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Top Wedding Planning Hacks for Busy Brides

Women who’ve been married before you will tell you that wedding planning is a full-time job in itself. If you are a busy bride with enough on your plate already, you will have enough responsibilities to handle daily. So,  it won’t be too easy to engage in wedding planning . Nonetheless, if the women before you have done it, so can you!

The idea is to have a systematic and organized approach to plan your wedding . Take a look at the tips we’ve compiled, and beat the stress. It will help you plan your wedding well despite your additional responsibilities.

Start in advance


Wedding planner Sharon Sacks on the Huffington Post , mentions how important it is to plan your wedding in advance, especially if you work full-time. It isn’t easy to balance work and a plan a wedding. Like she says, nobody should have to choose between a job and their wedding planning . The two can progress smoothly if you can work out a balanced plan.

The key to this is to start early. The more time you give yourself to handle different tasks, the more relaxed you will be. So, before you set the date of the wedding, make sure you have enough time left to plan it. Also, put aside few extra weeks to unwind or tackle any tasks that don’t go as per plan. 

Be organized to the last detail

From the minute you start your wedding plans, use an organized approach for everything you do. Create an online journal and enter your wedding planning timeline into it. Find the essential wedding planning timeline with all the relevant tasks in this article . Find the best wedding planning software apps to help you with your wedding here . There are plenty of project management software out that are immensely helpful. Trello is one of them. Choose the right one for your needs and start using it right away. Make sure to use and update the information you collect or create on a regular basis. Edit out unnecessary items to keep it under control. Set aside time for this daily, so you are up-to-date with all that is relevant and aren’t overwhelmed with information overload.

Work with only professional wedding services


Weddings are huge events, and not the place to experiment with novices. One of the biggest advantages of choosing professional wedding services is the efficiency they bring to a job. Most professional wedding service experts have been in the industry for long. They have the expertise and resources to handle their tasks with minimum supervision.

With previous experience, they know how much time it takes to complete a job . Thus, they can set your expectations correctly. The risk of things going wrong are fewer. More importantly, you have a minimum guarantee. You could save money by choosing a new vendor or entrusting a task to friends or family. However, the likelihood of hassles along the way is higher.

Spend some time on reviews

Unless you have personally experienced the service a wedding vendor provides or have a referral from an acquaintance, you should spend time on finding honest reviews of the service. Most vendors advertise themselves as the best of the lot. Some of them may even have certifications and testimonials on their websites. However, don’t simply rely on this information to book their services.

Check and read reviews, ask the vendor to refer you to  previous clients and objectively scrutinize the information available about them. The time you spend on this is worth the effort. It will make all the difference in averting stress at the last minute, when you should enjoy your special day.

Stop thinking about the wedding all-the-time


I know this is easier said than done! Nevertheless, the key to efficiently planning your wedding is not obsessing over it all the time. When you worry about your wedding all the time, it prevents you from concentrating on your other responsibilities. This will affect your overall efficiency and productivity. As a consequence, wedding planning will become stressful and no longer be fun.

Do not dedicate all your free and leisure time to wedding planning, as this will be overdoing it. Set aside a specific time during the day to fully engage in wedding planning . As you get closer to the wedding, you can spend more time on wedding plans. Do this in an organized manner and you can cover all plans within the available time frame. It is also a good idea to fix a regular time when you and your partner will discuss wedding-related stuff. When he knows in advance, he can  focus on the tasks at hand during the appointed time.

Think seriously about hiring a wedding planner

If there is little time left, you may be better off hiring a wedding planner to ensure your wedding is a success. With a wedding planner at your service, you have a person who is entirely dedicated to your wedding. They will run around on your behalf and do the million little things that you may otherwise overlook. It will also alleviate your stress to a great extent, as you needn’t constantly worry about what you may have missed.

Wedding planners can conduct vendor interviews or may even have recommended vendors for different jobs. This will save you valuable time and effort. Being professionals in the field, they also have the ability of handling any last-minute issues that may crop up.

Plan everything in detail


Do every activity, from shopping for your wedding dress to visiting the venue or booking a florist should after due research. Dedicate the first few days to research all the available options. I suggest that you set up a binder to collect and compile all information. Alternately, have a folder on your desktop with separate folders for each factor. Collate information you obtain into different categories promptly, and it will help you avoid confusion in future.

