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11 Major Mistakes to Avoid when you are newly engaged

When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with a person, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

This quote is very true for newly engaged couples. Being newly engaged is a lovely phase in everyone’s life. It is perhaps the most romantic part of your love story; a time when nothing can possibly seem to go wrong.

As romantic and exciting as this phase is, remember that this chapter also leads to a bigger, even more exciting and chaotic phase—planning the wedding! However, this stage comes with a fair set of challenges and not all are able to handle it easily. There are some common mistakes that many newly engaged couples make and regret in the coming days. Do you know what they are?

Let us look at this list of what to avoid when you are newly engaged , so that your engagement is memorable for all the right reasons.

1.Not announcing your engagement to the most important people first

You are undoubtedly pretty excited about your engagement. It is only natural that you feel tempted to shout about it from the rooftops. Or, in the modern and more efficient version, share your big news on social media. However, remember that this is no trivial news. So, it is only right to first tell it to those who matter the most to each of you and as a couple. Let the rest of the world wait a little longer to hear. Visit your parents and break the news to them. Or if they are far away, pick up the phone and tell them personally. Next, inform your close friends and family. Once you are done with personally informing all those in your close circle, climb up the roof or login to Facebook and make your big announcement.

2.Revealing too much on social media

Making the big announcement is one thing, flooding everyone’s news feeds on Facebook with your news is another thing altogether. Contain your excitement, at least where sharing your news is concerned. Your friends will be eager to know. However, it can be rather irritating when you overdo the stuff you share on social media. Don’t annoy everyone with your openness and limit the amount of information you share. It isn’t necessary to post every update about your wedding planning online either. This can even be dangerous, as your news will be available to everyone. It will make you vulnerable to scams and cause unnecessary confusion if those you didn’t expect turned up at your celebratory events assuming your discussion or post was akin to an invitation.

3.Asking friends and family to be in your bridal party immediately

Wedding planning can be tortuous once you get into the details. So, it is important to think every decision through. Don’t be tempted to simply invite or ask people you love to be in your bridal party. These decisions are best made after you do your due research. Even if you are sure of who should be in your bridal party, play it safe and wait till you are certain before you ask. It is likely that your wedding will be after quite a while. Relationships can change in the meanwhile, situations may come in the way. So, wait till the time is ripe to make your final decisions in this matter.

4.Rushing to settle on a date

Now that you are engaged, a wedding is definitely on the cards. Though you shouldn’t procrastinate indefinitely, neither should you be hasty with your decisions. Don’t quickly decide on a likely wedding date. Instead take your time with this important decision. Consult each other and think of all the factors that you should account for. You will have to find a date on which your preferred vendors are available, the venue is available and so on.

Most couples don’t really consider or plan for a wedding before they are actually engaged. So, take your time with this important decision and you won’t regret it later. Once you lock down on a date, you have limited options in other areas. So, be sure of your decision before you commit to it. It is also a good idea to run likely dates by your family and friends before making a final decision.

5.Not considering budget

Setting the wedding budget is one of the first and foremost wedding planning tasks. Tackle it as a priority. Every wedding decision you make will cost you money. However, how much you spend on each aspect of the wedding shouldn’t happen along the way, or you can run into debt. Talk about your financial situation with each other and plan a practical budget. If your parents will be contributing, you should find out how much they intend to spend. Once you are aware of the maximum you can afford to spend on your wedding, split it into components for each wedding task.

A proper idea of your wedding budget will also allow you to make choices such as whether you should hire a wedding planner or undertake the task yourself. With a good sense of your financial situation and a practical budget, you can approach your wedding planning in a sensible manner. This is also the time to discuss and understand each of your financial situations and suitably plan your future commitments as a couple.

6.Rushing with the wedding preparations

Most couples end up having time for little else, once they begin wedding planning. However, don’t forget that you are in a new chapter in your life. Savor the moment, for it will never return. This romantic phase in your life deserves to be celebrated, and it is also the time for you and your fiance to bond. The wedding preparations can wait . Once you are engaged, don’t rush into the next stage. Instead enjoy some time together and you will be all set to start planning your wedding with full gusto.

Have an engagement party or celebrate with an intimate affair. You can even have an engagement photo shoot. The additional advantage of this idea is that you can also use this as a selection process for your wedding photographer. However, as this post on the Huff Post mentions, the real reason to have an engagement photo shoot is to document this special time in your life. Make fond memories of your newly-engaged status, and it will be something to hold close to your heart forever.

