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7 Techniques to Effectively Photograph Fireworks

wedding fireworks
wedding fireworks

Anyone can photograph fireworks as long as they plan and have some essential camera accessories. This blog post will teach you the basics of how to photograph fireworksyourself.

The first step is to choose the perfect location. Consider where the fireworks will be displayed and then plan out a strategic spot. None of the advice in this guide will help if you choose a poor shooting location.

Take a lay of the land by taking into consideration the angle of the photograph and the potential backdrop. For instance, fireworks viewed against the night sky are brilliant to the naked eye, but that would make for a boring photograph. Instead, you might capture a building behind the fireworks – or maybe a city skyline in the distance!

You’ll also need to get to the spot early to claim your spot. Remember that the view needs to be unobstructed.

Here are some other preparations that you need to make:

1. Create a Schedule:It’s easy to get distracted and forget things. Creating a schedule will prevent that from happening. It helps to prepare yourself better.

2. Pack your Gear:Create a checklist of the necessary gear for your shoot and be sure to pack it all.

3. Know the Technique:You’ll want to make sure your camera settings are set before the fireworks start.


How to Photograph Fireworks – Seven Powerful Ways

Now let’s discuss the techniques for photographing fireworks.

Switch Off Flash and Set Your Camera to Manual Mode
There are so many amateurs who will try taking photos of fireworks while leaving their flash turned on. This is usually done by accident because they leave their camera on automatic mode. Your first step is to make sure your camera is in manual mode.

Once in manual mode, set your camera to an ISO of 200 with an aperture between f/8 and f/13. Usually, f/11 will suffice. That way, all you will need to worry about on location will be the shutter speed. In most cases, a shutter speed of between 1 to 4 seconds is enough.

Use a Tripod
You must have a tripod to capture fireworks since the camera will need to remain motionless. Each shot will take several seconds, so there is no way you can stay motionless while holding the camera. Furthermore, you will be taking hundreds of shots in succession. But you don’t need to invest in a fancy tripod here. You will be able to take the picture comfortably as long as the tripod is sturdy and doesn’t shake.
Invest in Remote Release Device
One problem that people run into a lot when photographing fireworks is that their tripod shakes a bit when they press the capture button on their camera. Invest in a remote release device to prevent this. Most digital cameras will have an accessory that is designed for remote capturing. The only other option would be to use the timer on the camera, but that’s hit or miss. Just go ahead and invest in a remote release.

Set the Right Exposure
Setting the right exposure requires some trial and error. Set the range to f/13 and take a picture to determine how exposed the shot is. Then adjust the camera accordingly. If the shot is underexposed, then lower the setting to f/12 and try again. Repeat until you reach the perfect exposure.

Although this should be tested before the fireworks start lighting up the night sky, pay close attention to your first few shots and be prepared to adjust the camera on the fly.

·                Use Manual Focus
The above settings are quite optimal for fireworks, but you might need to make slight adjustments. That’s why it’s highly recommended that you put your focus on manual and then adjust it yourself. You don’t want your camera trying to refocus itself after every shot. You’ll end up with a ton of blurry images. Using manual focus will create consistent shots. The only time you’ll have to refocus is when you change the angle of shots. Otherwise, it will remain the same throughout the entire shoot. Photographing fireworks is a bit of a lottery so the more shots you can take, the higher your chances of capturing the perfect moment.

·                Use Drone to Photograph Fireworks
Drones present us with a unique opportunity to capture the best fireworks photos, but there is a challenge. Many times, the operator will need to be certified to fly drones in a populated area. However, never attempt this without checking the local laws in the area.
With that said, drones can capture angles and create backdrops that are impossible from the ground. In most cases, if you want to use drones to capture fireworks, you’ll need to hire a company that specializes in drone photography. You can also buy fireworks images from companies like The Video Caddy .

·                Frame Your Shot
Proper framing is an essential skill in photography . You will have to worry about framing once the fireworks start blasting off into the sky. Then use the zoom feature on your camera to reframe until you have the desired effect. For instance, if you are taking fireworks photos in a big city where buildings are lit up around you, then it might be a good idea to capture one of those building in your frame.

