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Breaking Tradition: 5 Wedding Planning ‘Rules’ You’re Free to Overlook!

Traditional wedding planning was based on rules and even more rules. Luckily, we aren’t bound by endless customs and traditions when planning our wedding today. While it isn’t wise to toss all the rules, beliefs and wedding etiquette aside, few can be ignored so we can realize our vision of the perfect wedding.

So, what are they? Let us find out.

1.It is the bride’s family that pays


With weddings getting bigger and more expensive everyday, it is not such a good idea to place the entire financial burden on the bride’s family. The couple can sponsor their wedding themselves, rely on funds from the groom’s side or even split the expenses . What matters is that you have the desired wedding, not who pays for it. Also remember that it is only right that the people footing the bill have a say in how the wedding ought to be. So, if you and your parents or in-laws disagree on the guest list or wedding menu, try to find a compromise that works for everyone .

2.Your wedding dress should be white

via Best for Bride

Although white is the most popular option in wedding dress colors, you don’t need to choose it. In fact, white wedding dresses became popular only in the 19 th century, before which, brides wore dresses in different colours. So, if you aren’t smitten with white, pick any colour that appeals to you.

3.The groom shouldn’t see the bride before the ceremony

This was believed to be bad luck. Superstitions aside, photographers today encourage couples to click a few pictures together before the ceremony. This allows them to get the best shots, when the bride’s makeup is fresh. It also allows them to effectively capture the first reaction of the groom when he sees his bride in her wedding attire. This is a memory that the couple will often cherish, and so this is a good way to do it right.

4.You can have only one Maid of Honor

More and more brides are now opting to have two Co-Maids of honor, if they have two favorite girlfriends. This makes sense, as it wouldn’t be nice to choose one over the other when both ladies are equally important to the bride. It is also more practical, as they can divide the bridesmaid’s duties and ensure everything sails smoothly, putting the bride’s mind at ease.

5.Weddings have to be expensive

Not necessarily. You can choose to keep the wedding small and meaningful if you do not have the budget for a big wedding . After all, it isn’t about throwing a big party or starting your life together on a big debt. It is about celebrating your love as a couple, with the people who matter most to you. Whether you can afford a wedding party with thousands of guests or you choose to get married with only your closest friends and family attending, you will still be pronounced man and wife. So, plan a wedding within your budget, and make sure you get the best deal you can afford.

For more wedding planning advice, tips and stories, visit us on Best for Bride.

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3 ways to save on your wedding photography

Your wedding photographs are the memories of your wedding that will accompany you for a lifetime, and perhaps even outlive you. So, you don’t want to skimp and get it wrong. Professional wedding photographers are worth their weight in gold, but getting your wedding pictures done by them can actually take a chunk out of your wedding budget. The Knot’s real wedding survey suggests that the average couple spends $2556 on their wedding photography, which is quite a lot of money. Fortunately, there are some ways in which you can make your money go further and get the best possible results for what you can afford. Let us find out what they are.


Research well and book early

First and foremost, don’t assume that you will get an unreasonably high discount, however early you look. So, start with someone who has rates that you can afford. Take the time to check out photographer portfolios and reviews , and find a photographer whose style you like. Although you may have a limited budget, you can still find the best photographer for that budget provided that you begin your search early and zero in on the right candidate.

Make use of discounts

You must have gone through the wedding photos of your friends. Is there any that you have loved in particular? If you haven’t really given much thought to this, think about it now. This way, you may find a good photographer who gives you a better deal because of the reference your friend provides. It is also likely that photographers offer referral discounts if you get someone else to sign up for their services as well. If you know of any other engaged friends, recommend your photographer to them. If they like him as much as you do, you may even and snag a discount when they sign up for his services.

Look for package deals and stick to the digital version till you can make your album

Many photographers offer package deals, and you can choose the one that fits your budget. Set some time aside to discuss your options, and find out if you can customize the available choices to fit your needs. Don’t worry too much about getting your wedding album ready right after the wedding. The important thing at this point is getting the pictures taken by a good photographer. Once you have the digital prints ready, start working on your wedding album only when you have the budget for it. Else, put it off till when you do. You do not have to worry, as you will always have the pictures to put into the album. Just don’t forget all about it. Make sure that you will get your album ready as soon as you have the necessary amount put aside for it. Share the digital prints with your friends and wedding guests soon after the wedding, so you do not have to postpone the excitement of sharing those memorable moments.

Find more valuable tips and advice to plan your dream wedding and stick to budget by visiting us at Best for Bride.

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Have realistic expectations from your wedding planner: 3 things she cannot help you fix

wedding planner

Do you think that you can hand over the A to Z of your wedding planning to your wedding planner , and sit back and relax till the wedding day? If so, you are in trouble.