7.Booking vendors without thinking it through

Most hasty decisions during wedding planning end in regret. You will have to book several vendors for your wedding. However, each of these decisions deserve thought and research. In your hurry, don’t hasten to book a vendor till you are absolutely sure you require this particular service. If you rethink your theme, you may find a better deal if you look further. When you hire the services of a wedding planner, it is likely that he or she will have their own recommended list of vendors. Or they may negotiate on your behalf and snag you a better bargain from the same vendor. So, give it enough thought when you make your decision and book vendors only if you are certain. Also, don’t forget to read the contract thoroughly. Ensure there are no chances of error if you go with a particular vendor choice.

8.Booking your wedding dress shopping appointment before you finalize anything else

It is a known fact that wedding dress shopping takes time. There is also the waiting time after placing your order, till when your dress is ready for delivery. Nonetheless, wedding dress shopping should be done after proper research. You should also wait till you fix the other details of your wedding. The venue, weather at the time of your wedding and wedding theme are important factors to consider when choosing a wedding gown. Unless you know these factors, it is best to wait before you book a wedding dress appointment.

We also suggest that you do sufficient research before you go wedding dress shopping. Or you may drown in the numerous options available, and end up confused and overwhelmed. Instead, create an inspiration board and collect pictures of dresses you love. Also identify the best silhouettes for your body shape . Finally, short list the dress features you love most and only then head off for your dress appointment.

9.Agreeing to all proposals without thinking it through

Once you announce your engagement, your friends or associates may approach you with offers for wedding-related services. This could be a relative or friend who runs a wedding-related business or someone who wishes to be in the bridal party. Don’t ever commit to anyone at this stage, as it can spell disaster in the long run.

It is never a good idea to mix relationships with business, unless you are sure you can speak your mind or are sure the person in question is a pure professional. Gratefully accept all proposals and tell your friends and associates that you will think over it. Never agree to anything without actually thinking it through. You can always say that you have to consult your fiance or consider whether the suggestion fits with the wedding theme you have in mind. Only agree to any proposal for help after you are sure it will work out. Also ensure that you will not strain your relationship with the person by this offer of help.

10.Skipping the all-important long discussion with your fiance

Ideally, you should discuss all your important life decisions prior to the engagement. Nonetheless, it is never too late to discuss your priorities and plans with your fiance, before you proceed with wedding planning. Couples should be clear about a number of factors that will affect their future, before they take the plunge. Finances, family relationships, career goals and even retirement plans are on the horizon and will affect your marriage to a great extent.

Make sure that you discuss each and all these factors. There may be compromises that either of you have to make. You may also have to get your priorities straight, so there is no misunderstanding later. Get it all out in the open, so you can start this new phase in your life in the right way.

11.Going crazy over Pinterest

Pinterest is a valuable tool when planning a wedding. So, you should dedicate a good amount of your time to it, when planning your wedding. Nevertheless, it shouldn’t be the be-all and end-all of your engagement period. You can end up ogling pretty details and obsessing over what you ought to copy to your wedding. However, remember that this is all there only for inspiration. Get the idea, but head out and plan your own unique way to make your wedding remarkable.

Once you complete a wedding-related task, say buying your wedding dress, resist the temptation to revisit Pinterest for the same. It is likely you will find a new dress that appeals more. So, don’t set yourself up for disappointment. Believe that you made the best decision possible and move on to the next task. This is the only way to prevent yourself from a  Pinterest-obsession and all the other wedding eye-candy on the internet.

Your engagement period is an exciting time. Nonetheless, it is also full of challenges of every sort. While you have to do most of the decision making yourself, we have the perfect solutions for your wedding day look. Visit us online or in-store , and our team will assist you in finding the perfect wedding dress for your special day.

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Top tips for styling your wedding

Your wedding is a reflection of your personality and style. When the various elements at your wedding come together, it will showcase who you are as a couple. So, it is not just about the details, it is also how these details work together.

Most brides base their wedding on a theme . Although the same theme may have been done a thousand times before, it can be executed completely differently at yours. Nonetheless, making it unique depends on how you plan your details. This is where our tips for styling your wedding will help you.