Getting the Perfect Shot

Now that you’ve seen the techniques required to learn how to photograph fireworks, let’s recap everything we’ve learned:

1.Find the right location and get there in advance to secure it before the fireworks begin.

2.Use a tripod and remote release device to capture your images.

3.Put your camera on full manual mode and turn off the flash.

4.Set the exposure on your camera and take a few test shots to make sure it’s right.

5.Play around with angles until you capture the perfect frame.

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Top Wedding photography mistakes and how to avoid them

Every couple makes memories on their wedding day, and these special memories are captured forever in a couple’s wedding album.

Wedding photographs document of the most special day of your life. Hence, it is one wedding detail that deserves a lot of attention. Never undermine the importance of planning your wedding photography well. Why? Only then will your wedding photos help you recollect every beautiful memory of this big day in the best possible way.

The quality of your pictures will greatly depend on the skill of the photographer you hired for the job. Nevertheless, minor and major mistakes from your side can also create problems on your wedding day. Unfortunately, this means that you will end up with photographs that are less than satisfactory.

Let us take a look at what these potential mistakes are, and how you can overcome them.

Never prioritize cost over quality

I strongly believe that no couple should compromise on cost when they choose their wedding photographer . After all, this is the one record of the biggest event in your lifetime. There is no way you can enjoy the details of this special day later unless your photographs capture it well. So, remember that a seasoned expert in photography is worth his price.

There will be  amateur photographers or those who offer you a cheaper deal than a professional. However the risk of ending up with poor quality images is high in this case. And that is definitely not worth doing. If you have a very small budget, opt for a smaller package from a good photographer. Leave the album compilation for later, when you have the funds for it.

You should familiarize yourself with the photographer before the wedding day


You will be spending a lot of time with your photographer on your wedding day. Hence, it is really important that you connect with him. Not all couples are naturally camera-friendly. If this is the case, you can overcome your shyness by becoming familiar with the photographer before your wedding day.

Engagement shoots are a great way to get to know your photographer’s style of work. It also gives you the opportunity to get used to the camera and become comfortable with it. This experience will make you more comfortable to face the camera on your wedding day. It will help you prepare better for the photography sessions on your wedding day. If you aren’t sure of whether you want an engagement shoot, take a look at what the Huff Post has to say about it. I’m sure it’ll have you convinced in no time. 

Make sure to discuss how you want your photos

Not all couples realize that there are different types of wedding photography. This article on A Practical Wedding will guide you through the common styles.  It is important to recognize which of these is your preferred style, and then find a photographer who follows it. The photographer’s portfolio will give you a general idea of his style of working. So, use this as your guide.

Even after you choose your photographer, you should clearly communicate your expectations to him. Discuss how you want to look in the pictures, what to include in it and any other relevant information. This will allow him to direct his shots accordingly.

Do settle on a realistic wedding day schedule


If there is one person you should consult before you finalize your wedding day timeline , it is your photographer. Every important detail and event on the day deserves photo coverage. His previous experience will help your photographer guide you on how much time you should allot to the different things you have to do on the day. You should have plenty of buffer time between different events, in case anything falls behind schedule. Plan this with your photographer, so he won’t have to cut down on taking essential pictures.

If you run short of time, you may have to rush through or cancel your photo shoots at the last minute. This means you will be missing valuable pictures that ought to make it to your album. You should also get his opinion when planning the couple shoot and outdoor pictures. The quality of the images will depend on the amount of natural lighting available. So, plan your timeline to incorporate all these factors. Remember that the best photos are those that aren’t rushed but which feature you in your natural element.

Enlist help for collecting everyone for your pictures

Every couple will be doing portrait shoots with family and friends, apart from with the bridal party. Unless your photographer personally knows both your families, it will be impossible for him to get all the people for each of the shots in place on time. You can avoid this by simply assigning the job of collecting everyone for the photos to one of the bridesmaids or groomsmen. Make sure this is someone who knows everyone from both families.

