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5 Tips to help you choose the makeup artist for your wedding

wedding makeup

Not all brides are naturally good at applying makeup. Some of us would like to have a professional handle our make-up on the day, so we can have a flawless bridal look . Fortunately, there are many makeup salons and professionals , who can help us dress up and look great on this important day.

Let us look at the various things to remember when choosing such an artist, so we know we entrust the job to the right person.


1.Begin your search early

Just like with wedding shopping and vendor booking, start looking for your makeup artist early. You have to zero-in on the right person for the job, and make sure she is available on your wedding day. It isn’t necessary that the first candidate you consider would be the right person for the job. You may have to look around and spend time on trials. So, plan at least 3 to 4 months before your wedding day.

2.Start by asking your friends

Almost everything in the world of weddings is simplified when we have references and recommendations. Let this guide you on your search for the perfect makeup artist too. Ask your friends, or check with the other brides who you thought, looked fantastic on their wedding day. Once you are armed with this information, get in touch with the person, and check it out for yourself.

3.Look at advertisements and listings, and check out reviews

If you cannot find a recommendation, look at advertisements in newspapers, magazines or on the internet. If you do not know someone who has personally opted for the service, make sure to look for reviews and feedback on the artist, so you get a fair idea of how efficient they are.

4.Discuss your expectations and ask for a trial

Not all makeup artists work alike. You have to find a person whose style matches your expectations . Only then can you look like you intended to, on your wedding day. Fix an appointment and discuss your expectations. Pay for a trial, as it is really worth the effort. It is better to know in advance, than be disappointed with how you end up looking on the day. Expect to pay a fee for the trial, but it will help you will get a clear idea of how you will look on your big day.

5.Use pictures to convey your idea

There is only so much you can communicate using expressions like “look natural” or “make it subtle”. Your makeup artist needn’t understand what you intend, as each person has a different take on any idea. The better option is to collect pictures off magazines or the internet, on what you want your makeup to be like. Share this with your makeup artist, and she will get a better idea of what you want.

Once you find the right person for the job, make sure that you fix your appointment for the day and stick to the time-line necessary to complete your makeup properly. For the rest of your wedding shopping and all other things bridal, visit us on Best for Bride and we can help you find it all.

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5 reasons why we love Wild West Weddings

father of the bride

More and more couples are getting married in the Wild West style this year; and it is one real exciting theme for a wedding.

Here are 5 reasons why we, at Best for Bride say Yeehaa! to the wild west theme.


1.It is a formal theme with a casual vibe

The Wild West theme allows you to have a wedding that is both exciting and fun, but classic at the same time. You can choose to keep it as formal as you like, or opt for an entirely casual wedding reception . Is there another formal theme, where the décor elements can be straw and wildflowers and still be appropriate? Here, the rules are flexible, and this will keep it exciting for your guests, as they aren’t certain of what they can expect.


2.The décor at Wild West Weddings are totally unique

Wild West weddings allow you to play with faux or real antler displays, throw in leather details, sip beer from copper mugs and have attendants and groomsmen frolic around in cowboy hats and boots. This is a chance to bring together a range of textures like burlap, straw and wood, and give them a classic finish. It transports us in time to a whole other place, and this is part of the charm. Despite the various details, the theme can be executed at indoor and outdoor venues , alike. The rustic elements that are highlighted at these weddings are always interesting, simple to do and easy to pull off.

3.They are as versatile as can be

One interesting factor about this theme is that no two weddings can possibly be alike. Whether you choose to get married at a ranch, in a garden or at a hotel, you can use this theme. Dinner can be elaborate or laidback, as you can opt for either a buffet or a plated dinner. Coming to wedding dresses , Wild West brides can choose full-length lace gowns or short frilly frocks with a colorful underskirt and not worry about which suits the theme—because they both do. Brides and grooms can sport cowboy boots and hats, and easily match their attire to the theme.

via Best for Bride

4.The photographs are one-of-a-kind

How else could it be? After all, how often do we see real cowboys and their brides in real life? When you have a wild west wedding, the rustic elements in the décor and classic style of dressing create the perfect blend for spectacular photographs. With a beautiful setting, and a couple in love, it is almost impossible to not have a great photo album.

5.Wild west weddings are most romantic

If you always envisioned your wedding to be one that is like a dream, it has to be a wild west wedding. Imagine getting married in a scenic location, dancing to jolly old country tunes and riding off into the sunset (or, in this case, to your honeymoon) with your real-life hero….could it be more romantic?

So, what do you think? Is a Wild West wedding for you?

To choose a dress that is perfect for this theme, or for more wedding advice, visit us at Best for Bride .