This type of an organized arrangement will also prepare you well for the different tasks to handle. Also remember that breaking down each wedding planning task into smaller sub-tasks makes it more manageable and easier to execute.

Delegate responsibilities

Enlist the help of family, friends and anyone eager to help you out. If you have a full-time engagement, there are limitations to the amount of free time you have in a day. If you try to do everything about the wedding yourself, there is a greater chance of overlooking certain things. This can double the stress at a later stage.

It isn’t unusual for overwhelmed brides who do more than their fair share of work to miss work deadlines and receive poor quality work reviews as a result of all the wedding planning. Prevent such a situation by trusting part of your plans to efficient and trustworthy acquaintances. Delegate duties to your bridesmaids, your fiance and parents and watch things run smoothly.

Have reasonable deadlines


Every wedding planning task should have a deadline. Work with the timeline I suggested earlier to understand which tasks you should do earlier, and which of them can wait till later. Avoid waiting till the last minute to do anything. The earlier you finish your responsibilities, the sooner you can relax and enjoy the days leading up to the wedding.

When setting deadlines, don’t forget to incorporate some buffer time just in case things don’t progress as planned. Be flexible with plans. Don’t forget to shuffle and re-organize your plans and get things done early if there are gaps in schedule. Your to-do list should constantly be updated and edited to accommodate any changes. Only then will you have everything covered well in time for the wedding.

Know the rules

You have to plan your wedding even if you work full-time. So, although it is tempting to squeeze in some planning into your work day, exercise caution. In fact, this survey on the Forbes website suggests that almost 89% of women plan their weddings on company time. Nevertheless, remember that every company has their own rules about how you use the company resources like computers and the internet for personal needs. This includes wedding planning. There may also be websites that aren’t allowed on work computers.

Before you start dedicating your free time at work to planning your wedding, it may be a good idea to check out what your company policies are. Even if your supervisor doesn’t mind, make sure you don’t overdo your wedding planning during work hours. If your online activity is being closely monitored and watched, it is best if you exercise caution.

But make the most of free time at work

Although you shouldn’t ideally plan your wedding during your work hours, there are some things you can fit into your breaks on work days or on the commute to and from work. Check out vendor reviews, go through and edit your to-do lists, and make calls to book appointments or check on updates during the few minutes you take off work. Vendor phone calls are in fact, one of the most important tasks you can do when you have few free minutes. It doesn’t take too long, and you can fit it into the earlier part of the day before you get involved in any important work. Plus, you will not be using the company’s computer for personal needs this way. So, your boss shouldn’t be able to complain.

Use your lunch hour and tea breaks to browse through wedding pics online or scan magazines for inspiration. Not only will this help you shortlist any interesting choices, it will not eat into your work time and negatively affect your productivity at work.

Set achievable goals


One of the reasons many brides overwhelm themselves with wedding planning is that they set expectations that are difficult to meet. Instead of that, try to understand your limitations and plan your activities accordingly. If you spend ten hours at work, be reasonable about the amount of time you can spend on wedding plans after this workday. Set your goals accordingly and avoid disappointment. Take time off work if required, or dedicate the weekend to wedding planning.

Unwind and step away from the wedding once in a while

Don’t let the wedding planning stress  affect you adversely. As impossible as it may sound, you need to completely break away from all the planning once in a while to tackle it efficiently. Take a break when you do absolutely nothing related to the wedding. You will find yourself energized and rejuvenated for the tasks that remain.

Plan your breaks according to your convenience, but fit it into your wedding planning timeline. Either enjoy some time to yourself or invite the company of your fiance or friends to help you forget about the wedding for a bit. Trust me, the distraction will be helpful and make you eager to continue from where you left it.

Best for Bride understands every need of a bride, and is the perfect destination where bridal dreams come true. Whether you will be a fairy tale princess or a stylish modern bride on your special day, you are sure to find the dress of your dreams in our vast designer collections. Come visit us at one of our four store locations in Canada, or shop online from our amazing bridal dress collection. With bridal accessories, party favors, invitations and even dresses for the rest of the bridal party, we make your job efficient and easy. Tune into the Best for Bride website today to take a look at what we have on offer.

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10 things you should NOT do at your wedding

We have often spoken about wedding etiquette on our blog and discussed various lists of “Do’s” that you should follow at your wedding. However, we haven’t given much thought to all the things that you SHOULDN’T do!