While you give your photographer a list of group photos to be taken, make a copy of the list for the shoot organizer. Discuss details with them in advance and tell them who should come together in each picture. They can then direct everyone to the right place on time, and ensure they miss nobody.

You must have at least few candid shots


The best pictures are those in which you look yourself. Although you will have to pose for a number of portraits and group pictures, that shouldn’t be all that is in your album. For a true documentation of your wedding day, allow your photographer to roam around and take pictures according to will.

You should always have a list of must-have’s, but trust your photographer to do the rest according to his own ideas. A creative and skilled photographer will know what all to include to make your album truly special. Leave him to take at least few candid shots of you and the guests at the party, and your album will be unique in it’s own way.

Ignore the camera unless told otherwise

It is your special day, and you want to look perfect in your pictures. This is possible only if you relax and enjoy your photography session. Many couples focus too much on the photo shoot and look unnatural and uneasy in their pictures. When exhausted, people also make the mistake of faking a grin for the camera. This can ruin the entire effect.

Unless it is a portrait shot or a group photo where you are facing the camera, it is best to ignore the camera and lose yourself in the day. Follow your photographer’s cues and he will ask you to look at the camera when required. Try and look natural, and your photographs will still be great even if you aren’t looking into the camera.

Practice your poses

8 Interesting wedding dress features to inspire the modern bride

Do you remember me mentioning that you will have to pose for portraits and group photos at your wedding photo shoot? Prepare yourself for it in advance and practice your best poses. Take a look at some of your old photos, and identify those that you like best. Pay attention to how you faced the camera in each of them. This will help you identify your best angles , profile and look. Practice this in front of the mirror during the days leading up to your wedding. So, when it is time to smile, you can quickly settle into this pose.

If you are unsure, ask your photographer to help you identify your best profile. Nevertheless, don’t be too rigid or pose too much, as this can become boring. Stand up straight, pull your chin in and simply angle yourself in the right direction to look your best.

Don’t take too many trendy pictures

From wedding dress trends to trends in wedding favors and even in photography props, there are plenty of trends to tempt couples. Following the trend is often exciting. However, don’t forget that trends come and go. On the other hand, classic styles and poses are timeless.

Think of whether you will be just as satisfied with the props, poses and shots when you look at your album ten years of now, when embracing a trend. Remember how some of the photos in your parents albums look outdated now. Some of them may even seem hilarious. Do you want to experience the same? If not, follow trends in moderation and avoid anything that is too extreme.

Discuss essential details


You will have a list of people to include in the photos and the different events during the day that you want in your wedding album. Create a similar list for the various details that you want to be part of your album.

For instance, you may want a close-up shot of your expensive wedding jewelry or a picture in a particular location in your house. Make sure you mention it to your photographer. This way, he will not overlook the detail.

Choose photogenic makeup and colors

Not all makeup and hairstyles are photogenic. Unless you consider how your make-up and hairstyle will look on camera in advance, you may be in for a nasty surprise. Spray tans, for example, will give you an orange complexion in most lighting. Similarly, glitter may look glamorous in person, but looks like sweat in photos. In the case of hairstyles, leaving your hair open in a windy outdoor venue can result in your face being obscured by your hair flying in the wind.

Consider these factors when choosing your hair and makeup. Opt for a bridal portrait or engagement shoot. This gives you the opportunity to try the same hair and makeup as you want for your wedding day. You can see firsthand how it translates into pictures and change it if doesn’t look flattering.

Research and explore the options at the venue

classic wedding

Each venue will offer unique photography options. You will not know about it unless you explore the location in advance. When you visit the venue before the wedding, walk around and locate unique spots that will make good backdrops for your pictures. Talk to the venue manager to find out if there are unique spots for photos that you may not have noticed.

Natural lighting looks best in pictures. So, try to include at least few outdoor shots in your pictures. Discuss possible locations with your photographer, both indoors and outdoors. If lighting is limited in any area, tell your photographer about it. He can then bring extra lighting equipment.