Here are some of our insider tips to help you style your wedding, to make it uniquely yours!

1.Discuss and note down what you want

Before you begin collecting pretty pictures on Pinterest or browsing the internet for trending themes, take a minute. It is easy to be swayed by what looks good and interesting. However, it may not be the right one for you. Instead, identify what you want first and proceed from there. Sit down with your fiance and discuss what you want your wedding to look and feel like.

It is helpful to jot down not just elements and factors that should be at your wedding, but also words that describe the effect your wedding should create. This will help you when you have to shortlist or choose between ideas that are right for your wedding plans.

2.Collect ideas for all the different elements of your day

Once you know what you want, it is easier to collect ideas that work. This is a good time to start looking at Pinterest and all those pretty details in the various websites you come across. Cover all the different elements from wedding dresses, accessories and food to transportation, décor and stationery. It is a good idea to create different boards on sites like Pinterest and Loverly to segregate your collections into relevant groups.

You may come across new and more interesting ideas every single day. So, this will be an ongoing process. Nonetheless, don’t forget to revisit the data you collect, and subject them to closer scrutiny. Then eliminate those that do not hold your attention, as they did originally. This will help you narrow down your preferences and you will soon identify a pattern emerging.

3.Be open to options

Not all things that match your vision will be available easily. Don’t be disappointed if you find that the items in your mind aren’t all available. To avoid this situation, always make a Plan B. When you plan your wedding imagery, do it with plenty of alternative options. This will improve your chances of finding things you need to complete the effect. At times, it may also be helpful for you to reconsider your options and choose items that are easier on the pocket.

4.Don’t hesitate to get creative

There are no specific rules that govern your choices. You are in charge and have absolute freedom to mix and match, eliminate or combine ideas till you find what you love. Look at the various images and ideas you have and find out what it is that you like most about each of them. If you always thought you wanted pastels at your wedding, but find your collected images to have jewel tones, use this as a cue.

Images will help you recognize what actually appeals to your taste. Use the information you collect to identify patterns, prints, colors and style elements to dictate your wedding style. It is also possible that you will find more than one emerging trend. What do you do in this case? Simply mix and match to create your unique style statement. So, if it is boho and chic, use elements of both types to style your wedding.

5.Get help from the pros

Pulling off the numerous details of a wedding is no easy feat. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself overwhelmed and reeling under pressure. Hire professional help if you find yourself reaching nowhere with your ideas. If not for the entire scene, you can still spend money on just the details that are important.

Wedding planners usually have the talent to find vendors who will gel with you and bring your vision to life. However you can also ask the vendors you’ve already booked to suggest others who they have worked with and are capable of getting the overall picture right. When you discuss your ideas with a potential vendor, see if they accept your vision. Work only with those who believe your idea is feasible, don’t dismiss your ideas or suggest too many changes to plan.

6.Think out of the box

One of the biggest problems with wedding planning these days, is that couples stick to the trends entirely. When they borrow and execute ideas as such, the novelty is lost. Avoid this mistake. While you should be inspired by ideas you find, try to add to it with your own inputs. Get creative and break the mold.

If an idea captures your interest, think of how you can further enhance it. Whether it is adding an unusual accessory to your wedding dress or giving an unexpected twist to the menu, exercise your creative juices. Small but quirky ideas can be remarkably memorable, and all that it takes to shift your wedding experience to a whole other level. Keep it personal, and the custom changes you make will have stronger impact.

7.Sometimes less is more

Whether it is color, texture, prints or patterns, use liberal doses at your wedding. However, make sure it doesn’t overwhelm. When there are too many details, it is likely that the important ones will simply drown in the chaos. So, aim to create just one or two focal points, and let the rest of your wedding arrangements draw on this as inspiration. When working with bright colors, keep the effects contained and use no more than four colors in your wedding to avoid a cluttered look. Remember that it is important to prioritize the factors that mean most to you, and focus on these in your wedding arrangements. The rest should simply be to complement the main things and not compete with it.

8.Remember ideas aren’t always expensive

Executing an unusual or interesting idea at your wedding doesn’t mean it should eat into your budget. With the right approach and planning, you can snag the deal for a good bargain. Handmade details or DIY ideas can be inexpensive when done right.