Not doing certain things on your wedding day is just as important as doing other things. Only then will your wedding progress smoothly and things be fine as they should. Here is a list of things that you should avoid doing on your wedding day! Keep these in mind, and you will save yourself a lot of trouble.

Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many responsibilities

From making sure that your bridesmaids are ready on time, to setting up wedding favours and following up with vendors, there are hundreds of tasks that you may have to handle on the wedding day. Pay close attention to this—Don’t do anything more than what you absolutely must, on your wedding day.

You should relax and enjoy your wedding , and even the smallest task that you handle yourself can affect you adversely. So, free yourself up during the day, and delegate most of the responsibilities to those who are capable of handling them. After all, this is why you have bridesmaids, family and friends. This is also why we think every bride should at least have a day-of planner, if not a wedding planner. Trust them to do the job well, and only supervise their activities. Don’t overwhelm yourself with last-minute responsibilities. Save your attention to what is happening at the moment, as this is the best way to enjoy your wedding to the fullest.

Don’t test anything out for the first time on your wedding day

Whether it is brand new make-up or your wedding shoes, don’t ever make the mistake of trying it on for the first time on your actual wedding day. When you experiment on your wedding day, you run the risk of things ending up disastrously. The worst part is that there may not be time for corrections if you do not like what you see. So, prepare for your wedding day in advance, so you know what you will get. Make sure you do the following ahead of time:

  • Have a trial makeup and hair session, so you can comfortably plan your wedding day look and make changes if you aren’t happy with your original idea.
  • Try on your wedding dress after your alterations are done , so you can attend to any last-minute changes if required
  • Break-in your wedding shoes by wearing them regularly for small amounts of time during the days leading up to the wedding. This will help you get used to the shoes and will make all activities on the day, including dancing, a lot more fun.
  • Use your rehearsal dinner to discuss, distribute and organize the entire wedding day activities in a planned fashion.

Don’t be too busy meeting and greeting your guests


Wedding guests despise couples who are aloof and too busy to spend any time with them. Appreciate the effort of every one of your guests who come to attend your wedding. Even if you aren’t particularly interested in meeting guests you don’t know, (perhaps they are from your parents’ or in-laws’ guest list), be courteous and make an effort to chat with them.

All the people who are at your wedding have spent time and money to be there, and they deserve to be acknowledged. Only then will your guests remember your wedding fondly. So, set aside time and make sure you smile, wave and talk to every one of your guests. This article on the Wedding Wire  gives more valuable advice on some of the other things that wedding guests hate at a wedding. It may be a good idea to check it out and plan your wedding accordingly.

Never go hungry or thirsty on your wedding day

There are many things to keep you busy from dawn to dusk on your wedding day, and this is precisely why you shouldn’t be thirsty or hungry while coping with all that strain. The last thing you want is to feel light-headed, parched or dizzy because you didn’t get the nutrition you needed for this hectic day.

Although your schedule is tight, factor in breaks to hydrate and munch on something. Choose no-fuss, easy to eat and digest foods that will neither create a mess nor be too difficult to eat, when you are pressed for time. Have a healthy breakfast to kick-start the day on the right note. Plan simple small meals and snacks for the rest of the day, so you aren’t hungry. Also, choose clear fluids to hydrate yourself, so you don’t have to worry about staining your dress.

Don’t forget to plan your important photo shoots well


Some wedding photos, like those that have to be taken at sunset, have to be timed perfectly. Don’t just assume that it will happen as intended. If you miss the moment, you cannot claim it back, and that would be a huge disappointment.

So, if there are shots that you want to take when the lighting is just right, or before you change your outfit or accessories, plan them in advance. Discuss these with your photographer , so you both know when it is time. Also delegate the duty of reminding you about it, to one of your efficient and punctual bridesmaids, and you can worry less about it. With a little foresight and systematic planning, everything about a wedding will progress smoothly and with no hassles.

Don’t lose your cool

You may be worried, anxious and irritated by the way things progress or by how some people behave on your wedding day. This may be a jealous bridesmaid, an inefficient vendor or even a guest. Whatever be the case, never react in the heat of the moment and do something you may later regret. Even if you are fully justified in blowing your top in such a scenario, remember that it is a happy occasion and everybody becomes uncomfortable when things go berserk and an argument or fight ensues.

