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Finishing Touches: The Subtle Details to Ensure You Shine Brightly on Prom Night!

Finding the right prom dress for your big social event is winning half the battle. But, once you finish that, the next task on your agenda should be locating the right accessories. A few minor details are all it takes to transform your look from good to Wow! And, here are some tips to get the details right so you look stunning on your prom night.

Play around with color till you get the mix just right

Don’t let the color of your prom dress dictate your choice of accessories. It is boring to find a pretty girl dressed in a single color from head to toe, however brilliant the color may be. It would be best to mix it with complementary or neutral-coloured accessories for a more exciting combination. An easy way to find the colours that go well together is to take a look at the color wheel and choose accessories in colors that lie opposite to the shade of your dress. If you aren’t comfortable mixing and matching colors, select jewelry and accessories in neutrals or silver and gold, and you cannot go wrong.

Get a cool-looking manicure


It is the little details like well-filed nails with beautiful polish that add finesse to your look. Don’t just go with the traditional French manicure or a single shade . Think of how you will deck up your fingers and find colors and designs that will go well with your prom dress. Take a look online to find the right color if you don’t have it; there are many sites online like Coteshop where you can get the perfect match for your dress. Make sure you wait till a day or two before prom to prepare your nails, so it stays fresh. You can either match your nail art to the designs on your dress or go for subtle sophistication with a hint of sparkle. Don’t forget to complete the effect with a statement ring.

Choose a stunning but practical clutch

Not only does a matching clutch refine your total look, but it is also a practical necessity. This is where you can stash your makeup, hairbrush and other essentials. Just make sure that it isn’t too bulky. A good accessory should work with your dress, not against it. Make sure that the texture and finish go well with the colors and fabric of your dress . If in doubt, choose a solid colored one or go with a neutral shade like black, silver or nude that will match any color.

Pull your look together

A lot is happening with the dress, hairstyle, accessories and makeup. To look great, make sure you balance it out by sticking to few dramatic elements and not overdoing it. If your dress has elaborate details, go easy with the accessories. Simple silver necklaces or a string of pearls will be sufficient. Avoid a necklace altogether if your dress has a halter neck. If your dress is relatively simple, dress it up with interesting and more prominent accessories.

You now know how to get the finer details of your prom look done. If you haven’t chosen your prom dress yet, visit us at Best for Bride today and make your pick.

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The Do’s and Don’ts of choosing bridal accessories

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Bridal accessories add the finishing touches to your bridal outfit. Choosing the right accessories will enhance the beauty of your wedding outfit, and complete your bridal look.

There are certain do’s and don’ts when choosing your wedding accessories , so that it complements your wedding dress. Let us look at them now.


Pair your dress with complementary accessories

The type of accessories you choose should depend on the type of wedding dress you have. If your dress is rich in details and complete with embellishments such as rhinestones, crystal beading and plenty of metallic embroidery, keep your accessories simple. On the other hand, if your dress is relatively simple, you can dress it up with bold jewelry. Although your wedding dress is white, you do not have to choose your accessories in white too. You can opt for gemstones in various colors, as long as it complements the look.

Keep the metals uniform throughout your attire

With wedding accessories available in silver, gold and other colors, remember that it is best when all your accessories are made in the same metal. Also, don’t forget to match the choice of metal to the embellishments and color of your wedding gown . Silver and white accessories look good with stark white wedding dresses, while creamy and off-white gowns can be paired with pearls and gold or rose-toned jewelry.

Think of your overall look when choosing accessories

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Before you go shopping for wedding accessories, you should plan the overall look you want to achieve. This will help you decide the type of accessories that can create it. If your dress has a bold neckline with plenty of details, opt for bigger earrings, and skip the necklace altogether. If your dress has a sweetheart or strapless bodice , consider a dramatic necklace. When you choose to put your hair up, wear longer earrings; if you let your hair down , choose small studs instead. Select your veil according to the style of your dress. If there is an illusion back that you want to show off, go for a sheer veil.


Overdo the accessories

Some brides go overboard with the accessories and end up looking cluttered. Less is more, and make sure you choose only what you are comfortable in. Keep the sparkles limited to create a classic overall effect, and remember that you want your accessories to enhance your wedding dress, not steal focus from it.

Wait till the last minute to try your accessories on with your wedding dress

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You should see how well your accessories go with your wedding dress, by wearing them together before your wedding day. Rather than speculating, try it on and find out for yourself. You can then make changes, should it not look as good as you expected it to.

Forget about comfort

You shouldn’t feel weighed down with your wedding dress and accessories. Choose only that what feels comfortable. If you aren’t used to wearing dangling earrings or high heels, don’t try it for the first time on your wedding day. If a veil feels too difficult to handle , choose one that is sheer and light weight, and it will be a lot easier to handle.

To find the right accessories for your wedding dress, or to choose your wedding dress itself, visit us on Best for Bride .

