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10 practical tips for a picture-perfect wedding

Most couples who get married these days are very choosy about who handles the photo shoot at their wedding. No surprises here, as wedding memories live on through the photographs and videos of the day! This is indeed a one-time occasion, and getting all the details right is essential to framing those memories perfectly.

Wedding photo mishaps are common, especially when the person behind the camera is an amateur. However, there is no guarantee that there will be no unpleasant surprises even when it is a professional yielding the camera. A lot of it is luck; the rest is poor planning.

While it isn’t possible to rule out every single mistake, however hard you may try, you can at least do your part to make sure your wedding is documented well. Here are ten handy tips that will help you have that picture-perfect wedding album, that you simply cannot take your eyes of.

1.Seek inspiration, but don’t let it restrict your natural style


Haven’t we all been smitten by perfect wedding pictures, with the bride looking like a dream and the groom like Prince Charming. Certain poses and certain angles seem just perfect, that you may quickly decide that you must also try it.

It is a great idea to find inspiration from other weddings , but don’t try to make your wedding a copy of all that you see elsewhere. One thing you may have noticed in all these fantastic wedding photos, is that the pictures usually look great because the models look natural in it. Additionally, the photographer has the talent to capture the love, happiness and chemistry between the couple.

So, the poses and location are secondary. It is the couple who make the pictures so beautiful. Don’t confine yourself to the same photography pattern as a couple whose wedding you loved. Take cues from why certain pictures look great. Don’t copy, instead use this as the inspiration to plan your own pictures.

2.Relax and don’t fake a certain look for the camera

You should know your best angles and the most photogenic profile. Discuss this part with your photographer ahead of the wedding. He may even be able to give you valuable tips to get it right, so you can plan your photo shoot accordingly. Nevertheless, don’t try to limit yourself to a specific pose or look throughout your wedding photos. It will definitely become boring, and a fake smile or a rigid pose will be obvious to all those who look at your picture. Enjoy the natural flow of things on your wedding day, relax when the camera is on you and smile from your heart. Remember that happiness just can’t go wrong, and your photographs will turn out superb.

3.Silly poses? Think of how you will feel about it in ten years time

It is a trend these days for couples to fill their photo albums with silly and non-sense poses and actions. Well, it may be fun, but how many of them do you actually want in your album. We often find that some of the best wedding photos are usually ruined by an unnecessary silly gesture.

You should really think of whether you will be excited about all these funny poses in your album, when you look at it ten years later. Just think of it this way—what would your reaction be, if you were to find your mom and dad in similar poses in their wedding album?

Your wedding day is all about having fun and enjoying yourself. However, it is also an occasion that you will look back on, many times in the future. So, let it be captured on film mostly as an interesting, grown-up affair. After all, you are celebrating an evolving and growing relationship with your partner, and this should be done with all due seriousness.

4.Prepare for a long day in front of the camera, and don’t let frustration seep in

Your photography session will usually start early in the morning, right from when you begin getting dressed. It will then go on for the entire day, mostly till the time you set off on your honeymoon, or go home for the night. Being under the spotlight for such a long time can be pretty exhausting. And when you are expected to stay happy and put your best smile forth, it can tire you out even more.

However, this is all for a purpose. So, remember that looking happy in your wedding photos will allow you to remember the occasion more fondly than otherwise. Prepare yourself for a long day, and don’t feel frustrated about how long you have to smile and pose and stand with crowds to capture hundreds of pictures. This is simply how this works, so make your peace with it.

The most important people in your life have all come together to celebrate your big day, and that doesn’t happen everyday. You will later realize that spending all those hours posing and clicking pictures with them, was definitely worth all the effort and time.

5.Follow the photographer’s directions for when you should look at the camera and when you shouldn’t

beach wedding

Not all wedding photos will require to you to stare into the camera. When you must look at the camera, your photographer will ask you to. Unless you have been asked to, just do what you were doing naturally.

You will have to pose and smile in your group photos and portraits. At this time, don’t spoil the photo by looking away. The rest are usually candid shots, with everyone captured as they are. If you are unsure of how or where you should look, just ask to be certain. Or, you can always schedule an appointment with him , ahead of the wedding day and discuss how you want the pictures to be. This will allow him to plan his shots accordingly.

