive wedding package, here are some details you can focus on and add your personal touches to.


Personalize your wedding favours

This is one easy way to ensure your guests will remember your wedding for years . Choose a wedding favour that is representative of the people you are. It could be anything like a traveller’s kit if both of you love travelling, or a CD with your favourite songs if you are avid music fans. Ensure it is not just another pretty-looking favour that matches the party’s theme and can be tossed after use. Instead, choose a practical gift to remind the receiver of the two of you whenever they see it. Personalize it to match the theme of your party, and Voila! You have a gift that makes your wedding all the more memorable.

Involve the guests in an incredibly fun activity

Your wedding is all about you. Nevertheless, make it an exciting and entertaining occasion for your wedding guests by adding an exciting element to it. This could be an instant photo booth that ties to the theme of the wedding. Or it could be a variation to the traditional guest signing booth. You could use our petal wishes kit to have the guests leave their special message for the couple, and they will likely remember spending some time with jotting down a small note for you.

Use your creativity to plan unique additions to your wedding

Think out of the box, and find ideas to inject a unique message into your wedding décor. Display pictures or interesting messages that you can identify with. This is the opportunity to proudly bring forth your family’s traditions, and display it creatively with it. Bring out family heirlooms, add portraits to your décor, or incorporate family dishes into the menu. Some couples choose to even include their furry friends in their ceremony, and even this can be interesting. Just remember to keep it meaningful and well-planned, and you will do it right.

If you want more interesting ideas to make your wedding one-of-a-kind, we suggest you head over to the offbeat bride website, which is chock-full of winning ideas.

Visit us on Best for Bride , and we can help you realize your wedding vision in the most unique and interesting way.

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Great options for green wedding favors

Weddings are not very environment friendly events. Even so, there are certain ways in which we can limit our contribution to the carbon footprint of our wedding. One such way is to use green and eco-friendly wedding favors . There are plenty of options out there, and with a little effort we can give our guests great mementos of our big day, without it costing the planet.

Here are some interesting options that you may like to look at.

Edible wedding favors with natural colors and ingredients


Everyone loves some sweet indulgence after the party. Present your wedding guests with fantastic cookies or sweets made from natural ingredients to relish, once they are back home. Forget the plastic wrap on each of them. Instead, pack them into little drawstring bags made from environment friendly materials that haven’t been bleached or dyed. Not only will you have a rustic looking wedding favor , it will be reusable too.

Give back to the earth with seed wedding favors

Seed wedding favors are all the rage now, and can be presented in different forms, shapes and sizes. Personalize the chosen seed packets, which should ideally be made from recycled paper or seed paper; and gift these sachets to your wedding guests . If your guests do not have a green thumb, encourage them to try their hand at planting with these thoughtful gifts.

Potted plants and succulents


Even the smallest plants in pretty pots can make a huge impact. While lucky bamboos are the all-time favorite, you can also gift flowering plants or succulents. The best part about succulents is that it is a low-maintenance plant, and you wouldn’t hear anyone complaining of having to take care of it. Opt for clay pots, glass tumblers or terracotta flower pots for a purely green choice. For an added effect, consider decorating it with burlap or jute strings and attach a Name tag done in seed paper.

Personalized cork coasters

Everyone can use a coaster or two. So, make this your eco-friendly wedding favor. Print an interesting message or personalize the coaster with the details of your wedding day and gift a pair to every guest at your reception. You could choose from several different shapes, including round, square, diamond and oval.

Honey and preserves


Your guests will love to take home a small jar of good quality honey, or sweet preserves in little mason jars. Mason jars have a natural, simple and earthy look. So, all you have to do is deck them up with a few strands of burlap or rope and add a name tag in recycled paper or seed paper. When choosing the honey and preserves, it would be appropriate to go with organic choices, so your choice is a sustainable one , all the way through.

You now have enough ideas to get going. And, for all your wedding shopping needs including customized wedding favors, come visit us at Best for Bride .