Set aside time to visit thrift stores, search online and in likely places to find items for less. If you are crafty, use your skills to personalize your décor, wedding favors or add custom touches to your outfit. Shop and think with an open mind. If you are flexible with your choices, it will be easy to find alternative and unusual options for your settings. Not only will these pack a punch, you can also impress your guests with your eye for detail and resourcefulness.

9.Score extra points with unusual items in your décor

Every time we come across an unexpected element in the wedding décor, it stays in our memories. These small items usually end up being the signature of your wedding day scenery. Your guests identify them with the occasion, and they become a strong part of their memories. So, do some brainstorming to identify unusual items that will enhance the décor at your wedding. Take a look at this article on the Woman getting married site for some unique wedding centerpiece ideas. The best part is that most of them are easy to DIY, and give your creativity a big boost.

10.Don’t get caught up in other people’s expectations

Whether it is your mother, your wedding planner or maid of honor, their role is to help you realize your wedding vision. For the full-list of who these likely wedding hijackers are, take a look at this article on the Knot.  Don’t succumb to pressure and give-in to what they say, unless you absolutely agree.

Some brides are too timid to step up and say something when others try to take over their wedding. Don’t do this or you will see your ideas going out of the window. Remember that it is your wedding, and the day should reflect your likes and preferences. Keep it that way. The easiest option for you to make this happen is to identify your must-haves earlier on. Welcome opinions that contribute to your vision, but don’t commit to anything that you aren’t sure of. You can always say, “I’ll think of it, thanks,” and get off without committing to the suggestion till you think it through.

11.Prepare well and prepare right

Although you may have a zillion brilliant ideas, it is useless unless you execute them with perfection. Preparation is key to nail perfect results. Use visual cues to recognize whether your ideas will translate well in person. Set up a journal or diary to record these details. If you are good at sketching, try to recreate the picture in your mind through sketches. Or if you prefer to work with existing pictures, spend time comparing the colors and effects. This will help you set it all up easier, when the time is right.

For decorations, make note of the general rules to obey to create a visual setting that will impress. Gather all your props, raw materials and décor essentials to set up samples and ensure they look as good as you expect them to. Take pictures of the arrangements you make and click pictures. They will serve as reference points for when you have to do the real thing and are pressed for time.

12.Think of how it will photograph

After the day, all the details you painstakingly create will live through your photographs. So, it is essential that you plan a photogenic wedding, so the memories are sharp and impressive. When you think of your wedding style and especially the colors, consider this aspect. Think of how certain color combinations will translate in photos. Unless it can be captured as beautifully as it is in person, your theme may not look great in pictures.

Even the food you serve at the wedding, your bouquet and jewelry should look beautiful when displayed. Play with contrasts and textures wisely to create an attractive setting to increase the visual appeal of your wedding scene. Discuss these factors with your photographer prior to the wedding. He can guide you on changes that will improve the overall look of your pictures.

13.Create your own style

We always advise brides to have an inspiration board when planning their wedding. However, like I mentioned earlier, this shouldn’t be the be-all and end-all of your wedding. This is only to motivate you to come up with your unique ideas. Pictures that appeal to your taste will definitely give you a good idea of what you would like to have at your wedding. Once you recognize a pattern and shortlist elements that will be in your wedding, you should go about creating and settling into your own style.

Try to create a cohesive look and feel, and fashion your unique wedding statement. Whether you DIY or hire professionals to do the various details, make sure that it finally reflects who you are as a couple and your personal choices. This will help you avoid a cookie-cutter wedding.

Best for Bride has been helping brides realize their wedding dreams for over a decade now. From bridal dresses to dresses for the bridal party, accessories, wedding favors and even cakes, we have everything you need to plan the perfect wedding day. Visit our website by clicking this link and discover how we can help you have the perfect wedding day.

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Wedding inspiration boards—a tool that every bride should consider

We love every little thing that makes wedding planning easier, and wedding inspiration boards are right on the top of the list.

With so much going on in wedding dresses, accessories, bridesmaids dresses, color palettes, food, photographs, flowers and décor, it is easy to become overwhelmed and lose focus of what you want at your wedding. This is where wedding inspiration boards come to the rescue; they allow you to create a list of inspiring palettes and themes , compare them and find ones that you like, organize your thoughts and ideas and create a reference for implementing your plans.