The aim is to have fun and trust your photographer to capture the actual essence of the day. Don’t make a big deal of how you should be standing or where you should be looking, when the photographer shines the flash on you. Just be yourself, and leave the rest to the professional handling the job.

6.Do plan your photo shoots well in advance

On your wedding day, you will have to take group photos, photos of the various events, those of just the two of you and candid pictures. While the events and candid shots will be up to the photographer’s discretion, the rest are usually planned shots. Since you will have to stand and pose and spend time to have these pictures taken, it is a good idea to plan and organize when these will be done. Plan this in advance, into your wedding day schedule , and it will be easier to arrange.

Also, it is a good idea to spread the photo shoots out throughout the day, rather than have it all in one go. This way, your guests will not be kept waiting and you will also look fresh in every lot of the posed shots. On that note, if you have your wedding indoors, plan your outdoor wedding day portraits when the lighting is most suited for it. So, if you wish to capture the sunset in your wedding album, make sure you free up your time for that activity alone, at the said time.

7.Don’t dictate how your photographer should work

hide and seek

Photographers are creative artists, who know what they are doing. You can always offer suggestions and tell them what you want to see in your photographs. Leave the rest of the work to the professional. They have more experience than you do, and know how to make what you want happen.

You should get a glimpse of their ability and talent when you check their portfolio, prior to signing them up. If you are happy with what you see there, trust them to capture your wedding in the best possible way.

Set up an appointment well ahead of the wedding day, when you can discuss your expectations with the photographer. Share notes and welcome suggestions from them. Run them through the wedding day plan and tell them where they should be and at what time. If you have very specific preferences for certain shots, it may be a good idea to demonstrate what you mean by showing them pictures similar to what you have in mind. Once this is done, leave them to plan their moves and shoot your wedding as they think best.

8.Don’t feel conscious of the camera

Just because the camera will be capturing many of your moves, don’t let it dictate how you act and behave. Be your normal self. Brides and grooms who are camera-conscious make either of two mistakes. The first is they become overly shy and hide from the camera. On the other hand, some of them believe in making the most of the attention and show off to the most. Overly exaggerated actions, fake laughter and very obvious posing can spoil the entire fun.

Photographs should be about capturing you in your natural element. So, avoid both the above mistakes. Just ignore the camera and do what you would be doing, in it’s absence. This way, you will have your wedding captured as it was meant to be.

9.Have a plan for group shots


In all the commotion of a wedding and the reception that follows it, it is easy to lose track of the people to be photographed. Since you will definitely want specific people in certain group photos, plan this early. Decide on the must-have group photos, and list those who are to be in it. Designate a bridesmaid or groomsman to bring all these people together during the photo session, so you do not have to run around searching for them at the time.

Ask all those who are to be included in specific groups to stay close, and your photos will be more easy to take. It is also a good idea to plan the shoot in a particular order. So, your family members and friends will know when they will be required to be present. If there are guests in a hurry, include their pictures earlier on. Similarly if there are children who are to be in the picture, it is a good idea to be flexible with taking their pictures. You can then capture them when they are in a good mood.

For pictures with your flower girls and ring bearer, have these taken earlier on, before the children have fun and wreck their original look for the day.

10.Inform your guests to stay out of your photographer’s way

Your guests will certainly want to take their own pictures and will be clicking away on their mobiles or tablets. Nevertheless, make it clear that you have a professional photographer calling the shots, and ask that nobody click the group pictures at the same time as he is. It is natural that people can become confused with where to look, when there are several cameras clicking at once. If people were aware of this, we wouldn’t see so many pictures with members of the group looking in different directions, in a wedding photo.

Do inform your guests that you will be sharing the pictures across, once they are ready. This will save them the trouble of focusing on taking pictures, instead of enjoying the wedding itself.

With a little organization and clear planning , it is easy and practical to have your wedding captured perfectly. Remember that if your wedding is a happy occasion, where you smile from the bottom of your hearts, there is no way the pictures will reflect anything else. Just like you enjoy and savor every moment of your wedding day, make sure you savor your photo sessions too. Entrust the task to a capable and talented photographer, and leave the rest of the work to him and his team.

At Best for Bride, we offer brides and grooms a range of wedding-related services. Our list also includes photographers who are specialized in different genres of wedding photography . Contact us today, to find out who you would love to work with for your wedding.

