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Posing with your bridesmaids – how to make sure you have fabulous photos


You can get some of the best possible wedding photos , when posing with your bridesmaids. Not only do these girls oblige to smile, pose and make the entire experience non-stop fun, they look great too.

After all the effort you’ve put into color co-coordinating their outfits and planning their look to the last detail, it is only worthwhile that you take some time to also think of how you want them in your wedding pictures. This allows you to make the most of the shoot, and avoid classroom style boring photos.

Check out these tips for getting the best wedding pics with your favorite girls, and see which of these can be added to your photography plan .

1.Plan in advance

Bridesmaids under Heather's veil Image Credit: Blaise Alleyne, via Flickr, [CC BY 2.0]

You will of course have chosen your perfectly matched bridesmaids dresses, and bought the accessories. So, we aren’t bothering with that bit. What we are talking about is planning ahead, so your girls are ready on time, and will look great. Work with your planner (or do it yourself, if you don’t have a planner) to set up a schedule for the morning, and see to it that your girls are dressed on time. If any of the girls have a habit of being late, set up a different schedule for her. In all cases, add plenty of extra time, so there is no chance of not being ready on time. Put one of the super-organized girls in charge, so you needn’t stress, when you should be getting dresses yourself.

2.Have a hair and makeup trial well ahead of time

You do not want any nasty surprises on the big day. So, get your girls to join you on a hair and makeup trial, well ahead of your wedding day. You can make a note of what can be improved, any hiccups that can cause delays, and make changes to the plan accordingly. This will also give you a chance to see how the girls will actually look, rather than just go with a general idea and feel disappointed if you do see what you expected.

3.Share the list of photos you must have, with your photographer

There is plenty of inspiration for unique photo ideas on this board on Pinterest . You are bound to find a few poses that you simply must have. Note them down, and share them with your photographer, so he remembers to capture them on your special day. Also include combination photos with bridesmaids and groomsmen, bridesmaids and groom, with special accessories you’ve ordered for the occasion or fun poses. Make sure you have a healthy mix of orchestrated and action shots, so you do not miss on any of the fun, even while getting everyone in focus.

4.Plan their bouquet positions and other details ahead

Bridesmaids 5 Image Credits:, via Flickr, [CC BY 2.0]

This makes all the difference between good and great photos. Find a comfortable pose for your ladies, where they all hold the bouquets at the right height so their posture is good, and the pictures will look splendid. If there is a special design feature on their dresses, like a keyhole back, or you’ve chosen colorful shoes or umbrellas to complete their look, get these finer details captured on camera.

Visit us at Best for Bride, to choose the best bridesmaid dresses for the biggest event in your life. Browse through our gallery today, and find those that will work best for your wedding.

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What your wedding planner actually does and 5 things only a planner can do for you


Are you a soon-to-be bride battling with whether you should hire a wedding planner or not? While it is in no way impossible to have your wedding sans a planner, there are definite advantages to hiring a professional for the job. A good wedding planner will make your wedding planning a lot easier as she has valuable experience handling weddings, whereas you don’t. In fact, I think wedding planners deserve more credit than they usually get.

Anyone who has planned a wedding will know that it is no walk in the park. There are hundreds of details to handle, many things to arrange and several people to coordinate. Few couples have the required time, effort, patience or organizational skills to do it perfectly. Wedding planners are the right people to handle all the details of your wedding efficiently, when you can’t or don’t want to handle all these responsibilities yourself.

Although you have to pay a wedding planner for her services, it usually is money well-spent when you consider the stress that goes into wedding planning . This brings us to the question of who needs a wedding planner, and who doesn’t. To make things simple, look at the following list. You definitely need a planner if:

  • You have no clue about where to begin or how much anything costs
  • You and your partner have full-time demanding careers that leave you little to no time to plan your wedding details
  • Your wedding location is far away from where you live, and you cannot continuously monitor everything there
  • You do not have time or are unable to find inspiration through the internet, magazines or other wedding resources to plan your wedding.
  • None of your family members or friends are available to help you
  • You feel burnt out, stressed or panicky when you think of the wedding
  • You know what you want, but aren’t sure of how feasible it is or how to go about it.