Image Credit: Brittanymyers13 ,via DeviantArt, [CC BY 3.0]
Image Credit: Brittanymyers13 ,via DeviantArt, [CC BY 3.0]

Why you need wedding inspiration boards

Here are some of the main reasons why you should consider having wedding inspiration boards

  • It allows to collect your thoughts, and get an actual look at how the ideas in your mind will look

  • Inspiration boards allow you to compile tons of information, and organize it for ease of access. This allows you to compare different ideas and find the ones you like best.

  • It is easier to scan through so much information, and not miss any potential idea, when everything is available in a single location.

  • It helps you obtain a picture description of a theme, and gives you a clear idea of how it will look when it is finally done

  • Wedding inspiration boards are easy to create. In fact, even the most basic computer user can easily put one together and make their wedding planning much more fun.

  • It can be used to share your ideas to your partner or planner easily, as pictures say a lot more than words do.

An advantage of a wedding inspiration board is that it helps with staying focused and overcoming the confusion caused by all that information out there on the internet. You know how it is! You start searching for something, when you see an interesting link and click on it. Few more clicks and several hours later, you will have forgotten what you were originally looking at, though you would have bookmarked several new ideas.

With planning boards, you can pull down inspiring ideas and pictures even as you browse. So, it allows you to capture everything. You can later sort through the information, and find what you want.

What to include in wedding inspiration boards

Wedding planning involves hundreds of big and small details. So, it is only logical to assume that you will have an inspiration board for each of these aspects.


Most brides prefer to have inspiration boards for the following—wedding color palette, invitation card ideas , wedding theme, wedding dress, accessories, bridesmaids dresses, cake, venue and reception décor, table settings, photograph ideas, hair and makeup, groomsmen dress, bouquets and floral arrangements , party favors, centerpieces and table settings and rehearsal dinner planning.

From the most basic inspiration board, to more advanced options

Although the computerized versions are more popular, there are brides who still prefer paper and print. Remember the episode in the popular sitcom “Friends”, where Monica pulls out her neatly compiled wedding inspiration folder, that she had been working on forever? Take a cue from this episode. Whether you are engaged, are already planning a wedding, are in a relationship, or simply expect to be married someday, don’t hesitate to snag an idea that you would love at your wedding. Although you don’t have to be super-organized and perfect about creating a wedding portfolio , like Monica was, it doesn’t hurt to at least set such pictures aside for future reference.

As a bride who’s planning a wedding, you can create your inspiration board on a wall in your room. It can be a pinup board on which you stick ideas, pictures and notes. Glance at it every now and then, and you may find some ideas stick with you.

The simplest computer version you can create, is a folder on your desktop. Why not name it “My ideas” or “Wedding.” Within it, add sub-folders for each aspect—for color palettes, wedding dress and accessories , cakes, party favors, invitation card templates and designs, bridesmaids dresses, etc. Once this is done, save pictures you find into the respective folder and scan through your collection, whenever you want. Remember to continuously eliminate the pictures you no longer require, or you can quickly lose track of where you started and what you were looking for.

Online inspiration boards: Pinterest

Pinterest Shiny Icon
Image Credit: Jessekoeckhoven (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

The more popular and practical option is to create an online inspiration board. The first tool for this is Pinterest , where you can gather hundreds of ideas from anywhere you want to create your colorful scrapbook of images. There are several existing wedding inspiration boards on Pinterest, from where you can pin pictures you like. Most websites also allow you to add the pictures you find in their blogs and galleries to the mood boards you created.

If you do not already have a Pinterest account, you can register for one in a matter of minutes. Once you have this set up, all you have to do is create as many boards as you want, and give each of them a relevant name. You can, for example, have one called Wedding Dresses, another called Wedding stationery , etc. Now, you are all set to begin pinning.

The good thing about Pinterest is that it allows you to share pictures. You can either share an entire Pinterest board or chosen pictures with a vendor or friend. This makes communication easy and efficient. Your bridesmaids can add pictures they like to your board, so you can all see the various options that appeal to everyone, before making a definite choice.

As you set out doing this, you will slowly see a pattern emerge, and this can guide you towards identifying a theme that works best for you. Pinterest can thus, help a bride who isn’t sure of what she wants for her wedding. By simply pinning all the pictures that you like on the internet, you can quickly identify your preferences and build a theme based on this.

Since Pinterest is available as a mobile app too, you can keep adding to your mood boards, wherever you are browsing from. It is a practical solution, with which you can avoid the hassle of printing pictures.

