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Taking Your Time: 5 Unexpected Benefits of Opting for a Long Engagement!

This article on the Huff Post reveals that 40 percent of couples have a long engagement of anywhere between 13 to 18 months. We’ve witnessed very short engagements, very long ones and those just long enough to plan the perfect wedding day. A long engagement that lasts for a year, or slightly longer, is what we feel is the best choice. Here is why!

You have time to book your dream venue and book the best caterers

Since you aren’t pinched for time, it is easier to choose a date when your dream wedding venue is available. After all, getting married in the perfect place is a dream come true. Similarly, it is easier to work around vendor dates and get the best of everything from food to flowers. The bonus is that you have enough time first to do your research, shortlist the right vendors and finally book them after all the discussions are over.

You have time to get the perfect wedding dress

Let’s face it, wedding dress shopping is not a breeze. The thousands of attractive designs out there only make it more difficult to choose from. When you have plenty of time, you can scan through the options, consider what will look good and what will not, and finally choose a dress that is just right for you. If you begin at least six months before the big day, you will have plenty of time to get your dress altered to fit you like a glove, shop for the best accessories and bring your look together perfectly. And, the longer you are engaged, greater the chances for a sale coming up when you can bag your dream dress on a discount.

More time can mean less stress

This is because it allows you to chalk out and organize every wedding detail, with sufficient time to work on your plans. A short engagement will have you rushing from one vendor to the other, and trying to make sense of the hundreds of arrangements that you have to take care of. Unlike this, a longer engagement gives you time to ponder over decision and go with those that you love most.

You can nail the guest list

Just like you, your guests will also appreciate time to make their plans and confirm their attendance. You will have plenty of time to send out your wedding invitations , receive RSVPs, calculate the headcount and plan your wedding accordingly. There is less chance for last-minute cancellations when your guests have marked your wedding on their calendars well ahead of the actual day, and have time to adjust their schedules to fit it.

You can enjoy the engagement and plan your honeymoon at leisure

Let’s face it, your engagement will be a whirlwind of activities. Many couples realize that they have no time for each other, once wedding planning begins. You can escape from this stressful approach if you have a long engagement. There is plenty of time for date nights, honeymoon plans and time to be a couple in love, when you have a long engagement. It also gives you enough time to sort out your future plans and get started on the best foot.

What do you say, are you a fan of long engagements or do you prefer short and sweet ones?

To shop for your wedding dress, and for all your other wedding-related needs, come visit us at Best for Bride , and we will help you make your wedding a success.

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How to Involve your Groom in Wedding Planning


We all have a general idea that the bride handles most of the responsibility of planning the wedding , while the groom plays a supporting role. After all, it is always the bride who is super-excited about the wedding, and takes it upon herself to handle the lion’s share of the tasks. But remember, this is not a wedding rule set in stone.

If you want your groom to also be just as interested and involved, here is how you can include him in planning and making your dream wedding a reality.

Discuss your concerns and worries open-heartedly

The best way to spark your groom’s interest in your wedding is to discuss most, if not all aspects of the wedding with him. If there are certain issues you have trouble with, run it by your groom. He may have suggestions to solve it, or help you find a workaround that you hadn’t thought of.

Give your groom a say

Many grooms often feel side-lined and that their brides want them out of the way when planning the wedding. It isn’t unusual, as brides have been dreaming of this day from the time they were little girls. They usually turn to their friends or sisters , who are just as excited about it as they are. So, they go to them for suggestions and advice, instead of asking their groom. If you have been doing this all along, remember that it is your fiance’s wedding too. He will also have opinions and ideas. So, set aside time to ask him for inputs, opinions and suggestions and accommodate them when making your wedding plans.

Give him his share of duties to handle

Encourage your groom to be involved in the wedding planning by asking him what responsibilities he would like to handle. Men usually enjoy planning the wedding music , so give him this task. Whatever be the responsibility you hand over, leave it to him. Don’t micromanage or pester him with details, as this will only kill his enthusiasm. If he has creative ideas, value them. This will make your wedding more interesting for both of you.

Don’t involve him in everything, and don’t frustrate him for his lack of interest

Unlike women, men are usually not bothered with the finer details of weddings. So, don’t be upset if your groom doesn’t share your enthusiasm in deciding between peach and pink for your wedding color palette. Identify what he is interested in, and only involve him in tasks that he should be doing or will enjoy handling. Don’t overwhelm him by pushing him, instead take it easy and he will not feel overwhelmed.

Take a time-out from your wedding planning once in a while, and don’t bring it to the level that all your time together is spent talking about the wedding. Remember that the main reason you are getting married is to celebrate your love for each other. So, don’t lose that excitement in all the wedding planning frenzy.

For more practical wedding planning advice and shopping for your wedding dress, visit us on Best for Bride.

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3 Tips to help you stay calm on your wedding day

So, your long-awaited wedding day is finally here! Yay! But, why is it that you suddenly find yourself a bundle of nerves?

