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Wedding Guest Elegance: A Guide to Dressing to Impress at Any Nuptial Celebration!

Weddings are occasions to shine and look fantastic at. Although it is the bride who will steal the show in her fantastic bridal attire, it doesn’t mean you have to tone down your glamour quotient. As a wedding guest, make sure you dress your best, and get noticed. Here are some fashion tips to help you look fantastic at the next wedding you attend.

Bring on the accessories

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Step out in style in a fantastic pair of heels , and give everyone the opportunity to look at you from Toe-to-top, for a change! Accessories are a fantastic way to transform a regular dress into something spectacular, and the best part is that it doesn’t have to break the bank. Experiment with statement jewelry , or invest in a killer clutch. Go with the latest trends and buy bold and bright accessories that add instant glamour to your look.

Stay Away from White and Black

When you have a whole color spectrum to choose from, why should you opt for the one color that screams “Bride”? White is the bride’s color , and don’t attempt to steal her thunder by appearing in white. As for black, we have seen enough of short black dresses at every occasion. You can be certain that there’ll be at least three other women in black, so don’t join the queue. The only time you will be excused for wearing black is if you have a super-stylish formal black gown that is so unique, you won’t face competition from anyone.

Bright or light, dress for the weather

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Choose colors that match the vibe of the season. Also, don’t forget that your dress should be appropriate for the weather at the time. Choose bright, bold prints or cheerful pastel colors for summer and spring. If it is a winter or fall wedding , embrace the beauty of the cooler climate and go for classic, dark tones. This is the chance to bring out your precious silk scarf or stylish stole, and enjoy the attention it gathers.

Make an effort

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A wedding is a special occasion, and however casual the style is don’t dress in anything you can be seen in on the street. You do not need a new outfit, but keep it formal or semi-formal , dress up in style, wear makeup and try to look good. Also remember that there will be families attending the event, so avoid dresses that are too revealing, too tight or low cut, that it can make you uncomfortable wearing in front of company.

Bring out your style with modern twists on classic dresses

Dressing up for weddings doesn’t have to be boring and always classic. This is your chance to let your personality shine through, with fantastic twists and elements that are your own idea. If your dress looks too plain , add an interesting scarf or pair it with a stylish jacket and you are set to go.

To choose the perfect dress to wear to the next wedding you have to attend, or your own wedding dress, visit us at Best for Bride.

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Wedding Photography : Which style is right for you?

Wedding photography is one factor which you can get right, or go terribly wrong with. The pictures taken on the day form a critical part of your wedding memories , and so it is important that they are captured in the way you wish to remember them.

Today, there are various styles of photography to choose from. You can choose to go with a particular style, or a blend of styles, depending on what appeals to you. So, let us first try to understand these styles.

Traditional/Documentary Style photography

This is the tried and tested style of wedding photography that we recognize in our mother’s or even grandmother’s wedding album. The photographer works on capturing the couple and the crowd in set poses which are known to have worked over the years. The group photos are quite similar, with the people in the photographs assigned specific poses and places. Every detail of the wedding is covered in order, from when the bride dresses for the wedding ,to the arrival of the couple at the venue, the ceremony and beyond. It is quite formal in nature, and predictable too. Most of the pictures look perfectly timed, are well-lit and done in portrait style. The photographer can be creative with the location and angles from where he shoots, but the options are limited. If you aren’t too adventurous and want a minimum guarantee on what you will receive, this is the style to opt for.


In this modern style, the photographer works in the background, does his work unobtrusively, and captures the moments as and when they occur. The pictures reveal a story, like you would see in a documentary or magazine. There is less posing, arranging, lighting or timing, and your pictures will look natural and candid. If the  photographer is talented , he will be able to capture the actual fun, excitement and emotions at the wedding by getting the best shots at the right time. There is a risk you run with this style if your photographer doesn’t have the necessary expertise. You may end up with an album full of random pictures that do not gel together.

Fine art photography

This is perhaps the most dramatic style, where the photographer experiments with styles, lighting and posing to transform your pictures into pieces of art. One thing is certain, your wedding pictures will be unique. The personal style of the photographer seeps into every picture, the beauty of the background is wrapped into the frame and artistic composition is the ultimate aim. Like in photojournalism, the pictures convey a story, but the methods, medium and effects are entirely different.

A harmonious blend of Traditional and modern

The go-to choice for most couples today, this is a blend of portrait photography with photojournalism. Here, you get the best of both worlds. The photographer not only captures all the classic portraits, but also pays attention to the details of the day in his pictures. You may however, find that your album is pretty similar to the others in his portfolio. If predictability is what you prefer, this is the choice you need.

Hopefully, you now have a clear idea of what style suits your personality. For more wedding advice and tips on planning for your big day, visit us at Best for Bride .

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5 Mistakes to avoid when choosing your bridesmaids dresses

If you thought shopping for your wedding dress was the biggest challenge, here is some news for you! An equally challenging task is choosing your bridesmaids dresses. You have to consider the same details as you did for your wedding dress—fabric, style, budget, practicality, and add a whole new list of considerations such as color, trends , individual preferences and length!

Your bridesmaids dress choice will reflect in your wedding décor and photographs, so choose wisely and make it picture-perfect. Before you go shopping with your pretty girls, know these mistakes that brides usually make, and avoid them.

Making the decision yourself

It is your wedding alright, and your bridesmaids ought to oblige with your choice of bridesmaids dresses. Nonetheless, it is advisable that you ask for their inputs. Rather than ask them for what they would like in a dress, make note of what they do not want to wear. This way, you can avoid choosing a dress that makes any of them feel uncomfortable in.

Not considering the heights of your bridesmaids when determining the length of their dresses

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If you prefer short dresses for your bridesmaids, make sure that the look is cohesive by having the hemlines at the same level. However, if your bridesmaids vary greatly in height, it is better that you avoid short dresses altogether. It would be awkward if the tallest bridesmaid had a dress that ended at mid-thigh and the shorter girls have dresses that fall well below knee length.

Choosing dresses that are too simple

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It is a wedding after all, and your bridesmaids too have to feel special. When you choose their dresses, make sure that it looks and feels good. Don’t deny your bridesmaids the chance to dress up well and look beautiful on your wedding, by choosing a very simple pattern. If you choose relatively small budget dresses, choose accessories that allow them to stand out from the guests.

Choosing dresses that aren’t universally flattering

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Unless all your bridesmaids have the same figure and features, it is not a good idea to go for a style that only suits certain figures. Your bridesmaids should look pretty and be able to carry off their dresses in style. For this, choose dresses that suit all body types, or else choose different styles with a single unifying factor like color or length. This way they will all look beautiful in what they wear. Safe choices and universally flattering patterns include A-line dresses, halter-style dresses and multiway necklines.

Giving in to everyone’s opinion

While you have to involve your bridesmaids in your wedding decisions, remember that it is impossible to please everyone and still have a perfect looking bridal party. Welcome their opinions, but stick with ones that are reasonable. Don’t give in to opinions when you are certain that your wedding theme or style will be compromised by their dress choice. Be reasonable with their preferences, but don’t feel obliged to please.

A good friend will be happy to wear what the bride wants, and as a good friend the bride shouldn’t choose anything hideous or one that makes her favorite girlfriends feel uncomfortable in.

For more wedding tips and advice, and also to choose from a vast collection of beautiful bridesmaids dresses, visit Best for Bride.