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Why rain on your wedding day can be a good thing!

I do not have much experience to comment on whether it is good luck if it rains on your wedding day, but I can tell you that it certainly isn’t the end of the world if it does. Every bride who plans an outdoor ceremony during the summer worries whether nature will decide to wreak her plans and throw in a shower or two on her big day.

Our suggestion is not to worry, but plan how you can make the most of this unexpected twist in the situation. One bonus of a rainy wedding day is that you can take wedding pictures that are both romantic and one-of-a-kind. How about that?

Amy & Brendan Image Credits: Tom 7, via Flickr,[CC BY 2.0] 

Take a look at this Buzzfeed post on couples who nailed their rainy weddings . Look at the happiness on their faces, and you will realize that rain is a good thing, no matter what!

With these tips you will be all set to have fun on your wedding day, even if it rains. In fact, once you begin planning for a rainy day wedding, you may stop wishing away rain, and may instead hope that it actually poured.

Make a Plan B and stick to it if it rains

Guests soaked to the bone, and shivering in their wet dresses throughout the wedding function, may not be a good idea. So, we suggest that you include a plan B , when you have an outdoor wedding. Set up tents, or book an adjacent indoor location, for “if it rains.” Even when the rain wreaks havoc in the backdrop, your wedding will have a fairy tale mood.

Get set with pretty umbrellas and wellies

If you have your heart set on an outdoor ceremony, stick to it. Just make sure you purchase umbrellas matching the wedding color palette , and you bring along stylish wellies for yourself and the rest of the bridal party. Don’t forget to click a few pictures in these accessories before you head indoors, it will be a fun one!

Choose water-resistant makeup to look fresh and avoid smudges

You do not want makeup to drip off you and ruin your wonderful white dress during your rendezvous in the rain. So, make sure you choose to use water resistant makeup . Go with light nude colors, so you look fresh and naturally beautiful. Stash the makeup in your emergency kit for a quick touch up before the reception, and you will look great throughout the day.

Find a good photographer

The best thing about rainy day weddings, is that your photos come out looking great due to the color saturation that the natural lighting on the day allows. Nevertheless, you must find a professional who can use this to your advantage, and capture the best possible pictures. Check with your photographer beforehand, to know whether he is comfortable shooting in rain.

Aren’t you convinced yet? Take a look at this picture, and now tell me if you still feel that a rainy wedding is a bad idea! IMG_2754

Image Credit: Joe Martin, via Flickr, [CC BY 2.0]

For more wedding tips and advice, keep visiting us at Best for Bride .

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Things to remember when booking your wedding photographer

Your wedding day may pass too quickly, but photos of the event will help you remember every detail of the day for years to come. Hence, the relevance of a wedding photographer c annot be overlooked. In the hands of a professional, your wedding memories are safe, and captured as you wish to remember them.

There are various styles of photography available today, and not all styles may appeal to you equally. Find one that suits your taste, and ensure your wedding pictures will recreate the magic of your wedding day, every time you look at them.

Once you choose the style of wedding photography – traditional, photojournalistic, the mix of both or artistic, it is time to find the bridal photographerto handle the task. Here is a checklist of things that will help ensure that you find the right photographer and freeze your wedding memories perfectly.

First and foremost, plan your budget

As with all other vendors, different photographers have different rates . Before you start your search, you should know how much you can afford to spend. There are great photographers who can do your job beautifully, without your having to spend a fortune on it. Start early, and you will have time to find the right candidate for the job.

Obtain reviews of the service from previous clients

Don’t be taken in by smart advertising and pictures that are available on the photographer’s website. Check with clients who have actually used the photographer, and ask them for their opinions on the service provided. If you are satisfied with what you hear, book an appointment with the photographer.

Ask to see a range of pictures

Photographers will usually have a set portfolio, which they share with their clients. While this allows you to get a fair idea of the quality of work, you should also remember that these are usually the best ones they’ve taken. So, ask for more pictures than what is in their portfolio. Or, ask them if you could have a look at a previous client’s album. You can get a better idea of their style and ability by looking at more pictures.

Discuss, clarify and question

Ask what all pictures your package will include. Discuss the available options, take time to create your own list of must-have photos , which will include the list of group shots you want and share it with the photographer. Most good photographers will be ready to accommodate their client’s requests, but make sure you check this is, before signing your contract. Share the timetable of your wedding day, and tell your photographer where he should be at a specific time, so he doesn’t miss any of the special moments on your big day.

Get it in writing

Make sure that you include every single detail in your written contract . There should be clauses regarding how emergency situations will be handled, when and how the photographer’s fee will be paid, when you will receive your prints and the total price including all overhead costs. If you make any further changes to plan, add it to the contract and have your photographer countersign it. This will help you get the service you signed up for, without any hassles.

For more wedding tips and advice, and for all your wedding needs, visit us at Best For Bride .