If you don’t fall into any of the groups above, you may be able to handle your wedding all by yourself. Nevertheless, let us take a look at what a wedding planner does, so you can understand why we speak so highly of them.

What does a wedding planner actually do?


It is crucial that every couple work with a wedding planner who they are comfortable with. Read our article here to learn more about how you should go about choosing your wedding planner.

From the minute your wedding planner is assigned responsibility for your wedding, she starts working towards making your wedding a success. It is a service you are paying for, so she has to deliver to your satisfaction. Her duties include, but are not limited to the following

#Planning your wedding checklist and creating a schedule

A wedding planner knows the sequence in which things are to be carried out, so every task is complete and every detail in place, in time for your wedding. She will custom-create your wedding tasks checklist, and give you a specific timeline of what is to be done and when. This will allow you to mark your calendars for wedding tasks, get every job done on time and not miss out on anything that you may need for your big day.

#Vendor selection

You will need to work with wedding vendors for most, if not all your wedding needs. Just the thought of selecting the right person from all the vendors out there, working with and coordinating many people, perhaps even teams, to get everything in place on time can make a bride jittery. Fortunately, your wedding planner is equipped for the task. Once you share your vision for your wedding, and discuss your budget, your wedding planner can come up with a list of vendors who can handle each aspect. They can even carry out interviews, check rates and just leave you to make the final choice, saving you all the trouble.

#Negotiations, discussions and coordination with vendors


There are a number of factors that are to be discussed with each vendor—their availability, rates, overheads, what is included in their bills, extra services that may be needed, etc. Meetings will have to be held, phone calls made, emails shared, payment schedules fixed and contracts drawn. This will have to be done with your catering team, decorating team, florist, photographer, wedding dress vendor, baker—the list goes on. Your wedding planner will make sure all this is done on time and to your satisfaction. All you have to do is make your payments (which again your planner will remind you of, in advance) and leave the rest of the planning to her.

#Planning the finer details

Weddings today are displays of details. Every small and big detail at a wedding is important, and it is impossible to take care of everything if you choose to do it yourself. You must have a wedding design, based on your theme. This will cover everything from how the tables will be set at the reception, the centerpieces , the aisle decorations, your outfit, party favors, wedding cake and even how you photograph. Beautiful weddings are those that have plenty of fine details, but come together cohesively. Your wedding planner can help you decide on the palette, décor and every other detail for your wedding. Her experience will help her assist you with what is practical, and what may not work. The best part is that she can provide you suggestions that work within your budget, so you can plan your dream wedding without breaking the bank.

#Questions, concerns and etiquette

Wedding etiquette may be an alien subject to you. From the way your invitation is worded, to whether you should invite a new associate and whether a dress you choose is appropriate for a wedding-related event, there are so many things that you may not know or not be sure of. Your planner can guide you in the right direction. She will be well-versed in wedding etiquette and can make sure that you do everything the right way. By suggesting what is appropriate for your situation, she can make sure there is minimum chance for disappointment or embarrassment.

#Planning and preparing for the day


It will seem like there is a lot going on, on your wedding day. In fact, the days leading up to it will be filled with activity, that you can easily miss or forget a few details at least. But, this can cost you dearly. The Guardian puts it perfectly in this article , where it says, “Every minor flaw on the wedding day feels like a catastrophe to the bride and groom.” While you may not be able to foresee or plan it to the tee, your wedding planner certainly can.

She will prepare you and all those involved in your wedding, for the actual day by setting everything right during the rehearsal dinner itself. She will make sure that your bridesmaids know when to be where, the venue is decked up just like you had imagined it, everything is where it should be, the guests are comfortably seated, the music is played when it should be, all the vendors deliver on time and everything happens without a hitch. She will also be prepared to handle any last-minute mishaps. Remember how J Lo in the classic movie “The wedding planner” was equipped for every scenario you can possibly imagine; that is pretty much how wedding planners work. Need I say more?