Follow the photographer’s instructions, even if they sound odd

Trust your photographer when he asks you to do something, even if it seems unusual. With a skilled person behind the camera, you can be sure he knows what he is doing. Sometimes its these unusual poses and expressions that translate into unique pictures. So, don’t worry too much about making everything perfect. As long as you have a great photographer and you have dressed your absolute best, everything should quickly fall into place.

Just relax and enjoy yourself, and the happiness will permeate your photographs. Make the most of this rare opportunity of being in the limelight. Enjoy every moment. Your album will be proof of the best fun you ever had.

To look your best on your wedding day, you need a dream wedding dress and a beautiful bridal party to match!

Look no further, for both these needs can be realized at Best for Bride, Canada’s leading bridal destination. Check out our website here for the latest and trending wedding dress collections. There is enough variety to meet every bride’s wedding vision. Also take a tour through our accessories page, bridal party dresses and dresses for special occasions to find all that you need for your big milestone event.

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10 practical tips for a picture-perfect wedding

Most couples who get married these days are very choosy about who handles the photo shoot at their wedding. No surprises here, as wedding memories live on through the photographs and videos of the day! This is indeed a one-time occasion, and getting all the details right is essential to framing those memories perfectly.

Wedding photo mishaps are common, especially when the person behind the camera is an amateur. However, there is no guarantee that there will be no unpleasant surprises even when it is a professional yielding the camera. A lot of it is luck; the rest is poor planning.

While it isn’t possible to rule out every single mistake, however hard you may try, you can at least do your part to make sure your wedding is documented well. Here are ten handy tips that will help you have that picture-perfect wedding album, that you simply cannot take your eyes of.

1.Seek inspiration, but don’t let it restrict your natural style


Haven’t we all been smitten by perfect wedding pictures, with the bride looking like a dream and the groom like Prince Charming. Certain poses and certain angles seem just perfect, that you may quickly decide that you must also try it.

It is a great idea to find inspiration from other weddings , but don’t try to make your wedding a copy of all that you see elsewhere. One thing you may have noticed in all these fantastic wedding photos, is that the pictures usually look great because the models look natural in it. Additionally, the photographer has the talent to capture the love, happiness and chemistry between the couple.

So, the poses and location are secondary. It is the couple who make the pictures so beautiful. Don’t confine yourself to the same photography pattern as a couple whose wedding you loved. Take cues from why certain pictures look great. Don’t copy, instead use this as the inspiration to plan your own pictures.

2.Relax and don’t fake a certain look for the camera

You should know your best angles and the most photogenic profile. Discuss this part with your photographer ahead of the wedding. He may even be able to give you valuable tips to get it right, so you can plan your photo shoot accordingly. Nevertheless, don’t try to limit yourself to a specific pose or look throughout your wedding photos. It will definitely become boring, and a fake smile or a rigid pose will be obvious to all those who look at your picture. Enjoy the natural flow of things on your wedding day, relax when the camera is on you and smile from your heart. Remember that happiness just can’t go wrong, and your photographs will turn out superb.

3.Silly poses? Think of how you will feel about it in ten years time

It is a trend these days for couples to fill their photo albums with silly and non-sense poses and actions. Well, it may be fun, but how many of them do you actually want in your album. We often find that some of the best wedding photos are usually ruined by an unnecessary silly gesture.

You should really think of whether you will be excited about all these funny poses in your album, when you look at it ten years later. Just think of it this way—what would your reaction be, if you were to find your mom and dad in similar poses in their wedding album?

Your wedding day is all about having fun and enjoying yourself. However, it is also an occasion that you will look back on, many times in the future. So, let it be captured on film mostly as an interesting, grown-up affair. After all, you are celebrating an evolving and growing relationship with your partner, and this should be done with all due seriousness.

4.Prepare for a long day in front of the camera, and don’t let frustration seep in

Your photography session will usually start early in the morning, right from when you begin getting dressed. It will then go on for the entire day, mostly till the time you set off on your honeymoon, or go home for the night. Being under the spotlight for such a long time can be pretty exhausting. And when you are expected to stay happy and put your best smile forth, it can tire you out even more.