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The top 7 wedding planning apps to help you plan your wedding

to do list wedding planning

Planning a wedding is a time-consuming, detail-oriented and labor-intensive task. It is no wonder that many brides burn out from exhaustion even while they are just half-way through wedding planning. Once you begin the planning process, you will quickly find yourself running through pages of lists, spreadsheets and sticky notes, that it will soon be almost impractical to keep up with all the paper clutter that builds up.

Fortunately, in this day and age of technology, there are many solutions to streamline our work and make life a lot easier. Here is why you should consider taking the digital route for your wedding planning.

  • It saves you time, energy and resources
  • By compiling all your information into digital apps, you can access it anytime and anywhere
  • It is the practical approach to collate all the ideas and inspiration that you come across
  • Sorting, organizing and eliminating are all much easier when aided by technology
  • Lost paper documents, receipts and communication will be a thing of the past once you handle all correspondence digitally
  • You will have all your information in one place, making it easy to handle, transport and check at any time you desire
  • Digital apps are the best tools for a bride who isn’t naturally organized, as there is a naturally organized format to it, thus making things much easier for you

Now, here is the biggest bonus of planning your wedding with the aid of technology: it leaves you plenty of much-deserved time to spend with your partner , rather than poring over and sorting through acres of paper clutter. Isn’t that an important facet of your engagement? Choose the digital route and time will cease being a luxury that you cannot afford.

Here is our pick of the best apps that will assist you with your wedding planning, and make everything you dreaded a lot easier and organized. These carefully chosen list is your best bet at easing your wedding planning, especially if you are doing it all by yourself.



The to-do list with a personality, CARROT is a fun way of keeping track and making sure that every list to handle is completed on time. Not all of us are naturally inclined to stick to the tasks we assign ourselves. This is where CARROT is a wonderful task master, as it motivates us to finish off our tasks by rewarding us for each completed task. The catch here, is that there are consequences to face, if we delay or postpone things on the list.

To start using it, you simply download the app on your iPhone or android. Create your list containing all the tasks to be handled, and set your time to complete each task. As you complete each task, you simply take it off the list. As you do this CARROT will award you a certain number of points. You can add anything and everything on to your list at any point of time, and get on with finishing it one after the other. Now, if you fail to complete a task on time, CARROT will not only remind you of what is due, it will also penalize you for being lazy. I suggest that you take a quick look at this video to get an idea of how this app can help you plan your simple and complex tasks through this simple digital to-do list maker.


When you digitize all the data you want for your wedding, it is essential that to keep it organized and stored in one location. Leaving all your wedding planning information floating around isn’t really a good idea, as it is no different from letting papers from your wedding folder fly around. This is where the digital app Evernote can be very useful.

Evernote was created with the idea to capture “experiences” digitally. Remember that you will have to handle different types of digital media when planning a wedding. You will be using pictures for inspiration , drawing up documents, making lists, creating notes and looking at samples. Rather than saving each of these in different folders on your computer and then shoveling through the lot when the need arises, it is practical and easy to save them all in a single location using Evernote. Since this is a cloud based system, you can access your stored information from anywhere. You also have the advantage of syncing it to all your digital devices, so that the information is accessible from any place and at any time, irrespective of the device on which it is recorded. Take a look at this video to find out how you can make use of it.

3.Hitched Wedding Planner

This wedding application is pre-loaded with almost 49 wedding planning tasks, that will help you jump start your wedding planning process. The included tasks are placed in chronological sequence, so you have a general idea of what task should ideally follow another. This will allow you to set up your planning time-line easily, and make sure that you do what you should, on time.

Although there is an original task list, it can be completely customized to suit your specific needs. So, you can erase any of the points that you do not want to adhere to, and also add specific tasks that are unique to your wedding. So, if you are on the lookout for a single app to help you remember all your wedding planning tasks, and remind you of when to do each of them, the Hitched wedding planner is what you should turn to. There is also a budget tracker that will help you form a general idea of how to divide your budget and how much money should go into what aspect. If you have no idea of where to begin with your budget planning, you can just type in the total amount and it will give you suggestions or estimates of what should go where. This will help you plan the rest.

4.Awesome Note


Once you have a wedding date in mind, you will be shopping a lot! So, you will need many shopping lists to cover all the big and small things you need for your wedding. One of our favorite shopping lists for wedding planning is Awesome Note. Although this app has various other features as well, it’s practical and fun shopping lists are the best feature.