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Your essential After-the-wedding checklist

Your wedding day flew by like a dream, and you are finally a “Mrs.” The past few months may have been a whirlwind of activities, and you may be relieved that it is finally out of the way. However, there are a few pending tasks to complete , before you can put aside all your wedding responsibilities, and settle into your new life. Let us look at what they are.

Preserve your wedding gown

via Best for Bride

You may have worn your wedding gown just once, but it is a treasure trove of memories which has to be saved and put aside carefully. Who knows, it may serve you in the future when you renew your vows, or your daughter may someday want to get married in it! It is best that you do not attempt to do this yourself. Instead, have your wedding dress sent to a professional for preservation . Make sure you do this as soon as possible, so the stains and dirt do not set and become difficult to remove. If you will be going on your honeymoon soon after the reception, ask your MoH to take your gown to the cleaners, as early as is possible. Till then, store your gown in a dark and dry place, and keep it airtight and place it far from stains and dirt.

Sort out your gifts and send out your thank you notes

It is a good idea to create a list of the gifts as soon as you begin receiving them, and note down who sent what. This will allow you to prepare your thank you notes faster. Sending out a hand-written thank you note will be better appreciated than sending a printed one. Don’t delay mailing them, make sure your thank you notes are on their way within a month of your wedding. It will help you to have the stationery and gift list ready. You could even write them before the wedding, soon after you receive the gift, and get a head start on it.

Review your wedding photographs and videos


Get in touch with your photographer and videographer and find out how your wedding photos and videos are coming along. Review the prints and choose ones that you want to frame and display. Also, edit your video, so it doesn’t drag on for ever but includes the important highlights. While at your photographer’s, you may also want to get a few prints to share with your older guests who aren’t tech-savvy and cannot see your photos online. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Get your name changed

Now that you are officially married, it is time to inform all the necessary authorities of your name change. Collect your marriage license and visit the concerned government agencies to update your records with your change of name. Do the same at banks and other financial institutions. Also update your insurance plans and change beneficiaries where your deem appropriate, now that you are married.

Once these tasks are out of the way, you are all set to focus and enjoy your life together as a married couple . It is going to be a great journey ahead, so congratulations and all the best!

For more wedding tips and advice, visit us at Best for Bride.

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Renewing your Vows – A guide to making it perfect

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via pixabay

Mignon McLaughlin said, “ A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person .”

Is there a better way to fall in love all over again, than by renewing your vows and saying “I still do”? It gives you an opportunity to celebrate your love and togetherness in the best way you can imagine.

The rules of a traditional wedding do not confine you on this occasion. Whether you choose to have an elaborate ceremony, celebrate it at an exotic location abroad , or have a party with just your close family and friends, it is entirely up to you. All that matters is that you enjoy the occasion, and renew your promise of continuing on the journey of life together.

Here are some tips to help you plan and make the most, of this special day in your life.

Traditional or contemporary, choose to have fun

Unlike your wedding day, there are no rules to conducting this ceremony. You can choose to have an officiant to preside over it, or  just be creative and find an interesting alternative.

You could exchange your original vows, or even make up new ones that are more apt in your current situation.

Discuss how you would like to celebrate the occasion with your spouse, and plan a ceremony that the two of you would equally enjoy.

Plan the perfect attire

7161 There are no rules here. You could always use this opportunity to bring out your wedding gown once again, as long as it fits!

However, wouldn’t it be more fun, to dress up in a dress that’s different from a wedding gown? Think cocktail dresses, evening dresses or even a casual frock for a chic, fun ceremony. Match your attire to the formality of the event. When the bride and the groom complement each other, it is a pleasant sight. This is your chance to look romantic, fashionable and gorgeous, so make the most of it.

Ideas to make it enjoyable

Unless you decide to go all out and have a grand celebration, renewing vows are normally intimate occasions that involve just your close friends and family. Make it more fun by involving them too. Choose an interesting theme and have your children be your bridesmaids and groomsmen. The young children of the family could be flower girls, ushers or accompany the bride down the aisle.

Being married for so long is a real accomplishment, so you can symbolize it by exchanging engraved rings to honor your love. Bring back the memories of your wedding day, by decorating your venue with photographs of your wedding day . Display before and after pictures of yourselves, have a slideshow of the various milestones in your married life and let the guests join you as you remember these fond memories.

This is the day when you are free to enjoy all that you wanted to the first time, but couldn’t. Dance together to favorite tunes , and wiggle to some fun music too. Make the most of this occasion to pause and reflect on what your life together has been all about.

Best for Bride has the perfect choice of dresses that can help you look just as beautiful when you renew your vows, as you did on your wedding day. Visit us online and take a look at what we have to offer.