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5 last things to do on the day before your wedding

Your wedding day is finally here!

In the hectic pace of planning and arranging everything, you are likely to overlook some detail or the other. To avoid any last minute snags, here is a checklist of things to do the day before the wedding. Follow this and the last few hours leading up to your wedding will be relaxed with everything under control.

Put out your wedding dress and accessories

Not only should you lay out your wedding dress, you should also inspect every detail one last time. The last thing you want is to find a missing button on the morning of your wedding and panic over it. Do it the day before and you have plenty of time to fix any likely problems.

Also arrange all the things you need in the morning—your make-up, inner-wear, perfume and accessories in one place, so you needn’t run around searching for anything once you start dressing. Make sure that everything is arranged in a location, that nobody has access to, so nothing is tampered with.

Call your vendors for last-minute confirmations

Although you are certain that everything will go perfectly, you can still call up all the vendors and ensure everything is as per plan. If anything, it will put your mind at ease to know that everything is progressing smoothly, and not be worried of likely issues.

Hand over your emergency bridal kit to your MoH and run the plans by her

Every bride has to have an emergency bridal kit for any likely mishap on the wedding day. Put your kit together with all the essential fixes, and hand it over to your MoH the day-before, so she can carry it with her to the venue. Also, spend some time sharing notes over the duties of the bridesmaids and ensure that you and your MoH are on the same page. She can then see to it that the bridal party handles their responsibilities as per your expectations. Get your MoH to check that the bridesmaids are all set for your wedding day, their dresses are in order and they are aware of all other necessary details.

Prep your house and check with out-of-town guests

Photos will be taken from the moment you wake up on your wedding day. So, get your house looking great and neat on the day before, and you needn’t worry about it in the morning. Put out a few baskets to corral any strewn items and just tuck them into corners to sort out later. Also, co-ordinate with out-of-town guests and make sure they are where they ought to be. A good idea would be to entrust this responsibility to family or friends, and just check to see that everything is as per plan.

Spend some time relaxing on your own

You have a stressful day ahead, so make sure you get some “me” time the day before to relax and unwind. Indulge in a scented bath or home facial, listen to some calming music or take a nap. Imagine a perfect wedding day and it will be just that. Rejuvenate yourself and you will be ready for the long day ahead of you.

For more valuable wedding tips and advice, as well as to pick out the perfect wedding dress, visit us on Best for Bride.

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Prepare for your wedding dress appointment: 5 Things to take along

via Best for Bride

Wedding dress shopping is exciting and finding the right wedding dress is something every bride eagerly looks forward to. However, before you begin wedding shopping, you need to do some research.

This will help you shortlist the desired  silhouettes , dress patterns, fabric choices and most importantly, allow you to fix your budget. Once you have a good picture of what you want and what you don’t, you are set to go shopping. Call up the bridal boutique and fix your appointment, rope in your best friends to accompany you, and get set to attend your appointment.

Now, do you just walk in on the day of your appointment? Not quite. It isn’t a good idea to simply go for your appointment without a few essential items. Let us look at what these are.

Photos for inspiration

You may have seen a fabulous gown in a magazine or on the internet, that you are dying to try. Print out a picture, and better still take down the dress number and other information pertaining to the gown. This will allow your bridal consultant to locate that dress for you. When possible, inform the boutique of the dresses that you would like to check out, when you fix your appointment . This way, it is likely they will have it in their inventory in time for your appointment.

If your vision of “the dress” includes bits and pieces from various other gowns, take prints of all these gowns along, and share your ideas with your consultant. She will be able to help you find one that matches your expectations.

Suitable inner wear

A strapless bra is absolutely necessary for your bridal appointment, since it is the only one that works with strapless gowns , spaghetti straps, deep cut necklines or halter style dresses. Without this, you may not be able to visualize the actual look of the gown. If you will be wearing inner shape-wear on your big day, make sure you take this along as well.

A camera

Looking at yourself in the mirror is not good enough. Snap a few pictures on a camera or your phone and look at it to understand how you actually look from different angles, before you finalize your dress.


Although you may not have your wedding shoes yet, it is a good idea to wear shoes with the same heel height that you will be wearing to your wedding. This will allow you to see how the dress falls, and determine the length to which the hemline should be altered.

Heirlooms, accessories and hairstyle

Will you be wearing a family heirloom such as a veil or a headpiece ? Or perhaps, you have already decided on the jewelry that you will be wearing on your wedding day. If so, bring these along, so you can decide whether it goes well with the dress you chose, or you have to continue looking. Also wear a hairstyle similar to what you will don on your wedding day, so you can see if a dress matches your look.

With these essential things in hand, you are all set for your wedding dress shopping. So, get ready to have the best time shopping. Check out our wedding dress collection for inspiration, and fix your appointment with Best for Bride to have the best wedding shopping experience ever.