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5 things to remember when buying your wedding rings


Your wedding ring is to be your constant companion from the day you get married, so make sure you choose it well.

Traditionally, wedding rings were simple metal bands, but now the options are more and interesting. You can make your pick from gold, silver or other precious metals, have it embedded with little stones or even personalize it with your initials. As interesting as all these options sound, remember that making a practical and sensible choice will ensure that your wedding ring serves you well for several years.

Here is a guide to the important factors that you should remember when buying your wedding ring.

Choose the right metal

Wedding bands are available in gold, silver and platinum. Yellow gold is the traditional choice, and one thing to remember if you choose gold is higher the carat, the softer it will be. If you choose gold, try to avoid 22 carat and 24 carat rings, as you will be wearing it constantly and it has to be sturdy for constant use.

Platinum is your other option. It is more expensive than gold, but it is also more durable and stronger. Weigh the price against the benefits of opting for this metal, and make your choice accordingly. If you love the color of platinum, but the price is beyond budget, choose white gold for a similar look.

Choose the right size

wedding-rings-575058_1280 Most jewelers supply wedding rings in a range of sizes. Before placing your order, check with the seller and find the right size that corresponds to your ring finger. If you have a ring that sits comfortably on your finger, choose your wedding ring in the same size as this ring.

If you can’t locate your size in the standard measurements, consider having your ring custom-made. Since you will be wearing your wedding ring for a long time, finding the right fit is absolutely essential.

Choose classic over trendy

Unlike your wedding dress , which you will only wear on your big day, your wedding ring has to stand the test of time. What is trendy today may be outdated tomorrow. So, your best option is to choose a design that has always been popular and won’t go out of fashion. Should you wish to experiment, do so only after you think clearly about whether you will be comfortable wearing the ring twenty years from now.

Choose it on time

ring-216717_1280 Once you choose a wedding ring, the jeweler will take time to make it in your size and deliver it to you. So, don’t put it off till the last minute. If both of you want matching wedding bands, go shopping together, or customize your wedding rings so they look like a pair. Allow sufficient time to place the order and receive it, so you have it in time for your wedding.

Choose to insure it

You will be spending a good amount on your wedding ring, and so it makes sense to have it insured. Do this when you purchase the rings. Although this doesn’t mean you can be careless with your ring, it will at least cover up your expenses, should you lose the ring for some reason.

To view our vast collection of wedding rings, and to make your choice from them, visit us on Best for Bride .

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Wedding dress guide: Which white is right?

We look great in certain colors, while some colors just don’t look right on us. This is the concept that seasonal color analysis is based on. It allows us to recognize the colors that best flatter our skin tone, and thus enables us to tailor our wardrobe to contain these shades. By doing so, we eliminate the colors that do not enhance our natural charm. Instead, we focus on dresses that the seasonal color analysis specifies for our skin type.

This analysis is based on a four-season color palette, where every woman is assigned one of the four seasonal groups depending on her complexion. So, every woman would fall into one of the four categories— winter , summer, spring or fall. There are specific colors designated to each group, and the colors that belong to your group should suit your compleion.

The season you fall under is based on your skin undertones and how your complexion and hair coloring go together. Wedding dresses are usually availale in different variants of white, such as ivory, champagne, diamond and off-white. If you know your season, it is easy to choose the right white for your wedding dress , so it will best enhance your natural features.

The right white for each season

If you are a winter, your features are characterized by a striking contrast between your hair, eyes and skin. Dresses in white with blue undertones look best on you. Stark white is the ideal wedding dress color.

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Women in the autumn group have golden or copper skin tones. White with yellow or gold undertones, such as Ivory and Champagne are suitable for these women.

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Ladies in the spring group will have bright clear skin with a peach tone. An off-white shade or those of ivory and cream look best on these brides.

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The last group, summer, has low contrast coloring between their skin, eyes and hair. Soft, grayed white such as diamond white is the ideal choice for these brides.

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When you don’t know your season

If you don’t know your season, you may not find it so straightforward to determine the right white for you. In such a scenario, here is some extra help.

The darker your complexion is, the crisper and brighter your white should be. Choose stark white with a sheen, such as seen in fabrics like satin and silk. Don’t opt for stark white if you are very fair, as it will make you look pale.

Ivory and champagne are whites with yellow undertones. So, they look slightly off-white, but not too yellow or cream. These are the colors that you should choose if your skin has yellow or olive undertones. This will also suit women who are very fair.

For those of you who are unsure of which white to choose, a safe bet is natural or diamond white. This looks pretty in the wedding photos , but isn’t as pale as stark white, nor cream. So, it looks good on almost anyone.

Most wedding dresses are available in more than one shade of white. So, once you have chosen a particular design, choose the white that suits your complexion, and you will have found the best choice.

For more valuable wedding dress shopping tips, visit us on Best for Bride.