One important feature that sets the shopping lists on Awesome Note apart is that you can tag the items on your lists. So, you needn’t go into each list and update it every time. You can simply tag an item, say roses to rehearsal dinner and lilies to wedding, and it is automatically sorted into the list where it belongs. You can also add multiple tags to a single item, and search out all the items that have been tagged to a particular shopping destination, when you finally go shopping. It also allows you to attach photos or notes to each item, so you can remember what you intended while adding this item to the list. This will also allow you to share clear information and instructions if you are delegating the shopping to someone else. You can download this app from the iTunes store by clicking here and start using it right away.

5.Appy Couple

Wedding website screenshot

Image Credits: D.Hayes, via Flickr, [CC BY 2.0]

A wedding website is an essential for every couple planning their wedding. It will allow you to share important wedding-related information with the guests, add their registry details, answer questions about the wedding, receive RSVP’s digitally and also share photos and fun messages that add to the excitement of the upcoming wedding day.

While you can register for a website on any domain, it always helps to have one specifically suited for weddings. The Appy Couple is an interactive wedding app and website, that is easy to set up and use. It gives you the choice to select from two practical layout options and hundreds of design choices for your website. You simply have to download it to your mobile or desktop and follow the seven steps in the guided creation feature, to create your wedding website and app. Since you will just have to drag and drop widgets to get your website ready, it is very easy to create and doesn’t call for any technical skills. The chat feature allows your guests to get in touch with you, should they require any immediate information. It makes RSVPs easy for both the guests and the couple who receive them. With simple and easy navigation, even a guest who isn’t familiar with computers can easily locate any information they require.

Check out this short video that will run you through the various features and steps involved in using Appy couple.

6.Wedding Budget

We are talking of big money where weddings are concerned. The expenses will have to be broken up into several parts, accounts kept and updated at every stage, and balances tallied and carried forward for the rest of the planning. It can be quite a task, especially if you aren’t an expert at numbers and accounts.

Wedding budget is one app that can help you stay on top of all your expenses for the big day. Not only do you get to divide up the entire budget into separate sections and keep track of the expenses you incur in each area, it also helps you view every detail at one glance. You can simultaneously list what you have budgeted for a particular aspect, and how much you actually spent on it. This will give you a clear idea of whether you have any funds remaining after spending on the intended aspect, or if you ended up overspending on it. You will also benefit from the added feature of saving the date on which payments are due, so you are notified of it on time and arrange for funds accordingly. You can download it for your handheld devices here .


smart phone pic

The best way to remember a wedding in the years that come, is through the pictures captured on the day. It will not just be your photographer who will be shooting away on your wedding day. Your guests will also be clicking their cameras at every possible instant, taking selfies, pictures of the two of you and of everything that they find interesting. Make sharing and downloading your photographs easy using the WedPics app. By visiting their website, you can create your own wedding account. Then, invite all your friends and family to join your wedding, and all the pics they take on the day will be saved to the same location. This will make viewing, downloading and sharing much easier. The added benefit is that the pictures can be seen only by those on your list, unless they use a hashtag when saving it. This free app is available for both iPhones and android systems. The app allows you to organize and segregate your photos into different albums according to your preferences. So, you can have separate albums for your bachelorette party, bridal shower , rehearsal dinner, wedding, reception and honeymoon, and still compile them together in a single location. Find out all that you need to know about using WedPics at your wedding, by visiting their website here .

Now that you know all that you should to plan your stunning wedding digitally, it is time to get started. Visit our online store at Best for Bride for everything you need for your wedding . From wedding dresses to bridesmaids outfits, accessories, décor choices, photography options, wedding cake, party favors and even wedding emergency kits and petal wishes, we have every aspect of your wedding covered. Make your pick from our dream wedding collections from leading design houses, rent your wedding dress and accessories or have your signature bridal gown custom-made by our in-house designers. Join us at Best For Bride and make every one of your wedding day dreams a reality.