#Take care of all the after-the-wedding details

The duties of your wedding planner aren’t over as soon as you are married. Instead, she will make sure that you have a great day without having to worry about whether the venue is vacated on time, the decorations are taken down, everything is returned to where they belong and the on-site staff are paid for their services . Additionally, she will make sure that your wedding dress is bagged and sent to your house while you set off on your honeymoon, and that your gifts are sent home with the person designated for the task.

In short she ensures that you have a fantastic day, without worrying about what has to be done next or if everything will be where it should be, all because she is in charge.

Now, we have a good idea of all that a wedding planner does, but we aren’t finished. At least a few of you would be thinking that this is all stuff that you can handle, or perhaps your mother or friend can help you to. We agree!

Nevertheless, there are a few things that only a wedding planner can do right. Let us find out what they are.

5 things only your wedding planner can do for your wedding

1.Use their contacts to get you to the right people for the job

Unless you have worked with various vendors before, it will be difficult to find the right vendor for very specific needs within your budget. Plus, you can only find out so much about how reliable they are, from the feedback you receive from your sources. Your wedding planner has worked on several weddings and knows all the right contacts in the industry. This valuable exposure will allow her to put you in touch with the ideal person who will work within your budget , to handle every task for your wedding. This will save you time, effort and stress.

2.Tells you what is possible and what isn’t

Wedding planning can get too exciting, and brides can go over-the-top with certain plans, without really thinking it over entirely. In many cases, they may not recognize the feasibility of their ideas on such a large-scale. Your mother or best friend may also have only so much know-how to tell you what won’t work or suggest what can be done instead. A wedding planner has been there before, and knows what is possible and what isn’t. They will try to make you and your partner happy, but will direct you so you can avoid disappointment later.

3.As a neutral party, can advise you on how to sort out things

Now, here is a person who you can turn to, when you want something sorted out. And trust me, when I say, there are so many occasions when tempers may flare and opinions soar , where wedding planning is concerned. Your wedding planner has only your best interests at heart, and will know how to make sure the plans are made in your best interests. As long as she is in charge, you needn’t worry about how to convince your parents about who sits where at your wedding, or convincing your aunt about why you cannot use her idea at your party.

4.Handle any emergency and come up with Plan B

There are several things that can go wrong on the wedding day, or in the days leading up to it. Your wedding planner is the right person to foresee any such mishaps . She will usually have a Plan B in place for any emergency situation that may arise. Many brides freak out over last minute changes to plan or unexpected problems such as vendors who cancel. With a wedding planner in-charge, it is likely that you will not have to stress over any such issues. She will know what to do, and in most cases may even avert the problem without you even knowing about it.

5. Does her job seriously and you don’t have to feel guilty about her not having fun

Your wedding planner is a professional who you pay to make sure the wedding progresses smoothly. So, you needn’t worry about her not being a part of the fun. If the same task were handled by your family or friends, you would at some point or the other feel guilty that they were so engrossed in handling their responsibilities instead of having fun. With a wedding planner, this thought needn’t cross your mind. This is her job, and she is being compensating for it. So, you can relax and just enjoy your wedding, as you should be doing.

Ultimately, whether you hire a wedding planner or not, the important thing is that you enjoy your wedding and get married the way you always dreamed of it. And to make sure you have everything you have for your big day, whether you plan it with your wedding planner or all by yourself, come visit us at Best for Bride . You will find everything from your wedding dress to dresses for your bridal party, accessories and everything wedding related, with us.

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Have realistic expectations from your wedding planner: 3 things she cannot help you fix

wedding planner

Do you think that you can hand over the A to Z of your wedding planning to your wedding planner , and sit back and relax till the wedding day? If so, you are in trouble.

While a wedding planner can help you with the planning process , and even reduce the stress associated with the task, she isn’t going to be responsible for everything. After all, it is your wedding, and you should have a role in planning it. A wedding planner can only facilitate your plans and execute them smoothly.

Check out this article on the Huffington Post , where wedding planners share their thoughts on what they wish brides would realize. This will open your eyes to the fact that wedding planners have limitations, and it will be better for both parties if you set reasonable expectations from her.

wedding planner

Having said this, let us come to the three most important things that you are responsible for. Make a mental note of these, do your research and planning on time, and you will make your life (and hers) much easier.

