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How to Pick Your Wedding Date

Are you recently engaged? I’m sure the first thing many people ask when they see your ring is, ‘when is the wedding?’ and you may not have an answer. But that’s perfectly alright! Many couples do not settle on a date immediately, and many things can factor in to picking the right date, from what kind of wedding you want, to who will be attending, where it will be held and possibly most important of all, the cost. So how do you pick the wedding date that’s right for you?

Think About Your Wedding Location

Is your reception hall cheaper in the spring than it is the summer? Do they offer discounts in the winter months? If it’s an outdoor wedding , you’ll have to of course consider weather as a factor. It’s always good to have a “Plan B” in case of bad weather. Is this a destination wedding? The general rule of thumb is make sure your invites go out at least three months in advance (provided you’ve already sent a ‘Save the Date’ card).


It’s true that weddings can be very expensive, but if you pick the right date (for example: a Friday instead of a Saturday), you may be able to get things like your reception location, transportation and accommodation for a little bit cheaper. Be mindful of your guests though if you are picking a non-traditional day in the week to hold your ceremony and reception , as some may need to leave work early or may only be able to attend the reception.

Pick A Date Special to You

Many couples pick a date around when they first started dating, or a year anniversary after their engagement. Some others tend to choose ‘lucky dates’ (like those who went to Vegas to get married on 7/7/2007 for example) but it’s completely up to you what date suits you best.

Consider Other Events

If your wedding is around a holiday or a major event your friends and family usually attend, make sure to take that into consideration. Never be afraid to ask your bridal party or family their input so there will not be any conflicts.

Don’t forget to check out Best for Bride as your one stop shop for everything you need for your special day. From dresses to invitation, we’ve got you covered.