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5 tips to make sure your wedding dress is sold online

Wedding dresses hold memories, but cannot always be kept forever. Many brides choose to sell their wedding dress after their weddings, and often do this online. There is huge demand for pre-loved wedding gowns and you can easily find a bride who can give your wedding dress another chance. Here are some tips that will help you make sure your wedding dress is sold online.

sell online

Get it cleaned and ready for sale as soon as possible

Nobody wants a wedding dress that looks shabby. Whether you intend to sell your dress or save it for yourself, get it cleaned immediately after the wedding. Wedding dresses should be professionally cleaned and boxed, so they do not age. If there are any stains, make sure you have it specifically targeted and your cleaner gets it out. Have it displayed in an attractive manner, so that your buyers feel you have taken the pains to care for your dress and they think it is a worthwhile investment.

Be reasonable with your price

Don’t expect to recoup the entire amount, even if you sell the dress just days after the wedding. The reason women look at used wedding dresses is to save cash this way, or else they would just go with a brand new one. The Daily mail suggests that used dresses be priced at 50% of their original cost, if they are in excellent condition and less than two years old. This way your buyer gets a better deal going with your gown, than choosing a similar one on sale.

Advertise in all the right places

Make sure that you place your ads wherever possible and with all the relevant details. You can never be sure of where brides will look for their dresses. Also, put aside some time when you can attend to potential buyers who want to look at the dress.

Support your advertisement with real photos

Brides searching for second hand dresses want to see a clean, well-maintained dress that they can use as such. So, post a few pictures of yourself wearing the gown and make sure that these pictures look good. The pictures that you post online should clearly show off the various features of the dress, including the details in the front and on the back. Have it taken without the veil or other accessories, and the pictures should be well-lit and clear. If there are any interesting details, like embellishments, add close-up pictures of them and supporting descriptions to make it more attractive.

Give plenty of information regarding the dress

List the information provided by the manufacturer, including the model number, original price and dress size . Also, write about any alterations you have made and whether they are reversible. If the dress has any damages or stains, make sure you mention that too. Buyers want to know all that they can about a dress before considering your offer, so the more details you provide the sooner they will be convinced whether they want the dress. If you are ready to negotiate, fix your limits so you don’t make a hasty sale that you will regret later.

To choose your wedding dress online, or to rent it if you do not want to buy one for your own wedding, visit us online at Best for Bride .

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5 Tips to help you choose the makeup artist for your wedding

wedding makeup

Not all brides are naturally good at applying makeup. Some of us would like to have a professional handle our make-up on the day, so we can have a flawless bridal look . Fortunately, there are many makeup salons and professionals , who can help us dress up and look great on this important day.

Let us look at the various things to remember when choosing such an artist, so we know we entrust the job to the right person.


1.Begin your search early

Just like with wedding shopping and vendor booking, start looking for your makeup artist early. You have to zero-in on the right person for the job, and make sure she is available on your wedding day. It isn’t necessary that the first candidate you consider would be the right person for the job. You may have to look around and spend time on trials. So, plan at least 3 to 4 months before your wedding day.

2.Start by asking your friends

Almost everything in the world of weddings is simplified when we have references and recommendations. Let this guide you on your search for the perfect makeup artist too. Ask your friends, or check with the other brides who you thought, looked fantastic on their wedding day. Once you are armed with this information, get in touch with the person, and check it out for yourself.

3.Look at advertisements and listings, and check out reviews

If you cannot find a recommendation, look at advertisements in newspapers, magazines or on the internet. If you do not know someone who has personally opted for the service, make sure to look for reviews and feedback on the artist, so you get a fair idea of how efficient they are.

4.Discuss your expectations and ask for a trial

Not all makeup artists work alike. You have to find a person whose style matches your expectations . Only then can you look like you intended to, on your wedding day. Fix an appointment and discuss your expectations. Pay for a trial, as it is really worth the effort. It is better to know in advance, than be disappointed with how you end up looking on the day. Expect to pay a fee for the trial, but it will help you will get a clear idea of how you will look on your big day.

5.Use pictures to convey your idea

There is only so much you can communicate using expressions like “look natural” or “make it subtle”. Your makeup artist needn’t understand what you intend, as each person has a different take on any idea. The better option is to collect pictures off magazines or the internet, on what you want your makeup to be like. Share this with your makeup artist, and she will get a better idea of what you want.

Once you find the right person for the job, make sure that you fix your appointment for the day and stick to the time-line necessary to complete your makeup properly. For the rest of your wedding shopping and all other things bridal, visit us on Best for Bride and we can help you find it all.