Don’t worry, this is nothing unexpected. Most brides find themselves buckling under the pressure of the events that are to unravel and can hear their heartbeat in their head even as their wedding day approaches. If you think the pressure of your wedding day will be too much to handle, these tips will help you calm down a little and relax as you enjoy this lifetime celebration of yours.


Set your schedule for the wedding day in advance

It is a great idea to plan and organize what you will do and at what time, before you set out on your wedding day. Allot a reasonable time frame to each activity and make sure that you stick to it on the day. Divide your schedule into an organized list of activities that you can follow in the same sequence on the day, and get ready on time. You can begin making this list well ahead of time, and refine it to be just right by the time of your wedding eve. Make sure the schedule isn’t jam packed, and you have some buffer to relax. Also, put all the things you need to get ready in place on the night before the wedding day, so you do not have to stress over where something is on the day itself.

Start the day early and on the right note

You have an idea of how long it will take you to get dressed and be out of the door. Set your alarm an extra hour early, and begin the day on a relaxed note by indulging in a long warm shower or doing some meditation. This extra time will allow you to compose yourself and be better prepared for the demands of the day. Don’t do anything that is wedding-related at this time, and you will find yourself better prepared for the rest of the day. Have a good, healthy breakfast and plenty of water to hydrate yourself . Stick to the allotted time, but make sure that you do not let your mind wander towards unwanted thoughts of things that can go wrong.

Be prepared for every situation

As you may have heard already, the most unexpected things can happen on the actual day. Whether it is a weather problem or vendor issue, the best way to handle it is to be prepared for anything and everything. Plan for every worst case scenario you can think of. Once you know you have a plan in place, you can handle the stress better, should things indeed take a turn for the worse. Set up an emergency kit , or buy one online so you are covered for any wedding dress mishaps. Follow up with your wedding vendors ahead of time to ensure everything is progressing as per plan. Check on your bridesmaids to make sure they know when and where they have to be at any point of time. Run your checklist by your mother or maid of honor and add anything that you may have missed.

With all luck, everything should go well, and you will not have to struggle with anything you worried about. For more information on how to plan your wedding, or to choose your wedding dress to look great on your wedding day, visit us on Best for Bride .

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Don’t fall ill on your wedding day! Tips to stay healthy

allergy-18656_1280 The best time to realize the saying “Health is Wealth,” is when you are engaged. Falling ill when your wedding day is just around the corner , can be a damper on all the celebrations. Imagine how terrible it would be to stand at the altar and sniffle (ones that aren’t the happy type!), or how difficult it would be to control sneezing while photos are being clicked.

Unfortunately, illness is something that can strike at any time, unless you are determined to keep it at bay. Here are some tips will help you in this direction. Begin practicing them right away and you can avoid falling ill.

Build up your immunity

One of the best ways to avoid falling ill is to strengthen your immunity. Fortunately, this isn’t too difficult to achieve, and the earlier you begin it the sooner you can achieve it. Eat a well-balanced diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water everyday. Get your stomach ready to attack bugs by building up your reserve of good bacteria through having yogurt with live cultures, regularly. You touch a number of surfaces everyday, so wash your hands often and clean them well. Use warm water and soap, or use a hand sanitizer if it isn’t possible to wash your hands at any time.

Sleep well

Sleep is an instant stress-reliever and having a good sleep-cycle will strengthen your body in several ways. However hectic your schedule may be, stick to a regular sleep routine. This will help you unwind and a stress-free body is better equipped to fight off bugs.

Avoid contact with sick people

This is a no-brainer, yet one that many brides seem to forget. When you come to know someone is sick, restrict or avoid contact with them till they are better. Should you have to care for a person suffering from a contagious condition, make sure that you have minimum contact with them and the things they use. Also wash your hands well, and do not touch surfaces that may be infected. When you use public transportation, or spend time in a public space, wash your hands soon after.

Exercise to push those bugs away

Moderate exercise helps your body create more infection-fighting cells, than usual. So, make it a habit. However, don’t overwork your body . Take it steady and practice regularly. You can also consider yoga or meditation, as these can enhance the body’s capabilities of combating stress.

Get a daily dose of herbal help

A number of herbs have been used since ages to fight infections as well as to improve the immune system. These include elderberry, echinacea, turmeric and astragalus. These herbs boost the natural immunity of the body, without causing any side-effects. Consume them daily and you will obtain the protection you require.

Treat a symptom at the onset

Remember that the clock is ticking, and you cannot afford to have a cold, flu or stomach bug at this time. Don’t dismiss any symptom that appears, and begin attacking it with medication, natural remedies and whatever works, from the moment you suspect you will be ill. For colds and flus, take zinc at the onset. For a stomach bug, load up on fluids and take suitable medication right away. Try to get it under control before it spoils your wedding day.

For more wedding tips and advice, visit Best for Bride.