However, this is all for a purpose. So, remember that looking happy in your wedding photos will allow you to remember the occasion more fondly than otherwise. Prepare yourself for a long day, and don’t feel frustrated about how long you have to smile and pose and stand with crowds to capture hundreds of pictures. This is simply how this works, so make your peace with it.

The most important people in your life have all come together to celebrate your big day, and that doesn’t happen everyday. You will later realize that spending all those hours posing and clicking pictures with them, was definitely worth all the effort and time.

5.Follow the photographer’s directions for when you should look at the camera and when you shouldn’t

beach wedding

Not all wedding photos will require to you to stare into the camera. When you must look at the camera, your photographer will ask you to. Unless you have been asked to, just do what you were doing naturally.

You will have to pose and smile in your group photos and portraits. At this time, don’t spoil the photo by looking away. The rest are usually candid shots, with everyone captured as they are. If you are unsure of how or where you should look, just ask to be certain. Or, you can always schedule an appointment with him , ahead of the wedding day and discuss how you want the pictures to be. This will allow him to plan his shots accordingly.

The aim is to have fun and trust your photographer to capture the actual essence of the day. Don’t make a big deal of how you should be standing or where you should be looking, when the photographer shines the flash on you. Just be yourself, and leave the rest to the professional handling the job.

6.Do plan your photo shoots well in advance

On your wedding day, you will have to take group photos, photos of the various events, those of just the two of you and candid pictures. While the events and candid shots will be up to the photographer’s discretion, the rest are usually planned shots. Since you will have to stand and pose and spend time to have these pictures taken, it is a good idea to plan and organize when these will be done. Plan this in advance, into your wedding day schedule , and it will be easier to arrange.

Also, it is a good idea to spread the photo shoots out throughout the day, rather than have it all in one go. This way, your guests will not be kept waiting and you will also look fresh in every lot of the posed shots. On that note, if you have your wedding indoors, plan your outdoor wedding day portraits when the lighting is most suited for it. So, if you wish to capture the sunset in your wedding album, make sure you free up your time for that activity alone, at the said time.

7.Don’t dictate how your photographer should work

hide and seek

Photographers are creative artists, who know what they are doing. You can always offer suggestions and tell them what you want to see in your photographs. Leave the rest of the work to the professional. They have more experience than you do, and know how to make what you want happen.

You should get a glimpse of their ability and talent when you check their portfolio, prior to signing them up. If you are happy with what you see there, trust them to capture your wedding in the best possible way.

Set up an appointment well ahead of the wedding day, when you can discuss your expectations with the photographer. Share notes and welcome suggestions from them. Run them through the wedding day plan and tell them where they should be and at what time. If you have very specific preferences for certain shots, it may be a good idea to demonstrate what you mean by showing them pictures similar to what you have in mind. Once this is done, leave them to plan their moves and shoot your wedding as they think best.

8.Don’t feel conscious of the camera

Just because the camera will be capturing many of your moves, don’t let it dictate how you act and behave. Be your normal self. Brides and grooms who are camera-conscious make either of two mistakes. The first is they become overly shy and hide from the camera. On the other hand, some of them believe in making the most of the attention and show off to the most. Overly exaggerated actions, fake laughter and very obvious posing can spoil the entire fun.

Photographs should be about capturing you in your natural element. So, avoid both the above mistakes. Just ignore the camera and do what you would be doing, in it’s absence. This way, you will have your wedding captured as it was meant to be.

9.Have a plan for group shots


In all the commotion of a wedding and the reception that follows it, it is easy to lose track of the people to be photographed. Since you will definitely want specific people in certain group photos, plan this early. Decide on the must-have group photos, and list those who are to be in it. Designate a bridesmaid or groomsman to bring all these people together during the photo session, so you do not have to run around searching for them at the time.

Ask all those who are to be included in specific groups to stay close, and your photos will be more easy to take. It is also a good idea to plan the shoot in a particular order. So, your family members and friends will know when they will be required to be present. If there are guests in a hurry, include their pictures earlier on. Similarly if there are children who are to be in the picture, it is a good idea to be flexible with taking their pictures. You can then capture them when they are in a good mood.