  1. Planning your guest list accurately

The guest list is your decision to make. Unless your wedding planner knows you personally, it is unlikely that she can help you with who should be dropped, or who should be added to your guest list. You should be decisive about the number of people attending, and she will do the bookings and planning for them. While your planner may be able to accommodate a few last-minute changes to plan, she is not a magician who can make arrangements for 50 extra guests, who simply turned up on the day. Similarly, make sure you get those RSVPs on time , and follow up with those who don’t send it. Or else, you will simply lose money on those extra bookings you made, just in case. Your wedding planner cannot do anything about guests not turning up.

  1. Making sure your bridesmaids are where they are and when they should be

While your wedding planner can create a well planned schedule for the day, help to speed things along and fix last-minute hassles, there is no guarantee that she can have your girls ready and in-place, unless they make the effort to do so. So, entrust this task to your maid of honor , and choose your bridesmaids wisely. Make sure they are girls who will be serious with their responsibility of getting their hair and make-up done on time.

  1. Sticking to deadlines

Your wedding planner will put you in touch with the right vendors, caterers, photographers and all other services you require. They will offer options, and also suggest deals with the best value for the money you spend. However, they cannot make your decisions for you. Many wedding tasks are time-sensitive, and unless you inform her of your final decision on time, you run the risk of losing a booking or missing an offer.

Remember that your wedding planner can only help you so much. Have realistic expectations, and follow her instructions. This way, you will be a great client, and she will ensure that your wedding plans progress in the best way that is possible. For more wedding planning tips and advice, visit us on Best for Bride.

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3 Tips to help you stay calm on your wedding day

So, your long-awaited wedding day is finally here! Yay! But, why is it that you suddenly find yourself a bundle of nerves?

Don’t worry, this is nothing unexpected. Most brides find themselves buckling under the pressure of the events that are to unravel and can hear their heartbeat in their head even as their wedding day approaches. If you think the pressure of your wedding day will be too much to handle, these tips will help you calm down a little and relax as you enjoy this lifetime celebration of yours.


Set your schedule for the wedding day in advance

It is a great idea to plan and organize what you will do and at what time, before you set out on your wedding day. Allot a reasonable time frame to each activity and make sure that you stick to it on the day. Divide your schedule into an organized list of activities that you can follow in the same sequence on the day, and get ready on time. You can begin making this list well ahead of time, and refine it to be just right by the time of your wedding eve. Make sure the schedule isn’t jam packed, and you have some buffer to relax. Also, put all the things you need to get ready in place on the night before the wedding day, so you do not have to stress over where something is on the day itself.

Start the day early and on the right note

You have an idea of how long it will take you to get dressed and be out of the door. Set your alarm an extra hour early, and begin the day on a relaxed note by indulging in a long warm shower or doing some meditation. This extra time will allow you to compose yourself and be better prepared for the demands of the day. Don’t do anything that is wedding-related at this time, and you will find yourself better prepared for the rest of the day. Have a good, healthy breakfast and plenty of water to hydrate yourself . Stick to the allotted time, but make sure that you do not let your mind wander towards unwanted thoughts of things that can go wrong.

Be prepared for every situation

As you may have heard already, the most unexpected things can happen on the actual day. Whether it is a weather problem or vendor issue, the best way to handle it is to be prepared for anything and everything. Plan for every worst case scenario you can think of. Once you know you have a plan in place, you can handle the stress better, should things indeed take a turn for the worse. Set up an emergency kit , or buy one online so you are covered for any wedding dress mishaps. Follow up with your wedding vendors ahead of time to ensure everything is progressing as per plan. Check on your bridesmaids to make sure they know when and where they have to be at any point of time. Run your checklist by your mother or maid of honor and add anything that you may have missed.

With all luck, everything should go well, and you will not have to struggle with anything you worried about. For more information on how to plan your wedding, or to choose your wedding dress to look great on your wedding day, visit us on Best for Bride .