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5 tips to help you relax and look comfortable in your wedding photographs

wedding-665157_1280 Have you ever felt happy looking at a wedding photo where the couple looked genuinely overjoyed, and the photographer captured it perfectly? Such photos make us wish we were able to look as great, in front of the camera.

Some brides were born to be photographed. Their wedding photos are really fun, and these couples enjoy the wedding photo shoot immensely. It’s too bad that not all of us are as photogenic.

Here are some tips to help those brides who find it difficult to relax in front of the camera, and look as perfect as they can be.

Have a pre-wedding photography session

Many brides feel uncomfortable posing in front of the camera, because they are unfamiliar with the photographer. If this could affect you, the best way to avoid it is to familiarize with the photographer’s style by having a pre-wedding photography session . Consider it as a worthwhile investment, and have an engagement shoot. This will introduce you to the way the photographer works, and it will prepare you better to pose on your wedding day.

Relax, breathe and be yourself


Don’t you hate it when you see a picture where the subject is unnecessarily grinning! Unfortunately, many people have this tendency to put on a fake Cheshire cat grin, the minute the camera is on them. It really takes away their natural charm. Since you will be in many photos during your wedding day, try to be yourself and not force a smile.

Forget about the photographer clicking, and just live the moment

The best photos are taken when you are yourself, and the best way to do that is to enjoy yourself without worrying about how you will look on camera. This article on the Boho Weddings website , tells us that it is important to hire a professional photographer, as they are trained in identifying and capturing a couple’s best moments, without being obtrusive. If you want to enjoy your photo shoot and not begin to hate the experience, do two things: find a good photographer , and just enjoy your wedding day!

Make sure your makeup and dressing is good on camera


All you have to do is to do a trial makeup and hairstyling session before the wedding, and click a few pictures to see if you like what you see. Remember that you may look different from what you anticipated. So, checking it out before hand is the best way to make sure. This is even more important if your makeup will feature glitter or spray-on tan, so you can get it right on the day, rather than be disappointed afterwards with how you look in the pictures.

Don’t be too worried about how the pictures will turn out

If you see a beautiful bride in the mirror, why worry that you will not look as good on camera? Discuss your concerns with your photographer before your wedding day , and as a professional he will be able to advise you on how you can pose to look great. Why not get his suggestions on which profile view or angle is right, as well as the extra effect s that will help you look your best. Be optimistic, and just pay attention to your photographer’s cues. Your pictures will be perfect.

Stay positive and follow our tips; and you will love your wedding photographs. For more wedding advice and all your wedding needs, visit us on Best for Bride .

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3 Tips to look natural, yet amazing in your wedding photographs

It is a fact that you look best in pictures where your personality shines through. When a photograph captures you just as you are, it is one that everyone will love.

Your wedding day photographs will serve as the memories of your big lifetime event in the years to come. Hence, you have to make sure that they show the real version of you, and you look as amazing as is possible.

Here we bring you three practical tips that will ensure you look great in your wedding photographs. Let us find out what they are.


1. Find the right photographer for the job

Remember that it is not just one orchestrated shoot that your photographer has to take on your wedding day. He has to capture moments as they occur, as well as group photos and posed ones which are timed. A talented photographer has good sense of lighting, position and knows the best angles for a picture. He will also be able to recognize which poses will highlight your best features. So, make sure that the photographer you select for the job is capable of all this. Check out his wedding portfolio and pay close attention to how the brides and grooms look in the pictures. Has he really brought out their best in his pictures? If yes, you may have found the right candidate.

2. Find the right profile for your shots

There is no single perfect pose that works for everyone. You will have to find the one that works for you. For some it may be a slight tilt of the head, for others it may be best when they look straight at the camera. Don’t just practice before the mirror to find this perfect angle. Instead, look at your existing pictures and find the ones where you look the best. What is common to them? If you look best in pictures taken at a certain angle , try to stick to this position for your planned shots.

3.Smile from within

Do you know how many photos lack the beauty that they ought to have, just because the couple fake their smile? In this article , Marianne Power of the Daily Mail reveals that there is nothing more irritating than a fake smile, and goes on to suggest how a fake smile makes you resemble an over-zealous salesman. So, don’t be a Cheshire cat who thinks it is necessary to grin throughout the session. Instead, smile from deep within. If you feel your jaws are frozen from the effort of smiling, let the happiness you feel reflect in your eyes. Such a photo would look genuine and much better than one in which you fake a smile.

Now you know what you need to look fabulous in your wedding pictures . On an additional note, don’t forget to touch up your hair and makeup ever so often, so you look fresh as a daisy, all through the day.

For all your wedding shopping needs, as well as valuable tips and advice on planning the perfect wedding, visit your one-stop bridal destination at Best for Bride.