Although Bridezillas aren’t very uncommon, remember that nobody likes being around one. When you sort things out by getting angry, nobody including you feels good about it. So, control your temper, and mentally prepare yourself to be calm and happy , irrespective of what happens. If you are certain that something wrong is bound to happen, consider your options and think of a solution in advance. If you expect a wedding vendor to do a shabby job on the day, warn him in advance. If a guest is bound to kick up an argument, find a sensible solution like arranging a distraction, that will avoid such a scenario. If things still go wrong, hush it up and settle it silently. The fewer the people who know about it, the fewer the chances of it becoming a topic of conversation.

Don’t complain


Even if things don’t go as per plan or you are unhappy with certain arrangements, try to focus on the positives and be happy on your special day. If you have a genuine reason for complaints, save it for later. This is not the time to secretly bemoan your in-laws or express how disappointed you are with your bridal party.

Remember that your complaints are not going to change anything, except maybe irritate a few people. Also, you will spoil your own mood, when you dwell on the negatives instead of enjoying the good things going on. And think of what would happen if you were overheard by the wrong people? How would it be if your complaints were to reach the person you spoke about. This would only irritate them and make them unhappy about being at your wedding. Try to be positive, and brush off things before they get to you, and your wedding day will be a lot more fun.

Don’t be unprepared for wedding day emergencies

Wedding day mishaps happen, and often when you least expect it. The best way is to be prepared for any likely scenario. Depending on your wedding details, there are chances for different things to go wrong. If you have an outdoor wedding in summer , nature may surprise you with a quick shower. Your wedding dress may end up with a stain or a button may come lost. You or someone in the bridal party may suddenly feel dizzy or nauseated with all the excitement. So, there are plenty of opportunities for things to go wrong.

As optimistic as you may be, it doesn’t hurt to be ready for the worst. Pack your emergency kit for any wedding day disaster, or even buy it online, and you should be ready to tide over most emergencies. Find out all about what should go into this kit by checking out this previous post of ours.

Don’t get drunk


We know it is a happy occasion and merriment goes with booze, but don’t drown yourself in it. Things can get ugly if you go overboard with the drinks, and it can ruin your entire memory of the happy event. You do not want your guests to see you drunk and doing things you wouldn’t want them to see. Plus, they will always remember your wedding because of how drunk the bride was.

No matter how well you plan your wedding, if you or your husband create a scene after getting drunk, this will be in your guests’ memories years later. Also, you may miss out or have clouded memory of several details of the special day, if you are soaring on alcohol. So, enjoy the champagne from the toast , and maybe an extra drink or two. But stay away from any more than you really need.

Don’t forget to enjoy yourself

We think this is the most important of all of them. Don’t get so caught up with wedding etiquette, meeting and greeting, managing vendors and planning and organizing everything, that you forget to truly live and enjoy every moment of your wedding day. This is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion and one that you deserve to remember every detail of.

So, while you chat with your guests, don’t get caught up in long conversations that will keep you away from all the fun. Delegate as many responsibilities as possible, and try not to micromanage every last detail, or you will have no time for fun. Your wedding is a day that you have planned to perfection, and if anyone deserves to enjoy it, it has to be you. Take brief moments to look around and capture those memory snapshots, dance like you mean it and enjoy your first kiss so it becomes a fond memory.

This brings us to the end of the lengthy list of what you shouldn’t do on your wedding day. Didn’t we tell you, it isn’t as bad as it sounds? With a little planning, you can steer clear of trouble. Do you have any more to add to this list? We would love it if you could share your insights with us in the comments section.

Best for Bride is all about making bridal dreams come true. From the perfect wedding dress to the entire ensemble, décor and other aspects of wedding planning, we can help you organize your wedding to the last detail. Check out our online website to find out all you need to find out how we can help you. Our exciting offers, referral bonuses and special sales will make it easier for you to come one step closer to having your perfect wedding.

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Support with Style: 5 Key Tips to Shine as an Exceptional Bridesmaid!

A bride greatly relies on her bridesmaids to make sure her wedding day runs smoothly. Nevertheless, not all bridesmaids realize the extent to which they are essential in a wedding. If you have been asked to be a bridesmaid, it is a big honor, as the bride values your presence and participation in her wedding. So, don’t you think you should ensure you do not disappoint her?

