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Beauty Tips for summer brides

Two of the most popular wedding seasons are spring and summer. While summer weddings allow you to plan fantastic outdoor soirees, every bride would agree that it is difficult to look fresh throughout the day when the temperature is this high.

Fortunately, we have just the tips you need to make sure that you look great throughout your wedding day and that you look great in your wedding pictures. Follow this guide, and you will be on your way to looking just perfect on your big day.

Prepare ahead of time

This is an essential tip, that has to be followed by every bride, even if she isn’t getting married in summer. Your skin is an organ that needs a lot of attention. Your lifestyle factors, stress, eating and drinking habits and even sleep patterns play a role in how good your skin looks . So, begin taking care of it from the minute you are engaged if you want it to look great in time for the wedding. Follow the essential skincare routine—cleansing, toning and moisturizing, without fail, and you will notice your skin getting better and responding to your care faster.

Pamper your skin with the best

Make it a point to have facials at least once a week, till the day of your wedding. Consider getting a professional facial as well, as this will clean your skin of build-up and restore its natural glow. Eat a balanced diet, loaded with fresh fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water to hydrate from within. Throw out all the old and expired stuff in your makeup bag , and replace it with good-quality cosmetics and creams. Also, make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep every day, so your skin gets time to repair and restore itself. Don’t forget to wear sunscreen whenever you step out and stay in the shade at all times. If you want to get your hands on professional-grade cosmetics,  Beverly Hills MD  is one of the most advanced products in the market that are safe, new, and advanced.

Choose hydrating products for your skin

During summer, your sweat glands work overtime, and you lose more moisture from your skin surface. Prepare for your wedding day, by layering your skin with a good amount of moisturizer after you properly cleanse it. Don’t skip this step even if you have oily skin. For your bridal makeup, make sure to apply primer. Also, choose waterproof makeup and ones that are enriched with organic ingredients. Carry your compact in your emergency kit , for regular touch-ups. Keep tissues handy, to dab off sweat.

Keep the look natural

Summer brides look best when they use makeup sparingly, and stick to the nude makeup style. This article on Divine Caroline suggests that you use lighter textures in your makeup to look fresher. Similarly, with your hair, make sure that it has a natural feel to it, and you don’t choose a hairstyle that looks too dressy or tight. Deep condition your locks and apply a suitable hair product to keep your hair in place throughout the day. It is also a good idea to upgrade from your regular antiperspirant to one that is of clinical-grade, so you can stay fresh for longer.

And most importantly, choose a wedding dress that is breezy, light and feels comfortable in the warm weather. To find one that is just right for the occasion, take a look at our bridal gallery on Best for Bride and you are bound to find the one you’ve always dreamed of.

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3 mistakes to avoid when planning your wedding in autumn


Autumn is a magical season , perfect for weddings with wonderful natural colors creating a romantic scene and the pleasant weather making an outdoor wedding possible. The months of September and October are peak wedding seasons for precisely this reason.

Nevertheless, there are some factors that can disrupt your wedding plans or make your wedding less exciting. Let us find out what you should consider when planning your wedding in autumn, so you can make sure it is done perfectly.

Never plan an outdoor wedding without a back-up plan

Just like a shower make take you unaware in spring or summer, autumn is a season when you may suddenly see an onslaught of frost. If you are having an outdoor wedding , keep a close tab on weather reports and make sure that you inform your guests about the likelihood of a dip in temperature. This will help them prepare for the natural elements and they won’t be left shivering throughout the function. It is a good idea to always have an indoor venue booked as back-up, should it rain or get too cold. You can still have your ceremony outdoors, but keep the reception inside, so your guests are comfortable. When choosing your wedding dress, make sure that you will be warm in it. If you anticipate a cold spell at the time, make sure you buy a matching stole or wrap to cover up your arms, so you feel comfortable when outdoors on the day.


Work with the natural colors of the season and not against it

Fall brings a wonderful palette of deep and dark colors to work with. Use this to your advantage. The naturally cool weather creates an ambiance that you can play with, rather than work against. If you are interested in using pastels and other bright tropical shades at your wedding, make sure you add some burnt orange, chocolate or dark reds as accent colors, so you balance out the look and keep it appropriate for the natural setting.

Remember autumn is the season for allergies and illnesses

This report on The Telegraph suggests that autumn is the season for flu and illnesses, and this is something we are all aware of even otherwise. With the cold weather drawing in, colds and sniffles begin their rounds. So, be prepared for it as you don’t want to end up being sick on your wedding day. Exercise and good sleep habits can help you be in better shape. Stay away from anyone who has caught the flu or is ill and practice regular hand washing and good hygiene.

Where your wedding day is concerned, remember to check on the pollen levels at the time, before you finalize an outdoor wedding venue. An outdoor wedding may deter those guests who are allergic to it from attending your wedding.

Autumn weddings are romantic, beautiful and exciting, as long as you have prepared well for it. So, get ready the right way and you will have the fantastic wedding that you always wanted. To find the perfect wedding dress for your big autumn wedding, visit us on Best for Bride , and make your pick today.