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5 things you should do to make your out-of-town weddings guests comfortable

It is likely that every wedding will have at least a few guests who travel from far for the ceremony. As a couple, you should appreciate the time, effort and money they spend to be part of your big day. The least you can do is to make sure they are comfortable and enjoy their stay while they are in-town. Here are some simple ways in which you can make their visit worthwhile and easier.


Inform them early

As you may be aware, air ticket charges peak as the date nears. Since your guests will be footing their travel expenses, make sure you notify them of the date well in advance so they have enough time to find a good deal. “Etiquette on Out-of-town Wedding invitations” on Map happy suggests giving four to six months advance notice, as this will allow your guests to research their travel options and plan their trip so that it doesn’t cost them dearly. It would be helpful if you could provide them an itinerary of the various events they have to attend, so they can pack for it accordingly. This would also give them enough time to plan their trip.

Be considerate and do what you can to help them

Your out-of-town guests go through a lot of trouble and spend a lot of money to make it to your wedding day . So, the least you can do is to be considerate and help them with what you can. While you are not responsible for their accommodation, they would find it helpful if you could provide a list of affordable hotels and arrange the bookings on their behalf. If possible, visit them once they are in town or at least call and make sure they have arrived safely and are comfortable. Make sure to mention how you appreciate their presence, as these thoughtful gestures go a long way in making them feel the trip was worth it.

Suggest options so they stay occupied

Unless your wedding itinerary is action-packed with events, your guests will have plenty of free time to themselves. It would be a good idea to provide them suggestions on how they can spend this time. If there are local museums or tourist attractions, recommend them. If they are in town at the time of your rehearsal dinner , consider including them. Assign the responsibility of these guests to one of your bridesmaids or groomsmen, so they have someone to turn to should they require any help.

Small treats go a long way

Arrange for a small bag or basket of treats to welcome your out-of-town guests. You do not have to spend a huge amount on it, but they will appreciate your thoughtful gesture of remembering them when they find a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates in their hotel room. After your wedding day, don’t forget to send them a thank you note . Besides thanking them for their gift, specifically mention how pleased you were to have them at your wedding.

If you are wondering about what party favors would be good for your out-of-town guests and also all the others at your wedding, visit us on Best for Bride for some fabulous ideas.

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Bridal Shower Etiquette- Tips for the host and the bride


Bridal showers are now an essential part of a wedding, and an occasion for the bride to socialize and enjoy herself with her close circle of friends and relatives. Bridal showers are usually hosted by friends or bridesmaids, and not by the bride’s immediate family. However, the lines have blurred now, and it isn’t uncommon to find showers being hosted by the bride’s sister or mother.

As with any other party, certain etiquette rules are associated with bridal showers too. Let us look at some rules that you should pay attention to, if you are a bridal shower host. We will also briefly touch upon etiquette for the bride at the shower.

Limit the party guests

There are two things to pay attention to when inviting guests for the shower

  • only invite guests who are invited to the wedding too
  • the number of guests at the bridal shower is not huge.

The idea of hosting a bridal shower is to have an intimate gathering with the people who mean the most to the bride. These people are definitely on the wedding list . If you are not sure of who to invite, here is some help. Make sure you invite the bridal party, the bride’s close friends and family. It is also alright to ask the bride if you have missed anyone she would like to have at her party.

Timing is crucial

A wedding shower should be held at least two weeks ahead of the wedding date, but no earlier than a month. Make sure that you send out the invitations at least two weeks before the date, so the guests are allowed sufficient time to make plans to attend the party.

Plan the cost and date and be prepared to pay

It is the host of the bridal shower who pays for the party—not the bride, nor the bridesmaids . Unless all the bridesmaids want to pitch in and help with both conducting and paying for the party, they are not obligated to. In any case, make sure that the party is properly budgeted for and the expenses and ideas are agreed upon beforee going ahead with plans.

Now here are the rules for the bride

Thank the host with a gift

After all, your host has gone through a lot of trouble to plan your wedding shower. It is only appropriate to give her a small gift to appreciate her efforts. This could be a bottle of wine or a bouquet of flowers. Don’t forget to include a thank you note as well.

Don’t be demanding and don’t make suggestions unless you are asked

You can have your wedding the way you want it, but don’t expect the same of your bridal shower. Gifts you receive at the bridal shower are usually less expensive than wedding gifts. So, be gracious and enjoy the ritual of opening your gifts at the party, instead of focusing on what you receive. Make sure you write thank you notes to the guests for what they gifted you on this occasion.

For more wedding tips and advice, visit us on Best for Bride.