For pictures with your flower girls and ring bearer, have these taken earlier on, before the children have fun and wreck their original look for the day.

10.Inform your guests to stay out of your photographer’s way

Your guests will certainly want to take their own pictures and will be clicking away on their mobiles or tablets. Nevertheless, make it clear that you have a professional photographer calling the shots, and ask that nobody click the group pictures at the same time as he is. It is natural that people can become confused with where to look, when there are several cameras clicking at once. If people were aware of this, we wouldn’t see so many pictures with members of the group looking in different directions, in a wedding photo.

Do inform your guests that you will be sharing the pictures across, once they are ready. This will save them the trouble of focusing on taking pictures, instead of enjoying the wedding itself.

With a little organization and clear planning , it is easy and practical to have your wedding captured perfectly. Remember that if your wedding is a happy occasion, where you smile from the bottom of your hearts, there is no way the pictures will reflect anything else. Just like you enjoy and savor every moment of your wedding day, make sure you savor your photo sessions too. Entrust the task to a capable and talented photographer, and leave the rest of the work to him and his team.

At Best for Bride, we offer brides and grooms a range of wedding-related services. Our list also includes photographers who are specialized in different genres of wedding photography . Contact us today, to find out who you would love to work with for your wedding.

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Posing with your bridesmaids – how to make sure you have fabulous photos


You can get some of the best possible wedding photos , when posing with your bridesmaids. Not only do these girls oblige to smile, pose and make the entire experience non-stop fun, they look great too.

After all the effort you’ve put into color co-coordinating their outfits and planning their look to the last detail, it is only worthwhile that you take some time to also think of how you want them in your wedding pictures. This allows you to make the most of the shoot, and avoid classroom style boring photos.

Check out these tips for getting the best wedding pics with your favorite girls, and see which of these can be added to your photography plan .

1.Plan in advance

Bridesmaids under Heather's veil Image Credit: Blaise Alleyne, via Flickr, [CC BY 2.0]

You will of course have chosen your perfectly matched bridesmaids dresses, and bought the accessories. So, we aren’t bothering with that bit. What we are talking about is planning ahead, so your girls are ready on time, and will look great. Work with your planner (or do it yourself, if you don’t have a planner) to set up a schedule for the morning, and see to it that your girls are dressed on time. If any of the girls have a habit of being late, set up a different schedule for her. In all cases, add plenty of extra time, so there is no chance of not being ready on time. Put one of the super-organized girls in charge, so you needn’t stress, when you should be getting dresses yourself.

2.Have a hair and makeup trial well ahead of time

You do not want any nasty surprises on the big day. So, get your girls to join you on a hair and makeup trial, well ahead of your wedding day. You can make a note of what can be improved, any hiccups that can cause delays, and make changes to the plan accordingly. This will also give you a chance to see how the girls will actually look, rather than just go with a general idea and feel disappointed if you do see what you expected.

3.Share the list of photos you must have, with your photographer

There is plenty of inspiration for unique photo ideas on this board on Pinterest . You are bound to find a few poses that you simply must have. Note them down, and share them with your photographer, so he remembers to capture them on your special day. Also include combination photos with bridesmaids and groomsmen, bridesmaids and groom, with special accessories you’ve ordered for the occasion or fun poses. Make sure you have a healthy mix of orchestrated and action shots, so you do not miss on any of the fun, even while getting everyone in focus.

4.Plan their bouquet positions and other details ahead

Bridesmaids 5 Image Credits:, via Flickr, [CC BY 2.0]

This makes all the difference between good and great photos. Find a comfortable pose for your ladies, where they all hold the bouquets at the right height so their posture is good, and the pictures will look splendid. If there is a special design feature on their dresses, like a keyhole back, or you’ve chosen colorful shoes or umbrellas to complete their look, get these finer details captured on camera.

Visit us at Best for Bride, to choose the best bridesmaid dresses for the biggest event in your life. Browse through our gallery today, and find those that will work best for your wedding.