Apart from Pinterest, there are other sites, specifically directed towards weddings. Let us now take a look at them.

Websites that allow you to build you own Wedding inspiration board

1. Stylemepretty

One of the most popular sites is Stylemepretty. SMP allows you to set up your board, by choosing from various templates they provide.

wedding inspiration board SMP

You can then choose a layout that you like, name your board and begin dragging and dropping pictures onto it.

A good thing about this board builder is that you aren’t limited to pictures on the site. The board also allows you to credit the picture owners, and also share boards with your friends and obtain opinions on your choices.

2. Wedding Wire

Another great option is the Wedding Wire inspiration board builder. Visit this page to get started with your board. The website also allows you to drag and drop your pictures from your desktop or browse through those available in their gallery. You can resize, rotate and rearrange them to create a complete vision of a particular aspect. Create multiple boards for each of your planning criteria, and share it with your friends, wedding planner or bridegroom, who can then provide opinions on it.

3. Dessy Bridesmaids planning app tool

Bridesmaids are a huge part of your wedding, and there are many details you have to plan around them. One of the biggest challenges is choosing bridesmaids dresses. You cannot see all the possible colors that a particular dress is available in, and this can limit your idea of how a particular color looks in a certain design. The Dessy Group has an application that allows you to keep all your bridesmaids tasks, including the dress selection, on track.  You can use this to create a single platform, through which you can communicate everything related to their dress selection, alterations, fittings and more, with your bridesmaids. This tool is very valuable, especially if your bridesmaids dresses are from the Dessy Collection .

Dessy Bridesmaids Dress collection

Things to remember when setting up and using inspiration boards

While these inspiration or mood boards are a great way to get your wedding planning on track, there are a few things you should remember when choosing this route. Let us look at what they are.


# The Inspiration board is just what it is called—Inspiration !

Remember that you needn’t necessarily have everything you see on your wedding inspiration board. The intent of creating such boards is only to help you build your ideas and carve your unique wedding plans. Do not see this as a shopping list, or be disappointed if some of the ideas you see here cannot be done at your wedding. Instead of despairing, keep looking around. There are many more ideas to explore and it is likely you will find an equally appealing one . Else, work with your vendors to find realistic and available solutions that recreate the same effect of what you see online.

# Remember that elimination is part of the picture

Those pictures can be so dreamy and perfect, you may not want to let go of it. However, the idea of having an inspiration board is to zero-in on what will make it to your wedding. So, you have to eliminate anything that doesn’t serve a purpose. They may be eye-candy, but that doesn’t mean they stay there, unless they are useful. So, be ruthless with eliminating anything that won’t be required or you will end up with more clutter than helpful information.

# You don’t have to get everything in

You can get the idea with as few as 6-9 images. So, don’t clutter up your boards with too many images, and get confused. Start with many, but narrow down choices to those that work, as you progress with your wedding plans . Be selective with options, once you know your preferences. Also, once you have made a choice, stick to it and avoid procrastinating over other attractive options you come across later. Otherwise, looking at pictures can go on forever, and can get you nowhere.

# Use verbal descriptions

Rather than simply saving an image, you should also use text to highlight what attracted you to an image. Otherwise, you may forget why you picked an image, when you look at it after a while. The text will remind you of what aspect specifically appealed to you.

# Have realistic expectations

Not all the pictures you see are from actual weddings. It can be from smaller events or even styled for a shoot. Keep that in mind when you make your wedding plans. Like we said earlier, this should be treated as an idea, and not as an end-all. It is more interesting, when you personalize a given picture with your own ideas, and make it unique. So, let that be your aim.

There are many ready-made wedding inspiration boards on sites like Stylemepretty, Wedding Wire and Martha Stewart . You can use these as a starting point and build on it. Similarly, there are plenty of boards on Pinterest, to draw inspiration from.

Nevertheless, remember that you and your vendors can create fantastic and novel ideas to personalize your wedding without too much inspiration, and this is what everyone at your wedding will actually look forward to. Your inspiration boards should only assist you in finding the various ideas that you can work with to create the final plan.

Now, that you know why a wedding inspiration board is a must-have, why don’t you set one up right away! Don’t forget to keep visiting Best for Bride , for all the ideas you need to plan your wedding right.