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Wedding dress guide: Which white is right?

We look great in certain colors, while some colors just don’t look right on us. This is the concept that seasonal color analysis is based on. It allows us to recognize the colors that best flatter our skin tone, and thus enables us to tailor our wardrobe to contain these shades. By doing so, we eliminate the colors that do not enhance our natural charm. Instead, we focus on dresses that the seasonal color analysis specifies for our skin type.

This analysis is based on a four-season color palette, where every woman is assigned one of the four seasonal groups depending on her complexion. So, every woman would fall into one of the four categories— winter , summer, spring or fall. There are specific colors designated to each group, and the colors that belong to your group should suit your compleion.

The season you fall under is based on your skin undertones and how your complexion and hair coloring go together. Wedding dresses are usually availale in different variants of white, such as ivory, champagne, diamond and off-white. If you know your season, it is easy to choose the right white for your wedding dress , so it will best enhance your natural features.

The right white for each season

If you are a winter, your features are characterized by a striking contrast between your hair, eyes and skin. Dresses in white with blue undertones look best on you. Stark white is the ideal wedding dress color.

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Women in the autumn group have golden or copper skin tones. White with yellow or gold undertones, such as Ivory and Champagne are suitable for these women.

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Ladies in the spring group will have bright clear skin with a peach tone. An off-white shade or those of ivory and cream look best on these brides.

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The last group, summer, has low contrast coloring between their skin, eyes and hair. Soft, grayed white such as diamond white is the ideal choice for these brides.

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When you don’t know your season

If you don’t know your season, you may not find it so straightforward to determine the right white for you. In such a scenario, here is some extra help.

The darker your complexion is, the crisper and brighter your white should be. Choose stark white with a sheen, such as seen in fabrics like satin and silk. Don’t opt for stark white if you are very fair, as it will make you look pale.

Ivory and champagne are whites with yellow undertones. So, they look slightly off-white, but not too yellow or cream. These are the colors that you should choose if your skin has yellow or olive undertones. This will also suit women who are very fair.

For those of you who are unsure of which white to choose, a safe bet is natural or diamond white. This looks pretty in the wedding photos , but isn’t as pale as stark white, nor cream. So, it looks good on almost anyone.

Most wedding dresses are available in more than one shade of white. So, once you have chosen a particular design, choose the white that suits your complexion, and you will have found the best choice.

For more valuable wedding dress shopping tips, visit us on Best for Bride.