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Your essential After-the-wedding checklist

Your wedding day flew by like a dream, and you are finally a “Mrs.” The past few months may have been a whirlwind of activities, and you may be relieved that it is finally out of the way. However, there are a few pending tasks to complete , before you can put aside all your wedding responsibilities, and settle into your new life. Let us look at what they are.

Preserve your wedding gown

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You may have worn your wedding gown just once, but it is a treasure trove of memories which has to be saved and put aside carefully. Who knows, it may serve you in the future when you renew your vows, or your daughter may someday want to get married in it! It is best that you do not attempt to do this yourself. Instead, have your wedding dress sent to a professional for preservation . Make sure you do this as soon as possible, so the stains and dirt do not set and become difficult to remove. If you will be going on your honeymoon soon after the reception, ask your MoH to take your gown to the cleaners, as early as is possible. Till then, store your gown in a dark and dry place, and keep it airtight and place it far from stains and dirt.

Sort out your gifts and send out your thank you notes

It is a good idea to create a list of the gifts as soon as you begin receiving them, and note down who sent what. This will allow you to prepare your thank you notes faster. Sending out a hand-written thank you note will be better appreciated than sending a printed one. Don’t delay mailing them, make sure your thank you notes are on their way within a month of your wedding. It will help you to have the stationery and gift list ready. You could even write them before the wedding, soon after you receive the gift, and get a head start on it.

Review your wedding photographs and videos


Get in touch with your photographer and videographer and find out how your wedding photos and videos are coming along. Review the prints and choose ones that you want to frame and display. Also, edit your video, so it doesn’t drag on for ever but includes the important highlights. While at your photographer’s, you may also want to get a few prints to share with your older guests who aren’t tech-savvy and cannot see your photos online. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Get your name changed

Now that you are officially married, it is time to inform all the necessary authorities of your name change. Collect your marriage license and visit the concerned government agencies to update your records with your change of name. Do the same at banks and other financial institutions. Also update your insurance plans and change beneficiaries where your deem appropriate, now that you are married.

Once these tasks are out of the way, you are all set to focus and enjoy your life together as a married couple . It is going to be a great journey ahead, so congratulations and all the best!

For more wedding tips and advice, visit us at Best for Bride.

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3 Rules you should follow to keep your bridesmaids happy

Your bridesmaids are the lovely women who will see you through your crazy wedding planning days and stand beside you as you say “I do.” It is an honor to be offered the title of bridesmaid, but as the bride, you should remember that they have agreed to be in for several demands while accepting the title. The least you can do is make their job easier, by being considerate and sensitive. You do not want to distress them over your decisions and create a rift in an otherwise great relationship.

bridesmaids happy

According to statistics cited by the Daily Mail , 32% of the brides they interviewed had fallen out with at least one woman who they had chosen as their bridesmaid. Fortunately, you can avoid such an experience if you make sensible decisions, and think not only about yourself, but also about your favorite girlfriends when making plans. Here are some things that you should know and follow, so you make your bridesmaids job easier.

#Rule 1

Set a budget for her dress shopping, and keep it reasonable

When your friend signs up to be your bridesmaid, she knows that a new dress , shoes and accessories are on the card. Remember that all this shopping will most likely serve her only for your wedding. So, be reasonable with your choices. Discuss what she can afford and fix a budget within her means. Only choose a dress that she can afford, unless you are footing the bill. If you can make do with a dress that your bridesmaid will be able to use again, you will immediately score extra points with your lady friends.

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#Rule 2

Keep your expectations about the bridal shower and hen party reasonable

Your bridesmaids are already paying for their dresses, while also planning your bridal shower and hen party. You may be a great gal who deserves a grand bash, but be reasonable with your expectations for the party. Parties cost a lot, and it isn’t nice on your part to expect them to pay beyond what they can afford. Appreciate the effort they put in to plan your celebrations and be happy with what they’ve arranged.

#Rule 3

Thank them like you mean it

Everyone has their limitations and the important thing is that your bridesmaids have tried their best, and have agreed to stand beside you on your big day. Make sure that you thank them for all that they’ve done with a special gift . You should already be sponsoring the jewelry and accessories that they wear on the day. Apart from that, gift them something special and write them a thank you note. Or send them a bouquet of flowers or a gift hamper to indulge in, post the wedding. Treat your bridesmaids with respect and affection, and they will be enthusiastic about your wedding instead of just doing things for the sake of it. Always remember that they are your friends first.

At Best for Bride , we have some fantastic bridesmaids dress choices at reasonable prices. Make sure your pretty ladies have something pretty to wear on your wedding day, by visiting us today.