Here, we bring you some tips on how you can make your friend’s wedding special by doing your job well. Let us take a look at them.

via Best for Bride

Be enthusiastic about the wedding

Getting married is a lifetime event, and a big deal for your friend. Feel happy for her, and make sure you are enthusiastic when she shares her dreams, fears and ideas for her big day. Your support will be very encouraging. Be there for her when she needs help with her wedding dress shopping , is worried about how things will turn out or is confused when she has to make a decision. Strive to make her wedding planning smooth by contributing ideas or offering to help when possible.

Be flexible and not a drama queen

So, your friend may choose a dress color that is not perfect on you. Don’t make a big fuss over it. Remember that it is her wedding and she expects you to go with what she chooses. If she is a good friend, it is unlikely that she will choose a dress that looks terrible on you. But, once you’ve agreed to be a bridesmaid, you should go with what she chooses, whether you like it or not.

Don’t be overbearing

You may have a ton of ideas and suggestions for your friend, but don’t try to take over her wedding. Remember that she has also been dreaming about her big day for a long time, and has a certain idea of how it should be. If she wants help with making decisions, offer them but don’t put her off by telling her that her plans sound terrible.

Don’t be too busy for your responsibilities

The bridesmaids have to be present when choosing their dresses, for the bridal shower and rehearsal dinner. Plan and organize your schedule so you do not miss any of the important wedding-related events. Try to make friends with the rest of the bridesmaids and co-ordinate with the maid of honor to understand your role and responsibilities. Get to your dress appointments on time and do your hair and makeup on the wedding day as instructed. Mark your calendar with the things you should be doing and polish your organizational skills so you handle your responsibilities to the best of your ability.

Keep the wedding planning information to yourself

Bridesmaids are usually the people who get to hear of all the wedding details first. You will know what your friend will be wearing, what the wedding color palette is and more. Stay loyal and don’t spread this information around. Your friend expects you to keep it a secret.

So, now you know what is expected of you and how to be a good bridesmaid. For more valuable wedding tips and advice, visit us on Best for Bride .

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The Groom’s Guide—How involved should you be in wedding planning?

1 Congratulations on your engagement! Now that the inevitable’s happened, and your lady love has agreed to share her life with you, what do you do next?

Don’t be surprised if your level-headed and practical fiance has already taken on her new part-time job— wedding planning , and while you are wondering about what colors and flowers she talks about all the time, don’t forget that you too have to be involved in planning your marriage. Well, atleast to a certain extent! If you thought the safest thing to do is to nod “Yes honey”, we have some news for you! Better listen to what’s going on, or you’ll regret it later.

While your bride goes ahead with planning “most” of the wedding, here is information on where you should step in and lend a hand!

Money matters

When a woman becomes a bride, cutting down costs suddenly becomes an alien concept. This is where you enter the show. Be there when she plans the guest list and the venue. This will account for a huge part of the wedding budget, so make sure you help with sorting out who has to be there and who doesn’t.

Similarly, set a maximum amount for booking the venue and decorating it. Women are often taken in by the look of a place, and once they are bowled over, there is no taking it back. So, take the initiative to search out alternate venue locations before going to see her suggestion. Ease her into the idea that she can get what she wants for a lesser price. Make it your responsibility, and not only will your bride remember how considerate you were to help her, you will also save some money.

Often ask about the wedding, and offer to help

There is usually a point in the engagement when the bride bursts out into tears and complains that the groom doesn’t care about the wedding. Well, you do, but not with the obsession that she has! But, for her sake and yours, ask about the plans and progress every now and then. Lend a ear when she pours out her frustrations over which shade of peach goes with the green in the décor. You may not have the slightest idea of what she is talking about, but peace with reign!

Your few responsibilities include finding a good tux , picking your groomsmen and getting in shape for the wedding. So, do these with gusto, and she will be proud of you.

Be involved in things that matter to you

You do not have to touch the invitations, flowers or wedding shopping. Let her handle it. Where the cake is concerned, make suggestions only if you are asked. Nevertheless, go along and enjoy all the tasting sessions she plans.

Instead, concentrate on the wedding music . Be involved in deciding which songs ought to be played, and definitely those that shouldn’t be.

One mistake grooms make is to avoid the wedding registry . It’s your folly. If you want other gifts besides than silver tea cups and pretty home ornaments, you will have to register at places of your choice too. So, make sure you do!

For more wedding related tips and advice both for the bride and the groom, check out our website at Best for Bride.