While a wedding planner can help you with the planning process , and even reduce the stress associated with the task, she isn’t going to be responsible for everything. After all, it is your wedding, and you should have a role in planning it. A wedding planner can only facilitate your plans and execute them smoothly.

Check out this article on the Huffington Post , where wedding planners share their thoughts on what they wish brides would realize. This will open your eyes to the fact that wedding planners have limitations, and it will be better for both parties if you set reasonable expectations from her.

wedding planner

Having said this, let us come to the three most important things that you are responsible for. Make a mental note of these, do your research and planning on time, and you will make your life (and hers) much easier.

  1. Planning your guest list accurately

The guest list is your decision to make. Unless your wedding planner knows you personally, it is unlikely that she can help you with who should be dropped, or who should be added to your guest list. You should be decisive about the number of people attending, and she will do the bookings and planning for them. While your planner may be able to accommodate a few last-minute changes to plan, she is not a magician who can make arrangements for 50 extra guests, who simply turned up on the day. Similarly, make sure you get those RSVPs on time , and follow up with those who don’t send it. Or else, you will simply lose money on those extra bookings you made, just in case. Your wedding planner cannot do anything about guests not turning up.

  1. Making sure your bridesmaids are where they are and when they should be

While your wedding planner can create a well planned schedule for the day, help to speed things along and fix last-minute hassles, there is no guarantee that she can have your girls ready and in-place, unless they make the effort to do so. So, entrust this task to your maid of honor , and choose your bridesmaids wisely. Make sure they are girls who will be serious with their responsibility of getting their hair and make-up done on time.

  1. Sticking to deadlines

Your wedding planner will put you in touch with the right vendors, caterers, photographers and all other services you require. They will offer options, and also suggest deals with the best value for the money you spend. However, they cannot make your decisions for you. Many wedding tasks are time-sensitive, and unless you inform her of your final decision on time, you run the risk of losing a booking or missing an offer.

Remember that your wedding planner can only help you so much. Have realistic expectations, and follow her instructions. This way, you will be a great client, and she will ensure that your wedding plans progress in the best way that is possible. For more wedding planning tips and advice, visit us on Best for Bride.

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Gratitude in Action: The Essential Guide to Tipping for Your Wedding Services!


Is it obligatory to tip every vendor at your wedding? Or is it alright to assume that the vendor charges cover their services and you needn’t add gratuities into your already-stretched wedding budget ?

Wedding tipping is a tricky area, with no set rules on what is right and what isn’t. More often than not, it is up to the couple to decide whether they want to tip a vendor or not. If you aren’t really sure of what to do, this guide will help you recognize who you should tip and who you can skip.

Ground and set-up staff

These people do most of the hard work, like moving or setting up equipment and furniture at the venue. So, they deserve a tip for their efforts. You can budget roughly $10 per person. This list also includes anyone who delivers gifts or the important items from your baker, florist etc.

At your reception venue , unless you have taken an all-inclusive package, you will have to pay the staff in charge of serving wine or cutting cake, separately. In both cases, it is common practice to tip these attendants, and you can put aside roughly 15% of the food expenses for this purpose. To avoid double-tipping, check your contract for whether it includes service charges and make your decision accordingly.

Hair and Makeup

Similar to when you visit a beauty salon , these staff expect a tip for their service. How much you pay will depend on how well you think they performed the job.

Florist and Baker

It isn’t usually necessary to tip your florist or baker, as their rates normally include gratuity. One way to know whether it would be appropriate to tip the person you are dealing with is to read your contract . If it includes service charges, you do not have to tip again. Another thing to remember is that you needn’t tip a vendor who owns the service, but it is right to tip employees.

Wedding planner

It is optional to tip your wedding planner , but you can always do so if you appreciate the effort the team put in, to make your wedding a success. You can also show your appreciation by giving them a nice gift instead of cash. Don’t forget to send a thank you note to your wedding planner if you loved what they did, and make sure you do this soon after the wedding. A good review and photos for their portfolio would be nice too.

Photographers and Musicians

It is optional in both cases, but if you are happy with their service or if they exceed your expectations, don’t hesitate to tip them. Again, if the photographer is the owner of the business, you can always skip it. For the musicians, if they did a splendid job and kept the evening alive and active, you can tip them.

Apart from the customary tips, you should appreciate anyone who has made a special effort to do the job well. Don’t think of the rules if you think they did a splendid job, and also send out a thank-you note afterwards. In a business where customer satisfaction decides a vendor’s business prospects, it will be well-appreciated if you can provide them a good online review or recommend them to your engaged friends

To obtain more wedding advice and tips, and also find everything you need for your wedding, visit us at Best for Bride.