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Why rain on your wedding day can be a good thing!

I do not have much experience to comment on whether it is good luck if it rains on your wedding day, but I can tell you that it certainly isn’t the end of the world if it does. Every bride who plans an outdoor ceremony during the summer worries whether nature will decide to wreak her plans and throw in a shower or two on her big day.

Our suggestion is not to worry, but plan how you can make the most of this unexpected twist in the situation. One bonus of a rainy wedding day is that you can take wedding pictures that are both romantic and one-of-a-kind. How about that?

Amy & Brendan Image Credits: Tom 7, via Flickr,[CC BY 2.0] 

Take a look at this Buzzfeed post on couples who nailed their rainy weddings . Look at the happiness on their faces, and you will realize that rain is a good thing, no matter what!

With these tips you will be all set to have fun on your wedding day, even if it rains. In fact, once you begin planning for a rainy day wedding, you may stop wishing away rain, and may instead hope that it actually poured.

Make a Plan B and stick to it if it rains

Guests soaked to the bone, and shivering in their wet dresses throughout the wedding function, may not be a good idea. So, we suggest that you include a plan B , when you have an outdoor wedding. Set up tents, or book an adjacent indoor location, for “if it rains.” Even when the rain wreaks havoc in the backdrop, your wedding will have a fairy tale mood.

Get set with pretty umbrellas and wellies

If you have your heart set on an outdoor ceremony, stick to it. Just make sure you purchase umbrellas matching the wedding color palette , and you bring along stylish wellies for yourself and the rest of the bridal party. Don’t forget to click a few pictures in these accessories before you head indoors, it will be a fun one!

Choose water-resistant makeup to look fresh and avoid smudges

You do not want makeup to drip off you and ruin your wonderful white dress during your rendezvous in the rain. So, make sure you choose to use water resistant makeup . Go with light nude colors, so you look fresh and naturally beautiful. Stash the makeup in your emergency kit for a quick touch up before the reception, and you will look great throughout the day.

Find a good photographer

The best thing about rainy day weddings, is that your photos come out looking great due to the color saturation that the natural lighting on the day allows. Nevertheless, you must find a professional who can use this to your advantage, and capture the best possible pictures. Check with your photographer beforehand, to know whether he is comfortable shooting in rain.

Aren’t you convinced yet? Take a look at this picture, and now tell me if you still feel that a rainy wedding is a bad idea! IMG_2754

Image Credit: Joe Martin, via Flickr, [CC BY 2.0]

For more wedding tips and advice, keep visiting us at Best for Bride .